Re: #flonk IRC chat

gregvk wrote:
> Timmay! <> wrote in
>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>> Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>>> Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>>>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>>>>> Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Isn't it about time for you to harvest the latest crop
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> of mushrooms from your buttcrack?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What the **** you are babbling on about now, cretin?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You mean you don't harvest them? You just let them grow
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> unchecked? I always figured you ate them on pizza or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> something.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why'd you try to change the subject? Does it bother you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> or something?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Because you're a newbie begging for attention.
>>>>>>>>>>> <shrug> You're an attention-starved butt-shroom farmer
>>>>>>>>>>> willing to put on a show for anyone who pays attention to
>>>>>>>>>>> you for more than five seconds.
>>>>>>>>>> In case it escaped your attention, newbie, you're the one who
>>>>>>>>>> started this thread.
>>>>>>>>> Nooooo, REALLY? ...You are very sharp. Don't ever let anyone
>>>>>>>>> tell you otherwise.
>>>>>>>> Do you have any idea how desperate you look when you combine
>>>>>>>> much snipping with poorly thought out sarcasm?
>>>>>>> Do you have any idea how desperate you look clinging to my shin?
>>>>>> Well?
>>>>> Good answer. <rolls eyes>
>>>> I've underestimated your stupidity.
>>> Goo

> Nice

Nice what?

>> That happens when you play with your organ too much.

> What exactly do you mean?
>>>>>>>>>> If anyone is attention-starved then it has to be you.
>>>>>>>> You're very busy with those snippers. Gonad shortage perchance?
>>>>>>> Please don't share your sexual fantasies. It's creepy.
>>>>>> I call you a gutless coward and you think that is a sexual
>>>>>> fantasy?
>>>>> No, you were publicly fantasizing about gonads; i.e., sex glands.
>>>>> You ****in perv.
>>>> Oh come on, its a well known fact you're a gutless coward and you
>>>> don't have any balls.
>>> There you go again, with your mind in my pants. Sicko.

>> You haven't got anything in your pants, you dickless moron.

> You

You what?

>>>>>>>>>>>> Does that bother you?
>>>>>>>>>>> You are hereby ordered to change the subject line again --
>>>>>>>>>>> but only if it bothers you.
>>>>>>>>> Obedience: Noted.
>>>>>>>> Meat Plow imitation: Noted.
>>>>>>> Obsession: Noted.
>>>>>> Lack of imagination: Noted.
>>>>> Imitating your superiors: Noted.
>>>> Nun clothing fetish: Noted.
>>> Inability to flame: Noted.

>> Nice PKB, newbie.

> Ignorance of what "PKB" means: Noted.
>>>>>>>>>> You are hereby ordered to change it
>>>>>>>>> Request denied, copycat boi.
>>>>>>>> You are hereby ordered to change it again.
>>>>>>>> <rolls eyes>
>>>>>>> Request denied. Again.
>>>>>> Well done for completing your task, newbie.
>>>>> No surprise that you regard utter noncompliance as total
>>>>> compliance.
>>>> You complied, dumb****. You changed the subject line, as ordered.
>>> You just keep telling yourself that, sweetpea.

>> You did

> You did what?
>>>> Do it again, as ordered.
>>> Do what again?

>> Change

> Change what?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You seem pretty fixated on what comes out of my arse.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> You mean you actually **** mushrooms? Damn. What the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> **** do you eat?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mushrooms, except they're unrecognisable from ****
>>>>>>>>>>> You actually poke around in your ****, looking for
>>>>>>>>>>> mushrooms?
>>>>>>>>>> I ate some mushrooms yesterday and today. They passed through
>>>>>>>>>> my digestive tract where nutrients were extracted and what
>>>>>>>>>> was left over was shat in a toilet bowl.
>>>>>>>>> Leave me out of your sick world.
>>>>>>>> I'm having a hard time figuring out where
>>>>>>> I imagine you have a hard time figuring out how to dress
>>>>>>> yourself.
>>>>>> You also imagine me growing mushrooms in my arse.
>>>>> That's not imagination, that's a fact.
>>>> <chuckle>
>>> Absence of denial: Noted.

>> Absence of intelligence: Noted.

> Your

Your what?

>>>>>> Would you like to share any other fantasies you have of me?
>>>>> For the umpteenth time, leave me
>>>> I think that was meant for your butt-ugly wife.
>>> You're married to your cousin, I bet.

>> You're the one living in the Appalachians, hillbillyboi.

> Wrong. ...But it's funny that you didn't deny being married to your
> cousin. LOL! Your family reunions must be awkward.
>>>>>>>> you come into the world of
>>>>>>>> toilet bowls, arses and ****,
>>>>>>> Please, keep it between you and your shrink.
>>>>>> When in doubt, simply avoid the topic, eh? I'm not sure how
>>>>>> you're in my 'sick world'.
>>>>> I'm not.
>>>> So the fat American at the door begging me to grow mushrooms in my
>>>> arse isn't you?
>>> Let's see a direct quote and the message-ID where I "begged" you to
>>> grow mushrooms in your butt.

>> When does a visit to someone's door generate a message ID, ****wit?

> Admission of

Admission of what?

>>>>>> Perhaps you could tell me where you fit into me
>>>>> Gay lames, now?
>>>> I've been womdering when you're going to start with them.
>>> There's the IKYABWAI that I predicted several posts back.

>> It's all you've done for three reply cycles.

> Then

Then what?

>>>>>> having a **** exactly? Do you make bog roll for a living? A
>>>>>> plumber specialising in shitters?
>>>>> WTF is your obsession with ****?
>>>> You keep posting it, newbie.
>>> Those are your words, not mine, stoopid.

>> You are the obsessed freak that brought up poking **** in this
>> thread.

> No, I asked

You asked what?

>>>>>>>>>>>> [...] (Whining about Diaper boy flushed.)
>>>>>>>>>>> So, the li'l butt-shroom farmer is a clip-n-run, post
>>>>>>>>>>> editing coward. I'm sure IKYABWAIs and mommy lames will
>>>>>>>>>>> follow.
>>>>>>>>>> Lets have a look at what I removed:
>>>>>>>>>>> Considering the xpost, that's gonna have the diaperboi
>>>>>>>>>>> running over to join the fun in, oh, about five seconds.
>>>>>>>>>>> /starts countdown timer
>>>>>>>>>>> 5... 4... 3...
>>>>>>>>>> You know what I think,
>>>>>>>>> I know that you think you're clever because you clipped
>>>>>>>>> something and then put it back after I teased you for clipping
>>>>>>>>> it.
>>>>>>>> Not really.
>>>>>>> YA RLY
>>>>>> I think
>>>>> Since when? If your posts are any indication, you haven't used
>>>>> your brain for years. Decades, even.
>>>> Given the poor quality of the opposition, is there really any need
>>>> to get out of first gear?
>>> Translation: "I'm just not trying! Ha, ha!"

>> Yeah, like that was a major surprise after your second reply.

> I was

You were what?

>>> ...That claim might be believable if you had ever posted anything
>>> that wasn't totally lame. But you never have. Ever.
>>>>>>>>> Here's a free nugget o' wisdom for ya: That doesn't make you
>>>>>>>>> clever. It makes you ****in stupid.
>>>>>>>>> [remainder of Dimmy's pathetic crying clipped out of pity]
>>>>>>>> Lets have a look at this 'pathetic crying':
>>>>>>>>>> I think you're a stupid, dull, unimaginitive individual who
>>>>>>>>>> has lurked in the flame groups and then decided to try his
>>>>>>>>>> hand at the flame game. Unfortunately you've overestimated
>>>>>>>>>> your own abilities and your error has forced you into
>>>>>>>>>> stringing together a bunch of alt.flame catchphrases in an
>>>>>>>>>> attempt to weasel out of the poor position you're in.
>>>>>>> You mean you actually want everyone to see your pathetic
>>>>>>> moaning, emo boi?
>>>>>> I don't see any pathetic moaning at all.
>>>>> I do. And anyone else who might be reading this does.
>>>> Your friends in email, eh?
>>> My email addy isn't valid, stoopid. Never has been.

>> Why the **** would anyone want to email a retard like you anyway?

> Nice

Nice what?

>>>>>>>> Are you intentionally snipping and repeating everything back to
>>>>>>>> me or are you just a ****ing idiot?
>>>>>>> You're just a ****ing idiot.
>>>>>> There is a familiar echo here.
>>>>> You asked a question and offered a couple of choices; that's my
>>>>> selection. Simple as that.
>>>> You're a ****ing idiot then.
>>> There is a familiar echo here.

>> That'll be the space when your brain was supposed to be.

> "When" my brain was supposed to be, huh. Autoflame Grade: A+
>>>>>>> But feel free to keep crying about it; your whining makes me
>>>>>>> smile.
>>>>>> You should look up the works of Pee Wee Herman as he'll improve
>>>>>> your alt.flame output by 1000%.
>>>>> I feel no need to increase my posting frequency.
>>>> Quality, not quantity, dumb****.
>>> Quality is something that you are clearly not qualified to comment
>>> on.

>> Nice IKY, dumb****.

> And my point is proven. (Thanks, Dimmy.)
>>>>>>>>>>>> You seem pretty fixated on what comes out of my arse.
>>>>>>>>>>> WTF is with that "arse" gibberish? This is not a Brit Zone;
>>>>>>>>>>> we use real English, around here, not that retarded
>>>>>>>>>>> blather that makes your teeth brown and crooked.
>>>>>>>>>> Everywhere is a Brit zone. In fifty years English will be the
>>>>>>>>>> language of business used throughout the world. The financial
>>>>>>>>>> capital of the world is London. All your monies are pouring
>>>>>>>>>> through our country and we're taking a cut and living off you
>>>>>>>>>> stupid, fat colonists while you cry your little hearts out
>>>>>>>>>> about the housing crash and the coming recession. You didn't
>>>>>>>>>> think that this position was luck, did you?
>>>>>>>>> First things first: Figure out how to keep your teeth from
>>>>>>>>> turning brown, and then move forward with your amusing
>>>>>>>>> little plans for world domination. HTH!!
>>>>>>>> We already dominate the world, you burger-scoffing fatbody.
>>>>>>> Sure, "the world" consisting of a few dreary little islands that
>>>>>>> nobody with any brains wants to inhabit. A land where
>>>>>>> toothpaste has yet to be produced or imported.
>>>>>> We'll happily let you keep the toothpaste because eating four
>>>>>> times as much as the rest of the world you certainly are going to
>>>>>> need it.
>>>>> LOL! So you think the quantity of food eaten is directly
>>>>> proportional to the potential for tooth decay?
>>>> Given that most Americans eat six meals a day, one would think that
>>>> they'd brush after every meal and thus they'd use more toothpaste.
>>> Wrong.

>> Post proof Americans don't eat six meals a day.

> Prove what?

>>> The main purpose of brushing, doofus, is to remove carbohydrates,
>>> acid and the bacteria that converts carbohydrates into acid (it's
>>> the acid that rots teeth). Depending on what one consumes, frequent
>>> brushing is not always necessary to maintain a healthy set of
>>> choppers.

>> You're an American so it'll be a few burgers and a mountain of fries.

> As opposed to

Opposed to what?

>> I'd be surprised if you have any teeth.

> I imagine you're surprised 24x7, even while asleep.
>>> ...Memorize that little nugget of wisdom, and you'll probably know
>>> more about dental hygiene than anyone within 500 miles of your
>>> shack.
>>>> But you don't do that, do you? You brush once a day and never after
>>>> a meal, right? If your teeth haven't been pulled out because
>>>> they're so rotten they must be horribly yellow. You fat, sweaty,
>>>> halitosis-ridden ****er.
>>> You sound upset.

>> You sound desperate.

> You sound retarded.
>>>>> ...My teeth aren't brown and crooked, how 'bout yours? <snicker>
>>>>>>>> If you're able to move forward with anything without having a
>>>>>>>> heart attack it'll be a minor miracle.
>>>>>> Those little snippers are going again.
>>>>> Why are you responding to your own words, ****up? ...Or is that a
>>>>> self- answering question?
>>>> You seem a tad touchy about your cowardly snipping.
>>> I just want to know why

>> Its because you're a hypocritical coward, n00b.

> Why'd you clip the question about your mushroom harvest? You weren't
> bothered by it, were you?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Why is that?
>>>>>>>>>>> Hey, you're the one who just admitted to digging in your own
>>>>>>>>>>> ****.
>>>>>>>>>> Really? I just admitted to eating mushrooms.
>>>>>>>>> Followed by a rather disgusting description of your bathroom
>>>>>>>>> habits, which apparently including poking around in your feces
>>>>>>>>> to verify that there aren't any mushrooms in it.
>>>>>>>> Really?
>>>>>>>> "I ate some mushrooms yesterday and today. They passed through
>>>>>>>> my digestive tract where nutrients were extracted and what was
>>>>>>>> left over was shat in a toilet bowl. I'll stop now as I'm sure
>>>>>>>> thats making you feel hungry."
>>>>>>>> I don't see anything about poking around in faeces there.
>>>>>> So you've finally admitted that 'poking around in ****' was a
>>>>>> figment of your imagination?
>>>>> Don't you know how a dictionary works?
>>>> Is that where you learnt to grow mushrooms in your arse?
>>> And other IKYABWAI. Gonna go for a third?

>> Where did you learn that mushrooms can grow in an arsecrack, n00b?

> You're the one who grows them. **** knows how. But considering that
> mushrooms grow on dead, decaying things, my guess is that your
> personal hygiene is ****in atrocious.
>>>>>>>> In fact, the
>>>>>>>> only place 'poking around in feces' appears is in your
>>>>>>>> imagination.
>>>>>>> So you think you're a mind reader, now. LOL
>>>>>> I don't need to read your mind, newbie.
>>>>> Nice backpedal.
>>>> Nice snip.
>>> Nice lie.

>> Nice involuntary bowel movement.

> Nice evasion.
>>>>>> You've written down the output
>>>>>> of your imagination and posted it to Usenet. In addition to
>>>>>> 'poking around in feces' you've added the gem of 'growing
>>>>>> muchrooms in your arse' too.
>>>>> All I asked was when your next butt-mushroom harvest was due.
>>>> You've eaten the grocery shop out again , gutbucket?
>>> You sell your butt-mushrooms to a grocer? Gross.

>> You can also buy food from a grocery store.

> Your butt-mushrooms qualify as food?
>> It isn't just fast food takeaways you know.

> We don't have "takeaways" here -- that must be some stupid Brit thing.
>>>>>>>> you couple that 'growing mushrooms in a buttcrack' there is a
>>>>>>>> pattern emerging which involves your imagination, arses and
>>>>>>>> ****.
>>>>>>> You're broadcasting your bathroom habits to the world. I'm not.
>>>>>> The only thing being broadcast to the world is your imagination
>>>>>> which seems to consist of 'poking around in feces' and 'growing
>>>>>> mushrooms in your arse'.
>>>>> It's an undeniable fact that you grow mushrooms in your buttcrack.
>>>> I think you've been eating too many mushrooms of a different kind.
>>> And what kind would that be?

>> The magic ones, lackwit.

> And what kind would those be?
>>>>> No imagination is involved.
>>>> Which is a good thing since you don't have one.
>>> Way to discredit everything you've ever tried (or ever might try) to
>>> claim about my imagination. Dumbass.

>> You don't have an imagination, n00b.

> So you said. Which is funny, since it pretty much discredits about
> half of all the lames you've made.
>>>>>>>>>> You seem to have a fixation with my ****, my arse and some
>>>>>>>>>> curious practice of growing muchrooms in an arsecrack. Have
>>>>>>>>>> you been smoking crack?
>>>>>>>> Well? Is it crack you've been smoking?
>>>>>>> Of course not.
>>>>>> So what mind-altering substances have you been smoking to imagine
>>>>>> such things as 'growing mushrooms in your arse'?
>>>>> I don't imagine
>>>> That much is obvious.
>>>>> I grow mushrooms in my "arse"
>>>> Good of you to finally come out.
>>> Third IKYABWAI. Wonder if there's a fourth further down. <snicker>

>> Good job it didn't get past ten or you would have lost count.

> Probably the only reason you posted as many as you did is because
> you lost count.
>>>>> I know you grow them in your buttcrack, though.
>>>> Eaten all your own mushrooms I guess?
>>> I don't eat mushrooms.

>> You wouldn't say that if they were fried and put inside a burger bun.

> But I did say that. Now try to come up with a "point" based on
> reality, m'kay?
>>>>>>> Like I said before, leave me out of your sick world.
>>>>>> You butted into this thread, newbie.
>>>>> And what a wonderful show it's produced. Yay, me.
>>>> It certainly did. I don't think I've seen a newbie waddle into
>>>> alt.flame and tell everyone he grows mushrooms in his arse before.
>>>> It was certainly a first.
>>> Fourth IKYABWAI! LOL

>> "I grow mushrooms in my "arse"" - Some n00b.

> Cite?
>>>>>>> (It took you two days come up with this ****?
>>>>>>> Pa-a-a-athetic.)
>>>>>> Now your imagination has me hunched over my computer typing a
>>>>>> reply to your post for two whole days.
>>>>> I'm sure you took breaks to go poke around in your ****.
>>>> <chuckle>
>>> Oh, damn, I was hoping for a fifth IKYABWAI. You quitter.

>> You were hoping for a brain too. Never mind, maybe on your next trip
>> to Oz.

> <yawn>

But they spend 90% of their time standing there looking stupid and (in
your case) eyeballing everyone and wondering how they look naked.
gregvk on what he thinks WalMart greeters do.

In the immortal words of
gregvk wrote:
> "dracosilv" <> wrote in
> news:48554cc4$0$4268$
>> gregvk wrote:
>>> LOL! So you think the quantity of food eaten is directly
>>> proportional to the potential for tooth decay? Is that what you're
>>> saying? Because it sure sounds like it, and that's probably the
>>> dumbest thing I've heard or read for months .

>> Well it would, if the food and drinks eaten were sugary. But I guess
>> that thought escaped that head of yours.

> No. Your understanding of dental hygiene has apparently never
> progressed beyond your distant childhood, when mommy told you that
> the Candy Bugs would make all your teeth fall out if you didn't brush
> 'em before beddy-bye time.

Nice baby-projection there greggie.
> Sugar doesn't decay teeth. Acid does. And there is no way to
> correlate potential for decay with quantities consumed, because the
> acid levels in your mouth fluctuate wildly depending on what bacteria
> are in your mouth, what's in the food you eat,

Like sugary foods?

> and how long the food is in your mouth.

Like if you eat a lot of sugary foods, your mouth would have a HIGH
concentration of sugar most of the time.

> Ponder that for a while, st00pid.

Quit talking about yourself in the third person like that...

But they spend 90% of their time standing there looking stupid and (in
your case) eyeballing everyone and wondering how they look naked.
gregvk on what he thinks WalMart greeters do.

In the immortal words of
gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>Timmay! <> wrote:
>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>>>Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>>>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>>>>>Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Isn't it about time for you to harvest the latest crop
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>of mushrooms from your buttcrack?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What the **** you are babbling on about now, cretin?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>You mean you don't harvest them? You just let them grow
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>unchecked? I always figured you ate them on pizza or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Why'd you try to change the subject? Does it bother you or
>>>>>>>>>>>> Because you're a newbie begging for attention.
>>>>>>>>>>><shrug> You're an attention-starved butt-shroom farmer
>>>>>>>>>>>willing to put on a show for anyone who pays attention to you
>>>>>>>>>>>for more than five seconds.
>>>>>>>>>> In case it escaped your attention, newbie, you're the one who
>>>>>>>>>> started this thread.
>>>>>>>>>Nooooo, REALLY? ...You are very sharp. Don't ever let anyone
>>>>>>>>>tell you otherwise.
>>>>>>>> Do you have any idea how desperate you look when you combine
>>>>>>>> much snipping with poorly thought out sarcasm?
>>>>>>>Do you have any idea how desperate you look clinging to my shin?
>>>>>> Well?
>>>>>Good answer. <rolls eyes>
>>>> I've underestimated your stupidity.

>Nice snippage, coward.

Nice hypocritical whine, you gutless freak.

>> That happens when you play with your organ too much.

>What exactly do you mean?

Ask your parents about the birds and the bees.

>>>>>>>>>>If anyone is attention-starved then it has to be you.
>>>>>>>> You're very busy with those snippers. Gonad shortage perchance?
>>>>>>>Please don't share your sexual fantasies. It's creepy.
>>>>>> I call you a gutless coward and you think that is a sexual
>>>>>> fantasy?
>>>>>No, you were publicly fantasizing about gonads; i.e., sex glands.
>>>>>You ****in perv.
>>>> Oh come on, its a well known fact you're a gutless coward and you
>>>> don't have any balls.
>>>There you go again, with your mind in my pants. Sicko.

>> You haven't got anything in your pants, you dickless moron.

>You just can't get your mind off my crotch.

I call you a gutless coward and you still think that is a sexual
fantasy. There's no hope for you.

>>>>>>>>>>>> Does that bother you?
>>>>>>>>>>>You are hereby ordered to change the subject line again -- but
>>>>>>>>>>>only if it bothers you.
>>>>>>>>>Obedience: Noted.
>>>>>>>> Meat Plow imitation: Noted.
>>>>>>>Obsession: Noted.
>>>>>> Lack of imagination: Noted.
>>>>>Imitating your superiors: Noted.
>>>> Nun clothing fetish: Noted.
>>>Inability to flame: Noted.

>> Nice PKB, newbie.


Yes, what you posted is.

>>>>>>>>>> You are hereby ordered to change it
>>>>>>>>>Request denied, copycat boi.
>>>>>>>> You are hereby ordered to change it again.
>>>>>>>> <rolls eyes>
>>>>>>>Request denied. Again.
>>>>>> Well done for completing your task, newbie.
>>>>>No surprise that you regard utter noncompliance as total compliance.
>>>> You complied, dumb****. You changed the subject line, as ordered.
>>>You just keep telling yourself that, sweetpea.

>> You did


Hey n00b.

>>>> Do it again, as ordered.
>>>Do what again?

>> Change



>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You seem pretty fixated on what comes out of my arse.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>You mean you actually **** mushrooms? Damn. What the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>**** do you eat?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Mushrooms, except they're unrecognisable from ****
>>>>>>>>>>>You actually poke around in your ****, looking for mushrooms?
>>>>>>>>>> I ate some mushrooms yesterday and today. They passed through
>>>>>>>>>> my digestive tract where nutrients were extracted and what was
>>>>>>>>>> left over was shat in a toilet bowl.
>>>>>>>>>Leave me out of your sick world.
>>>>>>>> I'm having a hard time figuring out where
>>>>>>>I imagine you have a hard time figuring out how to dress yourself.
>>>>>> You also imagine me growing mushrooms in my arse.
>>>>>That's not imagination, that's a fact.
>>>> <chuckle>
>>>Absence of denial: Noted.

>> Absence of intelligence: Noted.


Hello again, n00b.

>>>>>> Would you like to share any other fantasies you have of me?
>>>>>For the umpteenth time, leave me
>>>> I think that was meant for your butt-ugly wife.
>>>You're married to your cousin, I bet.

>> You're the one living in the Appalachians, hillbillyboi.


Hillbillyboi embarrassment: Noted.

>>>>>>>> you come into the world of
>>>>>>>> toilet bowls, arses and ****,
>>>>>>>Please, keep it between you and your shrink.
>>>>>> When in doubt, simply avoid the topic, eh? I'm not sure how you're
>>>>>> in my 'sick world'.
>>>>>I'm not.
>>>> So the fat American at the door begging me to grow mushrooms in my
>>>> arse isn't you?
>>>Let's see a direct quote and the message-ID where I "begged" you to
>>>grow mushrooms in your butt.

>> When does a visit to someone's door generate a message ID, ****wit?

>Admission of lying: Noted.

When does a visit to someone's door generate a message ID, ****wit?

>>>>>> Perhaps you could tell me where you fit into me
>>>>>Gay lames, now?
>>>> I've been womdering when you're going to start with them.
>>>There's the IKYABWAI that I predicted several posts back.

>> It's all you've done for three reply cycles.

>Then why didn't you call me on them, doofus?

You seemed to be on a roll.

>>>>>> having a **** exactly? Do you make bog roll for a living? A
>>>>>> plumber specialising in shitters?
>>>>>WTF is your obsession with ****?
>>>> You keep posting it, newbie.
>>>Those are your words, not mine, stoopid.

>> You are the obsessed freak that brought up poking **** in this thread.



>>>>>>>>>>>> [...] (Whining about Diaper boy flushed.)
>>>>>>>>>>>So, the li'l butt-shroom farmer is a clip-n-run, post editing
>>>>>>>>>>>coward. I'm sure IKYABWAIs and mommy lames will follow.
>>>>>>>>>> Lets have a look at what I removed:
>>>>>>>>>>>Considering the xpost, that's gonna have the diaperboi running
>>>>>>>>>>>over to join the fun in, oh, about five seconds.
>>>>>>>>>>>/starts countdown timer
>>>>>>>>>>>5... 4... 3...
>>>>>>>>>> You know what I think,
>>>>>>>>>I know that you think you're clever because you clipped
>>>>>>>>>something and then put it back after I teased you for clipping
>>>>>>>> Not really.
>>>>>>>YA RLY
>>>>>> I think
>>>>>Since when? If your posts are any indication, you haven't used your
>>>>>brain for years. Decades, even.
>>>> Given the poor quality of the opposition, is there really any need
>>>> to get out of first gear?
>>>Translation: "I'm just not trying! Ha, ha!"

>> Yeah, like that was a major surprise after your second reply.

>I'm such a failure.

I know.

>>>...That claim might be believable if you had ever posted anything that
>>>wasn't totally lame. But you never have. Ever.
>>>>>>>>>Here's a free nugget o' wisdom for ya: That doesn't make you
>>>>>>>>>clever. It makes you ****in stupid.
>>>>>>>>>[remainder of Dimmy's pathetic crying clipped out of pity]
>>>>>>>> Lets have a look at this 'pathetic crying':
>>>>>>>>>>I think you're a stupid, dull, unimaginitive individual who has
>>>>>>>>>>lurked in the flame groups and then decided to try his hand at
>>>>>>>>>>the flame game. Unfortunately you've overestimated your own
>>>>>>>>>>abilities and your error has forced you into stringing together
>>>>>>>>>>a bunch of alt.flame catchphrases in an attempt to weasel out
>>>>>>>>>>of the poor position you're in.
>>>>>>>You mean you actually want everyone to see your pathetic
>>>>>>>moaning, emo boi?
>>>>>> I don't see any pathetic moaning at all.
>>>>>I do. And anyone else who might be reading this does.
>>>> Your friends in email, eh?
>>>My email addy isn't valid, stoopid. Never has been.

>> Why the **** would anyone want to email a retard like you anyway?

>Nice backpedal.

Well? Why the **** would anyone want to email a retard like you?

>>>>>>>> Are you intentionally snipping and repeating everything back to
>>>>>>>> me or are you just a ****ing idiot?
>>>>>>>You're just a ****ing idiot.
>>>>>> There is a familiar echo here.
>>>>>You asked a question and offered a couple of choices; that's my
>>>>>selection. Simple as that.
>>>> You're a ****ing idiot then.
>>>There is a familiar echo here.

>> That'll be the space where your brain was supposed to be.

>"When" my brain was supposed to be, huh. Autoflame Grade: A+

Desperate typo pounce: Noted.

>>>>>>>But feel free to keep crying about it; your whining makes me
>>>>>> You should look up the works of Pee Wee Herman as he'll improve
>>>>>> your alt.flame output by 1000%.
>>>>>I feel no need to increase my posting frequency.
>>>> Quality, not quantity, dumb****.
>>>Quality is something that you are clearly not qualified to comment on.

>> Nice IKY, dumb****.

>And my point

Put it away. Save it for the piggies, hillbillyboi.

>>>>>>>>>>>> You seem pretty fixated on what comes out of my arse.
>>>>>>>>>>>WTF is with that "arse" gibberish? This is not a Brit Zone;
>>>>>>>>>>>we use real English, around here, not that retarded blather
>>>>>>>>>>>that makes your teeth brown and crooked.
>>>>>>>>>> Everywhere is a Brit zone. In fifty years English will be the
>>>>>>>>>> language of business used throughout the world. The financial
>>>>>>>>>> capital of the world is London. All your monies are pouring
>>>>>>>>>> through our country and we're taking a cut and living off you
>>>>>>>>>> stupid, fat colonists while you cry your little hearts out
>>>>>>>>>> about the housing crash and the coming recession. You didn't
>>>>>>>>>> think that this position was luck, did you?
>>>>>>>>>First things first: Figure out how to keep your teeth from
>>>>>>>>>turning brown, and then move forward with your amusing little
>>>>>>>>>plans for world domination. HTH!!
>>>>>>>> We already dominate the world, you burger-scoffing fatbody.
>>>>>>>Sure, "the world" consisting of a few dreary little islands that
>>>>>>>nobody with any brains wants to inhabit. A land where toothpaste
>>>>>>>has yet to be produced or imported.
>>>>>> We'll happily let you keep the toothpaste because eating four
>>>>>> times as much as the rest of the world you certainly are going to
>>>>>> need it.
>>>>>LOL! So you think the quantity of food eaten is directly
>>>>>proportional to the potential for tooth decay?
>>>> Given that most Americans eat six meals a day, one would think that
>>>> they'd brush after every meal and thus they'd use more toothpaste.

>> Post proof Americans don't eat six meals a day.

>Prove that they do since that's your claim.

They're all so ****ing fat. There. Done.

>>>The main purpose of brushing, doofus, is to remove carbohydrates,
>>>acid and the bacteria that converts carbohydrates into acid (it's the
>>>acid that rots teeth). Depending on what one consumes, frequent
>>>brushing is not always necessary to maintain a healthy set of

>> You're an American so it'll be a few burgers and a mountain of fries.

>As opposed to sheep intestines stuffed with offal and cold, lumpy
>potatoes, all washed down with squirrel urine? ...I win.

Only if I was Scottish, which by the grace of god I'm not. You lose.

>> I'd be surprised if you have any teeth.

>I imagine


>>>...Memorize that little nugget of wisdom, and you'll probably know
>>>more about dental hygiene than anyone within 500 miles of your shack.
>>>> But you don't do that, do you? You brush once a day and never after
>>>> a meal, right? If your teeth haven't been pulled out because they're
>>>> so rotten they must be horribly yellow. You fat, sweaty,
>>>> halitosis-ridden ****er.
>>>You sound upset.

>> You sound desperate.


Hello yet again, n00b.

>>>>>...My teeth aren't brown and crooked, how 'bout yours? <snicker>
>>>>>>>>If you're able to move forward with anything without having a
>>>>>>>>heart attack it'll be a minor miracle.
>>>>>> Those little snippers are going again.
>>>>>Why are you responding to your own words, ****up? ...Or is that a
>>>>>self- answering question?
>>>> You seem a tad touchy about your cowardly snipping.
>>>I just want to know why

>> Its because you're a hypocritical coward, n00b.


Blame your parents. Its down to their genes.

>>>>>>>>>>>> Why is that?
>>>>>>>>>>>Hey, you're the one who just admitted to digging in your own
>>>>>>>>>> Really? I just admitted to eating mushrooms.
>>>>>>>>>Followed by a rather disgusting description of your bathroom
>>>>>>>>>habits, which apparently including poking around in your feces
>>>>>>>>>to verify that there aren't any mushrooms in it.
>>>>>>>> Really?
>>>>>>>> "I ate some mushrooms yesterday and today. They passed through
>>>>>>>> my digestive tract where nutrients were extracted and what was
>>>>>>>> left over was shat in a toilet bowl. I'll stop now as I'm sure
>>>>>>>> thats making you feel hungry."
>>>>>>>> I don't see anything about poking around in faeces there.
>>>>>> So you've finally admitted that 'poking around in ****' was a
>>>>>> figment of your imagination?
>>>>>Don't you know how a dictionary works?
>>>> Is that where you learnt to grow mushrooms in your arse?
>>>And other IKYABWAI. Gonna go for a third?

>> Where did you learn that mushrooms can grow in an arsecrack, n00b?


Hello again, n00b.

>>>>>>>> In fact, the
>>>>>>>> only place 'poking around in feces' appears is in your
>>>>>>>> imagination.
>>>>>>>So you think you're a mind reader, now. LOL
>>>>>> I don't need to read your mind, newbie.
>>>>>Nice backpedal.
>>>> Nice snip.
>>>Nice lie.

>> Nice involuntary bowel movement.


Spit it out, you illiterate loon.

>>>>>> You've written down the output
>>>>>> of your imagination and posted it to Usenet. In addition to
>>>>>> 'poking around in feces' you've added the gem of 'growing
>>>>>> muchrooms in your arse' too.
>>>>>All I asked was when your next butt-mushroom harvest was due.
>>>> You've eaten the grocery shop out again , gutbucket?
>>>You sell your butt-mushrooms to a grocer? Gross.

>> You can also buy food from a grocery store.


Hello again, n00b.

>> It isn't just fast food takeaways you know.

>We don't have "takeaways" here -- that must be some stupid Brit thing.

That's because you're all so fat and lazy you get someone else to
fetch them.

>>>>>>>> you couple that 'growing mushrooms in a buttcrack' there is a
>>>>>>>> pattern emerging which involves your imagination, arses and
>>>>>>>> ****.
>>>>>>>You're broadcasting your bathroom habits to the world. I'm not.
>>>>>> The only thing being broadcast to the world is your imagination
>>>>>> which seems to consist of 'poking around in feces' and 'growing
>>>>>> mushrooms in your arse'.
>>>>>It's an undeniable fact that you grow mushrooms in your buttcrack.
>>>> I think you've been eating too many mushrooms of a different kind.
>>>And what kind would that be?

>> The magic ones, lackwit.

>And what kind would those be?

Magic ones, duh.

>>>>>No imagination is involved.
>>>> Which is a good thing since you don't have one.
>>>Way to discredit everything you've ever tried (or ever might try) to
>>>claim about my imagination. Dumbass.

>> You don't have an imagination, n00b.

>So you said.

And you prove every post.

>>>>>>>>>>You seem to have a fixation with my ****, my arse and some
>>>>>>>>>>curious practice of growing muchrooms in an arsecrack. Have you
>>>>>>>>>>been smoking crack?
>>>>>>>> Well? Is it crack you've been smoking?
>>>>>>>Of course not.
>>>>>> So what mind-altering substances have you been smoking to imagine
>>>>>> such things as 'growing mushrooms in your arse'?
>>>>>I don't imagine
>>>> That much is obvious.
>>>>>I grow mushrooms in my "arse"
>>>> Good of you to finally come out.
>>>Third IKYABWAI. Wonder if there's a fourth further down. <snicker>

>> Good job it didn't get past ten or you would have lost count.


Glad you appreciate you've got poor maths too, hillbillyboi.

>>>>>I know you grow them in your buttcrack, though.
>>>> Eaten all your own mushrooms I guess?
>>>I don't eat mushrooms.

>> You wouldn't say that if they were fried and put inside a burger bun.

>But I did say that.

You said nothing about a burger bun, dickface.

>Now try to come up with a "point" based on reality, m'kay?

You grow mushrooms is your arse, n00b.

>>>>>>>Like I said before, leave me out of your sick world.
>>>>>> You butted into this thread, newbie.
>>>>>And what a wonderful show it's produced. Yay, me.
>>>> It certainly did. I don't think I've seen a newbie waddle into
>>>> alt.flame and tell everyone he grows mushrooms in his arse before.
>>>> It was certainly a first.

>> "I grow mushrooms in my "arse"" - Some n00b.


The message ID is in the reference line, noob.

>>>>>>>(It took you two days come up with this ****? Pa-a-a-athetic.)
>>>>>> Now your imagination has me hunched over my computer typing a
>>>>>> reply to your post for two whole days.
>>>>>I'm sure you took breaks to go poke around in your ****.
>>>> <chuckle>
>>>Oh, damn, I was hoping for a fifth IKYABWAI. You quitter.

>> You were hoping for a brain too. Never mind, maybe on your next trip
>> to Oz.


Great reply. <guffaw>


"I wonder if aft realises they're taking killfile advice from Usenet's
No.1 newsgroup invader?" Fifth-rate Suzieflame pays homage in
dracosilv wrote:
>gregvk wrote:


>> No. Your understanding of dental hygiene has apparently never
>> progressed beyond your distant childhood, when mommy told you that
>> the Candy Bugs would make all your teeth fall out if you didn't brush
>> 'em before beddy-bye time.

>Nice baby-projection there greggie.

..___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____ .___
| | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ | |
| | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \| |
| | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \ |
|___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__ /___|
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/


>> Ponder that for a while, st00pid.

>Quit talking about yourself in the third person like that...

..___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____ .___
| | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ | |
| | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \| |
| | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \ |
|___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__ /___|
\/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

Wow. Two textbook IKYABWAIs in one post. You're on a roll, gerboperv.

Flamer to the Gentry -- Prof. IACW -- mhm 20x8 -- "ludus non nisi sanguineus"
It exists. Thanks, Bozo.

"Did you graduate college? Have you even gone to college? Cause I've done
both, which is something I think you haven't done, because you are getting
all upset when I am proving how intelligent."

Jonathan "don't call me a homo" Herr proving how intelligent in

"I make over a $100 a day"
Walla Walla's very own Jamos Ludbunski bragging about his $24000 Wal-Mart salary
'Menjy' wrote:
> dracosilv wrote:
>> gregvk wrote:

> [...]
>>> No. Your understanding of dental hygiene has apparently never
>>> progressed beyond your distant childhood, when mommy told you that
>>> the Candy Bugs would make all your teeth fall out if you didn't
>>> brush 'em before beddy-bye time.

>> Nice baby-projection there greggie.

> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____ .___
>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ | |
>> | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \| |
>> | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \ |
>> ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__ /___|

> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

Well where did it come from then? I recall no such thing in MY childhood,
so I assume it came from yours.

>>> Ponder that for a while, st00pid.

>> Quit talking about yourself in the third person like that...

> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____ .___
>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ | |
>> | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \| |
>> | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \ |
>> ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__ /___|

> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
> Wow. Two textbook IKYABWAIs in one post. You're on a roll, gerboperv.

You're dumber than I thought. Gerbils are your thing, dragons are mine.
Get it right next time.
But they spend 90% of their time standing there looking stupid and (in
your case) eyeballing everyone and wondering how they look naked.
gregvk on what he thinks WalMart greeters do.

In the immortal words of
"dracosilv" <> wrote in

> 'Menjy' wrote:
>> dracosilv wrote:
>>> gregvk wrote:

>> [...]
>>>> No. Your understanding of dental hygiene has apparently never
>>>> progressed beyond your distant childhood, when mommy told you that
>>>> the Candy Bugs would make all your teeth fall out if you didn't
>>>> brush 'em before beddy-bye time.
>>> Nice baby-projection there greggie.

>> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____ .___
>>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ | |
>>> | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \| |
>>> | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \ |
>>> ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__ /___|

>> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

> Well where did it come from then?

Actually, you're the first one to mention babies, here.

>>>> Ponder that for a while, st00pid.
>>> Quit talking about yourself in the third person like that...

>> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____ .___
>>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ | |
>>> | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \| |
>>> | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \ |
>>> ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__ /___|

>> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
>> Wow. Two textbook IKYABWAIs in one post. You're on a roll, gerboperv.

> You're dumber than I thought. Gerbils are your thing, dragons are
> mine.

Another IKYABWAI. Whatta surprise.
gregvk wrote:
> "dracosilv" <> wrote in
> news:48568d8e$0$7725$
>> 'Menjy' wrote:
>>> dracosilv wrote:
>>>> gregvk wrote:
>>> [...]
>>>>> No. Your understanding of dental hygiene has apparently never
>>>>> progressed beyond your distant childhood, when mommy told you that
>>>>> the Candy Bugs would make all your teeth fall out if you didn't
>>>>> brush 'em before beddy-bye time.
>>>> Nice baby-projection there greggie.
>>> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____ .___
>>>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ | |
>>>> | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \| |
>>>> | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \ |
>>>> ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__ /___|
>>> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/

>> Well where did it come from then?

> Actually, you're the first one to mention babies, here.

I'm not referrring to that, I'm referring to gregvk's statement above that,
one about some sort of weird things he calls "Candy Bugs"...
>>>>> Ponder that for a while, st00pid.
>>>> Quit talking about yourself in the third person like that...
>>> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____ .___
>>>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ | |
>>>> | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \| |
>>>> | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \ |
>>>> ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__ /___|
>>> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
>>> Wow. Two textbook IKYABWAIs in one post. You're on a roll,
>>> gerboperv.

>> You're dumber than I thought. Gerbils are your thing, dragons are
>> mine.

> Another IKYABWAI. Whatta surprise.

Well then, how did you come up with (and are constantly referring to)
gerbils when referencing fursuiting?

But they spend 90% of their time standing there looking stupid and (in
your case) eyeballing everyone and wondering how they look naked.
gregvk on what he thinks WalMart greeters do.

In the immortal words of
gerboperv wrote:
>gregvk wrote:
>> gerboperv wrote
>>> 'Menjy' wrote:
>>>> gerboperv wrote:
>>>>> gregvk wrote:


>>>>>> No. Your understanding of dental hygiene has apparently never
>>>>>> progressed beyond your distant childhood, when mommy told you that
>>>>>> the Candy Bugs would make all your teeth fall out if you didn't
>>>>>> brush 'em before beddy-bye time.
>>>>> Nice baby-projection there greggie.
>>>> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____ .___
>>>>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ | |
>>>>> | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \| |
>>>>> | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \ |
>>>>> ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__ /___|
>>>> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
>>> Well where did it come from then?

>> Actually, you're the first one to mention babies, here.

>I'm not referrring to that, I'm referring to gregvk's statement above that

To whom do you think you're responding here, you silly, furry little homo?

Flamer to the Gentry -- Prof. IACW -- mhm 20x8 -- "ludus non nisi sanguineus"
It exists. Thanks, Bozo.

"Did you graduate college? Have you even gone to college? Cause I've done
both, which is something I think you haven't done, because you are getting
all upset when I am proving how intelligent."

Jonathan "don't call me a homo" Herr proving how intelligent in

"I make over a $100 a day"
Walla Walla's very own Jamos Ludbunski bragging about his $24000 Wal-Mart salary
'gerboperv' wrote:
> dracosilv wrote:
>> gerboperv wrote:
>>> dracosilv wrote
>>>> 'gerboperv' wrote:
>>>>> dracosilv wrote:
>>>>>> gerboperv wrote:

> [...]
>>>>>>> No. Your understanding of dental hygiene has apparently never
>>>>>>> progressed beyond your distant childhood, when mommy told you
>>>>>>> that the Candy Bugs would make all your teeth fall out if you
>>>>>>> didn't brush 'em before beddy-bye time.
>>>>>> Nice baby-projection there greggie.
>>>>> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____
>>>>> .___
>>>>>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ |
>>>>>> | | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \|
>>>>>> | | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \
>>>>>> | ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__
>>>>>> /___|
>>>>> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
>>>> Well where did it come from then?
>>> Actually, you're the first one to mention babies, here.

>> I'm not referrring to that, I'm referring to gregvk's statement
>> above that

> To whom do you think you're responding here, you silly, furry little
> homo?

First off, you two act so alike that it's hard to tell (or even care) who's
who, and when you guys mess with the attribs, it gets even harder. So I
really don't care which one of you two I'm speaking to, since to me, you act
like two heads on one body.

But my question (which you never seem to answer) is why do you think I'm a
furry? Sure I appreciate the artwork and the costumes (they obviously put a
LOT of HARD work into them), but what about that makes me one of them?
Your logic has holes big enough to pass a star through.

But they spend 90% of their time standing there looking stupid and (in
your case) eyeballing everyone and wondering how they look naked.
gregvk on what he thinks WalMart greeters do.

In the immortal words of
"dracosilv" <> wrote in

> gregvk wrote:
>> "dracosilv" <> wrote in
>> news:48568d8e$0$7725$
>>> 'Menjy' wrote:
>>>> dracosilv wrote:
>>>>> gregvk wrote:
>>>> [...]
>>>>>> No. Your understanding of dental hygiene has apparently never
>>>>>> progressed beyond your distant childhood, when mommy told you
>>>>>> that the Candy Bugs would make all your teeth fall out if you
>>>>>> didn't brush 'em before beddy-bye time.
>>>>> Nice baby-projection there greggie.
>>>> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____ .___
>>>>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ | |
>>>>> | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \| |
>>>>> | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \ |
>>>>> ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__
>>>>> /___|
>>>> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
>>> Well where did it come from then?

>> Actually, you're the first one to mention babies, here.

> I'm not referrring to that, I'm referring to gregvk's statement above

Please, feel free to employ second person pronouns when talking to me
about me. ...You ****in retard.

> that, one about some sort of weird things he calls "Candy Bugs"...

Inability to follow a thread for more than two posts: Noted.

>>>>>> Ponder that for a while, st00pid.
>>>>> Quit talking about yourself in the third person like that...
>>>> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____ .___
>>>>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ | |
>>>>> | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \| |
>>>>> | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \ |
>>>>> ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__
>>>>> /___|
>>>> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
>>>> Wow. Two textbook IKYABWAIs in one post. You're on a roll,
>>>> gerboperv.
>>> You're dumber than I thought. Gerbils are your thing, dragons are
>>> mine.

>> Another IKYABWAI. Whatta surprise.

> Well then, how did you come up with (and are constantly referring to)
> gerbils when referencing fursuiting?

Just WTF have you been smoking. sniffing, snorting, drinking, injecting,
huffing or swimming in today, you silly little homo?
'Menjy' <> wrote in

> gerboperv wrote:
>>gregvk wrote:
>>> gerboperv wrote
>>>> 'Menjy' wrote:
>>>>> gerboperv wrote:
>>>>>> gregvk wrote:

> [...]
>>>>>>> No. Your understanding of dental hygiene has apparently never
>>>>>>> progressed beyond your distant childhood, when mommy told you
>>>>>>> that the Candy Bugs would make all your teeth fall out if you
>>>>>>> didn't brush 'em before beddy-bye time.
>>>>>> Nice baby-projection there greggie.
>>>>> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____
>>>>> .___
>>>>>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ |
>>>>>> | ||
>>>>>> | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \|
>>>>>> | |
>>>>>> | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \
>>>>>> | | |
>>>>>> ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__
>>>>>> /___|
>>>>> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
>>>> Well where did it come from then?
>>> Actually, you're the first one to mention babies, here.

>>I'm not referrring to that, I'm referring to gregvk's statement above

> To whom do you think you're responding here, you silly, furry little
> homo?

You, probably.

Apparently he gets confused when there are more than two people involved
in a conversation.
gregvk wrote:
> "dracosilv" <> wrote in
> news:4856ac4e$0$7711$
>> gregvk wrote:
>>> "dracosilv" <> wrote in
>>> news:48568d8e$0$7725$
>>>> 'Menjy' wrote:
>>>>> dracosilv wrote:
>>>>>> gregvk wrote:
>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>> No. Your understanding of dental hygiene has apparently never
>>>>>>> progressed beyond your distant childhood, when mommy told you
>>>>>>> that the Candy Bugs would make all your teeth fall out if you
>>>>>>> didn't brush 'em before beddy-bye time.
>>>>>> Nice baby-projection there greggie.
>>>>> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____
>>>>> .___
>>>>>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ |
>>>>>> | | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \|
>>>>>> | | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \
>>>>>> | ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__
>>>>>> /___|
>>>>> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
>>>> Well where did it come from then?
>>> Actually, you're the first one to mention babies, here.

>> I'm not referrring to that, I'm referring to gregvk's statement above

> Please, feel free to employ second person pronouns when talking to me
> about me. ...You ****in retard.

I'll admit that it's hard to tell you two apart, since you talk with the
same level of intelligence and might stoop so low as to munge the attribs as

>> that, one about some sort of weird things he calls "Candy Bugs"...

> Inability to follow a thread for more than two posts: Noted.

When it's you and Menjy, it's difficult to understand who I'm talking to,
what with you guys acting pretty much the same intelligence wise, not to
mention all the weirdness and stupidity you bring to the table.

>>>>>>> Ponder that for a while, st00pid.
>>>>>> Quit talking about yourself in the third person like that...
>>>>> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____
>>>>> .___
>>>>>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ |
>>>>>> | | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \|
>>>>>> | | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \
>>>>>> | ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__
>>>>>> /___|
>>>>> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
>>>>> Wow. Two textbook IKYABWAIs in one post. You're on a roll,
>>>>> gerboperv.
>>>> You're dumber than I thought. Gerbils are your thing, dragons are
>>>> mine.
>>> Another IKYABWAI. Whatta surprise.

>> Well then, how did you come up with (and are constantly referring to)
>> gerbils when referencing fursuiting?

> Just WTF have you been smoking. sniffing, snorting, drinking,
> injecting, huffing or swimming in today, you silly little homo?

Never done that sort of thing, I'm not into abusing my body in that way.
You on the other hand, that's another story. And BTW... Nice backpedal.
Now answer the question. I may have mentioned fursuiting, (and I don't deny
that), but how and why did YOU latch on to GERBILS as a 'mark' of

But they spend 90% of their time standing there looking stupid and (in
your case) eyeballing everyone and wondering how they look naked.
gregvk on what he thinks WalMart greeters do.

In the immortal words of
gregvk wrote:
> 'Menjy' <> wrote in
>> gerboperv wrote:
>>> gregvk wrote:
>>>> gerboperv wrote
>>>>> 'Menjy' wrote:
>>>>>> gerboperv wrote:
>>>>>>> gregvk wrote:

>> [...]
>>>>>>>> No. Your understanding of dental hygiene has apparently never
>>>>>>>> progressed beyond your distant childhood, when mommy told you
>>>>>>>> that the Candy Bugs would make all your teeth fall out if you
>>>>>>>> didn't brush 'em before beddy-bye time.
>>>>>>> Nice baby-projection there greggie.
>>>>>> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____
>>>>>> .___
>>>>>>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ |
>>>>>>> | ||
>>>>>>> | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \|
>>>>>>> | |
>>>>>>> | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \
>>>>>>> | | |
>>>>>>> ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__
>>>>>>> /___|
>>>>>> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
>>>>> Well where did it come from then?
>>>> Actually, you're the first one to mention babies, here.
>>> I'm not referrring to that, I'm referring to gregvk's statement
>>> above that

>> To whom do you think you're responding here, you silly, furry little
>> homo?

> You, probably.
> Apparently he gets confused when there are more than two people
> involved in a conversation.

When it involves you two, it DOES get confusing. You both sound and act
the same. It's like two heads on the same body. Why I wouldn't even be
shocked if one of you happened to be a sock of the other. Your intelligence
level and your style is about the same.

But they spend 90% of their time standing there looking stupid and (in
your case) eyeballing everyone and wondering how they look naked.
gregvk on what he thinks WalMart greeters do.

In the immortal words of
"dracosilv" <> wrote in

> gregvk wrote:
>> 'Menjy' <> wrote in
>>> gerboperv wrote:
>>>> gregvk wrote:
>>>>> gerboperv wrote
>>>>>> 'Menjy' wrote:
>>>>>>> gerboperv wrote:
>>>>>>>> gregvk wrote:
>>> [...]
>>>>>>>>> No. Your understanding of dental hygiene has apparently never
>>>>>>>>> progressed beyond your distant childhood, when mommy told you
>>>>>>>>> that the Candy Bugs would make all your teeth fall out if you
>>>>>>>>> didn't brush 'em before beddy-bye time.
>>>>>>>> Nice baby-projection there greggie.
>>>>>>> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____
>>>>>>> .___
>>>>>>>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ |
>>>>>>>> | ||
>>>>>>>> | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \|
>>>>>>>> | |
>>>>>>>> | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \
>>>>>>>> | | |
>>>>>>>> ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__
>>>>>>>> /___|
>>>>>>> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
>>>>>> Well where did it come from then?
>>>>> Actually, you're the first one to mention babies, here.
>>>> I'm not referrring to that, I'm referring to gregvk's statement
>>>> above that
>>> To whom do you think you're responding here, you silly, furry little
>>> homo?

>> You, probably.
>> Apparently he gets confused when there are more than two people
>> involved in a conversation.

> When it involves you two, it DOES get confusing.

Especially when MSOE automatically identifies exactly who wrote what.

> You both sound and
> act the same. It's like two heads on the same body. Why I wouldn't
> even be shocked if one of you happened to be a sock of the other.

A fun game of Guess The Troll is currently underway in a different
thread; it's clearly marked in the subject line. Feel free to go add
your guesses.
"dracosilv" <> wrote in

> gregvk wrote:
>> "dracosilv" <> wrote in
>> news:4856ac4e$0$7711$
>>> gregvk wrote:
>>>> "dracosilv" <> wrote in
>>>> news:48568d8e$0$7725$
>>>>> 'Menjy' wrote:
>>>>>> dracosilv wrote:
>>>>>>> gregvk wrote:
>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>>> No. Your understanding of dental hygiene has apparently never
>>>>>>>> progressed beyond your distant childhood, when mommy told you
>>>>>>>> that the Candy Bugs would make all your teeth fall out if you
>>>>>>>> didn't brush 'em before beddy-bye time.
>>>>>>> Nice baby-projection there greggie.
>>>>>> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____
>>>>>> .___
>>>>>>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ |
>>>>>>> | | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \|
>>>>>>> | | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \
>>>>>>> | ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__
>>>>>>> /___|
>>>>>> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
>>>>> Well where did it come from then?
>>>> Actually, you're the first one to mention babies, here.
>>> I'm not referrring to that, I'm referring to gregvk's statement
>>> above

>> Please, feel free to employ second person pronouns when talking to me
>> about me. ...You ****in retard.

> I'll admit that it's hard to tell you two apart, since you talk with
> the same level of intelligence and might stoop so low as to munge the
> attribs as well.

Nobody "munged" anything. You're just an idiot.

>>> that, one about some sort of weird things he calls "Candy Bugs"...

>> Inability to follow a thread for more than two posts: Noted.

> When it's you and Menjy, it's difficult to understand who I'm talking
> to, what with you guys acting pretty much the same intelligence wise,
> not to mention all the weirdness and stupidity you bring to the table.

Yeah, it's too bad MSOE doesn't make it perfectly ****in obvious exactly
who wrote what. Maybe you should email a suggestion to Microsoft and ask
them to add such a feature to the next release.

>>>>>>>> Ponder that for a while, st00pid.
>>>>>>> Quit talking about yourself in the third person like that...
>>>>>> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____
>>>>>> .___
>>>>>>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ |
>>>>>>> | | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \|
>>>>>>> | | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \
>>>>>>> | ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__
>>>>>>> /___|
>>>>>> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
>>>>>> Wow. Two textbook IKYABWAIs in one post. You're on a roll,
>>>>>> gerboperv.
>>>>> You're dumber than I thought. Gerbils are your thing, dragons are
>>>>> mine.
>>>> Another IKYABWAI. Whatta surprise.
>>> Well then, how did you come up with (and are constantly referring
>>> to) gerbils when referencing fursuiting?

>> Just WTF have you been smoking. sniffing, snorting, drinking,
>> injecting, huffing or swimming in today, you silly little homo?

> Never done that sort of thing, I'm not into abusing my body in that
> way. You on the other hand, that's another story. And BTW... Nice
> backpedal. Now answer the question. I may have mentioned fursuiting,
> (and I don't deny that), but how and why did YOU latch on to
> GERBILS as a 'mark' of fursuiting?

See this?

Your search - gerbil (fursuit OR furry OR furfag) author:gregvk - did
not match any documents.

.... That is why I asked what you've been smoking, sniffing, etc, today.

OTOH, there's this:

Results 1 - 10 of 28 for gerbil (fursuit OR furry OR furfag)

....Which means you're still being a retard and forgetting who you're even
addressing (even though MSOE makes it clear as day).
gregvk wrote:
> "dracosilv" <> wrote in
> news:4857145a$0$7716$
>> gregvk wrote:
>>> "dracosilv" <> wrote in
>>> news:4856ac4e$0$7711$
>>>> gregvk wrote:
>>>>> "dracosilv" <> wrote in
>>>>> news:48568d8e$0$7725$
>>>>>> 'Menjy' wrote:
>>>>>>> dracosilv wrote:
>>>>>>>> gregvk wrote:
>>>>>>> [...]
>>>>>>>>> No. Your understanding of dental hygiene has apparently never
>>>>>>>>> progressed beyond your distant childhood, when mommy told you
>>>>>>>>> that the Candy Bugs would make all your teeth fall out if you
>>>>>>>>> didn't brush 'em before beddy-bye time.
>>>>>>>> Nice baby-projection there greggie.
>>>>>>> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____
>>>>>>> .___
>>>>>>>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ |
>>>>>>>> | | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\
>>>>>>>> \| | | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / |
>>>>>>>> \
>>>>>>>>> ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__
>>>>>>>> /___|
>>>>>>> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
>>>>>> Well where did it come from then?
>>>>> Actually, you're the first one to mention babies, here.
>>>> I'm not referrring to that, I'm referring to gregvk's statement
>>>> above
>>> Please, feel free to employ second person pronouns when talking to
>>> me about me. ...You ****in retard.

>> I'll admit that it's hard to tell you two apart, since you talk with
>> the same level of intelligence and might stoop so low as to munge the
>> attribs as well.

> Nobody "munged" anything. You're just an idiot.

Well maybe not here, but I know one of you (don't recall, don't care to look
it up) did such a thing in the past.
>>>> that, one about some sort of weird things he calls "Candy Bugs"...
>>> Inability to follow a thread for more than two posts: Noted.

>> When it's you and Menjy, it's difficult to understand who I'm talking
>> to, what with you guys acting pretty much the same intelligence wise,
>> not to mention all the weirdness and stupidity you bring to the
>> table.

> Yeah, it's too bad MSOE doesn't make it perfectly ****in obvious
> exactly who wrote what. Maybe you should email a suggestion to
> Microsoft and ask them to add such a feature to the next release.
>>>>>>>>> Ponder that for a while, st00pid.
>>>>>>>> Quit talking about yourself in the third person like that...
>>>>>>> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____
>>>>>>> .___
>>>>>>>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ |
>>>>>>>> | | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\
>>>>>>>> \| | | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / |
>>>>>>>> \
>>>>>>>>> ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__
>>>>>>>> /___|
>>>>>>> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
>>>>>>> Wow. Two textbook IKYABWAIs in one post. You're on a roll,
>>>>>>> gerboperv.
>>>>>> You're dumber than I thought. Gerbils are your thing, dragons
>>>>>> are mine.
>>>>> Another IKYABWAI. Whatta surprise.
>>>> Well then, how did you come up with (and are constantly referring
>>>> to) gerbils when referencing fursuiting?
>>> Just WTF have you been smoking. sniffing, snorting, drinking,
>>> injecting, huffing or swimming in today, you silly little homo?

>> Never done that sort of thing, I'm not into abusing my body in that
>> way. You on the other hand, that's another story. And BTW... Nice
>> backpedal. Now answer the question. I may have mentioned fursuiting,
>> (and I don't deny that), but how and why did YOU latch on to
>> GERBILS as a 'mark' of fursuiting?

> See this?
> Your search - gerbil (fursuit OR furry OR furfag) author:gregvk - did
> not match any documents.
> ... That is why I asked what you've been smoking, sniffing, etc,
> today.

The reason that gregvk has no posts is because of his noarchive header, so
that point is moot.
> OTOH, there's this:
> Results 1 - 10 of 28 for gerbil (fursuit OR furry OR furfag)
> author:menjy
> ...Which means you're still being a retard and forgetting who you're
> even addressing (even though MSOE makes it clear as day).

Your 'posts' are nothing more than replies to other people that HAPPEN to
have the word gerbil contained within.

But they spend 90% of their time standing there looking stupid and (in
your case) eyeballing everyone and wondering how they look naked.
gregvk on what he thinks WalMart greeters do.

In the immortal words of
We have a report from the alt.flame Dynamics Officer that dracosilv has
exploded. Flight director confirms that:


>> To whom do you think you're responding here, you silly, furry little
>> homo?

>First off, you two act so alike that it's hard to tell

But it's quite easy to

ad88888ba 88888888ba 88 888b 88
d8" "8b 88 "8b 88 8888b 88
Y8, 88 ,8P 88 88 `8b 88
`Y8aaaaa, 88aaaaaa8P' 88 88 `8b 88
`"""""8b, 88""""""' 88 88 `8b 88
`8b 88 88 88 `8b 88
Y8a a8P 88 88 88 `8888
"Y88888P" 88 88 88 `888

isn't it, Mini-Moulton?

The 2-Belo [the2beloATmsdDOTbiglobeDOTneDOTjp]
alt.flame alt.alien.vampire.flonk.flonk.flonk

"I kept hearing this 'untz... untz... untz... untz...' sound in the
background of all the music. Fun time, though; lots of young kids with
dilated pupils." -- Bob Dylan, after a visit to a rave party
Timmay! <> wrote in

> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>Timmay! <> wrote:
>>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>>Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>>>>Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>>>>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> gregvk <greg@nospam.okthx> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Timmay! <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Isn't it about time for you to harvest the latest crop
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>of mushrooms from your buttcrack?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> What the **** you are babbling on about now, cretin?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>You mean you don't harvest them? You just let them grow
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>unchecked? I always figured you ate them on pizza or
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Why'd you try to change the subject? Does it bother you or
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Because you're a newbie begging for attention.
>>>>>>>>>>>><shrug> You're an attention-starved butt-shroom farmer
>>>>>>>>>>>>willing to put on a show for anyone who pays attention to you
>>>>>>>>>>>>for more than five seconds.
>>>>>>>>>>> In case it escaped your attention, newbie, you're the one who
>>>>>>>>>>> started this thread.
>>>>>>>>>>Nooooo, REALLY? ...You are very sharp. Don't ever let anyone
>>>>>>>>>>tell you otherwise.
>>>>>>>>> Do you have any idea how desperate you look when you combine
>>>>>>>>> much snipping with poorly thought out sarcasm?
>>>>>>>>Do you have any idea how desperate you look clinging to my shin?
>>>>>>> Well?
>>>>>>Good answer. <rolls eyes>
>>>>> I've underestimated your stupidity.

>>Nice snippage, coward.

> Nice hypocritical whine, you gutless freak.

Nice IKYABWAI, PeeWee.

>>> That happens when you play with your organ too much.

>>What exactly do you mean?

> Ask your parents about the birds and the bees.

And what exactlt do "the birds and the bees" have to do with organ playing?

>>>>>>>>>>>If anyone is attention-starved then it has to be you.
>>>>>>>>> You're very busy with those snippers. Gonad shortage perchance?
>>>>>>>>Please don't share your sexual fantasies. It's creepy.
>>>>>>> I call you a gutless coward and you think that is a sexual
>>>>>>> fantasy?
>>>>>>No, you were publicly fantasizing about gonads; i.e., sex glands.
>>>>>>You ****in perv.
>>>>> Oh come on, its a well known fact you're a gutless coward and you
>>>>> don't have any balls.
>>>>There you go again, with your mind in my pants. Sicko.
>>> You haven't got anything in your pants, you dickless moron.

>>You just can't get your mind off my crotch.

> I call you a dickless moron and you still think that is a sexual
> fantasy.

Fixed those typos for ya.

> There's no hope for you.

That your personal motto? I ought to be.

>>>>>>>>>>>>> Does that bother you?
>>>>>>>>>>>>You are hereby ordered to change the subject line again -- but
>>>>>>>>>>>>only if it bothers you.
>>>>>>>>>>Obedience: Noted.
>>>>>>>>> Meat Plow imitation: Noted.
>>>>>>>>Obsession: Noted.
>>>>>>> Lack of imagination: Noted.
>>>>>>Imitating your superiors: Noted.
>>>>> Nun clothing fetish: Noted.
>>>>Inability to flame: Noted.
>>> Nice PKB, newbie.


> Yes, what you posted is.

Nice snippage, coward.

>>>>>>>>>>> You are hereby ordered to change it
>>>>>>>>>>Request denied, copycat boi.
>>>>>>>>> You are hereby ordered to change it again.
>>>>>>>>> <rolls eyes>
>>>>>>>>Request denied. Again.
>>>>>>> Well done for completing your task, newbie.
>>>>>>No surprise that you regard utter noncompliance as total compliance.
>>>>> You complied, dumb****. You changed the subject line, as ordered.
>>>>You just keep telling yourself that, sweetpea.
>>> You did


> Hey n00b.

Yet more snippage. How pathetic.

>>>>> Do it again, as ordered.
>>>>Do what again?
>>> Change


> Charlie?

Snip-snip-snippety-snip. You're pretty much spanked; you're just too dumb
to know when to cut your losses.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> You seem pretty fixated on what comes out of my arse.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>You mean you actually **** mushrooms? Damn. What the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>**** do you eat?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Mushrooms, except they're unrecognisable from ****
>>>>>>>>>>>>You actually poke around in your ****, looking for mushrooms?
>>>>>>>>>>> I ate some mushrooms yesterday and today. They passed through
>>>>>>>>>>> my digestive tract where nutrients were extracted and what was
>>>>>>>>>>> left over was shat in a toilet bowl.
>>>>>>>>>>Leave me out of your sick world.
>>>>>>>>> I'm having a hard time figuring out where
>>>>>>>>I imagine you have a hard time figuring out how to dress yourself.
>>>>>>> You also imagine me growing mushrooms in my arse.
>>>>>>That's not imagination, that's a fact.
>>>>> <chuckle>
>>>>Absence of denial: Noted.
>>> Absence of intelligence: Noted.


> Hell

Such language!

>>>>>>> Would you like to share any other fantasies you have of me?
>>>>>>For the umpteenth time, leave me
>>>>> I think that was meant for your butt-ugly wife.
>>>>You're married to your cousin, I bet.
>>> You're the one living in the Appalachians, hillbillyboi.


> Hillbillyboi embarrassment: Noted.

Hillbilly fetish: Noted.

>>>>>>>>> you come into the world of
>>>>>>>>> toilet bowls, arses and ****,
>>>>>>>>Please, keep it between you and your shrink.
>>>>>>> When in doubt, simply avoid the topic, eh? I'm not sure how you're
>>>>>>> in my 'sick world'.
>>>>>>I'm not.
>>>>> So the fat American at the door begging me to grow mushrooms in my
>>>>> arse isn't you?
>>>>Let's see a direct quote and the message-ID where I "begged" you to
>>>>grow mushrooms in your butt.
>>> When does a visit to someone's door generate a message ID, ****wit?

>>Admission of lying: Noted.

> When does a visit to someone's door generate a message ID, ****wit?

Failure to deny lying: Noted.

>>>>>>> Perhaps you could tell me where you fit into me
>>>>>>Gay lames, now?
>>>>> I've been womdering when you're going to start with them.
>>>>There's the IKYABWAI that I predicted several posts back.
>>> It's all you've done for three reply cycles.

>>Then why didn't you call me on them, doofus?

> You seemed to be on a roll.

Translation: You lied but didn't expect the response you got.

>>>>>>> having a **** exactly? Do you make bog roll for a living? A
>>>>>>> plumber specialising in shitters?
>>>>>>WTF is your obsession with ****?
>>>>> You keep posting it, newbie.
>>>>Those are your words, not mine, stoopid.
>>> You are the obsessed freak that brought up poking **** in this thread.


> Yes

Confession: Noted.

>>>>>>>>>>>>> [...] (Whining about Diaper boy flushed.)
>>>>>>>>>>>>So, the li'l butt-shroom farmer is a clip-n-run, post editing
>>>>>>>>>>>>coward. I'm sure IKYABWAIs and mommy lames will follow.
>>>>>>>>>>> Lets have a look at what I removed:
>>>>>>>>>>>>Considering the xpost, that's gonna have the diaperboi running
>>>>>>>>>>>>over to join the fun in, oh, about five seconds.
>>>>>>>>>>>>/starts countdown timer
>>>>>>>>>>>>5... 4... 3...
>>>>>>>>>>> You know what I think,
>>>>>>>>>>I know that you think you're clever because you clipped
>>>>>>>>>>something and then put it back after I teased you for clipping
>>>>>>>>> Not really.
>>>>>>>>YA RLY
>>>>>>> I think
>>>>>>Since when? If your posts are any indication, you haven't used your
>>>>>>brain for years. Decades, even.
>>>>> Given the poor quality of the opposition, is there really any need
>>>>> to get out of first gear?
>>>>Translation: "I'm just not trying! Ha, ha!"
>>> Yeah, like that was a major surprise after your second reply.

>>You're such a failure.

> I know.

You can fix that by tying a big, juicy hunk of meat to your head and then
talking a quiet stroll the woods all by yourself.

>>>>...That claim might be believable if you had ever posted anything that
>>>>wasn't totally lame. But you never have. Ever.
>>>>>>>>>>Here's a free nugget o' wisdom for ya: That doesn't make you
>>>>>>>>>>clever. It makes you ****in stupid.
>>>>>>>>>>[remainder of Dimmy's pathetic crying clipped out of pity]
>>>>>>>>> Lets have a look at this 'pathetic crying':
>>>>>>>>>>>I think you're a stupid, dull, unimaginitive individual who has
>>>>>>>>>>>lurked in the flame groups and then decided to try his hand at
>>>>>>>>>>>the flame game. Unfortunately you've overestimated your own
>>>>>>>>>>>abilities and your error has forced you into stringing together
>>>>>>>>>>>a bunch of alt.flame catchphrases in an attempt to weasel out
>>>>>>>>>>>of the poor position you're in.
>>>>>>>>You mean you actually want everyone to see your pathetic
>>>>>>>>moaning, emo boi?
>>>>>>> I don't see any pathetic moaning at all.
>>>>>>I do. And anyone else who might be reading this does.
>>>>> Your friends in email, eh?
>>>>My email addy isn't valid, stoopid. Never has been.
>>> Why the **** would anyone want to email a retard like you anyway?

>>Nice backpedal.

> Well? Why the **** would anyone want to email a retard like me?

I dunno, why?

>>>>>>>>> Are you intentionally snipping and repeating everything back to
>>>>>>>>> me or are you just a ****ing idiot?
>>>>>>>>You're just a ****ing idiot.
>>>>>>> There is a familiar echo here.
>>>>>>You asked a question and offered a couple of choices; that's my
>>>>>>selection. Simple as that.
>>>>> You're a ****ing idiot then.
>>>>There is a familiar echo here.
>>> That'll be the space when your brain was supposed to be.

>>"When" my brain was supposed to be, huh. Autoflame Grade: A+

> Desperate typo pounce: Noted.

Post edit reversed and laughed at.

>>>>>>>>But feel free to keep crying about it; your whining makes me
>>>>>>> You should look up the works of Pee Wee Herman as he'll improve
>>>>>>> your alt.flame output by 1000%.
>>>>>>I feel no need to increase my posting frequency.
>>>>> Quality, not quantity, dumb****.
>>>>Quality is something that you are clearly not qualified to comment on.
>>> Nice IKY, dumb****.

>>And my point

> Put it away. Save it for the piggies, hillbillyboi.

Beastiality fetish: Noted.

>>>>>>>>>>>>> You seem pretty fixated on what comes out of my arse.
>>>>>>>>>>>>WTF is with that "arse" gibberish? This is not a Brit Zone;
>>>>>>>>>>>>we use real English, around here, not that retarded blather
>>>>>>>>>>>>that makes your teeth brown and crooked.
>>>>>>>>>>> Everywhere is a Brit zone. In fifty years English will be the
>>>>>>>>>>> language of business used throughout the world. The financial
>>>>>>>>>>> capital of the world is London. All your monies are pouring
>>>>>>>>>>> through our country and we're taking a cut and living off you
>>>>>>>>>>> stupid, fat colonists while you cry your little hearts out
>>>>>>>>>>> about the housing crash and the coming recession. You didn't
>>>>>>>>>>> think that this position was luck, did you?
>>>>>>>>>>First things first: Figure out how to keep your teeth from
>>>>>>>>>>turning brown, and then move forward with your amusing little
>>>>>>>>>>plans for world domination. HTH!!
>>>>>>>>> We already dominate the world, you burger-scoffing fatbody.
>>>>>>>>Sure, "the world" consisting of a few dreary little islands that
>>>>>>>>nobody with any brains wants to inhabit. A land where toothpaste
>>>>>>>>has yet to be produced or imported.
>>>>>>> We'll happily let you keep the toothpaste because eating four
>>>>>>> times as much as the rest of the world you certainly are going to
>>>>>>> need it.
>>>>>>LOL! So you think the quantity of food eaten is directly
>>>>>>proportional to the potential for tooth decay?
>>>>> Given that most Americans eat six meals a day, one would think that
>>>>> they'd brush after every meal and thus they'd use more toothpaste.
>>> Post proof Americans don't eat six meals a day.

>>Prove that they do since that's your claim.

> They're all so ****ing fat. There. Done.

I bet you're fatter than most Americans.

>>>>The main purpose of brushing, doofus, is to remove carbohydrates,
>>>>acid and the bacteria that converts carbohydrates into acid (it's the
>>>>acid that rots teeth). Depending on what one consumes, frequent
>>>>brushing is not always necessary to maintain a healthy set of
>>> You're an American so it'll be a few burgers and a mountain of fries.

>>As opposed to sheep intestines stuffed with offal and cold, lumpy
>>potatoes, all washed down with squirrel urine? ...I win.

> Only if I was Scottish,

All you freaks eat that ****.

> which by the grace of god I'm not.

Clearly. If you were, you'd probably be a lot more intelligent and

>>> I'd be surprised if you have any teeth.

>>I imagine

> Liar.


>>>>...Memorize that little nugget of wisdom, and you'll probably know
>>>>more about dental hygiene than anyone within 500 miles of your shack.
>>>>> But you don't do that, do you? You brush once a day and never after
>>>>> a meal, right? If your teeth haven't been pulled out because they're
>>>>> so rotten they must be horribly yellow. You fat, sweaty,
>>>>> halitosis-ridden ****er.
>>>>You sound upset.
>>> You sound desperate.


> Hello yet again, n00b.


>>>>>>...My teeth aren't brown and crooked, how 'bout yours? <snicker>
>>>>>>>>>If you're able to move forward with anything without having a
>>>>>>>>>heart attack it'll be a minor miracle.
>>>>>>> Those little snippers are going again.
>>>>>>Why are you responding to your own words, ****up? ...Or is that a
>>>>>>self- answering question?
>>>>> You seem a tad touchy about your cowardly snipping.
>>>>I just want to know why
>>> Its because you're a hypocritical coward, n00b.


> Blame your parents. Its down to their genes.


>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why is that?
>>>>>>>>>>>>Hey, you're the one who just admitted to digging in your own
>>>>>>>>>>> Really? I just admitted to eating mushrooms.
>>>>>>>>>>Followed by a rather disgusting description of your bathroom
>>>>>>>>>>habits, which apparently including poking around in your feces
>>>>>>>>>>to verify that there aren't any mushrooms in it.
>>>>>>>>> Really?
>>>>>>>>> "I ate some mushrooms yesterday and today. They passed through
>>>>>>>>> my digestive tract where nutrients were extracted and what was
>>>>>>>>> left over was shat in a toilet bowl. I'll stop now as I'm sure
>>>>>>>>> thats making you feel hungry."
>>>>>>>>> I don't see anything about poking around in faeces there.
>>>>>>> So you've finally admitted that 'poking around in ****' was a
>>>>>>> figment of your imagination?
>>>>>>Don't you know how a dictionary works?
>>>>> Is that where you learnt to grow mushrooms in your arse?
>>>>And other IKYABWAI. Gonna go for a third?
>>> Where did you learn that mushrooms can grow in an arsecrack, n00b?


> Hello again, n00b.


>>>>>>>>> In fact, the
>>>>>>>>> only place 'poking around in feces' appears is in your
>>>>>>>>> imagination.
>>>>>>>>So you think you're a mind reader, now. LOL
>>>>>>> I don't need to read your mind, newbie.
>>>>>>Nice backpedal.
>>>>> Nice snip.
>>>>Nice lie.
>>> Nice involuntary bowel movement.


> Spit it out, you illiterate loon.


>>>>>>> You've written down the output
>>>>>>> of your imagination and posted it to Usenet. In addition to
>>>>>>> 'poking around in feces' you've added the gem of 'growing
>>>>>>> muchrooms in your arse' too.
>>>>>>All I asked was when your next butt-mushroom harvest was due.
>>>>> You've eaten the grocery shop out again , gutbucket?
>>>>You sell your butt-mushrooms to a grocer? Gross.
>>> You can also buy food from a grocery store.


> Hello again, n00b.


>>> It isn't just fast food takeaways you know.

>>We don't have "takeaways" here -- that must be some stupid Brit thing.

> That's because you're all so fat and lazy you get someone else to
> fetch them.

And what a wonderful servant you'd make, if you weren't so slow and smelly.

>>>>>>>>> you couple that 'growing mushrooms in a buttcrack' there is a
>>>>>>>>> pattern emerging which involves your imagination, arses and
>>>>>>>>> ****.
>>>>>>>>You're broadcasting your bathroom habits to the world. I'm not.
>>>>>>> The only thing being broadcast to the world is your imagination
>>>>>>> which seems to consist of 'poking around in feces' and 'growing
>>>>>>> mushrooms in your arse'.
>>>>>>It's an undeniable fact that you grow mushrooms in your buttcrack.
>>>>> I think you've been eating too many mushrooms of a different kind.
>>>>And what kind would that be?
>>> The magic ones, lackwit.

>>And what kind would those be?

> Magic ones, duh.

And what kind would those be?

>>>>>>No imagination is involved.
>>>>> Which is a good thing since you don't have one.
>>>>Way to discredit everything you've ever tried (or ever might try) to
>>>>claim about my imagination. Dumbass.
>>> You don't have an imagination, n00b.

>>So you said.

> And you prove every post.


>>>>>>>>>>>You seem to have a fixation with my ****, my arse and some
>>>>>>>>>>>curious practice of growing muchrooms in an arsecrack. Have you
>>>>>>>>>>>been smoking crack?
>>>>>>>>> Well? Is it crack you've been smoking?
>>>>>>>>Of course not.
>>>>>>> So what mind-altering substances have you been smoking to imagine
>>>>>>> such things as 'growing mushrooms in your arse'?
>>>>>>I don't imagine
>>>>> That much is obvious.
>>>>>>I grow mushrooms in my "arse"
>>>>> Good of you to finally come out.
>>>>Third IKYABWAI. Wonder if there's a fourth further down. <snicker>
>>> Good job it didn't get past ten or you would have lost count.


> Glad you appreciate you've got poor maths too, hillbillyboi.


>>>>>>I know you grow them in your buttcrack, though.
>>>>> Eaten all your own mushrooms I guess?
>>>>I don't eat mushrooms.
>>> You wouldn't say that if they were fried and put inside a burger bun.

>>But I did say that.

> You said nothing about a burger bun, dickface.

Never claimed I did, st00pid.

>>Now try to come up with a "point" based on reality, m'kay?

> I grow mushrooms in my arse, n00b.

I know.

>>>>>>>>Like I said before, leave me out of your sick world.
>>>>>>> You butted into this thread, newbie.
>>>>>>And what a wonderful show it's produced. Yay, me.
>>>>> It certainly did. I don't think I've seen a newbie waddle into
>>>>> alt.flame and tell everyone he grows mushrooms in his arse before.
>>>>> It was certainly a first.
>>>>Fourth IKYABWAI! LOL
>>> "I grow mushrooms in my "arse"" - Some n00b.


> The message ID is in the reference line, noob.

Failure: Noted.

>>>>>>>>(It took you two days come up with this ****? Pa-a-a-athetic.)
>>>>>>> Now your imagination has me hunched over my computer typing a
>>>>>>> reply to your post for two whole days.
>>>>>>I'm sure you took breaks to go poke around in your ****.
>>>>> <chuckle>
>>>>Oh, damn, I was hoping for a fifth IKYABWAI. You quitter.
>>> You were hoping for a brain too. Never mind, maybe on your next trip
>>> to Oz.


> Great reply. <guffaw>

Since pretty much all you could come back with, that time, was some of the
most pathetic snippage and evasion to hit the net in the past decade, I'm
gonna go ahead and claim SPANK right now. Because you are spanked --
you're just too stoopid to realize that you should be ashamed enough by
your g-a-w-d-a-w-f-u-l laming to go silent for a week.

You are dismissed, spankard.
"dracosilv" <> wrote in

> gregvk wrote:
>> 'Menjy' <> wrote in
>>> gerboperv wrote:
>>>> gregvk wrote:
>>>>> gerboperv wrote
>>>>>> 'Menjy' wrote:
>>>>>>> gerboperv wrote:
>>>>>>>> gregvk wrote:
>>> [...]
>>>>>>>>> No. Your understanding of dental hygiene has apparently never
>>>>>>>>> progressed beyond your distant childhood, when mommy told you
>>>>>>>>> that the Candy Bugs would make all your teeth fall out if you
>>>>>>>>> didn't brush 'em before beddy-bye time.
>>>>>>>> Nice baby-projection there greggie.
>>>>>>> .___ ____ __._____.___. _____ __________ __ __ _____
>>>>>>> .___
>>>>>>>> | |/ _|\__ | | / _ \\______ \/ \ / \/ _ \ |
>>>>>>>> | ||
>>>>>>>> | < / | |/ /_\ \| | _/\ \/\/ / /_\ \|
>>>>>>>> | |
>>>>>>>> | | \ \____ / | \ | \ \ / | \
>>>>>>>> | | |
>>>>>>>> ___|____|__ \ / ______\____|__ /______ / \__/\ /\____|__
>>>>>>>> /___|
>>>>>>> \/ \/ \/ \/ \/ \/
>>>>>> Well where did it come from then?
>>>>> Actually, you're the first one to mention babies, here.
>>>> I'm not referrring to that, I'm referring to gregvk's statement
>>>> above that
>>> To whom do you think you're responding here, you silly, furry little
>>> homo?

>> You, probably.
>> Apparently he gets confused when there are more than two people
>> involved in a conversation.

> When it involves you two, it DOES get confusing.

Especially when MSOE automatically identifies exactly who wrote what.

> You both sound and
> act the same. It's like two heads on the same body. Why I wouldn't
> even be shocked if one of you happened to be a sock of the other.

A fun game of Guess The Troll is currently underway in a different
thread; it's clearly marked in the subject line. Feel free to go add
your guesses.

Behold the .sig file of His AssHoliness, St. Raoul Xemblinosky mhm 15x12
The 2-Belo wrote:
> We have a report from the alt.flame Dynamics Officer that dracosilv
> has exploded. Flight director confirms that:
> [...]
>>> To whom do you think you're responding here, you silly, furry little
>>> homo?

>> First off, you two act so alike that it's hard to tell

> But it's quite easy to
> ad88888ba 88888888ba 88 888b 88
> d8" "8b 88 "8b 88 8888b 88
> Y8, 88 ,8P 88 88 `8b 88
> `Y8aaaaa, 88aaaaaa8P' 88 88 `8b 88
> `"""""8b, 88""""""' 88 88 `8b 88
> `8b 88 88 88 `8b 88
> Y8a a8P 88 88 88 `8888
> "Y88888P" 88 88 88 `888
> isn't it, Mini-Moulton?

Spin? How is it spin? They do post alike, at least as far as I can see.
But they spend 90% of their time standing there looking stupid and (in
your case) eyeballing everyone and wondering how they look naked.
gregvk on what he thinks WalMart greeters do.

In the immortal words of