Howdy. Thought I'd take a leaf out of o0SugaxNxSpice0o's journal (is it? Hope I'm referring to the right one!) and start by giving a glimpse of what I'm currently doing right now.
Listening to: Live 'White, Discussion' and Machines of Loving Grace 'Richest Junkie still alive'; my friends out in the living room chasing around their children. Sounds like ****** playgroup here at the moment!
Thinking about: Ending world war. Writing more on my fic. The validity of stalking as a crime (watch out, Bobbie! Hehehe). And making myself another milo. Feeling Capricornian and can't decide! Hehehe.
Wearing: Clothes. For the most part. And a stupid grin since I read the nice things ppl have been saying about me today. I feel so loved, Yay!
Well. Not much happened yet. It's only 1:00pm but feels longer. My sleeping patterns are erratic at the best of times, so, it kinda feels like one long day, that last night is still continuing. **** insomnia. At least it gives me plenty of time to be creative, eh?
Downloaded DAP (accelerator plus) in order to get the Lit_dvd_special over at My comp is sooo slow, some days I just wanna take an axe to it and let loose! Nah... I spend more time with it than I do with anyone, it's no wonder my cats are looking at me like a Judas. *sigh* Thank *** I'm not married or my other half would've left me long ago and I'd probably never have even noticed! Well, not since I spend so much time here @ LPF now.
It's all good.
I keep laughing at Rusu_luvs_LP_4ever's last post, re: my Rob pic/avatar. All I can say to that is I'm glad! Hehehe. Yes, it distracts me too, but then, that's really the point isn't it? Hehehe. Bless ya! *Hugs* So sweet. And your a fellow compatriot too which is better, so I don't have to hurt my arms stretching half way across the planet just to embrace you. Thanks. :thumbsup:
JammerG, you slack thing! I love ya, gal, but you know what I think of your Ahem, 'better' *cough-bullshit-cough* half. He's a nice guy and all but his pursuit for the walking undead has got to be doing something to that brain of his! I should know, remember, it wasn't all that long ago I was having those Sixth-Sense episodes (in-joke) and I was almost climbing the proverbial walls I was so out-of-my-mind! Hehehe. (Like I'm not now?!) Still, at least you posted. And to clarify I'm not THAT twiggy yet. ****, I wished! Me and Bikini just shouldn't even be in the same sentence together, go wash your mouth out! Hehehe. I'll tan eventually. When I manage to pull myself away from the comp/LPF long enough to reintroduce myself to that strange glowing orb in the sky otherwise known as the Sun.
*s******s* Thanks for the praise my Muse re: my fics, but... what Psych one? Chas on the riverbank? Hehehe... yeah. I was... experiencing psychosis at that period of my life. It's dealt with now. Hehehe. It's all good. (Chas, may you forgive me! Hehehe)
And to enlighten you all, JammerG's hubby's a Jewish Psychologist... he's very into the history of his ppl, so, that's why the Hitler reference, okay? Cool.
Man. Wish those kids/babies/screaming parents would shut the **** up! Why does reality have to keep interfering with my other real life here in cyberspace? *sigh* One of those universal mysteries I guess.
Hey, I only recently downloaded LP's 'Dedicated' and am loving that. But as I type right now Ministry's 'Just one fix' is blaring through my headphones. Keeps the kiddies in the next room quiet if nothing else! (Headbanger from waaay back!)
What else? Um... *shrug* Dunno. That's it I think. Yes, Viking, I'm Australian. I don't know what else to say now. Can I really be talked out already? Short answer: No. But for the sake of space I'll stop now and wander round and post in other journals again and let my fingers do the talking elsewhere. So, having said that, take care ppl's. Wow. I'm stoked to think anyone's actually reading my drivel! I thought I'd skulk round in the shadows alone and wallow in my own bi-products, but I'm glad for once (so far) I was wrong. All I can say is Thanks!
*Hugs for everybody!* Yay!
Buh-bye. We'll talk again later. End transmission. *stupid grin*