Ravyn's Journal


New member
Rav Rav Rav! Missed ya!

I heard about GJ and stuffff...its really upsetting.... and My heart goes out to both of you.... you are two great people and your friends ship spounds like somethinf extraordinary... So good luck, to the both of you! :D



New member

so YOU are Ravynlee! lol

had heard a lill about you..dont woorry, it was good stuff ;)

well, glad that you are back!

Take care




New member
ah!!! i forgot to press the **** post quick reply button!!!


WELCOME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!

sounds like u had quite a time!! lmao with half nakie guys you could never go wrong.....

uh..nevermind lol

so happy to see you and jammer alive and well!! lol

*runs around in circles*



New member
Wow, you're finally back. It's really been a while, hasn't it? People, including myself, have really been missing you around here. Wow, this sounds like I'm talking about someone who died or something! Anyway, welcome back! :thumbsup:


New member
Hey Ravyn got it all sorted out in Uni hope you hop online and check things out... this will be a good way to communicate during those long days ... Love you sister, see you when I get home..


New member
Awww... guys, I'm SO chuffed y'all took the time to say such sweet things to welcome me back. Am feelin' all misty eyed here, excuse me for a second...

*ahem* Okay. I'm composed. Wow. All I can say is wow. Vero, Woody, Viking, Rusu, SS1, TC7, and JammerG (natch!) I MISSED Y'ALL!!!


Man, makes me sound like a real narcissist, don't it? Hehehe. Ooops, sorry. Just feelin' loved. Am trying to get around and see everyone's journals again, no mean feat, have been out of the loop so long I feel like I'm starting all over again, aargh!! *pulls fistfuls of hair out!* Nah, not quite that bad...

Yeah, tis true me and JammerG have been goin through troublesome times, won't contest it, she's no doubt been keepin' y'all up to date so there's no need for me to repeat it, after all, who could say it best but her, she's livin' it, I'm just here to be her shoulder to cry on, and make her laugh 'til coffee comes out her nose at stupid jokes when she's feelin' blue, and so on... hey, that's what friends are for, huh? *chuckles*

Well, I do miss the surfers. I miss the beach. I haven't been up to much, writing a lot mostly, nothing much has changed, albeit Jammer's moving in and the associated dramas aside, so if I get organised I should get my but back on the boards a little more regularly now. Problem is I have nothing (intelligent) to say, (since when has that ever stopped me, I hear you ask, hehehe) but for the sake of continuity I'll just, y'know, make it up like I usually do and waffle on a bit. Sweet? Yeah, it's all good.

I'm ****** at the moment. My LPU4 gear's taking longer to arrive than the so called second coming of Christ (apologies to all Catholics I've henceforth insulted inadvertantly *as she s******s slyly*) and I'm about ready to tackle the mailman of his or her motorbike in frustration... *grr*

Well. On a lighter note I've got Rob-fever and my doctor tells me I shouldn't get over it anytime soon *rolls eyes and shakes head sarcastically* I know, I'm an idiot. I'm a tired idiot, I haven't been to bed yet and it's now nearly 2 the following afternoon. I'm gonna sleep well tonight... maybe. That is if my 'grandkids' don't keep me up all night... oh yeah, forgot to tell y'all...

My cat had kittens! 4 of them. Yes, I'm a grandma again. I need shooting. I keep going to get Nug (my cat) fixed up and then she gets out and gets up the stick (pregnant) again, so, there goes my plans. *sighs* Anyway, current grandkiddies are all fine. About 2 weeks old or will be soon, just starting to open eyes. Very vociferous. One caramel-ginger (like their Mum) and three grey/dark grey/tabby. Still cute. Can't wait to hear the pitter patter of 16 little feet running amok through my hallway at 3:00am again... wait up, yes I can. *Frowns like she thinks she's wearing Rob Bourdon's eyebrows, hehehe*

Um, what else? *Looking around room for things to talk about* Thats it really. My room is slowly becoming my shrine now (rather than spreading LP love throughout the house - I live with 2 other ppl, one is JammerG and she's a mad LP fan, the other lady is not, however) so when I get my LPU4 stuff it'll go up on the walls too... some of it. Shirts. Posters. My canvas Meteora bag I bought at Surfer's Paradise (****** awesome! Jammer and I both bought one!) and pix of Rob hanging above my computer. So what if I'm obsessed. That's for the courts to decide. hehehe.

Well, gotta go post in a few other journals before I finally collapse in a writhing mess again (ahh, sleep deprivation, how I've missed thee) and I need to go to the toilet REAL bad... like you wanted to know that huh? Okay, innr monologue is now becoming outter monologue... time to go...

Thanks for dropping by and entertaining me and welcoming me back and all that fuzzy stuff... Appreciated! Made my day, actually, so there ya go!

Take care y'all and talk to y'all again/dribble more **** later. Buh-bye,




New member
30 next year, hon. Scary innit? Try being me. That's even more frightening, hehehe.

In all truth I'm not that impressed about it either but *shrug* what can ya do, eh? If I acted my shoe size I'd be way too young. If I acted my IQ I'd be way too old. A person hasn't got a chance... or a clue. Speaking of which, how old are you???

aww i wish i was allowed to join lpu...im so deprived! I WANT LP STUFF (esp robness)...30 kool! At least you can do whatever you want and join the lpu and other ****! lol im turning 16 on the 25th of may....heheh i got my L's!!!
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