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lol.. the whole CD grew on me.
Especially Valentine's Day (which I can't seem to get out of my head x.x).
I guess they knew it was going to be like this.
The songs would eventually grow on us...
god those guys are smart XD
I think that what has happenw as we havent heard my much LP in so long, and in that time they could have slowly progressed into how they are, but they just released the album and here they are.

EDIT: and the only song I realy dislike is "Shadow of the Day" cause it sounds like U2. LOL
I am 50/50 in this one. It's a grower, no denying that . . .

Wake is great ambience stuff, I dig that sort of thing anyway, so I wasn't dissapointed.

Given Up is a nice song, love the lyrics, and Chester is more powerfull than ever. People who say the powerfull vocals are missing from this album must not have any ears!

Leave Out All The Rest - nice easy listening entry. Not bad, not great, but I like listening to it.

Bleed It Out - I don't really like this much. Maybe it will grow on me, but yeah . . . I liked Mike's Rapping in past entries because it was a mixture of all the elements, but when he raps alone like this, it feels too much out of place considering all the other songs' styles on this album.

Shadow Of The Day - Well, no one can deny Chester has a wonderfull voice, and really, I do love the instruments that come in over time. Yeah . . . I WAS going to say I didn't really like this one, but I was giving this the second spin, and yeah . . . I was wrong. It's much better once my expectations are liften and I can just enjoy it for what it is. Wow, what a great song! Really!

What I've Done - Well, duh. One of LP's best song ever, in my opinion. It's up there with "Somewhere I belong", "P5hng me a*wy" and "Numb" in my book of great LP songs.

Hands Held High - This is VERY different, at least to me. Once again, Mike rapping without much going on behind him just isn't my type of music. I'm not a Fort Minor fan, so of course I'm not gonna go for this as much as others would, but I do want to compliment whoever wrote these lyrics, because they say alot about a personal world view, it just isn't my thing. This one will probably grow on me as well, but as of now, even the second listen doesn't redeem it for me.

No More Sorrow - Nice and beefy track. Pretty good, as well. I like it even better upon second spin.

Valentine's Day - Hmm... I really don't know, I . . . . just don't know, guys. What are you thinking here? I mean . . . the lyrics and name of the track alone make me worry, but the tune doesn't really do much for me, either. Sorry. :( I feel like putting on the "I must be emo" song to snap you guys back into your senses when I hear this. Just my opinion.

In Between - Okay, first, let me say I DO think Mike can sing well, so don't claim I just dislike Mike Shinoda, that isn't it, but . . . heh . . . it just happened to work out this time around that all three Mike solo songs on this album are among my least favorites. Nothing against Mike, I just don't like how they were executed, he isn't a bad singer himself.

In Pieces - Starts out a bit shakey, but quickly picks itself up from potential boring thanks to Chester's vocals. Soon after that, the rest of the band comes in-- not fully, mind you, but they ARE there-- and then . . . ahh, then, Brad Delson gets to prove all of the people who have critiscised him wrong! ****, yeah! Anyway, good solid song, and Delson saves it from being a least favorite LP song of mine.

Little Things - Okay, the savior of this album for me. Starts off VERY slow and pretty uninteresting, but soon picks up. Once again, Chesters vocals are the only thing here at the start that are good in my mind. The instruments are not playing anything worth noting. But then, all of a sudden, the pace changes, and now I am reminded of an early Beatles song with kind of vocal flourishes Bennington is doing, and that is a good thing in my mind, by the way. Now, the next phase in the closest thing to epic LP has ever done yet: Delson comes in with an absolutely ****ing beautiful guitar melody that chokes me up whenever I hear it. Not only that, but then Chester begins to bring everything he has and adds another layer to it, bringing even more emotion and power to the song. But wait, there is STILL more! The rest pf the band decides to wake up and contribute, so now what happens is the potentionally most boring track on the record evolves into probably the most beautiful song this band has EVER, I mean EVER recorded. Everything comes to an end with (what sounds like) Chester and Mike singing together in silence, and it brings this chapter of LP history to a soaring, emotional close . . .

My take: Is this like our old friends from the Nu-Metal days? No. Does it have to be? Of course not, but I would have enjoyed a bit more variety than I was given with this record, especiall since the LP guys seem to be so proud of it, but hey, it isn't a terrible album by any means, and I plan to support the band by buying it when it is officially released. Who knows? Maybe the production will sound much better on the pro-pressed edition? Either way, the album is satisfactory, but not great. The songs that I DO like are pretty much amazing, though, so while about half of the album is pretty poor in my view, the songs that are well done are so well done that I am forced to forgive the other shortcomings this album has.

If you don't want a band to change their sound or approach to music ever, then you want the impossible, so all we can really do is support Linkin Park and congradulate them in their efforts to try something new, even if we don't like all of the changes made. Ironically, it seems after overviewing my little review here that my biggest problem with the album is with the songs that still have traces of old LP in them, so it could be possible that when their next CD comes out and they are even more evolved, that I will love every second of it, because the changes made are very daring, and aren't that bad at all in my mind.

Well, I've taken up too much space here already, so I will leave you premies who haven't downloaded the album yet to decide for yourself what frame of mind to be in when you give this record the first spin. My advice would be to listen to it more than once before making a final verdict, and simply accept that these guys aren't the college kids they were when they began, and wanted to break out of the box so many music critics have put them in over the years. I don't thik any of us can fault them for that. ;)

I Love the album so far! This is amazing.

For Those MTM Haters... .Give.It.Some.Time.
I think you will like it...
Wake - I like the way the album starts. The instrumental isn't as good as the one's they've had in the past, but it does the job. It's really soothing if you're listening to it while having your eyes closed. I got the same feeling from this as when I heard session. 7/10

Given Up - As one of the legitimate heavy tracks on the album, this has to be one of the best songs off the album. The lyrics are great, plus the overall rhythm is phenomenal. This is probably the closest to the old LP that we'll get from this album. 9/10

Leave Out All The Rest - This is a truly an amazing song. I see this as a single in the not-so-distant future. This is like the Somewhere I Belong of Minutes To Midnight but without Mike's presence in it. 8/10

Bleed It Out - Shinoda finally appears in the album! He seems to be freestyling on the track rather then have a real message on his rapping. This seems like a "lets have fun" song for the group. The rhythm once again is great. 9/10

Shadow Of The Day - Can you say U2? I'm glad I like U2... or this would be hell. The track begins slowly and then progresses into something better, and a little faster. The small guitar solo compliments a great song. 7/10

What I've Done - We've heard it more than a billion times. Still a great song. Certainly not the best one in the CD, but a good single nonetheless. 8/10

Hands Held High - Shinoda turns goes onto Fort Minor mode and sends a powerful message to the world. We want our troops back... let's bring 'em back! Anyways, this is a great track. Shinoda at his best. Very emotional song, although it seems a bit religious with the "amen" chorus. 9/10

No More Sorrow - Another great song. Probably their best one on the album. Totally love the heaviness after a round of slow ballads. Love the use of the Ebow >.> 10/10

Valentine's Day - One of the best songs on the CD. Starts slow, but then gradually gets harder. I think they exaggerated when they say this was the slowest song of the album as I see In Between playing the role of the slowest song. Pop to Punk >.> it's awesome. 10/10

In Between - This is probably my least favorite song from the album. It's a bit boring, although interesting at the same time since Mike is actually singing rather than rapping. I wish the song would pick up as the rhythm is a bit too slow. 5/10

In Pieces - GREAT SONG! One of my favorites of the album. Mr. Hahn finally makes his appearance and totally pwns most of the songs that we have heard. The xylophone with the funky beat surprisingly make an awesome beat. The guitar then kicks in later and makes this song greater. The small guitar solo Brad plays shows he's actually skilled. 10/10

The Little Things Give You Away - This is by far the best song they've ever recorded. The hype was all true as this song is slowly becoming one of my favorites. This is one of those epic songs that appear not so often. Overall.. I LOVE IT. There's no way to describe this song. It's just great. 10/10

Overall, the album was amazing. It has left a great impression on me. I can't even go back to their old stuff as this newer stuff is great. I love the new Linkin Park. I hope they keep growing even more musically. I give this album an overall 8/10. Great job LP!
I Love the album so far! This is amazing.

For Those MTM Haters... .Give.It.Some.Time.
I think you will like it...

Well.. I was a MTM hater 3 days ago... TILL I LISTEN TO IT LIED ON MY BED....
It's the deeppest album they've ever DONE!! AWESOME, MAN!! :D

MTM haters, Trust me.. SOMEDAY U WILL LOVE IT!! But u MUST forget about HT and METEORA..
Definately, MTM is nothing to do with those ones..
so this is like the 3rd time im listening to it, the more i listen to it, the more i like it, i think its a good album, just a shame we had to wait so long....wake and the little things you give away make the album start and end really good, i love the little things you give away, i had to listen to it more than once and all way thru to fully enjoy it, but that song has definatly grown on me, No More Sorrow is a very good track, just angry n heavy...i like that. dont so much like Shadow of the day, but im sure it'll grow upon me in a few more listens...ok ima stop here. but overall, i like it, a 8/10 a pritty good album from LP. its not really what i expected, but to be honest, i didnt know what exactly to expect from lp, i think they've good a pritty good job on this album.

im on this other board called UB, all the people there are hiphop heads, they made a disscussion bout mtm cuz they knew i was a die hard lp fan, right? and cos their all hiphop heads they al think that mtm is "wack". but like....they cant say anything cos their bound not to like it.

either way, i like it, its a pritty good album, sure breaking the habit will always be my favourite lp song, but still, its a good album.
holy **** you guys are insane! lol, this album is probably one of the worst album's I have heard in a long time. I LOVED and I ****ing mean LOVED linkin park for years and I COULD NOT wait for this album to come out. I thought about it day and night. When I woke up in the morning I counted down to this album but when It got leaked I almost had a heart attack. I go to listen to it and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Every song is a slow song except for like 3 songs on the whole ****ing CD.

What the hell is this? It sounds like I'm listening to a whiney emo band or U2 or something and it's really gay. Best songs on the CD - Given Up, Bleed it out, No more Sorrow, and even then they aren't even that good. This is not linkin park and they let me down SO much.

I think the problem with me is that I am just so used to hearing their other stuff and then going to this i'm comparing and it's totally different. Not even same genres. But i can't help it, listening to linkin park and knowing them for YEARS and then 1 day changing my likes about the music they play just can't happen.

If it worked for two albums, why change?
holy **** you guys are insane! lol, this album is probably one of the worst album's I have heard in a long time. I LOVED and I ****ing mean LOVED linkin park for years and I COULD NOT wait for this album to come out. I thought about it day and night. When I woke up in the morning I counted down to this album but when It got leaked I almost had a heart attack. I go to listen to it and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Every song is a slow song except for like 3 songs on the whole ****ing CD.

What the hell is this? It sounds like I'm listening to a whiney emo band or U2 or something and it's really gay. Best songs on the CD - Given Up, Bleed it out, No more Sorrow, and even then they aren't even that good. This is not linkin park and they let me down SO much.

how often have you listened to the album already?
holy **** you guys are insane! lol, this album is probably one of the worst album's I have heard in a long time. I LOVED and I ****ing mean LOVED linkin park for years and I COULD NOT wait for this album to come out. I thought about it day and night. When I woke up in the morning I counted down to this album but when It got leaked I almost had a heart attack. I go to listen to it and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Every song is a slow song except for like 3 songs on the whole ****ing CD.

What the hell is this? It sounds like I'm listening to a whiney emo band or U2 or something and it's really gay. Best songs on the CD - Given Up, Bleed it out, No more Sorrow, and even then they aren't even that good. This is not linkin park and they let me down SO much.

I think the problem with me is that I am just so used to hearing their other stuff and then going to this i'm comparing and it's totally different. Not even same genres. But i can't help it, listening to linkin park and knowing them for YEARS and then 1 day changing my likes about the music they play just can't happen.

If it worked for two albums, why change?

totally agreed!! the album is a train wreck!!
holy **** you guys are insane! lol, this album is probably one of the worst album's I have heard in a long time. I LOVED and I ****ing mean LOVED linkin park for years and I COULD NOT wait for this album to come out. I thought about it day and night. When I woke up in the morning I counted down to this album but when It got leaked I almost had a heart attack. I go to listen to it and I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Every song is a slow song except for like 3 songs on the whole ****ing CD.
What the hell is this? It sounds like I'm listening to a whiney emo band or U2 or something and it's really gay. Best songs on the CD - Given Up, Bleed it out, No more Sorrow, and even then they aren't even that good. This is not linkin park and they let me down SO much.

I think the problem with me is that I am just so used to hearing their other stuff and then going to this i'm comparing and it's totally different. Not even same genres. But i can't help it, listening to linkin park and knowing them for YEARS and then 1 day changing my likes about the music they play just can't happen.

If it worked for two albums, why change?


3 days ago, I felt the same way... at the point I came home and I cried for about 1 hour, thinkin how they changed so much.. Then, what did I do??
I HEARD THE WHOLE ALBUMS HYBRID THEORY AND METEORA VERY LOUD!! I was so revolted, I couldn't accept this new album...

But then, I started to think "ok, they told us they were gonna change.. so what about listening to it again calmly??" and I begin to like it, even the slower songs, cause this album is deeper than any other they've made... (I dont know if this is good or bad...)

of course I still can't stand the fact that Linkin park aren't the same Linkin Park that I knew 6 years ago... the LP that blew us away.. :'(

All I can say is:
if u like it.. listen to it!!
if u dont like it.. try to listen to it more times..
if still u dont like it... FORGET IT AND LISTEN TO HT and METEORA!!!!
All I can say is:
if u like it.. listen to it!!
if u dont like it.. try to listen to it more times..
if still u dont like it... FORGET IT AND LISTEN TO HT and METEORA!!!!

exactly, first time i heard it i was like hey this isn't lp, but i still liked it, and it was even better the 2nd time, and well i just freaking love the album lol
I don't know I have only heard it one and a times threw and I like it more than I first liked Meteora. Its a lot better musicianship though than HT and Meteora. Yet it is still repetitive and songs sound similar. With that said it is kinda soft for me, but in a few more listens I will like it a lot, but I could never compare it to HT or Meteora they are different styles. Its a good album, but it will never take the place of Hybrid Theory in my heart. So I guess my rating is between okay and awsome.

EDIT: I wish there was more mike rapping on it, and I didn't care for his singing that much.