Ravyn's Journal


New member

oooo u got another roomie!! awesome

if i acted my iq its pretty darn close to my age...my shoe size will never be quite as close but 9 is atleast past the half way mark....

kitty cattys r awesome...hehe *imagines them sitting on ur head* phwoar...how cool!!



New member
30 next year, hon. Scary innit? Try being me. That's even more frightening, hehehe.In all truth I'm not that impressed about it either but *shrug* what can ya do, eh? If I acted my shoe size I'd be way too young. If I acted my IQ I'd be way too old. A person hasn't got a chance... or a clue. Speaking of which, how old are you???
**** Ravyn, Do you think I will scare them when I tell them that I am 36 nearly 37.... hehehe

Best thing is I don't look it on a good day without makeup, Don't look it on a bad day either... I have no wrinkles or crows feet... It is part of my genetic make up.



New member
Hey, whassup ppls?

Not a terribly exciting day in general, but I always manage to wring a thesis out of less than that every other day it seems, so, here goes...

Listening to: At the moment, nothing. My fingers relentlessly tapping the keyboard as I type this. Waiting in anticipation for Foo Fighters 'My Hero' to finish downloading. Then, for the duration of the song, I'll be listening to that.

Thinking about: What I'm gonna say here... and my Hallmark ffic currently in the works with JammerG. And Rob (cause he's staring back at me from above my computer monitor... well, his pic is anyway, hehehe - oops! Psychosis in the making here, folks! *s******s*). And thinking Bearshare is slow tonight. And... man, I think too much... *shakes head in wonderment*

Whatever, on with the show.

Well, had the usual drama with JammerG's ex, (indirectly may I add, I was just an empathetic seething ball of rage this afternoon! Aparently, I have anger management issues... that's for the courts to decide *hehehe*) but again, I'll leave her to fill you in on the details there, if you haven't already, go read her journal posts to keep updated. Apart from that I didn't achieve a great deal, really. As far as contributing to the human race in general, I didn't solve world hunger and didn't (as far as I'm aware) save anyone else's life today, so on that score it sucked. Generally, it was another menial, self-indulgent day, kind of like a sunday, where I rode the emotional roller-coaster of my existence and drank near 3 litres of water to flush my system of pent-up-**** (literally and otherwsie) and spent much of the day on the john/can/toilet/loo/potty etc. That was my day. Excitement-plus, here, aint it just? *rolls eyes* Well... never claimed to live an extraordinarily interseting life. Except in my own head that is (just ask JammerG, aka, my 'evil' muse *grins*)

Kittens are fine. Cats are fine. Life in general is relatively fine. Weather is getting cooler now and that to me is **** fine. Except I miss my electric blanket (but that's like a whole other journal entry in itself). Can't wait for winter. LOVE the cold. A good day (weather wise) for me is grey, cloudy, windy, miserable, wet and cold... THAT'S a good day for me in my pessimistic view of the world. Explains a lot. Should be living in England, I'm told. Was born in the wrong country. Wish I was living in America. Then I'd really be into mischief (on a side note, how much jail time should one get for stalking and intentional lewd behaviour? Just curious. Watch out Rob, I'm 16hrs away... *muahahaha <--- evil cackle* Again, that's like a WHOLE other journal entry in itself, intent to stalk a celebrity (joking, naturally! Sheesh!) Like I ever would *takes a moment to readjust halo slipping from above head and looks about innocently*

Nutcase. *sigh*

*HUGE HUGS* to my pals here on the boards, keeping in contact, glad to see y'all are doin well and staying, for the most part, out of mischief. I can't cook, no, I don't WANT to cook to be more exact, so instead of handing out cookies or what not, I'll zip out to my freezer and bring back my pack of choc bickies to share amongst y'all, how's that??? It's all good, I hear you say? Sweet. *grins*

Uh... nothing else much happening. Life is just breezing along. No major plans, nothing to really talk about. I'm sure given the right subject matter (Rob?) I could waffle on for hours (can I?), but given that this already feels like my usual three-page spiel (no, really, can I??) I should end it now and bow out on a relative high note (please?!?)...

JammerG is trying to sleep in the next room and these walls here at my place are so thin it's a liability case just waiting to happen *chuckles* (It's a location joke, you've got to be here to understand, really) so this incessant key tapping is probably about to send her on a murderous rampage (well, that would give me something to write about, at least, eh? *laffs* Not to mention, do. Like running away from a knife wielding maniac might be SOMEONE'S brilliant idea of passing the time, but I don't really think it's my style. *shrug* At least I'd get plenty of fresh air and exercise, for a few brief moments, if nothing else, eh? *groans internally as she slaps her own forehead*

I really have to get off my journal now. I'm starting to concern myself, and the voices in my head agree it's not a sane thing. Hehehe. So, having mentioned chocolate above I'm gonna race off and go gorge myself... maybe. That or write more of my fic. Or just... linger. Might try being multitalented and do all three at once? Cool... now I have a goal. My therapist would be impressed. *S******s sarcastically*

Well, goodnight lovely ppl's. Or, actually, good morn. It's 1:15am here, now, at this very minute. Sleep is still a fair way off, but as I await that I'll prowl a few journals and see what other **** I can purge onto someone else... hehehe, let playtime commence...

Take care. This is Rav B(surname had to be deleted pending civil action by the order of claimant's lawyers) ****** brow at one's creativity. Helluva imagination, eh? Heheheuuuhhh, on second thoughts, not so good*

****** it. The Church of Bourdon neigh, will and MUST remain open. There's still too many to be converted. Ppl need to see the light, (by that I mean, the sheer spunkiness that is Rob 'I like to bang the **** out of drums' Bourdon) and achieve visual salvation... If Rob was eye candy his flavour would be chocolate. Rich, dark and too much is never enough, hehehe...

Man... I'm going now before I say something I can't delete/edit. Hehehe. Bye for now.

(....end of tape. Please turn over and press play to continue...)



New member
*inhales deeply*

wow... I always meet or exceed my weekly allowance of laughter when I visit your journal! lmao! you're just so gosh darn funny! I can just picture you...tapping away, in the dead of the morning, whilst gorging yourself with the chocolate, that is Bourdon, and fearing for you life, that will soon be taken by Jammer, ....lmao GREAT mental image! I beseach you! :D giggle meter---> 17

take care!



New member
Uh... Woody, were you refering to me or...?

Okay. That's Saturday done, effectively. It's like 9:16pm and I am far from sleepy, so... on with my latest post of whimsical nonscence... (sp?) or as I like to call it, ****.

Listening to: Rob Thomas 'Lonely No More' (F#*king love this song!! To quote my Lord *s******* "It Bumps.")

Thinking about: How much I love this song. And how ironic I have a thing for guys named Rob all of a sudden. And why I'm avoiding finishing my Hallmark fanfic. And that Milo smells yummy. And... I rekon I could write an entire journal entry on my thoughts alone (which, technically, I kinda do anyway, so, I guess it makes this entire sentence redundant! Huh! Now you kknow what goes on inside my purty (sp deliberate, say it with a southern drawl for full effect) lil head. Sacry, innit? *frowns wryly*

Windows open: WMP9, Bearshare, LPF, Word.

Wearing: Baggy jeans, baggy black and grey hoody, socks, obligatory underwear, stud in lip and nose, 4 earings, watch on wrong wrist, and bracelets. That's pretty conclusive actually. Feels like I just filled out a questionaire for the government, minus the usual question about what I've eaten and the last time I went to the potty. That's enough toilet humour. Think I overdid my quota last night. Leave the rest of the **** to... uh...

Okay. So, I haven't really done much today either. Actually, I did more today than I did yesterday, but when I look back at it I'm still amazed that I haven't slipped into a comatose state as yet, living my life in the fast lane as I do, hehehe. I helped JammerG do some sketches for her Mental Health posters thingy, but seeing as how I haven't cared to draw in like 6 months, what I did do today doesn't appeal to me. I've lost my creative edge... I'm losing myself. It's a depressing slide... if I could be moved enough beyond the complacent state of perpetual apathy my "happy pills" have me on, that is, of course. *sigh* Oh well, as long as it goes well for JammerG that's all that really counts. I reckon I could well write my LP fics all day everyday and probably keep going until either they (Linkin Park collectively) or I (being the idiot penning this diatribe) no longer exist. That's either sad or happy, depends on how you look at it I guess. Everything's a question of perception, (the age old glass-is-half-empty/full analogy, for example) that all depends on whether or not you actually look and see. You'd be amazed how much I in particular don't see in the course of a day. JammerG pulls me up quite frequently (or did) on seeing things... I guess in order for you to understand this conversation you need to understand what we do to prove our little theory. It's highly sexist, but fair turn-around for the modern woman I say.

She and I have a rating system, from 1-10, when we're anywhere and a cute guy passes. We raise fingers or call out what we personally rate him as. So far (in the queer old city of Woombaville where mostly everyone I know is gay or at least, will be) the highest we've ever seen is 8. I'm wondering what a 10 will hold that will so grad our attentions, make our jaws drop and bark like rabid dogs foaming at the mouth for in sheer appreciation...? Hmmm *frowns thoughtfully*

Anyway. Quite often Jammer's playing our rating game when I'm off in LaLaLand (I'm the official Governor and I don't even have an Austrian accent, go figure) and she has to pull me up and go, "Did you see him?" and subsequently gives me her rating, which to my dismay has usually been around 7 or 8 (which around here is remarkable. My neighbour, who's colourful nickname I've bestowed upon him I can't repeat it's that vulgar (not really) rates a minus 2-5. Depends on when he's revving his *** damned car.

Jammer and I just had a deep and meaningful about how she rates her favs out of LP, Mike and Joe. Think she said Mike's 7, Joe's 8, but I may have that wrong. Don't quote me. I said, "even Rob's not a 10" cause let's face it, I'm a true pessimist and there is no such thing as perfection, but he's at least 8, 8.5, pushing 9 on a good day. 9 with his shirt off. Hehehe. The more clothes he takes off the highre the number, that's what I say. Sounds terribly sexist, and you're probably right. I'm not ashamed to say so. Sue me if you feel so inclined, but be forwarned, there's a lineup. So to the back of the que and wait your turn. *s******s sarcastically* Droll, Rav, reeeally, droll, even for you. Uh hu. Anyway... what else?

This afternoon I laid about upside down on a shopping trolley in my front yard and made pictures out of the clouds while Jammer tried to read. That was fun. So was the rush of blood to the head when I sat up repeatedly. And so much cheaper than developing an expensive drug addiction! I have the solution, see?!? I also wrote about a page on my fic. That's about it. Watched TV. Ate. Jammer's a great cook. I swear, if she were a guy, and there was some kind of physical chemistry between us, and she looked like Rob Bourdon, or was even just American, I'd marry her. Hehehe. Like that's ever gonna happen! *rolls eyes again then wonders if it's just a nervous tick* Seriously, we're so opposite it makes me chuckle like a crazy person. Kind of apt, really. Hmm. Ecept, I don't have that piece of paper to prove it yet so... need to work on that I guess.

Kittens still good, cats still good. I am wondering what to do with myself, but then again, don't feel too inclined to strain myself tonight, at least intellectually (Shouldn't be hard, should it?) *again with the eye rolling* May end post here as I am distracted by too many things (uh hu) and have waffled on enough. I have nothing exciting to say, not like most other journals (see Twi's latest entry?!? I almost cried laffin! And sooo long! Yay Twi! Tryin' to outdo me in the waffling department, huh? Hmmm. *pulls serious Rob face, then get's a smack in the mouth for her troubles by the aggitated drummer* We'll just have to see about that)


*hugs* to all/****, anyone reading this far. You need more than a hug, man, have a chockie bickie, on the house! Love you. No seriously.

Well, Church of Bourdon is up and running. It's not official but it's there none the less. If you think he's *** you're in the right place, everyone else, just keep walkin, buddy (just joking. Rob can't be ***. I am. *s******s* Takes out a pen and adds 'Narcissistic Deity Complex' to list of Issues yet to be dealt with. My shrink's gonna be busy soon.) Too bad I don't have any recent pix I'd add them here to my post, I need the... uh, mental stimulation, yeah. Hehehe. Oops. Nearly fell out. *blush*

Well, thanks for stoppin by. Y'all come back now (if you can stomach it) and I (can't) promise I'll have interesting stuff (that I'll make up if I have to) in my next entry. Much love to everyone, cuz I'm feeling happy right now and wanna spread the love. I can also hear the kittens meowing and that's so darn cute I think I need a tissue. *s******s at self* Look after yourselves and take care and... um... yeah, it's all good!




New member

that is a long entry lol

do you mind that i stopped by in your journal? :D

sounds like you had a great day^^

sorry dunno what to say at the moment..

always a very boring person neh..

*with that ^ i mean moi :D *

my hamster is irritating me lol

he's making irritating noices..

ow sorry i'll shut up now and leave..




New member
Hello again Rav! *hugs*

kitties are so cute! I'm going to post some pictures in my journaL of my cat! :D

'Narcissistic Deity Complex' lmao

well, you take care, and I LOVE reading your rants! :D <3



New member
:eek: that is a long entry lol

do you mind that i stopped by in your journal? :D

sounds like you had a great day^^

sorry dunno what to say at the moment..

always a very boring person neh..

*with that ^ i mean moi :D *

my hamster is irritating me lol

he's making irritating noices..

ow sorry i'll shut up now and leave..

Hey heart, try to out do Ravyn with her journal entries... will come by later to check....

Hey baby, you just gotta remember to look around not within. Man saw some of the sexiest guys today this is just one




New member
Interesting game. I don't think that's sexist, I mean,who hasn't done that?

I liked that Austrian accent thing lol. I can't say I fell out of my chair (I've got great balance *looks concentrated*) but it was really funny :p :D



New member
I liked that Austrian accent thing lol. I can't say I fell out of my chair (I've got great balance *looks concentrated*) but it was really funny :p :D
Hi VIKING!!! Yay! You're back! How was your weekend? Don't worry, will swing by your journal soon and find out for myself, lazy sod I am.

You have great balance? Really?? I wish I had good balance. I'd love to be able to surf (I'd love even more if a certain drummer taught me, *s******s @ the Hallmark sentiment* Twit) or skateboard etc, but I can't even walk along a roadside gutter without falling off. One too many middle-ear infections as a kid has taken it's toll. I once sprained my ankle from falling a mere 2 inches off a gutter, and I once broke my big toe falling off the bottom step at my old place... how's that for pathetic? Having said that, I used to be able to ice-skate pretty well in high school, but that was a few years ago, *** only knows what I'm like now.

Yeah, I'm a walking klutz. And to make matters worse I'm only like 173cms tall (around 5'3" I think) so I can't even blame it on my height. And to make matters worse I've developed a kind of Vertigo over the last few months... *shakes head* Amusing ****, innit?



New member
Hi VIKING!!! Yay! You're back! How was your weekend? Don't worry, will swing by your journal soon and find out for myself, lazy sod I am.You have great balance? Really?? I wish I had good balance. I'd love to be able to surf (I'd love even more if a certain drummer taught me, *s******s @ the Hallmark sentiment* Twit) or skateboard etc, but I can't even walk along a roadside gutter without falling off. One too many middle-ear infections as a kid has taken it's toll. I once sprained my ankle from falling a mere 2 inches off a gutter, and I once broke my big toe falling off the bottom step at my old place... how's that for pathetic? Having said that, I used to be able to ice-skate pretty well in high school, but that was a few years ago, *** only knows what I'm like now.

Yeah, I'm a walking klutz. And to make matters worse I'm only like 173cms tall (around 5'3" I think) so I can't even blame it on my height. And to make matters worse I've developed a kind of Vertigo over the last few months... *shakes head* Amusing ****, innit?
Sorry about all those injuries. I know a girl who's always falling down stairs, just because she puts her foor in front of the other. You're not the only clumsy person out there. 173 cm? That's my dad's height. That's 5'8" I think.

What's a vertigo?



New member
OMG! YOU'RE BACK! *Jumps up and down screaming like an overexcited little girl* OMG"" *Hugz*! Welcome back!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lemme read your journal entries! *** why am I the last to know everything =(

I will edit this post, just hold on lol =D Ahh!!!! =D


Sorry. I just saw your journal and was like "OMG SHE'S BACK?!?!" and got over excited that I had to post before I actually read. How come I didn't know you came back *cries*. I feel left out heh. Aww I'm glad you're back! you bring back the humor and spark to the forums and thank *** your journals are the same as ever! They cracked me up so much! Hahah I love the way you type! Awesome! Of corse you were missed whilst you was gone! Msn has been a pain in the *** to me! Please please pleaseeeeeeeee download aim! Pretty please? *Flutters eyelashs*.

I haven't even told you I read your story!!! Meh, I was scared for some parts because it sounded so *Real* and some of the fan fic reminded me of what you described with you and JammerG. I hope all goes well for you! It's so nice to hear you're both looking out for each other as "sisters" and as best friends!!!

I love your writing and I'm dying for you to send me the next part! You will won't you hehe? I was at the edge of my seat thinking "WTF! What's gonna happen?! Nooooo!" =( Heh, you should write some PG ones and post in the writers corner. It'll give everybody an insight into your writing for those who didn't have the pleasure of reading your journal entries ^.^

It sounds like you had an awesome trip, checking out the surfer guys and stuff lol!!! Congratulations on being a grandma!!! <3 That's so sweet! It'll be really sweet if you had some pictures of the kittens, I love them to bits!

I would type more but I've gotta get off the computer in like... 5 mins. I've still got whining siblings =( I hope to catch you uhh, anywhere sometime! *cough* get aim *cough*. I hate msn, almost as much as yahoo but not quite so much. At least yahoo lets me log in ;) Ttyl and I've missed you tons! Haven't been the same without ya but you're back! :thumbsup: Wheeeeeeee!!!!



New member
Hey Ravyn, You aint a walking klutz and you aint 173 cm... You would be taller than me!! And I definitely know you aren't!!hehehe.. Now klutz's I think I am a bigger Klutz than you... How many stumbles and falls in one day... You might have lost your balanced but I've always said we were both a little imbalanced... hehehe

anyway let me remind you that I miss you and I gotta go back up to the library, so I hope that you will be ok when I get home tonight... well later today. So be good.

Love you sister...

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