Plan B: The morning after pill

MA should be over the counter, that way you PREVENT abortions and unwanted pregnancies, children left in dumpsters, all theses kids in foster care, orphanages, kids born with chemical dependencies because they're crackhead mom didn't care she was prego and didn't have enough for an abortion because she smoked all the money she had. Im not saying all but I think we would have less of these cases.
I dont see everyone that is against abortion or MA pills taking care of these kids that can't find somebody to adopt them. Or helping whores raise their children with values. But of course a-lot of these are also the ones complaining about ******s and welfare.
And all these illiterate folk or folks that don't know better will screw it up when they take because they are no tunder the care of a physician
Well then they should sell them with a warning label just like cigs. Leave it up to them to care about their health. At least they'll screw themselves up instead of having a new life on earth and screwing with their lifes. I really don't think that an adult woman that is sleeping around with no condoms or any type of birth control is really concerned about the side effects. If she doesn't care about her own body why should I? I prefer that woman not to have any kids that she knows she won't be able to raise or she doesn't want them...whatever the reason it is.
Vaness said:
Well then they should sell them with a warning label just like cigs. Leave it up to them to care about their health. At least they'll screw themselves up instead of having a new life on earth and screwing with their lifes. I really don't think that an adult woman that is sleeping around with no condoms or any type of birth control is really concerned about the side effects. If she doesn't care about her own body why should I? I prefer that woman not to have any kids that she knows she won't be able to raise or she doesn't want them...whatever the reason it is.

And do we not know the meaning of ILLITERATE??? In case you didn't know (obviously you don't) it means UNABLE TO READ! What good are warning labels and instrustions if a person cannot read them?
Oh Tizz please if they're too ficking stupid to learn how to read, they won't understand the hormonal change or whatever the Dr. wants to tell them. What are you trying to say? "There is no point in warning labels because the poor illiterates can't understand" Those illiterates are prob. children of those women who didn't want to have kids and didn't take the time to teach them how to read.
I feel retarded to answering your post on the excuse of them being illiterate.
Alright, ignoring the abortion and teen sex issues right now let me say that the pill should be a prescription drug. If used improperly, the pill can be fatal. Women who plan to use this drug should have to speak with a doctor first. The possibility for improper use is at least as great if not greater with this pill than with the normal birth control pill and therefore should be treated the same or with more caution.
Vaness said:
Oh Tizz please if they're too ficking stupid to learn how to read, they won't understand the hormonal change or whatever the Dr. wants to tell them. What are you trying to say? "There is no point in warning labels because the poor illiterates can't understand" Those illiterates are prob. children of those women who didn't want to have kids and didn't take the time to teach them how to read.
I feel retarded to answering your post on the excuse of them being illiterate.

So being illiterate must mean you are stupid right? I am still deciding if you get bad rep for being a complete dolt here.

slap Wake up kid before I smack you around.
um run cash register, dickhead, my name tag says DRUG ASSOCIATE, i count the drugs, pull the drugs, scan the drugs, and do drug orders, how the **** are you going to tell me, and um yes viagara can be addicting, as can every other drug in the whole world if not used properly, viagara is simply for males who want to get more sex then there getting, which is FINE, if they pay for it there ****in selves my tax money does not need to pay for hard pays for enough bull ****
I'm Yellow because I'm full of Pee Pee? No, that's not it....

I'm Yellow because I toilet papered Phreakwars trailer and trailer park? No, that's not it...

I'm Yellow because R/O pissed on my parade? No, that's not it...

I'm Yellow because I groped Tizz in the Premium Members Forum? No, that's not it, but it should have been! :p

I'm Yellow because all of the negative Brownie Points I've earned finally caught up with me? No, that's not it...

I know...I VOLUNTEERED to be Yellow (i.e. In the Idiot Box) for 24 hours so that Phreak could prove a point to Chairman Mao the Bitch and the other lame asses over at Brawl Hall. Our Idiot Box is a great tool, but it hardly bans a person from participating. It just dewclaws them for a little bit!
SoNyaThEBiTcH said:
um run cash register, dickhead, my name tag says DRUG ASSOCIATE, i count the drugs, pull the drugs, scan the drugs, and do drug orders, how the **** are you going to tell me, and um yes viagara can be addicting, as can every other drug in the whole world if not used properly, viagara is simply for males who want to get more sex then there getting, which is FINE, if they pay for it there ****in selves my tax money does not need to pay for hard pays for enough bull ****

Sorry to take so long to get back to you but this was at the bottom of the "need to reply" lists.

Sonya...Just who the hell are you trying to bullshit? Huh? Your nametag says DRUG ASSOCIATE? SO ****ING WHAT? You are a sales clerk! You have NO formal training in either medicine or Pharmacology whatsoever so quit pretending.

Oh, you pull the filled prescriptions and run the cash register so the people can pay for them. You can even transmit the Telxon unit information to the drug supply house by pressing the SEND button...Whooptie Doo Darling! You cannot even legally go into the drug area or count out pills into a bottle and you know it. You wouldn't know a Beta Blocker from a Protease Inhibitor from a systemic vasodilator, let alone how they worked and what their properties were.

No, then you won't mind explaining the attached graphic. Good luck...You're going to need it!

Claiming that every drug in the world can be addicting only further proves your ignorance of the truth of medicines.

Grow up and quit trying to bullshit everybody!

Read the drug information sheet on Viagra and you will find no reference to "habit forming" or "addictive properties". It isn't addictive.

I can already hear you asking "How do I know this" right? Well Missy, I don't personally but I'm the youngest of 9 children, and one of my sisters is a Pharm.D licensed pharmacist, and one of my brothers is a Ph.D. biochemist. I asked them. My sister told me what you really were even though I already suspected it, and my brother, well he just said you were full of **** and sent me the graphic for you to explain! :p

Oh, one last 17, you haven't even begun to pay taxes yet compared to the amount of tax money you've sucked up... :cool:
I think it's a great option. I don't necessarily support, or "unsupport" abortion - but opinion on that aside, think of the medical system. Would you rather be spending millions a year on the system for numerous appointments between doctor and women, and money spent on medical supplies. It leads to a whole bunch of things negative - having to go to the doctor all the time. The woman could be missing work, thus hurting her income! That, in turn, hurts the economy because the money won't be recycled back in. That's going a bit far, but you get my drift. An over-the-counter pill provides a great solution to backups in clinics and such, and it's much more cost & time effective.

If a female was raped, and wanted to just hide it from the world, from her parents, family, friends, and maybe partner, it's a lot easier to do so by just swallowing a pill instead of going through the trauma of going to a hospital for it. It's better for personal privacy. Also, what if someone who lives at home, say, at the age of 17 gets pregnant/unprotected sex..shouldn't she just have the choice to take a pill, versus all the drama, and THEN an abortion?

All in all, the pill is very effective for time, money, and privacy.
Would I use it? Absolutely.

Oh yeah, also, what about all those kids my age who get pregnant and don't want to keep the kid? Some kids my age are forced to carry the child because her, or her family & society deem it as a shame to have an abortion. But she may be very poor, or very stupid (not kidding, a lot of kids who get pregnant at my age are idiots, and some aren't). Someone who's a drug user, let's say, may not go to a clinic to have an abortion, but could much more easily pop a pill, and that would benefit her, and spares the baby from having a shitty life.

Of course, issues are raised. What if the birth rate drops heavily because of all the women popping a pill without a second thought. Would that hurt our economy? Would that lead to too many of one gender being born? Or would it benefit? To that no one really has the answers. I think people would seek the pill as an opportunity, without a second thought - I know I would. But if it wasn't an option, I may keep the child.

Anyways, I know that this was a bunch of thoughts piled in to one post. Good luck :p
TheJenn88: If a female was raped, and wanted to just hide it from the world, from her parents, family, friends, and maybe partner, it's a lot easier to do so by just swallowing a pill instead of going through the trauma of going to a hospital for it. It's better for personal privacy. Also, what if someone who lives at home, say, at the age of 17 gets pregnant/unprotected sex..shouldn't she just have the choice to take a pill, versus all the drama, and THEN an abortion?

If she is allready pregos this pill will do her NO good
tizz said:
TheJenn88: If a female was raped, and wanted to just hide it from the world, from her parents, family, friends, and maybe partner, it's a lot easier to do so by just swallowing a pill instead of going through the trauma of going to a hospital for it. It's better for personal privacy. Also, what if someone who lives at home, say, at the age of 17 gets pregnant/unprotected sex..shouldn't she just have the choice to take a pill, versus all the drama, and THEN an abortion?

If she is allready pregos this pill will do her NO good
Um, yeah, I know that. I mis-said it, in fact, i said "/unproteced sex" afterwards - because you get PREGNANT from that. I didn't mean..guh. whatever. I can't believe I even care enough to reply to you. I'm not under the delusion that it's an abortion pill.
I have had this debate with ALOT of people who are under the misconception that the MApill is RU486.
How Victorian of you. Given this statement, I would think that you would only have sex for purposes of procreation!

To Each, His Own - I guess...

I apologize... Allow me to clarify, I mean that when you CHOOSE to have sex, you CHOOSE to take the chance to get pregnant or make your partner pregnant. I was stating that one should not have sex if they do not wish to take that chance.
RegisteredAndEducated said:
I apologize... Allow me to clarify, I mean that when you CHOOSE to have sex, you CHOOSE to take the chance to get pregnant or make your partner pregnant. I was stating that one should not have sex if they do not wish to take that chance.

And tizz... I don't give a **** if it's the same thing or not. :mad: I don't like either one of them and think that they should be banned and the people that do them should be punished!!

Not trying to jump down anyone's throat, I'm just tired and in a bad mood now (just talked to an Ex.)....
You're a moron if you really think that people who have sex, even with protection, should have to live with the accident that may occur. I don't want kids for several years. I am married. I have sex. I use protection. Just because I want to have sex does NOT mean that I want to be stuck with a kid just because there was some screw up with the birth CONTROL.
Yeah i agree that if you arent ready then your arent ready but the morning after pill should ONLY be used in case of opinion.
I mean i have 4 kids...all "SURPRISES" well except the last and i would NEVER take them back cause i knew the RISK of having sex