Hello again folks. Yes, I'm back. For those of you who may not have noticed (or cared, w/e) I've been gone a while moving house and stuff, working mostly, so life has been **** hectic but now things have settled down nicely and all is good with the world. Well mostly. Not really. Ok not the world but my world. Nope not really... okay, well you get the point
As I've said I haven't been doing much else other than move and work so there's really SFA to tell but I have started the story back up and I gotta tell you its a physical relief to be writing again. I literally haven't written anything in months so its kinda backing up here in my head but I'm sure it'll get there. Eventually.
No recent tats of bodily modifications since my last one but I'm working on it. Let you know what comes of those soon.
The house is way bigger than my last place and I love it here. Its so me. Love it to bits. The only thing that would make it better is if it was on the beach and Rob was nekkid lying in my bedroom right about now, but since I can't have either (excuse me while I go cry, hahaha) this suits me fine. Hehe. Dirty girl. Who me??
*insert halo over head here*
Well things have been interesting at the restaurant for sure. I've started official training on head chef last night, so while I'm still only 2IC when and if the day comes when Lisa (our current and very overworked head chef) heaven forbid does go then technically I should be able to step up into her place. Spooky huh? See where being a dishy gets ya? Haha. Sweet!
Speaking of which this is just a quick howdee-do cause I gotta get ready for what else but work but now that things have settled down again I'm looking forward to getting reaquainted with the general insanity that is LPF... no wait, I think I'm providing the insanity, so I'll just get reaquainted with the company and yeah... talk again soon!
Take care ppls!
*Much love and suffocating tackle hugs to all - you know who y'all are