Ravyn's Journal


New member
Well I would thank you but I didn't get the idea from you, you introduced us so to speak and he influenced me... and you still as yet have to show me yours! I've shown you mine! XD (Sounds wrong doesn't it? Hahaha)

crazy robster

New member
Sis!! I've already told you but I'll say it again... I am so happy for you!!! Cause you are excited about your new tattoo and this is what's important to me!! You being happy!!! I have to admit your tat looks fantastic, it's worth both the time and the money!!! Yay for my sweet sis!! Love ya dearly!!! *hugs*


New member
Hey, 'sup? Me here, talking to me about me, how self-absorbed can one get? XDAnyhoos, not much to talk bout lately except I finally started my new tat today, it took just over 2 hrs this morning and will require at least another 3-4 (broken into two sittings, separated by two weeks each, so in about a month it ought to be finished) but I'm still stoked... Wanted to share it with everyone because after feeling like **** lately this was the one thing that I was looking forward to and was literally counting down the days so this, as well as talking to my beloved sis, has been keeping me level-headed over the past few weeks. What can I say, must be that time of year or something, seems everyone's down in the doldrums for one reason or another.

Well, we all know what mine is (again, screws loose if you get my drift *points to head* ;) ) but it's all good, got my new meds today so yay for the Mental Health department of this fair city I live in *cough*bullshit*cough-cough* Now I can be normal just like everyone else... well, my idea of normal anyway (and it is a term I use loosely btw) Hehehe

Anyways, enuff chit-chat, here's the obligatory visual aids;

(took this like 3 hours ago so it's still pretty red and basic but the rest of the shading will be done over the next few weeks, so it's a start. Will add more as it develops ;) )


And for those of you in the know YES it IS Bam's tattoo! Only difference is mine has been modified/stylised to fit over a pre-existing tattoo that's in the centre there, an old Celtic sun that was a backyard job and needed to be fixed. Well I'm not a H.I.M. fan really I just loved the filagree design so the original heartogram that went in the centre of the tat has been replaced. I also have a 3-headed dragon and spiral wristband on the same arm and intend to replicate the grey monochrome from the dragon tat to this one so that they 'match'. It's still a work in progress but yeah, totally stoked!

Thanks Brandon ;)

Aside from that I have nothing else to say. Gotta see the tax man tomorrow *groan* F@#$%&* accountants! XD Oh, and I bought the Jackass Series box earlier, that was funny. Yeah...

*tackle hugs*

Take care and talk to yas later!

~Rav :D

Please don't tell me that's your arm.



New member
Duh, of course it's my arm! What did you think I did, canvas the streets and took a picture of some homeless folk's arm and posted that saying it was mine???


Good lord... and hi by the way! ;)



New member
I guess it depends on what you're into. I'll admit I was taken by surprise by this current design, I had another idea of what I originally wanted but saw this and changed my mind. What do you love? What inspires you? Remembering that it's a forever thing...

And thanks. Welcome to my journal ;) *hugs* Hope everyone's feeling well.



New member
::hugs you back:: Hmm, I've been thinking about getting a butterfly... something that resembles life... I don't know, but did it hurt when you got it on your arm, because my mother got two tattoos on each side same place as yours, and she said it didn't hurt... she said it felt good.


New member
Hey, 'sup? Me here, talking to me about me, how self-absorbed can one get? XDAnyhoos, not much to talk bout lately except I finally started my new tat today, it took just over 2 hrs this morning and will require at least another 3-4 (broken into two sittings, separated by two weeks each, so in about a month it ought to be finished) but I'm still stoked... Wanted to share it with everyone because after feeling like **** lately this was the one thing that I was looking forward to and was literally counting down the days so this, as well as talking to my beloved sis, has been keeping me level-headed over the past few weeks. What can I say, must be that time of year or something, seems everyone's down in the doldrums for one reason or another.

Well, we all know what mine is (again, screws loose if you get my drift *points to head* ;) ) but it's all good, got my new meds today so yay for the Mental Health department of this fair city I live in *cough*bullshit*cough-cough* Now I can be normal just like everyone else... well, my idea of normal anyway (and it is a term I use loosely btw) Hehehe

Anyways, enuff chit-chat, here's the obligatory visual aids;

(took this like 3 hours ago so it's still pretty red and basic but the rest of the shading will be done over the next few weeks, so it's a start. Will add more as it develops ;) )


And for those of you in the know YES it IS Bam's tattoo! Only difference is mine has been modified/stylised to fit over a pre-existing tattoo that's in the centre there, an old Celtic sun that was a backyard job and needed to be fixed. Well I'm not a H.I.M. fan really I just loved the filagree design so the original heartogram that went in the centre of the tat has been replaced. I also have a 3-headed dragon and spiral wristband on the same arm and intend to replicate the grey monochrome from the dragon tat to this one so that they 'match'. It's still a work in progress but yeah, totally stoked!

Thanks Brandon ;)

Aside from that I have nothing else to say. Gotta see the tax man tomorrow *groan* F@#$%&* accountants! XD Oh, and I bought the Jackass Series box earlier, that was funny. Yeah...

*tackle hugs*

Take care and talk to yas later!

~Rav :D

Love that tattoo mum....looks awesome and the coverup will be great when its all done.




New member
fooking **** Rav..thats one nice tat! im jealoue

oh BTW im in PNG! i was thinking over swimming over the coral sea to see you but i decided overwise when i was told that thre were sharks with sharp little teethies



New member
Thanks guys! *hugs you all* Yeah I'm stoked with it. In a week exactly I go back for the second sitting to get at least half of the filagree shaded in. Excited! XD Yes, I will post another pic after each sitting so y'all can see how it develops. Its a passion of mine so why not share it with my friends huh? Aww... ;)

To answer your question MysteryLPChick it didn't hurt at all. Then again having said that this is like my fifth or sixth tat now so I'm sorta something of a glutton for punnishment now XD (as if!) but 'pain' is as broad a definition as there is people to feel it. I guess I'm something of a ********* to a degree, I've peirced my own ears mant times in many places (and other ppl too ;) ) and my nose and lip and brow and have tats on both wrists, an ankle, one on my breast, my upper arm and now from my shoulder to my elbow so yeah, on bone, fleshy parts and 'sensitive' areas just to guage a personal reaction. Note for those of you who care most 'painful' by far was the wristband - swelled up and stayed that way for a week at least! (But oh so very worth it! ;) ) I was also told that being tattooed on the back of the upper arm was painful and it is sorta, I guess cause my arm was bent all weird like a chicken wing for so long anything was likely to aggrivate it, but still, Chester in his usual wisdom said it best and it's a quote that I know that a few ppl appreciate truthfully that tattoos exude pleasure and pain at the same time and he is spot-on about that. Pain is good if you can control it. The worst effect of having such a large area tattooed at once isn't the tattooing itself, its the day after when your skin is still raw and feels like it's sunburnt to a degree, that and the itching as the 'scabs' peel away and reveal the permanent colouration beneath - like a snake sheds its skin. That's annoying if anything but the thrill of the art in your skin as a permanent part of you is just awesome. Can't rant enough about it. Love my tats and can't wait til this one is done. I'm already looking at getting the LP 'symbols' and signatures tattooed in sequence down my spine as the next one... see how that one develops, one at a time, 'eh?

And darn it Sygy, you should start then I'll start from here and we can meet somewhere in the middle, that way if there's sharks I've just divided the chances of you being eaten by half... maybe a third, I never quite got maths at school, explains why I owed the taxman money this year huh? (said it before and I'll say it again - ******* accountants! 0_o) XD

Hey, speaking of money (sorta) I went and bought myself a bike today. No, a pushbike. I know, its a far-cry from the Harley Davidson that I want but that unlikely dream has to start somewhere - so this was the next best (and far cheaper) alternative ;) I'll post a pic of it tomorrow, put it in to the shop straight up for a few modifications. Yay for my late-blossoming independence huh? *lmao* Cheaper than a car, faster than walking so... yay for me I guess. Hmm. What else? *shrugs*



Thanks for stopping by. I know it aint the most exciting journal in the world (nor altogether consistent ;) ) but *meh* what can I say? The most interesting aspects of my life are played out in the confines of my head so what are ya gonna do huh, resist? :D

*tackle hugs to all*



New member
haha, you have quite the passion for tattoos don't you :p

Cheaper than a car, faster than walking so... yay for me I guess. Hmm. What else? *shrugs*Hi?

exactly...I say that to myself everytime I pedal places lol

getting a car is fawking expensive jesus...and gas...*faints* lol



New member
Hey, if it that bike gets you where you have to go then I don't see no reason to complain... gas is bad enough as it is... Rav, you're just like my mom in so many different ways, and not calling you old... something about you, I don't know. You're just COOL! :)


New member
I'm cool? 0_0 Um... thanks... I think... sure you have the right journal there right? *lol* No, thanks really, I'm just an insecure redneck who has more unhealthy obsessions than she'd dare admit to... no wait *counts on fingers - Rob, tats, Rob, tats, Rob, yup, all accounted for! :D * hahaha 0_0

Rav=Weirdo=D'uh! XD


Hmm. Well I'm prolly old enough to be your mum... or close enough to it I guess. I know I don't exactly act like it but *meh* C`est La Vie, no? XD

As for the bike thing - gas here is like nearly $1.80 a litre! Who can afford that kinda highway robbery for pete's sake? Dude, picture me on a gleaming Harley... then water it down from a huge hunk of metal to a small hunk of gleaming metal and there she is... Grandma Rockin' The Boards all over again! Hahaha. 'Woombaville aint gonna know what hit it... kinda like the car that's gonna hit me if I keep the headphones on while I get around the city streets in my usual apathetic daze...


\m/ (9_9) \m/

It's all good! ;)


crazy robster

New member
Hahaha!!! Sis.... Enjoyable as always!!! Oh, and thank *** Mystery says these things to you!!! It's about time you realised that I'm not the only one who thinks so highly of you... You really ARE unique!!! And I couldn't agree more with your obsessions sis!! Rob and tats... that alone can make you the coolest person ever!! *squeeze hugs for my sis* :D


New member
Remember every person is unqiue in their own way... that seprates everyone else from everyone else, or something along those lines.. I'm really not good with sayings.


New member
It will! ............. when I get his name tattooed on my *** for sure! ;)

(I'm sure Rob would just love/roll his eyes at that endearing sentiment)

But thanks :D

*squeeze hugs*



New member
Thank yourself for being older than my sister when she got her dragonfly on her shoulder and some Japanese symbol near her *** crack. Mum chucked a skitz.

I didn't know that was your arm, cos of the orange top. I thought you as a person that isn't a colour person. Just like me! The only colours I'll wear are brown, cream, blue, red, mostly black, and mostly purples.

Other than that, I've really got nothing to say. I didn't get to bed until 1 am, came back from school at 9.30 pm, and I am in a lot of pain. Ergh. Hope you are having a better day than I am and this is me before hockey training.

And yes, I have been working on the stories. I've got a mega twist coming up with Vicarious and I got hyper about it the other day because I thought of it while I was daydreaming.

p.s. my sig bring back memories?





New member
Indeed your sig does bring back memories! All good ones of course! :D \m/ Farkin lurve that song \m/ woo-hoo-ness

As for the colour thing? Yes, ordinarily I'm pretty much exactly like you - minus the purple. The singlet I was wearing was red. It was my Rolling Stones '69 so good you can lick it' singlet, but you weren't to know that ;)

Funnily enough I was having a convo with another Rach at work and she was stunned to see me at the supermarket last week wearing blue! (My work uniform is black from head to foot so that at least is a good thing ;) ) Yeah, I'm not known for colours either but every now and then... *shrugs*

Its all good.

Hope you feel better now - though you're prolly asleep right as I type this. Most ppl here (down under) would be, unless they are evening workers like me (or insomniacs, whatever) so its not easy to readjust my body clock on my days off. I sleep when most are awake and are awake when others sleep, I really am a vampire, I'm pale and anemic and hermetic and wear black - I just drink Pepsi Max instead of blood but I'll work on that eventually ;) Deal with enough blood at work thanks! *shudders*

Hmm. Anyways, hope the hockey was good. Hope y'all are good. Miss ya but I guess that's the price we pay for living such opposing life styles. Maybe one day I'll get a day job and be able to call you at a reasonable hour again... one day.

Yay about the story! Am loving them both. You've been hard at it lately huh? Very impressed, you're handling the rant better than I am these days - good lord, I'm being replaced! ;) Just kidding. But yeah, looking forward to that twist you were talking about :thumbsup:

I too have finally gotten around to writing! Yay again! 0_o Not sure what anyone's gonna make of it but yeah I'm trying to get back into the right 'headspace' again... see how things pan out. Well better shut up now and go post it. *hugs*



New member
Sorry Zero is taken by my friend Ed. We sing it together and it reminds me of him cos we both love that song. Bullet with Butterfly Wings is taken by my bro's gf Ksenia, we both love Billy Corgan and his Zero shirt in that filmclip and we both love that song to death. Rhinosceroes (sp?) is taken by my sister, because she's old and that's an old song, therefore, perfect match.

But the odd thing I don't think you have picked up, (u have your excuses!!!) is that Zero isn't part of Siamese Dream, it's on Mellon Collie and the Infinite Sadness, the album after Siamese Dream. I love the little girls on their album cover, with the wings.

If I had a SP song that reminds me of you, it must be Muzzle or We Only Come Out at Night. But I mostly think of you as Jeremy by Pearl Jam.

I don't really like The Rolling Stones, but you never know! I am getting into more and more 90s stuff I figured out today on the way to school. But the only colour that is considered normal and I have a shirt with that colour on it with black (c'mon RAV LOOK TO THAT CARD I SENT YOU!!) you know what shirt it is.


If you cant see that picture of me in dress rehearsal, just say apparently to the teacher me and Ash looked cute. I begged the teacher to retract that comment. The teacher cracked up laughing and insisted that we looked cute. There was another costume that we were going to wear, but made us look like flight attendants.

**** calves, still caning like ****!

Actually, I was awake at that time when you replied. I just didn't have my light on! MWAAHHUHH !! I was listening to The Smashing Pumpkins and Five for Fighting.

I've got to go to another drunken parties of my friends tonight. GRAND TIME IT WILL BE!!!! You wanna hear something funny/disturbing? At my friends party they were showing Smashing Pumpkins vid clips and when Bullet with Butterfly Wings came on, my friend Jo and I ran up to the TV and gave Billy Corgan and everyone from the band a kiss on either side of the cheek. And my friend (ironically named Billy) comes up to Billy Corgan slamming it down in the heavy guitar bit (where they are performing outside in the rain) and kissed Billy Corgan as well. Jo and I just froze on the spot and cracked up laughing.

I don't think you would remember that filmclip. I do ! It's whre D'arcy has her hair dyed purple/silver and is wearing the fluffy shoulder shirt.

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