Ravyn's Journal


New member
i never trust those salads. anyways you know that the salad dressing for that **** is like more than a burger,


New member
No this had no dressing whatsoever - just plain salad and meat. Maybe the meat was off, then why was I tasting carrot and lettuce?? 0_o

And they say eating healthy is good for you... liars!! XD Haha



New member
the meat def. the probably used meat from a dead sheep which had been lying around for weeks


New member
Uh yeah... probably.... 0_0


Just finished a Bamarathon - literally 8 (count that - 8!!) consecutive hours straight watching Viva La Bam which I bought yesterday. I bought seasons 1, 2 and 3 for the **** of it. Actually to scope Mel's latest lurve and to better edumacate myself on this Mr Margera... I loved Jackass so yeah... it was something of a natural progression. Props to Mel for introducing me to her world... crazy in a word, to say the least, but a damned good laugh I must say.


On a RDO today and tomorrow (actually yesterday and today, it's almost 1am) and having fun doing nothing. Damned needed this. Work's been hectic as usual, but I am glad to be away from that, at least for one night! *cheers*

But what the **** did I go and do to myself? I went and pulled a damned muscle in my shoulder earlier while doing weights (train everyday for about an hour, just because - I have my reasons ;) ) and yes, watching Bam (no he did not encourage me to do his kind of stupid sh*t, I was simply doing horizontal flys 0_0 while watching him, haha) but now I seriously can't lift my arm higher than shoulder height cause it cains! >.<

Oh well, dangers of weight training I guess. Next time I'll warm up for longer I guess. Been using a heat pack since but... I guess I will just try and work it again later. I need to work it and have it fully functional for Friday night (work again). I am a ******. That much is very true. As much as it hurt I tried to work it and keep it mobile... When I got attacked by my cat a few years ago (don't ask, long story XD ) he left some pretty severe puncture wounds in mine and my friend's hands. I immediately rubbed raw salt straight into it, literally, because I know that salt has healing/cleansing properties. It's nature's antiseptic. My friend was too chicken to do so, she has a low threshhold of pain, and needless to say mine healed within a week. Her hand swelled up to three times its size and she had to have it bandages and stuff... crazy girl >.< Just like the time my wisdom teeth were coming through but there was a problem and it wouldn't push through the gum. So I got sick of the pain and took to it with a razor blade - instant relief. Teeth through, no issue. And a lot cheaper than seeing a dentist. Yes I am a ****** XD Haha.


Apart from that I have news on a personal note (like that wasn't!) My house has been sold so I have to move. I have up to 3 months so it's all good, but its still an issue to move again. As it gets closer to date I'll keep y'all posted but there may be a chance that once I do move for a bit I may be without internet..........


Personally I don't even wanna think of that right now but as I said, first things first. When I move I'll let y'all know. Just kinda sucks cause I have to uproot this little life I'd settled into this last year and a half. Nearly two. Wow. Time's flying. Speaking of flying I better go. I have ranted enough for one night ;)

Love y'as. Take care. Talk to y'all again later.

*tackle hugs*

~Rav :D


crazy robster

New member
My poor sis... You pulled a muscle? I hope you feel better soon...Well, actually, if I did what you do I wouldn't be able to move at all!!! I never work out me lazy cow....oups, no, actually the word cow is reserved for another lady you and I know really well!!! *evil grin* I'm so happy that you had fun my sis, that's what I want to hear from you!!! I hope every day is as productive for you as this one...Speaking of which....any story update yet? *big puppy dog eyes*.... No internet when you move?????? *gasps, breathes heavily, feels dizzy and then faints* I guess it'll be temporary so it's ok.... I hope everything works fine for you my sweet, you know that all I want is for you to be happy, nothing more! *huge transcontinental Bourdie bear hugs from your sis*


New member
Thanks guys :D

*tackle hugs - well, as much as one can with my screwed up shoulder the way it is*

As luck would have it (if 'luck' is the word I'm looking for here) it's my left shoulder that's killing me at present, not the right. If it were the right that would sucessfully end and hope of an update anytime soon. As far as the story goes I plan to post more very soon. Just... have to get my head out of Margera country right now is all ;)

Love yas.



New member
no internet for rav!!! what aer you going to do?
*thinks about it*

Build a time machine, come back and stay here in stasis, and let the real world keep going while I stay here and hide... sounds like a sweet deal to me ;)

Honestly though - no idea. Heaven forbid it comes to that. I'll die. :(

All RL and no LPF make's Ravyn go crazy... well... crazier anyways ;) But it's all good. Y'all might appreciate a break from all the senselessness (how many S/'esses' can u fit into one word??? 0_o

(Mental note to self - looks like the medication just kicked in *high-fives all round*)



New member
all i have to say is o_O

senselessness lol cool word

well without LPF u could become a facist dictator and take over austraila...*nods*



New member
all i have to say is o_O senselessness lol cool word

well without LPF u could become a facist dictator and take over austraila...*nods*
*blinks* A Facist Dictator? Me??? Wow... there's a thought I've never considered before. I'll keep it in mind for when I ever get bored or uninspired with my life, thanks ;)

But in all reality what would make me any different to the facist dictator in control now? Well for one thing little Johnny Rotten hasn't declared Jan 20th a national holiday huh? I would! I would also exalt the status of the CoB into a literal religion and make Rob an honorary embassador to our fair island (he can also be my chief of staff, or maybe I could be his chief of staff hahaha, hmmm). And yeah, I have many diabolical idea now for when I finally take control of this country.

I'm feeling all 'Pinky and the Brain' here at the moment.

"Narf!" XD

First take over Australia, then the world! 0_0

*blinks again - vacant stare*

Thanks for the idea Sygy. I'll add you to my cabinet at some point. You can help me in my pursuit of universal domination... and a few others. Maybe. Probably. Yeah... hmmm.

I really need to get myself a day job, huh?




crazy robster

New member
Well for one thing little Johnny Rotten hasn't declared Jan 20th a national holiday huh? I would! I would also exalt the status of the CoB into a literal religion and make Rob an honorary embassador to our fair island (he can also be my chief of staff' date=' or maybe I could be [i']his[/i] chief of staff hahaha, hmmm)
Yay for my sis and her groundbreaking ideas!!!! I'm with you sis!!! We would do this thing together!!! We'd create a real Robcountry!!! We'd even have the 20th Jan parade to celebrate our Lord's birth!!!! Something like Bourdonmas...(instead of Christ-mas, you know???) and instead of a christmas tree we'd have a drumkit adorned with ribbons!!!!! Hahahaha!!! LOL (OMR we're crazy aren't we???) :D :thumbsup:



New member
Yay for my sis and her groundbreaking ideas!!!! I'm with you sis!!! We would do this thing together!!! We'd create a real Robcountry!!! We'd even have the 20th Jan parade to celebrate our Lord's birth!!!! Something like Bourdonmas...(instead of Christ-mas' date=' you know???) and instead of a christmas tree we'd have a drumkit adorned with ribbons!!!!! Hahahaha!!! LOL (OMR we're crazy aren't we???) :D :thumbsup:[/quote']*lol*

Aww my sweet sis - that's why you're the crazy twin ;)

(And I am the sane one??? Dear ***! *gasp*)

Our poor parents...

But BOURDONMAS, what a novel idea! And we can adorn ourselves in Matix emblazoned everything, wear our caps backwards in place of those pointy floppy elven hats that Satans (oops, I mean Santa's - ;) ) little helpers wear. (Where is the Child Protection laws in the South Pole I ask you! Slave, migrant, unlawful labour indeed!)

* - Where wearing caps the 'wrong' way will see you're *** in the slammer.

* - Where we adorn our houses with cournucopias of drum snares rather than gingerbread houses.

* - Where we hear the thunder of drums echo from every religious establishment in place of bells (which will hense forth also be outlawed).

* - Where 'the little drummer boy' is the only Pre-Bourdonmas hymn allowed in said religious establishments.

* - Where rising out of bed before 1:00 in the afternoon is antidisestablishmentarianism (I love that word, even if it is used in the completely wrong context here *lmao and sue me*)

* - Where we worship the holy glasses even if we don't need them and expell all those that do save our Lord (CoB crossover here) because he's the only one that makes wearing glasses look sexay XD And to wear them is a sign of heresy. Probably.

* - Where Surfing is up there with walking and talking. Probably breathing too as far as human development goes. 0_o

* - Where we live our lives according to the laws of Bourdonism. (See the ten commandments at CoB/Games thread to get the punchline of that *ahem* 'joke')

* - Where we sing hymns at Weekend Mass (Henseforth known as Matix for obvious reasons) from the LP Tab book, ITE and SIB for starters ;)

* - Where water is holy but most Holy if it comes from a plastic bottle that our Lord usually carries with him like a divine staff or something :p

* - Where we decorate Drum kits instead of Christmas trees (as Jojo said) and if festive enough can have stage lighting and such props that would be used for a concert BUT NOT any pissy little boyband concert - we're talking Metallica strength stage props, light shows and ten feet stacks of amps in every living room on Bourdonmas eve ;)

* - Where making fun of the Holy goattee is punishable by death but is karmically carried over into the next life if you mock the Holy Lumberjack look ;)

* - Where in place of streamers and garlands of decorative lights we string together sets of drumsticks end to end BUT lighting them on fire (while it looks pretty) is a heretic act and so punishable by death also.

* - Where not using the word 'Like' intermittently at least three times per conversation (any more than three and you're a Delsonite, a religion better tailored to Afro-wearing guitar weilding Brad worshippers ;) ) is also deemed sinful.

* - Where Frowning is in. Regardless the occasion. It's also sexay. But only if you're '***.' XD

Man... I could so go on... XD This is fun! 0_0

Now who's crazy? 0_o

*waves to Jeezy*

Hiya ;)

crazy robster

New member
Hahahahahahahahahaha!!! OMR, my belly hurts, spare me sis!!!! *lol* That was fantastic!!!! That was one **** of a Robranting delirium indeed!!!!! *bows* Our Robcountry's constitution is ready!!!! Let's move to the implementation part now sis!!!!*lol* *highfives her twin* :D


New member
so ur going to be facist...which members of society are going to be treated better than others.....i say ppl who eat mexican food...*nods*


New member
Hey, 'sup? Me here, talking to me about me, how self-absorbed can one get? XD

Anyhoos, not much to talk bout lately except I finally started my new tat today, it took just over 2 hrs this morning and will require at least another 3-4 (broken into two sittings, separated by two weeks each, so in about a month it ought to be finished) but I'm still stoked... Wanted to share it with everyone because after feeling like **** lately this was the one thing that I was looking forward to and was literally counting down the days so this, as well as talking to my beloved sis, has been keeping me level-headed over the past few weeks. What can I say, must be that time of year or something, seems everyone's down in the doldrums for one reason or another.

Well, we all know what mine is (again, screws loose if you get my drift *points to head* ;) ) but it's all good, got my new meds today so yay for the Mental Health department of this fair city I live in *cough*bullshit*cough-cough* Now I can be normal just like everyone else... well, my idea of normal anyway (and it is a term I use loosely btw) Hehehe

Anyways, enuff chit-chat, here's the obligatory visual aids;

(took this like 3 hours ago so it's still pretty red and basic but the rest of the shading will be done over the next few weeks, so it's a start. Will add more as it develops ;) )


And for those of you in the know YES it IS Bam's tattoo! Only difference is mine has been modified/stylised to fit over a pre-existing tattoo that's in the centre there, an old Celtic sun that was a backyard job and needed to be fixed. Well I'm not a H.I.M. fan really I just loved the filagree design so the original heartogram that went in the centre of the tat has been replaced. I also have a 3-headed dragon and spiral wristband on the same arm and intend to replicate the grey monochrome from the dragon tat to this one so that they 'match'. It's still a work in progress but yeah, totally stoked!

Thanks Brandon ;)

Aside from that I have nothing else to say. Gotta see the tax man tomorrow *groan* F@#$%&* accountants! XD Oh, and I bought the Jackass Series box earlier, that was funny. Yeah...

*tackle hugs*

Take care and talk to yas later!

~Rav :D



New member
lol glad your having fun with jackass. the dudesons are so much better its ten knocks up from anything jackass can do. love the tattoo, its so killer, even if it isnt a HIM heart-o-gram, its still kick ***. yeah its funny your thanking him lol.
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