Ravyn's Journal

crazy robster

New member
Rav, it's such a nice journal! No wonder since you are a sophisticated Bourdonite!! Please clean your inbox I cannot reply to your message! You wouldn't want to miss any Rob news or pics would you?


New member
That is true... and I thank you for the compliment! Sophisticated... not quite a word I would use ordinarily to describe myself but *meh* take compliments where I can get them, thanks! :thumbsup:

And Sygy - you can't go wrong with Mr Davis - :thumbsup: to you too.

Fiona - the pencil refernce will now be our little 'in joke' (thinks about Fiona swashbuckling with a trusty 2B pencil - engarde! Hehe 0_o ) But yeah... swish! Don't take your eye out with that thing for Pete's sake... unless he's blind already... and better stop picking on the blind minority... sorry, my bad.

Um, Drew isn't it? LP186? Yes I am an Alex Lloyd fan and yes I am jealous now, in case you're wondering! XD No fair... wish I could go. You'll have to report back and tell me how it all goes... *sigh*

Well its nearly 4:00am here and I really need to go to bed. As badly as I wanna stay here and ****** around (aha - that's gross!) but my typing errors are now outweighing the proper spelling words thingys... you just can't tell cause I'm using the backspace key to fix it! XD I'm delerious - need to sleep. The mind is willing but the body is weak... darn it. Better go.

Take care and talk to y'all later on today. After sleep.


-Rav :D



New member
okay mum, u need ur sleep.....*dumps cold water on you* that'll help you stay awake tho...dang....

oh well......*tackle hugszzz*



New member
Nah, me neither, and that'd be a first... well, no it wouldn't really. Um...


Just got home after work meeting - new induction to meet our new bosses - and I have to turn around and go back there in like 20 mins... *meh* So what better way to murder time (as opposed to simply just killing it 0_o *pulls a Zoolander thoughtful face* Love that movie... abadiginal indeed! Ahaha... hmm) What was I rambling on about again, oh yeah... tumbleweeds!


Darn. Forgot what I was gonna say. Sounded clever in my head and everything (usually does)

But seriously gotta go back to work soon and not looking forward to it. Never sound like I do really, but things are out of whack at the moment given this new boss and everything... tense. And I have been bumped up from Enchi Chef to Entree Chef, which means I'm solely responsible for all the entrees that come in all night... and I hear that's like 140+ ppl tonight 0_0

*help me*

Other than that it sucks that my day's been so chopped up. In essence I've lost like half a day between that meeting and waiting to start work this arvo and it's worse than a split shift cause I don't get paid for it! Aargh!

Anyhoo, got my group certificate today and that made me smile. If I get all my tax back this financial year I'll be happy. Yay. But anyway... um... yeah. Bummed. Not even enough time for me to sit down and get my head 'in the zone' and write another update at the moment. Had a nice chat with Mel earlier and she gave me a good idea - it was what I needed to bridge the gap in essence between what I've written (the end) and what I need to write (current update). Meh. After work I guess... depends on if whether or not I end up distracted like I usually am after work and get on here and just play around until bed... no focus. I did weights today, that's about all I have focus for... and um... that's about it really!

Anyhoo... gonna go now... dunno what I'm gonna do, just stalk the boards (games thread?) until it's time to go again. Work beckons. Better heed the call.

Oh - wait - I went to the movies the other day. That's something. Went and saw Scary Movie 4. Um... last 5 minutes of it cracked me up... other than that... just as well it was a free ticket! :rolleyes: DaVinci Code next! Can't wait!! Good book too btw. Yup.

Okay rooly gonna go now.

*tackle hugs*

Talk to y'all again in about... 9/10 hours... *groooooan*

-Rav :D



New member
See this is why I got fired....I don't like work...even though I need the money, I still don't like doing either paid work or even freaking school work...but I'm not you...

Well someone has to feed your cats and I doubt you are going to let anyone else touch your cats.

Oh ***. Back to dirty mode for Sarah.



New member
Damnit you two are turning my journal into a house of perversion! And... I love it! XD

(Like I need the encouragement really)

*strikes a remarkably innocent pose*

(Note to self - stop watching Zoolander! This does not help your mental state! You are not bullemic! You cannot read other people's minds! Ahaha... *** that cracked me up! 0_0 Watch the movie then judge me...)

*watches a tumbleweed roll by*


Now on to the serious stuff I'm supposing...?

Well, work sucked tonight. I got super-stressed. We have the new owners coming in to train from the ground up and not only is his presence making everyone nervous it's distracting... things that usually flow like relative clockwork are ******** up - I was so close to snapping at my boss (head chef) tonight I literally had to snap my mouth shut and walk away - I was shaking. ***** ****** me off to tears - her screw ups make me look bad - and in front of the new boss too, no less. Grr. But to that end I did pretty well I think. Did the work of 3 people as opposed to her 1... (that is I did Enchi's, Entrees and Deserts... and she did Grill, period - like D'uh!) *swears underbreath every swearword in her rather extensive vocabulary*

Whew! Well... I came home and had a bourbon. Feel better now. Yay for the deathe of a few billion braincells!

(Imagines them as aemobas all lined up with red-?? blindfolds all standing en masse infront of a Mexican-?!? firing squad)

That's it - no more alcohol for me already! *looks at empty bottle* ****. Well, back to hot chocolate again I guess... *groan* Nice mix huh? No ownder my stomach's making weird noises all the time... 0_o

Uh hu. Let's leave the conversation about musical bodily functions for another point in time, sound good? Coolaide.

Okay... well other than that nothing else too exciting. Have a house inspection next week *gasp!* Considering this place which I currently call my home is on the market I'm a little... anxious at the moment. Geez. And the fact we have absolutely NO job stability at work with the handover it's no wonder I'm not sleeping neither... at least (technically) I'm doing a lot in the way of writing, so that's constructive if nothing else! I swear if it weren't for this place (LPF) and you lot (LPFers) I'd be DEAD! 0_o

Uh hu. That's heavy. Thanks. Gonna talk about something else now.

Um. My cat scratched me. ******. But yeah... I can still type with 3 fingers instead of 4 - XD

And... I don't know what else to talk about. Except I have a friend coming over in the morning for our weekly ***** session. *** I love those. Never understood them as a kid but now I'm the one doing the 'let's gripe about whatever annoys us about everything/anyone in general' thing over coffee etc I'm all for it! Yay for *****-sessions!

Okay - gonna head off now. ****'s numb. That's what I get for sitting on the floor as winter approaches on my drunken *** staring at a tiny computer screen for hours on end - meh. Cest la Bourdie, I mean, Vie. Hehe.


*flying tackle sumo cockroach ant hill, lets say whatever other random word comes to mind here, pasta sock turret ladel film reel thought hugs to all... or no one... see if I care...* XD

*does the whole 'Donkey' from Shrek (the movie) rolling around on his back laughing hysterically laugh - and rather convincingly for a white chick from down under... yeah... think about it*

Oh, the humanity! -Thanks for your patience-

~Rav :D



New member
i get scratched a lot by my grandmas cat. thats only cos i provoke it deliberately. hehe its funny. i ended up once with my whole right hand covered with scratches.

crazy robster

New member
Hey, Rav, you got scratched by your cat, didn't you? That's why I don't love cats!!! When I was a little kid, so little that I couldn't fully realize what was going on around me, I remember grabbing a cat that had scratched me and throwing it off the balcony! It's a wonder it survived!!! I love doggies, I love all animals but cats...brrrrrrr never again in my life!!!!!


New member
OMG! XDD That cracked me up - I mean, I'm a cat person, they suit my laid back introverted rugged-indoors type lifestyle that I live, but throwing them off the balcony...


But other than that - sorry, I'm watching Boston Legal and I got distracted, cracked me up all over again on a totally unrelated matter - my ***. I am the only one in my immediate family who isn't into dogs! I mean dog-dogs; Rottweilers and Boxers... grr.

But anyway, sitting here after work now having a few bourbon's... chillin'. Laughin' at BL and William Shatner's character Danny Crane, XD

Yeah, 2 whole days off! Think (hopefully) I can spend it writing but *** knows! I surely dont!

Anyhoo... gonna go now. Very annoying typing with one hand and two fingers (nursing cat that attacked me in the other - I'm a sucker, I know!).


TTYL... if anyone's even paying attention.

btw; hi Sarah, hi Joanna, hi Sygy, Vi, anyone else I've forgotten to mention...

*waves at the screen... and she's not even drunk yet! 0_o *

~Rav :D



New member

THAT CRACKED ME UP BIG TIME! He like just said that not 15 minutes ago! I burst out laughin...

Danny Crane...

It's that simple.


<3 u Vi! :D



New member
I was really bored and really hypo and I made a poem that you would love to death. Its called Woody's Wonderful Wandering Ravyn Robby Rant-a-thon Proudly Presents Poem

HAHAHA ! How can I not see you watching Boston Legal?



New member
Um, Drew isn't it? LP186? Yes I am an Alex Lloyd fan and yes I am jealous now, in case you're wondering! XD No fair... wish I could go. You'll have to report back and tell me how it all goes... *sigh*
yes, Drew is just fine :D

yeah, i saw Alex Lloyd last saturday, and yeah it was really good

his music is so easy to listen to, you know

i'll be seeing him again when his in town

hope u have a good weekend yourself :)

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