Plan B: The morning after pill

OK i have alittle different view then my hubby. For one i NOW believe in birth control, i guess 4 kids later will make you think. I believe in the shot, pill, or whatever else that is pre-conception. But i DO NOT believe women should have access to the morning after pill because for one that is NOT birth control. That is to help prevent an accident that you arent ready for. Women would abuse the HELL out of it especially young girls. They would go have sex...maybe even with a condom but then go get that pill the next morning just in case. **** THAT. You should think ahead and get yourself fixed like the pill or shot which i have and then when you are ready go at it. But a pill like that should be given out from a physican just for the reason of abuse and misuses.
tizz said:
All true, but there is still the issue of the follow up visit that at this point is required with the pill to insure that it did in fact workand that there were no complications regarding med mixing. Over the counter is too easy. Too many peolple will not make themselves aware of the risk. Hell, most people I know have no clue that you should NOT take Tylenol after or before drinking because of teh possibility of severe liver damage. And that's just Tylenol. Hell you need a script for prenatal vitimins because of the levelsof iron and teh fact that unless you ARE carrying a child or trying to get prego, there is a risk of iron OD if you take it for too long

Nope. They sell prenatal vitamins OTC. And they're the same thing as the script. I bought them the day I found out I was pregnant.
Well that MUST be new since I was pregos. I had to wuit taking them because the ONE my insurance was cracked and they wouldn't cover it, I could not afford the script myself, and there was only one that did not make me horribly ill. I begged samples off my OBGYN. I stand corected (it's been four years) My best friend is pregos and had to get a script so perhaps it is state to state at the moment
Wow that's really weird. It's just a stinkin vitamin!
The ones I got OTC are actually better than the prescription, because they make me sick. But the OTC ones are made half the size so you have to take 2, so I can take them seperately. Seems to prevent the nausea.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
The majority of women who will need this medicine will be poor and low income. This is a statistical fact.

So, let's just bar them from partaking because by God, you need to see a doctor and have a test or two. Let's just say, oh about $500 worth of bullshit. Here come the coathangers again.

The Pharmacist can best warn about interactions, and the results, well, that's self fulfilling.

Ever hear of Planned parenthood? I went to them for gyno visits and it cost me $10 on a sliding scale AND they can write perscriptions. They also provided %85 of my prenatal care. They accept anyone (based on the age requirements of the state) and offer the full psectrum of female medical care and will also arrange for DR's to see women for special cases on the same sliding scaale if need be.
Most are higher in iron to make up for what the kids sucks from your system, therefore couse pose a problem if taken when NOT prego. I was constantly either HORRIBLY constipated or the extreme other end when I took them. When my insurance decided not to carry the ones that did NOT make me sick I ended up not taking any. (I took regular over the counter one a day's when I couldn't get samples from my doctor). Another insurance I had considered them Non essential and wouldn't pay. THere were NO over the counter or my state insurance at the time would not have covered them at all to begin with. My kid came out FINE. (I have a high iron count to begin with)
tizz said:
Ever hear of Planned parenthood? I went to them for gyno visits and it cost me $10 on a sliding scale AND they can write perscriptions. They also provided %85 of my prenatal care. They accept anyone (based on the age requirements of the state) and offer the full psectrum of female medical care and will also arrange for DR's to see women for special cases on the same sliding scaale if need be.

Sure. It's just another form of invasion of privacy placed upon the low income sector of the population and according to the young people I have spoken to about it, it is not the most pleasant experience and a great many of them do not go there because of it. You have to discuss your personal finances as well as other personal information, just in order to get medical care! This is BULLSHIT and no person with money would ever put up with such an invasion of privacy!

I cannot believe that you are all acting sanctimonious about this all the while justifying yourselves with such half-baked beliefs as "Women would abuse the HELL out of it especially young girls." and the like.

It never ceases to amaze me how people wish to INFLICT their personal beliefs upon the PERSON of another.

It's NONE of your business. I know...this is THE HARDEST concept to get into an American's head because it goes against our "Mrs. Kravitz" ridden society. (I apologize to the young people who may not get that reference. Mrs. Kravitz, was the next-door neighbor in the TV show Bewitched, who was so nosy and always into everybody else
Ya it sux that people WITH money don't have to deal with it but theyare also not going to get any breaks. Besides being important to follow up the pill with an exam, going to a clinic will also offer young and poor women an oprotunity to learn more about prevention, and risk. If an exam is used, they will also make sure they are either free of std's or that they get propper treatment (if oyuthink you got pregnant you also may have gotten a parting gift from your partner) Std's run rampant in poor comunities. You also may not know that asside from being a statistic for studies and census resources, you CAN keep ALL information anonymous in a planned parenthood clinic. If oyu are not there to seek insurance help you can give a false name (so much for the Kravitz reference there) For example, because pregnancy was considered a private affair in HS I used to go take a prego test at a clinic just to get the note for school. The school could not question it or tell my parents and you think I gave my real name? NOT!!! (boy they must have thought I was one hell of a slut) Nothing but benefit can come from requiring the DR to oversea this pill and do follow ups. You have yet to convince me that the fear of people knowing your business should superceed your health risks.
tizz said:
Ya it sux that people WITH money don't have to deal with it but theyare also not going to get any breaks. Besides being important to follow up the pill with an exam, going to a clinic will also offer young and poor women an oprotunity to learn more about prevention, and risk. If an exam is used, they will also make sure they are either free of std's or that they get propper treatment (if oyuthink you got pregnant you also may have gotten a parting gift from your partner) Std's run rampant in poor comunities. You also may not know that asside from being a statistic for studies and census resources, you CAN keep ALL information anonymous in a planned parenthood clinic. If oyu are not there to seek insurance help you can give a false name (so much for the Kravitz reference there) For example, because pregnancy was considered a private affair in HS I used to go take a prego test at a clinic just to get the note for school. The school could not question it or tell my parents and you think I gave my real name? NOT!!! (boy they must have thought I was one hell of a slut) Nothing but benefit can come from requiring the DR to oversea this pill and do follow ups. You have yet to convince me that the fear of people knowing your business should superceed your health risks.

Tizz my dear...I respect you BUT your unyielding ability to rationalize your rampant desires to trample other people's liberties and rights to medical care and privacy in this circumstance, is as common as a penny.

Even though the immoral majority may feel otherwise, it is still wrong and no amount of "this benefit and that benefit" will ever convince me that you or anyone else is justified in inflicting your personal beliefs upon the personhood of another; especially in matters which have absolutely no direct effect upon you whatsoever!

This is my major complaint with society as a whole. Nobody knows when to keep quiet because it's none of their business.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Tizz my dear...I respect you BUT your unyielding ability to rationalize your rampant desires to trample other people's liberties and rights to medical care and privacy in this circumstance, is as common as a penny.

Even though the immoral majority may feel otherwise, it is still wrong and no amount of "this benefit and that benefit" will ever convince me that you or anyone else is justified in inflicting your personal beliefs upon the personhood of another; especially in matters which have absolutely no direct effect upon you whatsoever!

This is my major complaint with society as a whole. Nobody knows when to keep quiet because it's none of their business.

How can you say that it is invadion of privacy or anything else when you don't even have to give your name? It has an effect on ME because I am a mother f a little girl who may someday be faced with the desision to use this pill or not. I would rather she discuss that desision with an OBGYN even if she can't come to me! ANYTIME she is going to be messing with her hormones and reproductive abilities I want her to talk to a doctor not just for the safety there but to cover the risks of everything else that has to do with sex. This desision DOES have EVERYTHING to do with me. Hormones have NO place being sold over the counter. Hell how many people that can't even read the directions or risks will get hold of this and do themselves harm? Why not sell Viagra over the counter and let all these kids end up in the hospital with erections that won't go away? Same thing right?
BTW -ball, evey cell in your body is a living organizm. Do you consider the death of your sperm when you jack off as destruction of the possibility for life?
tizz said:
BTW -ball, evey cell in your body is a living organizm. Do you consider the death of your sperm when you jack off as destruction of the possibility for life?

LOL I was wondering if that was going to come up.
tizz said:
How can you say that it is invadion of privacy or anything else when you don't even have to give your name? It has an effect on ME because I am a mother f a little girl who may someday be faced with the desision to use this pill or not. I would rather she discuss that desision with an OBGYN even if she can't come to me! ...Why not sell Viagra over the counter and let all these kids end up in the hospital with erections that won't go away? Same thing right?

You get a "A" for impassioned plea...

Being able, as an adult, to walk into a drug store and purchase an over the counter medicine without anything other than I hand over my money to the clerk, is the only form of not having an invasion of privacy.

How you choose to raise your children and what you ask them to do with you is YOUR BUSINESS, not mine, not the government's, and certainly not anybody elses!

Viagra should be over the counter. The incidence of medication induced priaprism is so extremely rare it's not even an issue. Minors are not supposed to be allowed to purchase medications from drugstores so your worry becomes rather moot.

Can't you see the infringement on other people's lives from your point of view or are we beating the dead horse right about now?
Viagara over the counter, ahahahahaMY ****ING ASS, first of all i work in a pharmacy and about 80% who get that **** are adult black males, medicaid will no longer pay for viagara because they cannot detect who the sex offenders are. If the ****ing drug was over the counter,now running at myjob 74 bucksfor 6 pills,we would just be heping society becomemore ****edup with young teenage boys experimenting with **** they donot need, and allthe viagara would be stolen becauseno one wouldpay for it. Over the counter, what are you nuts? Viagara shouldnot be used by peoplewho do not need it simplybecause its not goodin the long run for your body, or your health system, and in some cases hasproved to be addicting. Why so maleprostitutes can please there ****ing **** whores, no **** that. I just think that itis a side activity that should nbe covered byNO INSURANCE, certainlyvNOT MEDICAID.

Just likeplan B,put it over the counnter and women start using it like birth control, be ****in responsibleandtake a daily pill,PLAN B ISNOT BIRTH CONTROL,andwomen need touse itmore responsibly. **** allthese extra plans,if women were ****in nasty ass sluts, they wouldnt need MULTIPLE PILLS, just like when a doctor puts refills on your plan B prescription, meaning they have no faith in you, they know your a slut and you'll doit again, try taking real birth control, instead of killing babies after there already there, **** that...

plan b makes me ****in sick
SoNyaThEBiTcH said:
...Viagara shouldnot be used by peoplewho do not need it simplybecause its not goodin the long run for your body, or your health system, and in some cases hasproved to be addicting...

You are entitled to your opinion, but this quote of yours, tried to give the impression that you work in a pharmacy and know something other than how to operate a cash register and therefore should be listened to. You don't so please quit pretending.

At 17, I am quite positive that you are neither a physician nor a pharmacist and therefore, totally unqualified to render any medical views.

Viagra has proven addicting? Please. It's a vasodilator (I know, it's a big word; look it up.) which has no effect whatsoever on the CNS and it therefore incapable of generating an addiction.

Happiness from the ability to have sex again most likely would result in a desire to have more sex, but this is far from an addiction. This is normal.
I wholeheartedly disagree with the morning after pill. I cannot vote in this poll, because I don't even think it should exist. There should be a 3rd option for that. I don't mind contraception, and I use condoms every time, even if she is "on the pill." I wouldn't allow anybody I know to get an abortion, I hate abortion, and I hate people that have abortions. I have a reason to base my opinion on, my mother. She had an abortion when she was about 16, cause she was too damn drugged up and dumb to protect herself. She I should have a brother or sister that is about 4 years older than myself, but her stupidity has prevented me from having an older sibling.

If it were up to me, I'd have all forms of abortion illegal and all people who commit this horrible crime, put to death.
RegisteredAndEducated said:
I wholeheartedly disagree with the morning after pill. I cannot vote in this poll, because I don't even think it should exist. There should be a 3rd option for that. I don't mind contraception, and I use condoms every time, even if she is "on the pill." I wouldn't allow anybody I know to get an abortion, I hate abortion, and I hate people that have abortions. I have a reason to base my opinion on, my mother. She had an abortion when she was about 16, cause she was too damn drugged up and dumb to protect herself. She I should have a brother or sister that is about 4 years older than myself, but her stupidity has prevented me from having an older sibling.

If it were up to me, I'd have loo forms of abortion illegal and all people who commit this horrible crime, should be put to death.


Let me see if I understand you.

You hate abortion because in your mind, it deprived you of a sibling. So you feel that you have been cheated somehow.

You obviously support contraception use as a valid method to attempt to prevent pregnancy. (Given the fact of course that no contraception is 100% effective) yet I am unclear as to how you would face the reality of a contraceptive failure resulting in an unwanted pregnancy.

You continue to this day, to harbor hatred and disdain towards your mother because she suffered through an unwanted pregnancy (at 16!) and found an abortion to be a valuable option. You give her no break whatsoever for having been a young, gullible, and ignorant youth especially since you were no doubt, the epitome of brilliance at 16, thanks in some part to her tutelage? Hmm....

Then in your truly stunning "coup de grace", you claim that those who participate in an abortion, (which I can only deduce that you feel is a murder), are guilty beyond a doubt in your eyes and should be murdered! :eek:

Fascinating. Did I get this right?
RegisteredAndEducated said:
I wholeheartedly disagree with the morning after pill. I cannot vote in this poll, because I don't even think it should exist. There should be a 3rd option for that. I don't mind contraception, and I use condoms every time, even if she is "on the pill." I wouldn't allow anybody I know to get an abortion, I hate abortion, and I hate people that have abortions. I have a reason to base my opinion on, my mother. She had an abortion when she was about 16, cause she was too damn drugged up and dumb to protect herself. She I should have a brother or sister that is about 4 years older than myself, but her stupidity has prevented me from having an older sibling.

If it were up to me, I'd have loo forms of abortion illegal and all people who commit this horrible crime, should be put to death.

UUMM I gues you missed where it was explained that the MApill IS contreception? It is meant to PREVENT not end a pregnancy and works in the same way as the birth control pill! It is NOT an abortion, it does NOT cause miscarraige, it PREVENTS pregnancy from ever happening. It is the same as pulling out or using a condom in that it PREVENTS the possibility (to a degree) of pregnancy. YOU are arguing against RU486 which is admitedly a whole different thing. THAT terminates a pregnancy.

Let me see if I understand you.

You hate abortion because in your mind, it deprived you of a sibling. So you feel that you have been cheated somehow.

You obviously support contraception use as a valid method to attempt to prevent pregnancy. (Given the fact of course that no contraception is 100% effective) yet I am unclear as to how you would face the reality of a contraceptive failure resulting in an unwanted pregnancy.

You continue to this day, to harbor hatred and disdain towards your mother because she suffered through an unwanted pregnancy (at 16!) and found an abortion to be a valuable option. You give her no break whatsoever for having been a young, gullible, and ignorant youth especially since you were no doubt, the epitome of brilliance at 16, thanks in some part to her tutelage? Hmm....

Then in your truly stunning "coup de grace", you claim that those who participate in an abortion, (which I can only deduce that you feel is a murder), are guilty beyond a doubt in your eyes and should be murdered!

Fascinating. Did I get this right?

I despise abortion for this reason and more. I don