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^^^no i can't stop!!!!

Little things - LOVELY GUITAR, but that's all...

lol.the album is ok..its not as good as meteora or hybrid theory though..bleed it out had really cool rapping but the chorus repeated too much..i think the weakness of this album was that there was no 1 song that blew your mind away...


for me, the songs I like more is no more sorrow, given up and what i've done..
My God.. u'r still talking bout that????
If it's that annoying... I'M VERY SORRY!! I swear I'll never do this again, ok???

(just being ironic.. :p )

But we here to talk about THE ****ING NEW ALBUM..lolol
i really dont like it, its a good mainstream album. But, it has just lost the something special which made me like Linkin Park so much! im very dissopointed in them and i feel let down. also slightly pissed off because we have been waiting for this for the last two years. :(
Wake- Really builds up the anticipation. Starts off slow. It suggests that something new is being created or something is evolving. A metaphor? Maybe? I think so. But it does a great job building up the anticipation.

Given Up- Has a great fight tune to it.It would work well in a fight movie. It also fights in with the lyrics (a fight within). I think the second verse could be better out of the entire song. IMO, it keeps the song from being great. It's stuck inbetween good and great. I think Joe Hahn could have done some scratching in the bridge. It could give it a better edge, if you know what I mean.

Leave Out All the Rest- A very slow, but emotional piece. It doesn't sound anything like LP, which for devout fans, may isolate you guys. The lyrics are LP, so maybe the fans can relate to LP that way. I think it's a very good piece.

Bleed it Out- Fort Minorish track. I liked the Rising Tide. So very kick ass track. It's the "Nobodys Listening" of MTM.

Shadow of the Day- Another slow song, but very different from Leave Out All the Rest. It begins to pick up after the first verse. I think devout LP fans will be able relate to this song a lot better then Leave Out All the Rest. It reminds me of the opening for Reanimation, except with singing. And the small guitar solos really add to the song.

What I've Done- I won't get into it.

Hands Held High- A very political song. Mike's lyrics are just great. I think it definitely shows what political side LP is on (Democrat if you haven't been able tell...). But it's a very good song. Who is singing "Hands Held High until..." Is it Mike, or Chester, or both? I really don't know. And who is singing "Amen?"

No More Sorrow- I think this is THE track on the entire album. Very edgy, angry, and just pissed in general. Once more, it's pretty political if you listen to the lyrics, and everything fits together perfectly.

Valentine's Day- Reminds me a tad bit of Shadow of the Day. It's just a great emotional song. The guitars eventually fully kick in. Overall, it's a great song (it does remind me a tad bit of Green Day though).

In Between- Mike's singing is great. The lyrics are once more, very emotional and the entire song is apologetic. Is that an organ playing? I just wish the song was longer, but it is a great song.

In Pieces- Finally, a faster paced song. Just a very paced song. Finally, Mr. Hahn is back on this track! The lyrics, are great. They flow very well. And the guitar solo is great. I think any LP fan that has been waiting for a guitar solo will like this song. Heck, I think any LP fan will like this song. The lyrics are LP, Mr. Hahn is back in this song, and there is a guitar solo.

The Little Things Give You Away- Once more, Mr. Hahn is back! I'm really suprised that people don't like this song. I think it is great. Is it the acoustic guitar? You should really listen to the whole 6 minutes of the song before making a judgement. I think this song, IMO, is comparable to 311's Sometimes Jacks Rule the Realm. It's different, but it's still not a huge a departure from their particular "style." If you're putting this song, please listen to it again with an open mind.

Overall, I think the album kicks ass.
Some songs are a little boring, but Bleed It Out got me going there, happy to hear mike is still rappin' despite the rumors
My (positive) Review of MTM

Wake - I love the intro, it shows that it has it's light parts, and it has it's heavy parts which makes you know this album will be fan-****ing-tastic. 4/5

Given Up - The guitar keeps nice and heavy through the chorus, and the verses actually maintain a great bass line. The second verse is okay, it feels like it was kind of forced into the song, but it does keep the song moving, and still dark and heavy. This song is very close to the old LP. (Minus the curses!) 5/5

Leave Out All the Rest - Very emotional, it's a song anyone can be touched by. This song is just beautiful, the slow calm verses, and the semi-hard chorus just gives you that perfect balance in a song. I think this is one of the most touching songs on the album. The bridge is sounds like it came out of no where, yet it is still very well made, so it does fit in the album. 4/5

Bleed It Out - Holy ****...Mike! MIKEY! This song is definately meant to feel like a Live Song. The whole image is just great. It sounds like Mike just walked onto the stage, and is making his introduction. The verses will just shock you to the core. The chorus with Chester is okay, kind of kills some of the feel. This song is definately a Fort Minor kind of song, still ****ing fantastic, the bass and guitar work perfect with the song. 4.5/5

Shadow of the Day - "Closer"? The drum machine completely sounds like the famous Nine Inch Nails song. It's nice to Mr.Hahn kick in, but it's not the Hahn we know. This Hahn is more into the drums and rhythm. This song for some reason gives me this slight reminder, that the LP we knew, is long and gone...I have to say, you need to listen to the song straight through to really appreciate this song, overall it's not too bad, hearing the song slowly build up. It's emotional again, and the mini guitar solo's perfectly fit the mood. I only give it 3.5 because the song overall is very U2 sounding. 3.5/5

What I've Done - We've all heard this a million times over, so I give it. 4/5

Hands Held High - I love Mike slowly coming into the song, it takes some time for his voice too completely come in. This song has a total Democratic feel. I feel a music video for this coming. I can imagine Mike sitting on a couch and being insecure at the start, and slowly he becomes more confident, and starts fully rapping after hearing Amen, which makes him knows he's not the only one feeling the same thing. The song is amazing overall, I love the nice slow drum. To hear Mike singing in the Bridge just makes me sigh, Gotta love Mike. 5/5

No More Sorrow - Sounds much different than the live version, but fantastic all the same. The song keeps a nice heavy feel to it throughout, and it just tells you that "We are Linkin Park, so just ****ing get over it." The song is very hateful, and you can hear that in Chester's voice. It has a very haunting feel in it with the "I'm aware of what you've done." I feel this is the opposite of What I've Done. WID had the feel of we are all slowly killing ourselves. But This song has the "It's time we do something" feel in it. The song overall is extremely heavy. 5/5

Valentine's Day - Once again another U2 influenced song. It is great all the same. It keeps a very sorrow filled beat through out, but all in all I just know this is a great song. You can really feel the song, it has the pain in the beginning. It's more of a depressing. It's more of a person without a love, all alone, not really caring. But Valentine's Day makes him realise. All in all, fantastic song, but it does end abruptbly, they could have one more verse, but they just didn't have it. 3.5/5

In Between - Mike again! This time just singing, no rap. This song in my mind is beautiful, it keeps a sorrowful tune, but you can tell he is sorry. I felt the love in the song, Mike fully succeeded in letting out the emotions he wanted to share. I really appreciate this song, being an only Mike singing, and this letting you know LP is different. I think beat was great too, very slow, and calming. 4.5/5

In Pieces - I feel this song was one of the most intresting songs, the guitar was very awkward (in a good way). Chester does very well in screaming, at an average sound. Like the What I've Done Chorus, just playing throughout the song, and keeping it different. The emotion he shows is great. He succesfully shows some hatred, but really calmned with this loving passion. The solo was very good! Nice and quick, and it reminded me of My Chemical Romance kind of solo's. The solo was a great time to pick up the song, and the ending was weird, but really good. 4/5

The Little Things Give You Away - This song was odd, and very long for LP. I loved the song all together! You need to listen to it straight through to really really love the song. IT takes some time to really get into it, but it really is great. The solo was as emotional as LP had put it, so I really congrat them on such a great solo. It was nice to hear the Acoustic Guitar, and to hear they played it well. The chorus was nice and intresting, fun to pick apart, and pull out all the instruments. This song is fantastic. 5/5
i really dont like it, its a good mainstream album. But, it has just lost the something special which made me like Linkin Park so much! im very dissopointed in them and i feel let down. also slightly pissed off because we have been waiting for this for the last two years. :(

Amen. I couldn't agree more. It defiently has lost something, I just dont know what.
I like each song more and more each time I listen to them. Which proves that first impressions aren't everything. I really love this album.. maybe not as much as Meteora or Hybrid Theory, but I still think it's awesome.