Ravyn's Journal


New member
LOL DUDE! *laughs insanely*

Well, Bob is not so much a national thing, but an inside joke between me and a few friends. My friend Rena has a husband named "Bob" and he ran away. Don't look at me like that! just becuase you can't see him, doesn't mean he ain't real! BELIEEEEEVE! *breaks out in song*

0>o sorry about that, Your friend sounds nice, Rav. I never met a Schizo (not to be mean) I always wondered how they acted. It must be rough for her. Give her my best! :D

And always my best, to you <3



New member
Yes you Bobby fan you... I think Ravyn has been given a loose enough leash around here to get everyone tangled the the Robbie web she weaves. heheheh. As her alter ego, her muse and her Artisitic sounding board (I KID YOU NOT) I can honestly say that ravynlee is really shy quiet and unintrusive, but get her on the subject of LP and man she is nothing less than an encyclopedia. Man what doesn't come out of her mouth doesn't need to be known. As for Shirts and that type of stuff I like the one ravyn wears that says "Have a nice cup of Joe and shut the F#$@ up! It is very nice and quite tastefully designed. Unlike my friends ex-boyfriend's which has an arrow pointing to his crotch and a sign that says "Mule Rides." HMMMMmmmm..

Anyway that is enough of my soap box for this quiet afternoon. Old man has gone to gym, am waiting for my eldest to get home...

See you tonight Ravyn.



New member
I know our Friend who suffers from multiple persnality disorder. her and Fatty are up north together. Miss em, love em. BUT THEY WON'T BE TAKING MY RAVYNLEE BACK UP THERE WITH THEM. It is just too hot. I CAN'T WAIT FOR FRIDAY,I CAN'T WAIT FOR FRIDAY,I CAN'T WAIT FOR FRIDAY,I CAN'T WAIT FOR FRIDAY.

why you ask.

COZ RAVYNLEE is visiting me. I can feel a rhyme coming on gotta go write...

bye guys/girls/Mixed



New member
hehehe GO FIFI! look at me :p

thats such a cute name ravynlee!

****! I've decided to call my daughter that!

I'm so ******* serious! its so cute.

its ravynlee or ayani. :p



New member
hehehe GO FIFI! look at me :p thats such a cute name ravynlee!

****! I've decided to call my daughter that!

I'm so ******* serious! its so cute.

its ravynlee or ayani. :p
*Awww gush* That's so sweet! Thankyou Woody! I'm so flattered! I'm... I'm speechless. Hehehehe. (That'd be a first, huh?) Yes, it's official, for once I have nothing to say...wow... You made my day! Thanks, Woody! (Ayani is a beautiful name, but I am biased I vote Ravynlee! Hehehe) :D



New member

Hello self!

Wow, I actually had a busy day today! Yes a real day offline, OMG! I'm off to JammerG's tomorrow and am looking forward to it, but a week away from my computer is gonna hurt. I'm tentative about leaving it as much as I am leaving my kids, oops, I mean, Cats. Hehehe. Had all these plans to do all these things... as usual got sidetracked. As if you couldn't tell by now I'm easily distracted and have a tendency to wander off on a tangent, on occasion. Sometimes. I know, hard to believe, but... Hehehe.

Well I had hoped to post last night but in all honesty after reading the then-4 pages at the 'LPF going under' thread I was feeling far too despondent to do much. Trully. So I wandered off again and had a break from the place, sort of allow everyone to get whatever had beefed them out of their system. So I've come back tonight to see how things are faring and to say toodles probably for about a week. *gasp* I'm trying hard not to hypreventilate here as I type this (besides, makes it hard to focus on the screen in such a state) as I try to envision my life, usually spent most often here if not at least @ the comp writing another rediculously mundane fic, WITHOUT my computer. Am going through the motions of withdrawal as we speak, *sobs, shakily as she wipes the perspiration from her clammy brow* Hehehe. Melodramatic, eh?

But I haven't caught up with my mate Jammer for what is it now, about three or four months, so I'm looking forward to it as much as I am kinda worried about it, nervous I mean... weird, and hard to explain. Yes, you know things aren't right with the world when Ravyn loses her tongue... that's twice tonight. Maybe I'm stressing. I'm sure I'll get over it... *sigh* Anyways.

Been doing the good job seeking thing, looking for work, may have some lined up when I get back so I'll keep my fingers crossed there. Of course it means I have to take all the jewellery out of my face *gasp* AGAIN *double gasp* but its worth it in the long run, I suppose. Back to normality for a bit I guess. I kinda like being a bit of an oddity... in a good way. Not the kind that makes little kids on the street stop and stare while their mother's struggle to usher them away as they point and go "Look at that lady, Mummy, she's funny!" (and not in a ha-ha funny way either, but a sarcastic roll-of-the-eyes funny) But you get my drift... Hehehe. (Wow, probably has to be the biggest explanation/load of codswallop I've ever heard in my life, next to a politician's explanation *she says wryly as she gives a finger to the law, in the spirit of anarchism*) Hehehe. Rav the rebel, you go girl, hehehe. :p

What **** was I drivelling, er... I mean, entertaining you with? *cheeky grin* Ah. Nothing. As usual. Nothing intelligent anyway. Hehehe. *pulls self aside (is that even possible?) 'Dude, don't say that **** out loud, okay?'* Hehehe. Oops, I swore, my bad. Gotta stop that too. Thanks ShinodaBear... Props to you for making me a better person, one small (huh?!) post a time. :D

The Church of Bourdon is momentarily on hiatus. I've had to reschedule construction ahead of my holiday to Jammer's (where I go on the prowl for other surfers of Rob's, shall we say, callibre? The awesome spunkiness that it must be to be Bourdon(some!) Hehehe. Play on words. She's so clever. *rolls eyes* Ahh, now I see what you dropped out of university for... idiot! Hehehe. It's all good. But now at Jammer's I have to contend with her Hahn-itus, I hope it's not contageous. (Intro: 'Cure for the Itch') Hehehe. I'll have to come home, lock myself in my study and plaster the walls with every pic of Bob (yes, I said Bob!) I can find and go all crazy-reclusive-artist type person, screaming disjointled curses and shaking my fist towards the heavens like i have Turets syndrome and occasionally uttering the word "Rob" before running off again into my decrepid little church in my buckskin lap-lap to climb the bell tower. Hehehe... ****** brow sarcastically for like 8th time tonight in this post alone* Jesus. I need help! Hehehe. This holiday is WAAYY overdue. *snickers* Mmmm... chocolate...

Well I dunno what else to say. I mean, I had a lot of sensible things to say but just kind of lost the plot again and then my post went all pearshaped and I'm starting to question my own sanity, here, really! Hehehe. On a lighter note, do you ever have one of those days when you can just relate particularly to a song (usually LP, cause, D'uh, they relate to everything so well!)? Well today it was Dedicated by LP. Don't know why. (Kinda makes me wanna break out in song again... :p But fortunately for everyone else I wont!) I'm really into that song lately. That, Hip Hop, Walking Dead, and Mr Hahn's remix of High Voltage. Can't get enough of those songs. They're on a continual loop in my CD/MP3 player. Love, love, love it!

Anyway. Guess I should go. My house mate is telling me to go to bed seeing as how I have to catch a 5:30am bus (and thats usually the time I've been crawling off to bed or thereabouts as of late! Hehehe, I'm so naughty!) and my **** is numb from sitting on the arm of the chair as I type this (don't want to disturb my cat sleeping on it. Awww, how's that for loved? Hehehe)

Well, guys, hopefully I'll be able to log online over at Jammer's but if I don't I look forward to catching up with you mad encourigable bunch next week! Take care and don't have too much fun without me... I'll get jealous. Hehehe.

All the best and hope to see (figuratively, not literally of course! Sheesh! Stalking one person is hard enough without trying to stalk an entire Forum! Hehehe, Oops!) you all very soon.

*Hugs abound to all who've stopped by* Equates to 70 hugs collectively or thereabouts, using the Chester-the-Molester 10-Hugs-a-day philosophy. Use it wisely. Hehehe. Bye ppls. Have to end transmission now or I'm gonna meet myself coming in on the way out (is that, like, even possible?)




New member
A whole week you'll be gone!?!? I'll miss you!!! *cries* As you said on my journal, we'll keep Rob's flame burning bright! ;)

lmao... you love talking to yourself, don't you? Only fooling!

Awwww, you have to take your pretty decorations out!!! :'(

omfg, that was hilarious! *shields eyes while looking uo at your from high utop the belltower* DON'T SLIP! hehe

*takes your eyebrows down* THERE! no more cocking of the brows! (hehehe, cocking... :p )

^___^ there are days when songs just won't get out of my head. (this morning: The Hand That Feeds by NIN...I WANT THEIR NEW CD WHEN IT COMES OUT!) Other days its songs that just decribe everything...and then it just gives you the shivers. ^.^ delightful/creepy!

*pictures you in a room with abour 20 camaras with screens of our lives playing in front of you*


*hugs you once for every day you'll be gone plus today, for cheering me up!*


Too many pictures of Rob, did you say? Is that, like, even possible??? Hehehe. Nah... If you think that's bad, just wait. I'm gonna endeavour to make my journal a testament to the awesome spunkiness (is that even a word?) that is Robert Gregory Bourdon. Sure his Mom would appreciate the thought, if nothing else, eh?Hold up, have to answer door...

*Sigh* Well it wasn't my fairy ***-mother, letting me live a day in 'Susan's' shoes (Rob's g/f) so that sucks.

But your cat Kola sounds cute! My boy Zed, the 13y/o is a tub-of-lard too, but he's got arthritis and asthma, if you can believe it, so he's not exactly the most energetic of animals anymore. My girl Nug, (I have a penchant for naming my pets weird things, see why I don't have kids?? :rolleyes: ) is about 2 and part Siamese. Very sweet and very shy. They're my family. Substitute children. I would say spoilt rotten but that's not always the case. If that were true I would spend more time with them rather than at my comp, but its a good thing feline's are independant creatures by nature and are prone to sleep a lot. Good thing sometimes.

Anyways, will head off again. Thanks for the interesting comments guys, always makes my day/night/early morning... you know what I mean.

TC everyone! :D

Sorry...haven't been on lpf in ages...so I'm a bit behind in ur journal..so I'll be posting comments to things from ages ago.... :p

1stly...you are absolutely right....can't get enough of that hot robby boi

2ndly...ur cats sound so gorgeous..aww arthritis and asthma? **** thats kinda bad...owell as long as he enjoys living like he does...

3rdly...didn't rob break up with susan? owell...I hope not...



New member
Guess where Ravyn is? At my place. sitting on a chair right beside me...


tonight we have...

Dyed eachothers hair...

put on mud masks...

watched a chic flick aka reese witherspoon in Vanity Fair

Eaten a fantastic meal cooked by a 1st class chef hmmhemm ME!!!

Eaten fruit and Chocolate...

Drunk and happy

So now I am thinking we go check out some guys for a little action....

In the centre of Surfers Paradise...


Have fun we are



New member
what colour did you dye ur hair? mine was dyed red today....but well i got black hair

so you know....it only showed up on my streaks but meh



New member
Hey Ravyn has red hair, I have Blu black as usual... Me going to miss Ravyn... She just told me that I am going to be with out her for the holidays... *JammerG Sobs* Bye Ravyn until we meet again... Tonight on MSN

Love you sister



New member
Hey Ravyn

Sorry I missed you last night, busy night at work and was ****** by the time I got home... Am missing you... tears sliding down cheeks unchecked as I let my heart out... I want my Ravyn sista back :(

Am online at 8am sunday...

finish at 8 tonight will be on then love you sista...



New member
Hey! Long time, no see, huh?

Wow, weird to be back. I have been on an extended holiday, was only supposed to last originally a week, and here it is almost a month later, and sooooo much has happened I don't even know where to start. Oh, wow (feels overwhelmed) I really don't know where to start...

If anyone's been keeping an eye on JammerG's journal, then you'll know what's going on with her. Inadvertently I kind of went along on a karmic journey, you could say.

I went to the Gold Coast to see my sister (JammerG) and had fun hanging with her and seeing the sites and genrally just chillin', perving on all the half-naked sufers *mmm, salivates over keyboard* As a keepsake I brought back a jar of sea water. That was the end of week one. A day or two later Jammer calls me up and tells me I have a job waiting for me back on the Coast if I want to go back and stay with her and her family, etc. After a day or two's deliberation I decide to take the risk and go back. To cut a long story short(-er, yeah, like that's even at all possible) I didn't get the job, but had fun perving at the surfers again (man, to be a beach bunny in my next life! Sweet as! Yay!) and after another week chilling with Jammer and her kin, decided to come home. Again. Except this time I didn't bring home a piece of the Coast, I brought home my best friend, who after 11 or so years of varying degrees of maltreatment and abuse, decided enough was enough and she left her husband and jumped on the bus along with me. Now, here we are, nearly two weeks later, and much has happened since. I haven't read JammerG's journal yet to know what she's been saying, needless to say, that's her business. I'm here to be her shoulder to cry on, her moral support, her drinking buddy (when the occasional whim arises), her fellow ovate and bard (Going hard on LP Fanfic!), and generally everything else a best friend should and does represent. She isn't my blood sister, but she's more dear to me than that. And no, to clarify, I'm not talking as in a relationship, Jesus-H-Christ, which, coincidentally, is what her delusional apparently-vilified-and-woe-and-betide-soon-to-be-ex-husband thinks, and literally told me as much (not so much face-to-face but via the telephone) that, and a lot worse... like I'm a home wrecker, ruined his family, his kids aren't allowed contact with me anymore, he's wiped his hands of me, I'm a drug addicted, lesbian **** (and I'm not even gay, go figure, and I haven't had *** in, like... well, none of your business, hehehe - Ooops! :p ) AND, if that's not enough to make your hair curl, he's also threatening legal action against me, for what I have no idea... I'm like... err... well, I'm numb. I'm here for Jammer, my best friend, my sister, my fellow writer, whom I've known for like, 6 or so years now, but the rest I'll deal with later. It's kind of the reason I've been offline so long, letting her settle in here to my place (we just set her room up yesterday! Cool!) and talk to you guys online while I sit back and do my own thing... which is usually write. Write LP Fanfic, Hallmark, which is worse! Hehehe. (Forgive me, guys, for I know not what I do... still! *Insert evil laughter here*)

Anyway, she needed time to get herself sorted, which she's still in the process of doing, but that's mostly the reason why. But I'm back now, as you can see, and I have so much time to make up for. I hope to be getting around to posting in some journals soon... For the moment I'm trawling the boards to catch up on the latest goss and happenings around here, I've been out of the loop for so long! I'm all... angsty-like! Hehehe.

Well, I'm guessing this post is probably long enough and my dear friend is pacing and having trouble sleeping. Think I'll go check on her. So for now I shall bid y'all a fair adieu, and hope to catch up again soon. There's a few (virtual) faces around here I've sorely missed and can't wait to catch up with y'all again... you should know who you are by now... hehehe *sly grin*

Okay, guys, thanks for your patience. See y'all again real soon.

Take care and all the best, and oh, it's about time we started seeing dear Robbie's face around here again, I think. So, here he is... my blessed Drummer Boy's Sig.

Thanks again,


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