Post #2000!!! Woo-hoo!!!
Yay - time to celebrate! #2000!! Woot! I wish I had something more prolific to say rather than rant on, but ranting is what I do best... so I guess I should do that then, huh? XD
Well as for a real journal entry, I probably should say something - but nothing of interest has happened today, nothing out of the ordinary, all very usual, ho-hum, arcane really... but it's predictable if nothing else. Work, watch Blade trinity, eat Peanut butter for dinner, chat with my sis, sleep, get up, do it all again! Somewhere in all that I also find the time for my daily dose of Dr Phil (XD) and Medium on Thursday nights on Channel 10 - everything stops when Medium's on - and I mean EVERYTHING - love that freakin' show. I even get off LPF to watch that - and that's saying something!
Well its winter here down under and I'm cold. Just getting over being sick - nothing worse than being sick in winter cause you don't shake it til the weather warms up - but *meh* what ever doesn't kill me makes me more succepible to further attacks on my immunity later! XD That put a whole new spin on it!
Have been on my meds now for a week and a half and feel okay. I feel better for it but conciously I hate it. I despise this, taking tablets to be like everyone else. Grr everyone else. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. But on a high note I'm not dismal as I was so that's something. Um... what else...?
Oh! Oh! News to others of interest; Jammer has been seen around town last week! I dunno if it's true or not but still... I thought she left town! More on that when/if I hear it. We still don't get on, it's a shame and all, but maybe one day she will come to her senses and we can patch things up... I'm not holding my breath for that one.
Anyways, have to run now - weird. I wanted to celebrate my 2000th post in a grand way - by like posting maybe 2000 pictures of Rob, that would be something memorable huh?? Haha Unfortunately for me I don't think the-powers-that-be in this place would appreciate the sentiment too much - so maybe I could just like repeat Rob's name 2000 times in one consecutive post - in my head... and save my fingers from all the typing!
Well huge hugs to all, take care and thanks to all (or any) of you who've endured my longwinded rants and then had the energy or will to respond to it! You know who you are. I love you!!
Talk again soon, okidokie?