Hey guys!
Thanks Shah, Rusu, others... it's been a bit of an emotional-roller coaster week, but I guess we all have them, so... needless to say, I'm feeling a lot better now! It's all good! *grins slyly @ Shah*
Shah,; Yes, I have the drumstick, held by the man himself. And you know something, I still haven't touched it! *laughs* Seriously, I'm not 'OMG, I can't possibly or I'll faint' that kind of thing, I'm just concerned... I don't know who ELSE has held it/played with it/played fetch with their dog with it, for instance, so in essence to preserve hopefully something (of what I paid a lot of money for, damnit!) of HIS essence, I refuse to touch or let anyone else touch it either. I'm waiting for my other stuff to arrive then taking it all down to get mounted in a frame, etc, so it befits the uh... 'specialness' of it and looks presentable too. It's still in the postpack it arrived in, and I showed Jammer, and she's like, 'I want to grab a pair of tweezers just so I can pick it up or something...' Needless to say, she looked with her eyes, like me, and not with her hands! It's my HOLY GRAIL! It's THE Holy Grail of the Church of Bourdon! *laughs* Oh yeah, about the positions for the club... Go right ahead and assign them as you see fit. I don't know who wants to do what, but if anyone wants positions, scream them out and we'll see what happens. Don't know what is needed. Maybe you should be second-in-charge... cause all I do is run the sermons, post pics, rant and rave and carry on... we have people assigned to cleaning up all the virtual drool (me, probably more so than anyone else as of late, keeps dripping all over the place! *laughs*) and so far that's it... a club with 2 janitors and a crazy Minister/Reverend holding aloft a used drumstick is probably not sending out the best signals to anyone else if you get my drift! *laughs again* Anyway, we'll figure it out as we go along.
Rusu; You have the same glasses, huh? *nods appreciativey* You look foxy in them like he does??? *laughs* I don't know, personally, I don't wear glasses, don't need to as yet. I'm not sure whether he wears them to look sophisticated or as a result of his many years of studying numbers at College doing his Accounting degree (he's not the kind of accountant you'd want to be in debt to, that's for sure... he'd snap you like a twig by the look of those arms as of late! But... yumm!) *drools again* Sorry... where were we? Oh yeah, the glasses... but he sure looks rather dashing in them I must say. Not so... how does Jammer put it? 'Baby faced.' Maybe that's why. Unlike Chas who can't see the front row of the audience without his... hey, here's a novel thought, maybe Rob actually wears them cause he needs them too! *laughs* That's nuts... but, cool you've got similiar ones. I'd rather his eyewear to Chas' or even Joe's... Mike's... maybe I'm just biased? Naaaah.
Well, went on a download spree the other night. In roughly 3 hours I downloaded just over 700 pics of Rob, alone, without the rest of the band, which pushes my little pic-*****-obsession to exactly, as of this post, 849 images of dear sweet Rob. I'm not half obsessed or anything, am I? *laughs* No, not really.
Aside from that diversion from reality, I'm doing good now. Spoke to my Mum on the phone tonight for an hour, had a few laughs. She's a great lady (when she's not innebriated/drunk) and tonight she was sober so that was great. She's just a shorter, older version of me. She's 5 foot tall (I'm around 5 foot 3 or so, roughly somewhere around 1 good solid foot, or 12 inches I think it works out to be, shorter than Rob! Haha!) and I've inherited her temper too, which may or may not be a good thing. She's always told me, in regards to our short stature that 'Good things come in small packages... like letter bombs and stuff' (that's pretty much a direct quote) so yeah, she's a card.
I see her maybe once every few years. I saw her at the end of last year after nearly 3 years, so that's nice. Will be seeing her for Christmas when me and my little brother and his little boy head down south to the squallid festuring pustule that is Coonamble, about 2hrs east of Dubbo in NSW. That's the first time we'll all be together essentially in almost 10 years... scarey when you say it like that. Time flies; the older you get the faster it goes, trust me.
I'm still thinking about going back to school next month, just to get my head ready for University once again. I need to finish my Bachelor of Visual Arts rather than have it hanging over my head another few years. That will give me somthing to look forward to. Still haven't been able to write anything on my fic as of Sunday... that's a bummer. I love writing. Jammer's been writing heaps and I'm really impressed with hers so far (classic tear-jerking hallmark, made my jaw drop a few times when I read it yesterday! *laughs*) Anyway... she goes back to her ex's again in the morning. Two days have flown by. Things have resolved themselves between us... even though I'd have to repeat my earlier claims that I still think she's making a HUGE mistake, that if she's not careful may end up costing more than just her life (and I mean that literally too) Anyway... he probably reads this and I don't need to antagonise him any further, so I'll let it go. It's her decision to make and for better or worse she's made it. I just hope, honestly, that I am proved wrong. Time will tell on that score I guess. Oh well...
Might head off again now... have re-read the latest installment of her fic now three times and always makes me teary-eyed! *grins* I guess I'm just a big softy at heart... Maybe an M&M, all hard on the outside and all sweet and... brown on the...? Okay, maybe I'm not chocolate (I was getting somewhere, especially if I'd said Peanut M&M's!) but you get the point, right? *laughs like an idiot* So I've gone from bad to worse... see why I need therapy? (This Rob-fixation has NOTHING at all to do with it, huh???) *Looks innocent* I'm sure the guy would be creeped out if he read half this stuff... there goes my one shot at dignity when/if I ever met the man at a LP M&G, yeah? *sigh* He's probably used to obsessed fans. Thay probably all are. Fame makes people weird... or makes people around famous people do weird things! Yeah... anyway...
Going to go now. I have nothing else to say (for once) so I might wander back and see how thinsg are at my other favourite hiding place at the moment (Rob pics thread) and talk to y'all lovely people again sometime soon, okay?
Take care. Talk to you later,
(aka, Rob's Gurl, Lil Drummer Gurl, Rave-the-Rob-Ranter, Rob's 'Lil Pic *****... blah-blah-frickin-blah!) *s******s*