Plan B: The morning after pill

tizz said:
They do not effect the hormone's of a woman. Also for it to be effective it MUST be taken BEFORE conception and followed up to make sure it worked. Putting it over the counter will have women needlessly dumping hormones into their body (there is also a recomended amount of time between uses as well as recomended max total uses because of the hormone's) If a woman is on teh pill the MA pill can screw with the dosage. Spend an hour talking to an OBGYN about the risks women take surounding reproduction (and prevention of) It's SCARY as hell. Really, this NEEDS to be overseen by a gynocologist

That should be the woman's choice and not a stumbling block requirement. I hate to tell you this, but your pharmacist is a better consult on drugs and drug interaction than ANY doctor and it's part of their job and free.

Doctors get 3 months of Pharmacopeia training in Medical School.

PharmD's get 5-6 years of it.
I still stand by my previous statement. It may not be my business as of right now due to laws. Laws change with time and different leaders. I'm a registered voter, which in time may give me that right.
You are right according to the law, not by morality.
So 8ball you disagree with the birth control pill? Or all forms of contraception? I am confused here
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
That should be the woman's choice and not a stumbling block requirement. I hate to tell you this, but your pharmacist is a better consult on drugs and drug interaction than ANY doctor and it's part of their job and free.

Doctors get 3 months of Pharmacopeia training in Medical School.

PharmD's get 5-6 years of it.

Yes but the pharmacist cannot test or jusdge if you are allready pregnant or if the pill worked. When perscribed by a doctor the MA pill must be followed up with an in house pregnancy test
It should be available without prescription. Sometimes. Depending on the circumstances. On one hand, if someone had a "slip", :eek: say it's a responsible people that were having sex and their condom broke/ripped or something, they should be able to handle it right then, just go to the hospital and take a pill, instead of waiting 3 months and having an abortion or something. On the other hand, stupid people would take advantage of it. Like these whores that just have unprotected sex with random people every weekend. No, they should not be able to just keep taking the thing over and over. So, it's kind of hard to say that you should be able to go get it without prescription or anything because a truly responsible person would have no problem going to the doctor the next day and getting it through him. :rolleyes:
With the morning after pill, if you have a regular Gyno Dr, they will call it in to the pharmacy upon request and schedual a follow up visit. A clinic or hospital can also give it out based on an exam. That is still perscribed if from teh clinic or hospital.
tizz said:
So 8ball you disagree with the birth control pill? Or all forms of contraception? I am confused here
I do not believe in drugs or chemicals that prevents conception. I believe in abstinence, condoms, diaphragms, tied tubes, vasectomy, and the good ol' pull out method which hasnt worked yet for me.
cynthiaa89 said:
It should be available without prescription. Sometimes. Depending on the circumstances. On one hand, if someone had a "slip", :eek: say it's a responsible people that were having sex and their condom broke/ripped or something, they should be able to handle it right then, just go to the hospital and take a pill, instead of waiting 3 months and having an abortion or something.
I disagree.
If the condom breaks then in my opinion you should be **** out of luck. Not to mention the fact that if the condom breaks, you should be able to feel the difference and immediatly pull out and replace the condom. Unless of course the lady has been with quite a few fellas and you cant feel a thing.
8_BALL said:
I do not believe in drugs or chemicals that prevents conception. I believe in abstinence, condoms, diaphragms, tied tubes, vasectomy, and the good ol' pull out method which hasnt worked yet for me.

WHY do you believe in one over the other? I mena vasectomey yes? Iam just curions as to the reasoning
tizz said:
WHY do you believe in one over the other? I mena vasectomey yes? Iam just curions as to the reasoning
Reason for the medical procedures is like this: My wife and I have 4 children. We are very young people. We have enough kids and can't really afford another. These procedures are reversible so if there ever was a day that we wanted another child we could have that done.
On the other hand if we just stuck to the normal contraceptives like condoms or diaphragms, there is always that risk. Being the good parents that we are, we have morals and beliefs, and do not under any circumstances believe in abortion.
If I need to elaborate further please, let me know.
It's not 100% effective and if there is a pregnancy, there is a chance of health risks and birth defects.
Not only that but there is also human error in taking the pill. There are days that I forget to take my medicine. It happens. What do I do then.
The birth control pill isnt a great alternative.
My wife had her tubes burnt off. Our last kid was a C-section, so we figured while they got her all ripped apart, might as well burn em off.

But before that, it was always condoms. Neither of us believe in using the pill because of the risks.

****s up your period sometimes, gives you cramps.

The MA pill though, if you look at it, is NOT really performing an abortion, it merely is preventing the sperm and egg from bonding chemically. Just because you are ovulating and a guy cums in you doesn't mean you'll ALWAYS get pregnant either. The egg dies naturally and is passed during menstruation, the same thing is happening in this situation too, the egg simply does not get fertilized. To call this a form of abortion is the same as calling a regular menstrual cycle a form of abortion.
8_BALL said:
Reason for the medical procedures is like this: My wife and I have 4 children. We are very young people. We have enough kids and can't really afford another. These procedures are reversible so if there ever was a day that we wanted another child we could have that done.
On the other hand if we just stuck to the normal contraceptives like condoms or diaphragms, there is always that risk. Being the good parents that we are, we have morals and beliefs, and do not under any circumstances believe in abortion.
If I need to elaborate further please, let me know.

Hold on there Buckwheat!

It just so happens that I feel about abortion exactly like you do. I have 3 sons...(My youngest turned 9 the day before yesterday) I consider myself to have morals and beliefs as well.


My morality with regard to abortion, and how I choose to exercise it, STOPS COLD at the end of my arm. It's NONE of my business what a woman wants to do with her OWN body. Not my body, her body. If I feel justified in controlling her body, why not just skip the chase and go straight back to slavery. Afterall, that would be the ultimate form of control?
I agree, a drug is a drug, whether it's heroin or aspirin and anything in between. If a woman wants to put the **** in her body, then that's her business. As for any damage it could do, then people have to be smart enough to know the risks. If they pop em like candy because they are big whores, then somehow get cancer or what the **** ever it could do to your body, it was still ultimately THERE choice to do it.

All true, but there is still the issue of the follow up visit that at this point is required with the pill to insure that it did in fact workand that there were no complications regarding med mixing. Over the counter is too easy. Too many peolple will not make themselves aware of the risk. Hell, most people I know have no clue that you should NOT take Tylenol after or before drinking because of teh possibility of severe liver damage. And that's just Tylenol. Hell you need a script for prenatal vitimins because of the levelsof iron and teh fact that unless you ARE carrying a child or trying to get prego, there is a risk of iron OD if you take it for too long
The majority of women who will need this medicine will be poor and low income. This is a statistical fact.

So, let's just bar them from partaking because by God, you need to see a doctor and have a test or two. Let's just say, oh about $500 worth of bullshit. Here come the coathangers again.

The Pharmacist can best warn about interactions, and the results, well, that's self fulfilling.
I say over the counter, YES, but behind the cash register so that it can personally be handed to the person wanting to use it.
