Hey, what do ya know, I'm back... and with a real post this time which is nice! *cheers herself pathetically* Man, I sooo badly need a life. And F*@K eBay! I'm going nuts staring at these auctions so addictively (is that, like, even a word? *shrugs* It'll do I guess, you get the point, right?) Down to business...
Listening to: Ministry - 'Filth Pig'/'Jesus built my hotrod', Metallica - 'Sandman' and Matchbox 20 ****** brow* WTF?!?
Drinking/eating: Water, what else? *D'uh!*
Wearing: Clothes. It's too cold to go naked. And too distracting while you type. Things 'jiggle'... I assume so anyway *laughs stupidly*
Windows open: LPF, eBay, my Word doc (LPFanfic #10!! 202pgs!! Beat that Jammer!! *pokes tongue out*), Outlook express and Linkin Park Times. I love you Jas. You're a true ***! Right up there around Rob somewhere... except a few steps down the pedestal, naturally *grins* Sorry, Rob's my boy. Just don't tell my cat that, he'll scratch my eyes out!!
Okay. Lots to say so I'll get on with it. Let me try a new format. Here, see if you relate to this easier;
* My lesbain housemate moved her stuff out today.
* My old best friend and her girlfriend moved back into town (sort of) during the week.
* Jammer's dad passed away. She's gone back home to Cairns to visit with rellies. As it stands right at this minute it's just me and the 6 (yes 6!) cats home alone. Thank *** for my stereo. Neighbours now officially hate Linkin Park (not really. It's a wonder though!)
* Speaking of stereo, paid final payment this afternoon. 6 months and $500 later I now officially own it. Very cool.
* House-sat for my brother last week in Brisbane. Also looked after my 3y/o nephew while he (my brother) went out to a friend's wedding. That was fun *gushes* Some kids can be so cute at times. Others...
* Kittens are a month old now and running all over the place like ferals. Cute as all **** though. Two have homes to go to. Two look like they will be going to pet store/animal shelter. Started 'toilet training' the otherday. Fun and games.
* Had house inspection. Passed. Got offered to sign a continuing 6 month lease. Accepted it. Now I have a roof over my head for Xmas, great stuff!
* Had arguement with my brother about going home for Xmas this year. Coonamble (where our Mum lives) is a dusty cell-pool of nothing. Human excrement has more appeal than this place but after 8 years of avoiding it I'm going back to visit. He doesn't want to/can't. Had trouble as a youth there and fears going back. Is a family war... I'm tired of it, really.
* Rediscovered eBay. Have been playing up fiercely while Jammer's not here. Been raiding my savings account for LP merch. Have 4 items I'm watching closely at present. Don't want to jinx myself before auction end save to say I'm probably gonna pay too much for too little *sigh* But I must have what I must have, at least today. I'll deal with the repercussions if I win *s******s evilly* I'll keep you posted.
* Been on a downloading frenzy at Linkin Park Times. Jasparina is like my idol, like I said, up there near Rob somewhere (only, nowhere near that high, Rob's alone on the pedestal, to date he is, anyway) *s******s* There's so much stuff there and it's so current and up to date I go there first to get my LP stuff now, there and here, that about covers it.
* Been writing more of my Hallmark fic with Jammer. The end is finally in sight. Only 202 pages down on a one page script. I'm either gifted or crazy. As Grandpa Simpson says,
"A little from column A and a little from column B."
* Got my electric blanket on bed yesterday. A very big deal in 'Woombaville in winter, believe you me. I'm feeling the cold all the time now with around 30kgs less 'pink bats' (fat) to keep insulated. It's cruel. But I prefer the cold to the heat. Just need to keep reminding myself that. *laughs*
That's pretty much it for now, as best as I can recall anyway. I'm trying to see how far I can get (post length wise) by omitting much of that idle banter, much to the detriment of some and merriment of others. Really, I look at some ppl's long posts and skim it, totally freaked out by the amount I have to read, and yet other times I can sit and scroll through page after page of it and be totally engrossed. Guess it depends on the mood. Well, am trying to keep it relatively conatined. See how feedback goes. If it's favourable I'll abbreviate from now on, if not, I'll warm my fingers, crack my knuckles and prepare myself to start typing my usual inane epics, after all, Its what I do, right? ****** a brow and wishes she had Rob's finess for it* **** eye candy *Drools* Excuse me while I wipe my chin *laughs* Okay.
Take care ppls. And here's a pic to salivate over. Rob bless The Church of Bourdon, where we worship in a building constructed entirely of Vater drumsticks, wear all our baseball caps backwards, eat all our meals with drumsticks, have dreams about drums, compare every sound we hear to a drum note, and spend insane amounts of time, energy and money over at eBay for the sheer sake of it, I mean, out of adoration. But look at that face, isn't he worth it?? *rolls eyes* ***, I hope my next obsession isn't quite as fanatical as this. Time will tell I suppose. *grins*
(BTW, props go to MSN site LP-In the End for the image; Forget artist's name but thats where I souced it. Check it out, Bourdonism commandments amusing to say the least, especially 'giving bandmates wedgies before every show' one... *hmmm*)
Take care. Thanks to everyone who read and posted during posts.
*HUGE HUGS* You know you guys are the greatest!
(Edit: Still long innit? Can't post short even WHEN I try! *sob* Oh well, guess y'get that, huh? But it's all good...)