Ravyn's Journal


New member
Hey there Rav, seems we have a small bit in common... (being random crying / mood swings / avoiding other people / depressed)

I hope you'll get better I seriously do.. Seeing you are good friends with Jojo you must be a nice person (I already know you're a good writer:))

Uhm well yes, good luck.. get well :thumbsup: talking to Jojo is great isn't it?.. I can tell it is by personal experiance..


crazy robster

New member
Sista!!!!! I got something for you! A new giff that I made today and I think will make you reconsider a few things and stop being so unfaithful to some poor little drummer boy... ;) *lol*

Enjoy.... ;)

*hugs as always*

your sister :D

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New member
Post #2000!!! Woo-hoo!!! :D

Yay - time to celebrate! #2000!! Woot! I wish I had something more prolific to say rather than rant on, but ranting is what I do best... so I guess I should do that then, huh? XD


Well as for a real journal entry, I probably should say something - but nothing of interest has happened today, nothing out of the ordinary, all very usual, ho-hum, arcane really... but it's predictable if nothing else. Work, watch Blade trinity, eat Peanut butter for dinner, chat with my sis, sleep, get up, do it all again! Somewhere in all that I also find the time for my daily dose of Dr Phil (XD) and Medium on Thursday nights on Channel 10 - everything stops when Medium's on - and I mean EVERYTHING - love that freakin' show. I even get off LPF to watch that - and that's saying something!

Well its winter here down under and I'm cold. Just getting over being sick - nothing worse than being sick in winter cause you don't shake it til the weather warms up - but *meh* what ever doesn't kill me makes me more succepible to further attacks on my immunity later! XD That put a whole new spin on it! ;)

Have been on my meds now for a week and a half and feel okay. I feel better for it but conciously I hate it. I despise this, taking tablets to be like everyone else. Grr everyone else. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. But on a high note I'm not dismal as I was so that's something. Um... what else...?

Oh! Oh! News to others of interest; Jammer has been seen around town last week! I dunno if it's true or not but still... I thought she left town! More on that when/if I hear it. We still don't get on, it's a shame and all, but maybe one day she will come to her senses and we can patch things up... I'm not holding my breath for that one.

Anyways, have to run now - weird. I wanted to celebrate my 2000th post in a grand way - by like posting maybe 2000 pictures of Rob, that would be something memorable huh?? Haha Unfortunately for me I don't think the-powers-that-be in this place would appreciate the sentiment too much - so maybe I could just like repeat Rob's name 2000 times in one consecutive post - in my head... and save my fingers from all the typing! ;)

Well huge hugs to all, take care and thanks to all (or any) of you who've endured my longwinded rants and then had the energy or will to respond to it! You know who you are. I love you!! :D Talk again soon, okidokie?




New member
I know how you must feel about the pills. I would hate that too. but at least its helping you, no? it's better than nothing I suppose :\ *hug*

Oh Jammer, gosh. <:\ Its too bad about that whole situation. I hope it all works out one day, and I hope she's doing okay.

Well anyway, I hope you find a sufficient way to celebrate your piety for LPF :p

ta ta <3



crazy robster

New member
Hahahaha!!! My beloved sister!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your #2000 post!!!! YAYNESS!!! Well, I should say something about it shouldn't I? Since we can't celebrate this special occasion by writing Rob's name 2000 times...*sniffle*....2000 hugs and kisses for my sista and also...May his Robness and our Robsession live for another 2000 years!!!! YAY for the Robsters!!! Yay for my sis!!!! *hugs*


New member
someone has started to update more ... *evil eyes*

yeah you might not be hearing from me for a couple weeks...

****School holidays****

Im in Melbourne now.

But there is a possible chance Im going to Brisbane next holidays!!!


Just saying I am writing the story but I won't be able to post it for some days okay?

So don't give me an evil look !!

lov sarah.

p.s hope work is going well.



New member
*Crash tackles* Congratulations, woww jammer!! i haven't heard from her in ages! you eat peanut butter for dinner??


New member
Hey guys, thanks for stopping by!

Yes, Fi, I do eat Peanut Butter for dinner - well I haven't for a few days... needed a change ;) It's kinda frustrating to cook every night for a living then come home and cook again for one... so I don't.

Jammer - yeah well I wouldn't be expecting her here any time soon. I still have yet to see her myself, as I said we are aren't friends any more... bummer. Oh well things change.

Hey Len, how are ya? Oh I don't mind, come whine all ya want! We can whine together! I don't have much by way of info... I'm watching The Director's Cut of The Cell at the mo - I've got an early start at work, so there really isn't much to talk about! I work a lot, feels like it's all I ever do lately, I wish I had more time to post or update and so forth but alas, LPF won't pay my bills! *lmao*

Hey Sarah - Hope you're enjoying your holidays! Lucky gurl, wish I had holidays... oh well, I guess y'all deserved it after school and all. Have fun!

Rusu - You're welcome ;) It's well deserved.

Well gotta go again.

*tackle hugs to all*

Take care, talk again later,

~Rav :D



New member
Oh :( ' date=' can't you get food from work?[/quote']Yeah - and I often do. But after on average 8 hrs looking at/cooking/serving Mexican food there's only so much I can stand before it no longer appeals to me. Hence I come home... and eat Peanut butter instead ;) Lazy cook. :p


New member
Rav yeah.. thats how I feel when working at my supermarket.. :(
Bet you avoid shopping as much as you can then huh? XD Poor Len. At least there's like only what 3 or 4 Mex restaurants here in Woomaville. But there's at least five times as many supermarkets... and probably more... you must hate grocery day with a passion! ;)

Though - explains why I haven't eaten out in so long. Live around food you certainly don't wanna add to that. Hmm. I went out with friends three days ago to the food court at the nearest shopping centre to where I live (literally 5 mins down the road - and far too convenient may I add!). Well they bought KFC and I being a good gurl bought a salad. Guess who ended up with food poisining that night? Hmm. My friends gave me **** over that let me tell you - they ate greasy fast food and ribbed me for eating healthy and I'm the one that ends up throwing up. I hate lettuce and carrot now. Was all I could taste all night... >.<


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