Well. That was certainly interesting. Just had a run in with Lpp. I don't get it. I'm not about to harp on about it now, having said my peace in her journal, suffice to say if she get's offended for me mentioning her here the "fit-will-hit-the-shan" because like it or not, I incurred her wrath, which makes it notably worthy to add to my humble lil journal here.People. *shakes head* Don't understand them. Guess that explains why I chose solitude over socialisng in RL, huh? On a lighter note I recieved some welcome feedback over at my intro post, which was nice. Takes a bit for ppl to warm up to others around here, I guess. We kinda suss out who we'll take into the proverbial fold and those we'll let do their own thing, not that that bothers me. Over at LPFF (yahoo group) the group was mostly lurkers anyway *lol* There were what, three writers and 107 readers, and that's about it. It's okay I guess, at least ppl were reading my stuff, that was something. And on that note I'm relieved to note I started another story again tonight/this morning, as usual, my Muse in Brissy sent me the idea (seeing as how my plots suck in general and she's my number one fan! Yay!
) I'm only a few pages into it and haven't yet gotten into the D&M (deep and meaningful) heart of it yet. When I do hopefully I'll write more. May even top my last 202 pge epic, 'eh? *** knows, every fic I write just gets bigger. But at least my Rob fic was bigger than my Chas fic, and that was bigger (I think) than my Mike fic... gee... wonder what that's sposed to mean? Hehehe
Oh well. I was really stoked to fit into size 14 jeans yesterday. That really made my day. Two years ago I was in size 22. Man, I was a lard-***. Seriously. But things are looking up. I'm not about to test the bikini-theory, suffice to say, I'm glad we've hit Autumn now. Next to Winter, it's my 2nd fav season, with the Gray Daze (intentional misprint) strong winds, drizzling rain and carpet of brown and golden leaves blanketing the ground, who wouldn't? *sigh* *** **** I hate the heat. Think I was born in the wrong **** country that being the case, but at least it's not Africa. Gets really hot there, I'm told. Lol. ***, I'm a moron tonight. Sleep deprivation again. I think I function quite well for four hours sleep a night. I'd wanna watch I don't go having any psychotic episodes in my old age as a result, eh? Hehehe.
JammerG was meant to get online tonight so I could send her the new Joe sig image I did for her. Oh well, he'll wait. Good boy, Mr Hahn.
*Sigh* My stuff still hasn't been sent at LPU yet. I wanted to show off my shirt when I got to Brisbane next week to visit my Muse. Reprisentin'. *pounds heart with fist in a gesture of unwavering loyalty* Oh well, have to wear last years LPU3 shirt instead. Still spreading the love regardless.
Hmmm... what else? Wow. I think I'm now officially all talked out! Go figure! Nah, I've gotta save a few thoughts to share over at Viking's journal. So, having said that I'm gonna bid myself adieu and see you later. Maybe again tonight if I feel the urge, depends if I hear from my Muse or not.
Okay Ravyn, good morning. TC. Chin up. And go make me a cuppa, cause I'm thirsty! Good girl.
Lol. Talk to myself again later, 'aaiite?' Hehehe. Idiots we are.