Report cites warnings before September 11, 2001...

  • Thread starter Anonymous Remailer
  • Start date
On Jun 30, 3:20 am, (
Anonymous Remailer) wrote:
> Thursday, September 19, 2002 Posted: 10:48 AM EDT (1448 GMT)
> WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. intelligence officials had several warnings that terrorists might attack the United States on its home soil -- even using airplanes as weapons -- well before the September 11, 2001 attacks, two congressional committees said in a report released Wednesday.
> In 1998, U.S. intelligence had information that a group of unidentified Arabs planned to fly an explosives-laden airplane into the World Trade Center, according to a joint inquiry of the House and Senate intelligence committees.
> However, the Federal Aviation Administration found the plot "highly unlikely given the state of that foreign country's aviation program," and believed a flight originating outside the United States would be detected before it reached its target inside the country, the report said.
> "The FBI's New York office took no action on the information," it said.
> Another alert came just a month before the attacks, the report said, when the CIA sent a message to the FAA warning of a possible hijacking "or an act of sabotage against a commercial airliner." The information was linked to a group of Pakistanis based in South America.
> That warning did not mention using an airliner as a weapon and, the report said, "there was apparently little, if any, effort by intelligence community analysts to produce any strategic assessments of terrorists using aircraft as weapons."
> Sen. Bob Graham, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the goal of Wednesday's hearing was "not to point a finger or pin blame" but to correct "systemic problems (that) might have prevented our government from detecting and disrupting al Qaeda's plot."
> Nothing found is a "smoking gun," Graham said. "But collectively I think there was enough there that we should have done a better job of seeing what was coming and hopefully, with luck, stopping it."
> Graham told CNN "It wouldn't have taken a lot of luck. It would have taken someone who could have asked and gotten answers to the right follow-up questions and then put it together."
> The report, which looked at more than a dozen federal intelligence agencies, suggests the United States had more information that might have helped to prevent the terror attacks than the government has previously said.
> As early as 1994 the government received information that international terrorists "had seriously considered the use of airplanes as a means of carrying out terrorist attacks," the report says.
> In July 2001, the report says, a briefing prepared for senior government officials warned of "a significant terrorist attack against U.S. and/or Israeli interests in the coming weeks. The attack will be spectacular and designed to inflict mass casualties ... (it) will occur with little or no warning."
> The joint committee's report discusses information federal intelligence agencies gathered about Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda.
> It said that in 1998, officials received reports concerning a "bin Laden plot involving aircraft in the New York and Washington, areas." Officials received reports that al Qaeda was trying to establish an operative cell in the United States and that bin Laden was attempting to recruit a group of five to seven young men from the United States to travel to the Middle East for training in conjunction with his plans to strike U.S. domestic targets.
> The intelligence reports "generally did not contain specific information as to where, when, and how a terrorist attack might occur," the committee said, and they represented only "a small percentage of the threat information that the Intelligence Community obtained during this period, most of which pointed to the possibility of attacks against U.S. interests overseas."
> Nonetheless, the report said, "the totality of the information in this body of reporting clearly reiterated a consistent and critically important theme: Osama bin Laden's intent to launch terrorist attacks inside the United States."
> In fact in December 1998, the report says, the director of central intelligence, George Tenet, told his deputies, "We must now enter a new phase in our effort against bin Laden. ... We are at war."
> "Relatively few of the FBI agents interviewed by the joint inquiry staff seem to have been aware of Tenet's declaration," the report said.
> The report says that in July and August 2001, intelligence reporting "began to decrease" -- even though the al Qaeda threat was growing.
> On September 10, 2001, some 35 to 40 personnel were assigned to a unit created by the director of central intelligence with the specific task of tracking bin Laden. Fewer than 20 people were part of a similar unit at the FBI. The report raises "questions about the adequacy of these resources with respect to the magnitude of the threat."
> The report also suggests intelligence officials did not focus enough attention on a critical al Qaeda operative, unnamed in the report, whom officials had known about since 1995 "but did not recognize his growing importance" to the organization or to Osama bin Laden.
> The report says the director of central intelligence has refused to declassify two pieces of information: precisely what the White House knew and information about a key al Qaeda operative involved in the attacks.
> Government sources told CNN that operative is Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, whom they describe as one of the masterminds of the September 11 attacks. He was indicted by the United States for plotting to bomb U.S. airliners in 1995. Officials believe he also plotted to have airplanes hijacked and flown into U.S. buildings.
> Listed as one of the government's 22 most wanted terrorists, Mohammed is in hiding. U.S. officials believe he was in Pakistan when last heard from.
> Stephen Push, who lost his wife in the World Trade Center, told lawmakers at the hearing, "Our loved ones paid the ultimate price for the worst American intelligence failure since Pearl Harbor."
> Push said the U.S. intelligence bureaucracy must be thoroughly restructured. "If it isn't," he said, "the next attack may involve weapons of mass destruction -- and the death toll may be in the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands."

The Administration never realized that airplanes could be used as
weapons, as they were on 9/11. That's why they weren't able to prevent
On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 02:25:06 -0400, BDK <> wrote:

>In article <>,
> says...
>> On Mon, 9 Jul 2007 13:47:03 -0400, BDK <> wrote:
>> >In article <>,
>> > says...
>> >> On Jul 9, 10:29 pm, nonsense <> wrote:
>> >> > wrote:
>> >> > > On Jul 9, 11:24 am, nonsense <> wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > >>liamo'shea wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > >>>On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 19:12:54 -0500, nonsense <>
>> >> > >>>wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > >>>>liamo'shea wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > >>>>>On Sun, 8 Jul 2007 15:35:39 +0200, "CRxx" <>
>> >> > >>>>>wrote:
>> >> >
>> >> > >>>>>>"liamo'shea"
>> >> >
>> >> > >>>>>>>Would appear he did a hell of a lot better than the Government, FBI
>> >> > >>>>>>>and the CIA did.
>> >> >
>> >> > >>>>>>>Give the man credit where credit is due.
>> >> >
>> >> > >>>>>>ROTFLMAO
>> >> >
>> >> > >>>>>>Christine!
>> >> >
>> >> > >>>>>So a couple of months before 911, Alex Jones is warning that an attack
>> >> > >>>>>is coming.
>> >> >
>> >> > >>>>snip <more crap>
>> >> >
>> >> > >>>>Every day of every year there are poeple predicting
>> >> > >>>>this thing or some other.
>> >> >
>> >> > >>>>Every once in a while one of them gets lucky and their
>> >> > >>>>prediction comes true. They rush to take credit, while
>> >> > >>>>the other millions of predictions are quickly forgotten
>> >> > >>>>as should the lucky one have been as well.
>> >> >
>> >> > >>>If he was some nutcase soothsayer, I'd agree with you.
>> >> >
>> >> > >>>However, his research is tangible and valid.
>> >> >
>> >> > >>>And the attacks DID occur, didn't they?
>> >> >
>> >> > >>You're about as convincing asZook.- Hide quoted text -
>> >> >
>> >> > >>- Show quoted text -
>> >> >
>> >> > > Wow - what a comeback.
>> >> >
>> >> > > I'm sitting here literally stunned speechless by the intellect oozing
>> >> > > from your reply.
>> >> >
>> >> > > How about adding a couple of facts to prove yourself correct as well.
>> >> >
>> >> > > That, combined with your previous einstonian retort, would have to be
>> >> > > a winner.
>> >> >
>> >> > When the egg is rotten you throw it away without
>> >> > further discussion. It seems you're part of that
>> >> > class, along withzookand a pottyfull of others.
>> >> >
>> >> > <flush>- Hide quoted text -
>> >> >
>> >> > - Show quoted text -
>> >>
>> >> All you need do is prove your point of view - with a little thing
>> >> called FACTS.
>> >>
>> >> Surely you can do that, can't you?
>> >>
>> >> Alex Jones sites facts and posts links for everyone to see and study.
>> >> In fact he asks you to study them and come to your own conslusion -
>> >> without any form of malice.
>> >>
>> >> Or could it be that you have never even seen them. Your views are
>> >> simply that - your own gut instinct views.
>> >>
>> >> Sorry - but that just won't cut it in the real world.
>> >>
>> >>
>> >
>> >Seems like you would be a perfect patsy for a medium to channel your
>> >dead grandfather, and suck the cash right out of you. Alex Jones isn't
>> >even in the same league as those con artists are.
>> >
>> >BDK

>> So in other words I'm correct.
>> You have no verifiable facts to back your own views.
>> A continued attack on Alex Jones isn't going to make your 'gut
>> instinct' views more plausible.
>> Only verifiable facts will do that.
>> And calling me a patsy doesn't help either - it just shows an immature
>> attempt to avoid the issue (site facts to prove your statements).
>> Got any?

>LOL after years of this, I don't have the energy to cut and paste all
>the posts shooting down the claims that the kooks have been making all
>these years. Laughable claims. Some of them, impossible.
>Patsy is being nice.

I thought so - you don't have any, do you?
On Mon, 09 Jul 2007 23:31:59 -0400, US wrote:

>On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 12:32:53 +1000, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:
>>< US > wrote in message
>>> On Fri, 6 Jul 2007 09:37:36 +1000, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:
>>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>>> On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 17:11:58 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>Just not laugh and joke like that. I mean he stayed in that room for 7
>>>>>>minutes, ignoring the questions that he could be a possible target the
>>>>>>he could do was end the photo op or something.
>>>>> His handlers had told him to 'look innocent'.
>>>>> What he displayed was his sociopathic indifference
>>>>> to the immense suffering and horrific deaths of humans.
>>>>Yep thats not looking innocent to me. I agree Bush's actions in the school
>>>>room were staged.
>>> Well said: the 'staging' of that situation is telling in and of itself.

>>Just the way Bush acted shows me how much he really cares about the 3,000
>>plus dead Americans that his buisness buddies murdured.


>> 9/11 was part of his "trifecta" in his "fabulous" year.

>> Bush is still dancing on those graves.


This should be a great example to all of how conspiracists say nothing
at all, offer no real claims, and explain nothing.

Here writes Mr. Sound byte, in agreement with Seon about something.
You will notice that there is simply no substance. Just the little
drive by sound bytes.

I have challenged all of them before, and again, now, to offer their
real explanation of the events of 9/11. Time by time, piece by piece,
as has ABC, NBC, CBS, Fox News, The Discovery Channel, The History
Channel, The National Geographic Channel ...

They can't, won't actually explain anything at all. This should be the
big red flag to all who read this, and all who dabble in conspiracy

Conspiracist dim bulbs can only nay say. They have no ability to

The dim bulb who wrote the above beauty is thinking that he or she is
so smart. But, dissect the words and see whether you get any smarter.


>> 9/11 was part of his "trifecta" in his "fabulous" year.

>> Bush is still dancing on those graves.


How utterly profound! National Enquirer, this is your next featured

And BTW, I have asked repeatedly that conspiracy morons would offer up
just one well done, well produced and well filmed "documentary" to
make their "point(s)."

They can't. One pixilated bunch of crap after another bunch of
pixilated crap.

So, what's the story conspiracists? Who among you will get this all
straightened out for us?


(Leaving GW Bush out of it all is a bonus.)

< US > wrote in message
> On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 12:31:02 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
> wrote:
>>< US > wrote in message
>>> "According to classified documents from Dutch intelligence and US
>>> government archives, President George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott
>>> Bush made considerable
>>> profits off Auschwitz slave labor. In fact, President Bush himself is an
>>> heir to these
>>> profits from the holocaust which were placed in a blind trust in 1980 by
>>> his father,
>>> former president George Herbert Walker Bush."

>>So what else is new?

> There are still too many who are ignorant of such facts.

I know they are the real kooks here.
< US > wrote in message
> On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 12:31:56 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
> wrote:
>>< US > wrote in message
>>> On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 22:29:18 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>>> On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 17:57:19 -0400, Bushkultie Deranged Kook BDK
>>>>> <> wrote:
>>>>>>...I never said ...
>>>>> You never said anything about how Bush lied the USA
>>>>> into an illegal invasion of Iraq, using 9/11 as an excuse.
>>>>> No Iraqis had anything to do with 9/11, but you'd rather
>>>>> see them slaughtered en masse than seek a real investigation
>>>>> much less criminal justice for the perpetrators.
>>>>While in the meantime the man who was suposed to have commited 911 (or
>>>>least formed the terror cell who did) is still free to this day. If he's
>>>>alive that is.
>>> The Bush crime family is in the arms racket with the bin Ladens.

>>Bush does do business with them and he even vacations with them.

> The bin Ladens have provided money to the Bush crime family, too.

In what? oil companies? I know about the Soudi lobby, do they use that?
< US > wrote in message
> On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 12:33:39 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
> wrote:
>>< US > wrote in message
>>> On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 22:30:55 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
>>> wrote:
>>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>>> On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 02:00:28 -0500, "John P." <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>It's pretty clear Bush didn't know what was going on ...
>>>>> You've been duped.
>>>>> It wasn't difficult for even the clumsiest cons
>>>>> to fool you.
>>>>Can you blaim him? this is bush were talking about, an obvious puppet
>>>>the religious right neo conservatives.
>>> They're fascist traitors, abusing the religious and the right
>>> and the conservatives along with everyone else.

>>Yeah I feel sorry for those religious nuts who think its patriotic to
>>blindly suppor everything Bush and the other scum do.

> Their own holy writ warns them about wolves in sheeps' clothing.

Yet they think Bush is a good christain conservative on a mission from God.
All together now awww
"Vandar" <> wrote in message
> wrote:
>> On Jul 9, 4:22 pm, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:
>>>"liamo'shea" <> wrote in message
>>>>On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 23:29:27 GMT, Vandar <> wrote:
>>>>>liamo'shea wrote:
>>>>>>On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 01:33:25 GMT, Vandar <> wrote:
>>>>>>>liamo'shea wrote:
>>>>>>>>On Sat, 30 Jun 2007 22:23:48 -0500, "John P."
>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>"Anonymous Loser" <> wrote in a
>>>>>>>>>>WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. intelligence officials had
>>>>>>>>>>several warnings that terrorists might attack the United States
>>>>>>>>>>on its home soil -- even using airplanes as weapons -- well
>>>>>>>>>>before the September 11, 2001 attacks, two congressional
>>>>>>>>>>committees said in a report released Wednesday.
>>>>>>>>>During the week of July 4, 2007, four people will die in car
>>>>>>>>>the interstate highways in and around the Chicago area.
>>>>>>>>>Armed with this specific information, stop it from happening.
>>>>>>>>Alex Jones was able to piece the information together and predict
>>>>>>>>pretty accurately what happened on 911, several months before the
>>>>>>>>Seems a shame he wasn't listened to by the 'powers who be', rather
>>>>>>>>than be ridiculed as a conspiracy nut.
>>>>>>>He's a conspiracy nut first, he's someone worth listening to 345th.
>>>>>>His research is undeniable and exhaustive.
>>>>>And wrong.
>>>>But that is only your opinion. As I said to Crxx:
>>>>To the believer no proof is necessary.
>>>>To the non-believer, no proof is possible.
>>>>I'd be happy to agree with you if you could show as much tangible
>>>>evidence to show he was incorrect, as he can show to prove that he is
>>>>>>Proof doesn't make a conspiracy nut - it simply proves a point of
>>>>>>And he has some very convincing paper trails of proof.
>>>>>He spews too much bullshit. If he's been right once, he's been wrong a
>>>>>billion times. Those phony TV psychics have better records.
>>>>Edison had the same problem. He failed 20,000 times and was ridiculed
>>>>as a loose, dreamer and fraud. Fortunately he persisted, and changed
>>>>the world.
>>>>I seem to remember Henry Ford, and a myriad of others, also suffered
>>>>the same fate from many sector 7G plebs.
>>>I like how these people cant admit that Alex Jones predicted there would
>>>a terrorist attack blaimed on binladen. All they say is Jones is a kook
>>>expect us to leave it at that.- Hide quoted text -
>>>- Show quoted text -

>> It is to laugh, to be sure :)

> Meanwhile, last August, Jones predicted a major "false flag terrorist
> attack" blamed on Hezbollah or al Qaeda would happen BEFORE October 2006
> and would be the start of World War 3. When it didn't happen, Jones
> claimed that his "alert" exposed the plan and caused it to be canceled.
> With such logic, he can predict anything he wants and whether it happens
> or not, he claims credit for either predicting it or preventing it.
> The reality is that he's just a paranoid, delusional fool in Texas who is
> EXTREMELY ignorant about world affairs.

Yep no one says Jones is perfect he's the "freemasons rule the world and all
religions appart from Christianity are Satanic" type and yep he got his
prediction wrong like Luke and the others always do but I just cant ignore
that he was right about 911.
"Vandar" <> wrote in message
> seon ferguson wrote:
>> "liam o'shea" <> wrote in message
>>>On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 23:29:27 GMT, Vandar <> wrote:
>>>>liam o'shea wrote:
>>>>>On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 01:33:25 GMT, Vandar <> wrote:
>>>>>>liam o'shea wrote:
>>>>>>>On Sat, 30 Jun 2007 22:23:48 -0500, "John P."
>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>"Anonymous Loser" <> wrote in a
>>>>>>>>>WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. intelligence officials had
>>>>>>>>>several warnings that terrorists might attack the United States
>>>>>>>>>on its home soil -- even using airplanes as weapons -- well
>>>>>>>>>before the September 11, 2001 attacks, two congressional
>>>>>>>>>committees said in a report released Wednesday.
>>>>>>>>During the week of July 4, 2007, four people will die in car
>>>>>>>>accidents on
>>>>>>>>the interstate highways in and around the Chicago area.
>>>>>>>>Armed with this specific information, stop it from happening.
>>>>>>>Alex Jones was able to piece the information together and predict
>>>>>>>pretty accurately what happened on 911, several months before the
>>>>>>>Seems a shame he wasn't listened to by the 'powers who be', rather
>>>>>>>than be ridiculed as a conspiracy nut.
>>>>>>He's a conspiracy nut first, he's someone worth listening to 345th.
>>>>>His research is undeniable and exhaustive.
>>>>And wrong.
>>>But that is only your opinion. As I said to Crxx:
>>>To the believer no proof is necessary.
>>>To the non-believer, no proof is possible.
>>>I'd be happy to agree with you if you could show as much tangible
>>>evidence to show he was incorrect, as he can show to prove that he is
>>>>>Proof doesn't make a conspiracy nut - it simply proves a point of
>>>>>And he has some very convincing paper trails of proof.
>>>>He spews too much bullshit. If he's been right once, he's been wrong a
>>>>billion times. Those phony TV psychics have better records.
>>>Edison had the same problem. He failed 20,000 times and was ridiculed
>>>as a loose, dreamer and fraud. Fortunately he persisted, and changed
>>>the world.
>>>I seem to remember Henry Ford, and a myriad of others, also suffered
>>>the same fate from many sector 7G plebs.

>> I like how these people cant admit that Alex Jones predicted there would
>> be a terrorist attack blaimed on binladen. All they say is Jones is a
>> kook and expect us to leave it at that.

> There were a large number of terrorist attacks BEFORE then blamed on bin
> Laden.
> It doesn't take a genius to "predict" another one by bin Laden. Any
> prediction related to an attack by bin Laden should include the method and
> date of the attack, otherwise it's just stating the obvious.
> Here...
> al Qaeda is going to hit the United States again before 2009. A lot of
> people will die as a result. Many Americans will use it as political
> propaganda by claiming that the Bush Administration did nothing to protect
> the country during his 8 years in office.
> When it happens, you won't see me running around yelling "told ya so" like
> Jones does. It's simply a logical conclusion based on bin Laden's history
> and the partisanship in the US.

Your right he also paid attention to the news. Which is something allot of
us didn't do (like me)

I guess I could say "the new world order will attack us by 2012 and blame it
on their ascent bin laden.
seon ferguson wrote:

> < US > wrote in message
>>On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 22:30:55 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>>On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 02:00:28 -0500, "John P." <> wrote:
>>>>>It's pretty clear Bush didn't know what was going on ...
>>>>You've been duped.
>>>>It wasn't difficult for even the clumsiest cons
>>>>to fool you.
>>>Can you blaim him? this is bush were talking about, an obvious puppet for
>>>the religious right neo conservatives.

>>They're fascist traitors, abusing the religious and the right
>>and the conservatives along with everyone else.

> Yeah I feel sorry for those religious nuts who think its patriotic to
> blindly suppor everything Bush and the other scum do.

I feel sorry for those religious nuts who think it is
patriotic to blindly condemn everything Bush and his
administration do.
seon ferguson wrote:

> "nonsense" <> wrote in message
> news:56fe3$46923718$49e5da8$10825@DIALUPUSA.NET...
>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>"nonsense" <> wrote in message
>>>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>>>"BDK" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>In article <>,
>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>>>"Vandar" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>"Vandar" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>><> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Jun 30, 11:23 pm, "John P."
>>>>>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"Anonymous Loser" <> wrote
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>in a a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. intelligence officials had
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>several warnings that terrorists might attack the United
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>on its home soil -- even using airplanes as weapons -- well
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>before the September 11, 2001 attacks, two congressional
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>committees said in a report released Wednesday.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>During the week of July 4, 2007, four people will die in car
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the interstate highways in and around the Chicago area.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Armed with this specific information, stop it from happening.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>First, you issue a warning about this so the hijackers know that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tell the airline
>>>>>>>>>>>>And let the pilots carry freaking guns.
>>>>>>>>>>>You want this guy carrying a gun on an airplane?
>>>>>>>>>>Hell no but guns could have prevented 911. If they had a gun they
>>>>>>>>>>just shoot the hijackers, since they only had box cutters and
>>>>>>>>>>stuff. I'd
>>>>>>>>>>rather a few people died in the crossfire then 3,000 plus people.
>>>>>>>>>Of course. A lot of things other than guns could have prevented it.
>>>>>>>>>rather they keep all weapons off the plane and have the ****pit door
>>>>>>>>>reinforced and mandate it being locked before the plane starts to
>>>>>>>>Then what's stopping the muzzies from massacring the passengers?
>>>>>>>Just when I think you can't say anything dumber, you come up with
>>>>>>>something like this.
>>>>>>I have to admit that one, well, it's a "keeper".
>>>>>I dont get it, whats stopping the Muzzies fine hikackers from killing
>>>>>all the passangers when they find they cant get to the pilot? How is
>>>>>that dumb?
>>>>You believe you can think like them?
>>>No because I'm not a religious nutball.

>>It sounds as though you've placed yourself "in their shoes"
>>when it comes to deciding whether or not to kill all the passengers.

> All I know is if I was robbing a bank and that security system came up I
> would look for the first customer to kill-just like if I was a crazy
> religious nut.

Which, incidentally, makes you one.
Vandar wrote:

> liam o'shea wrote:
>> On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 01:09:32 GMT, Vandar <> wrote:
>>> liam o'shea wrote:
>>>> On Mon, 09 Jul 2007 23:56:05 GMT, Vandar <> wrote:
>>>>> liam o'shea wrote:
>>>>>> On Mon, 09 Jul 2007 14:53:45 GMT, Vandar <> wrote:
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>> On Jul 9, 10:29 pm, nonsense <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> On Jul 9, 11:24 am, nonsense <> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> liamo'shea wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 08 Jul 2007 19:12:54 -0500, nonsense
>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> liamo'shea wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> On Sun, 8 Jul 2007 15:35:39 +0200, "CRxx"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "liamo'shea"
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Would appear he did a hell of a lot better than the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Government, FBI
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> and the CIA did.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Give the man credit where credit is due.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> ROTFLMAO
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Christine!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> So a couple of months before 911, Alex Jones is warning
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> that an attack
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> is coming.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> snip <more crap>
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Every day of every year there are poeple predicting
>>>>>>>>>>>>> this thing or some other.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Every once in a while one of them gets lucky and their
>>>>>>>>>>>>> prediction comes true. They rush to take credit, while
>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other millions of predictions are quickly forgotten
>>>>>>>>>>>>> as should the lucky one have been as well.
>>>>>>>>>>>> If he was some nutcase soothsayer, I'd agree with you.
>>>>>>>>>>>> However, his research is tangible and valid.
>>>>>>>>>>>> And the attacks DID occur, didn't they?
>>>>>>>>>>> You're about as convincing asZook.- Hide quoted text -
>>>>>>>>>>> - Show quoted text -
>>>>>>>>>> Wow - what a comeback.
>>>>>>>>>> I'm sitting here literally stunned speechless by the intellect
>>>>>>>>>> oozing
>>>>>>>>>> from your reply.
>>>>>>>>>> How about adding a couple of facts to prove yourself correct
>>>>>>>>>> as well.
>>>>>>>>>> That, combined with your previous einstonian retort, would
>>>>>>>>>> have to be
>>>>>>>>>> a winner.
>>>>>>>>> When the egg is rotten you throw it away without
>>>>>>>>> further discussion. It seems you're part of that
>>>>>>>>> class, along withzookand a pottyfull of others.
>>>>>>>>> <flush>- Hide quoted text -
>>>>>>>>> - Show quoted text -
>>>>>>>> All you need do is prove your point of view - with a little thing
>>>>>>>> called FACTS.
>>>>>>>> Surely you can do that, can't you?
>>>>>>>> Alex Jones sites facts and posts links for everyone to see and
>>>>>>>> study.
>>>>>>>> In fact he asks you to study them and come to your own conslusion -
>>>>>>>> without any form of malice.
>>>>>>> Horse ****.
>>>>>> I took the time to read many of the last couple of weeks posts
>>>>>> made by
>>>>>> yourself - the majority slagging those who DARE to doubt the Official
>>>>>> 911 Commission Report,
>>>>> Feel free to point out any time in the last couple of weeks that
>>>>> I've made any statement in support of the 9/11 Commission Report.
>>>>> I've said it before and I'll say it again: Countering a conspiracy
>>>>> theory does not mean one supports any alternative theory, it simply
>>>>> means I ain't buying your bullshit.
>>>>> It's not the "truth" movement vs the official reports, it's the
>>>>> "truth" movement vs reality.
>>>>> I slag those who question reality, reports be damned.
>>>> I didn't say you support the 911 Commission Report - I said you bag
>>>> others who doubt it.
>>> I don't care about the Commission Report (or any other report). When
>>> someone postulates a theory that is either ridiculous or outright
>>> wrong, I reserve the right to expose it as such.
>>>> In other words, those who do not agree with your own interpretation of
>>>> the event, are, in your interpretation, wrong.
>>> Correct.

>> That is one hell of a statement for you to make to make - reeks a bit
>> of delusions of grandeur :)

> Fact of life that applies to everybody. You believe something to be true
> and by default you must consider those who think otherwise to be wrong.
>>>> And that is incorrect - because you don't supply facts, only a self
>>>> interpretation, which is worth about the same as anyone else with an
>>>> unproven, non factual theory.
>>> I've provided more facts in this forum over the last few years than
>>> every 9/11 conspiracy theorist combined.
>>>> To find the truth, you will have to take a risk and voice a theory,
>>>> which will be challenged, and you will risk being called a kook and
>>>> conspiracy nut.
>>> Therein lies the problem with conspiracy theorists - they state a
>>> theory and then start looking for evidence to support it.
>>> To find the truth, you don't have to take any risks at all or voice
>>> any type of theory. What you must do is conduct a detailed analysis
>>> of ALL available facts and evidence.

>> That is not necessarily correct. The speed with which the towers fell
>> is not a theory, it is measurable fact from the many videos available.

> All you can do is get an estimate, as the end of collapses is concealed
> inside the debris cloud.
>> The effect of gravity on a falling body is fact. Put the 2 together,
>> add in conservation of energy, and the time in which the towers fell
>> would seem impossibly fast.

> They didn't fall impossibly fast. Here's a picture of the south tower's
> collapse:
> The large pieces of debris are in freefall. The still intact structure
> to the left is not. In order to claim the towers fell at or near
> freefall speed, you must believe that the falling debris in the above
> photo is being propelled downward. Believing that, you must then
> formulate a scientifically sound explanation for it.
> That's just one of the things that would be included in the "truth"
> movement's "official report", which is never going to be compiled
> because it would be the end of the revenue stream.
>> The answer given that heat from fire weakened the structure just does
>> not cut it.

> There was a little matter of structural damage as well, BUT... why
> doesn't heat from fire "cut it"? Do you think fire can't weaken steel?
>> How can you not expect conspiracy theories to occur, when this is the
>> official explanation.

> It's not the government's explanation that causes conspiracy theories,
> it's the intellectual capacity of the conspiracy theorists.
>>>> Too many do this on gut instinct, a feeling, call it what you will.
>>> I agree.
>>>> But without some basis of fact to back that theory, it is, (in your
>>>> own words), bullshit.
>>>> You can say Alex Jones is incorrect, you can call him a conspiracy
>>>> theorist or nutcase - but at least, like him, back your statements
>>>> with facts.
>>> He doesn't back his statements with facts. He simply throws out
>>> random crap about the "Illuminati" and the "New World Order" and
>>> hopes to sell enough DVDs and t-shirts to pay his mortgage.
>>> He's been at it since long before 9/11.
>>>> This is something that you, unfortunately, do not appear to be able,
>>>> or want, to do.
>>> I have no desire to do it AGAIN. As I said, I've offered numerous
>>> facts in this forum over the years. Conspiracy theorists, including
>>> Alex Jones, seem to have a very difficult time coming up with
>>> anything new. Everything bad that happens anywhere is always blamed
>>> on the "Illuminati", "New World Order", "media controlling Zionists",
>>> or what have you. People such as Jones seem completely unable to
>>> accept the fact that there are actually people outside of the "global
>>> elite" that really want to kill us.

>> I have never heard him deny that there are other world problems, such
>> as the continued fight between Christianity, Islam and Judaism etc.
>> His view looks past this to a controlling body, that is using
>> religious hate, aggression and greed as a tool to control the world.

> I know. I also know it's a controlling body that exists entirely in his
> own mind.
>> Granted that is one big picture, but I have never seen one fact that
>> proves his reports are incorrect.

> I have never seen one fact that proves Eglorps from the planet Neptar
> isn't really Dick Cheney's familiar.
> The idiot (Jones) predicted a major attack on US soil before the end of
> October 2006. In case you didn't notice, we didn't get attacked.
> If that's not a fact that proves one of his "reports" wrong, nothing
> will ever convince you.
>> In point of view, the crisis in the middle east has been made by just
>> the elite he talks about.
>> And that IS fact.

> No ****. He states it after it happens. Whoever wins the next election
> is going to, in Jones' mind, magically become a puppet of the
> "Illuminati New World Order Global Cabal" that wants to take over
> everything and enslave everyone for the sole purpose of taking over
> everything and enslaving everyone, and Bush will be forgotten.
> Meanwhile, back in reality, little peon Jones and his followers, simply
> by continuing to live and speak out, demonstrate that the "cabal"
> doesn't exist at all. If it did, and he were actually exposing them,
> he'd be dead.
> And THAT is a fact.

What you are seeing is a repeat of the Jim Jones "success"
some time back. Now offer the conspiracy theorists some
On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 18:43:43 +1000, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:

>< US > wrote in message
>> On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 12:31:02 +1000, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:
>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>> "According to classified documents from Dutch intelligence and US
>>>> government archives, President George W. Bush's grandfather, Prescott Bush made considerable
>>>> profits off Auschwitz slave labor. In fact, President Bush himself is an heir to these
>>>> profits from the holocaust which were placed in a blind trust in 1980 by his father,
>>>> former president George Herbert Walker Bush."
>>>So what else is new?

>> There are still too many who are ignorant of such facts.

>I know they are the real kooks here.

At least the ones who can't deal with the obvious
implications once they have been informed ...
BDK wrote:

> In article <c568c$4692d8ed$49e5dd1$19068@DIALUPUSA.NET>,
> says...
>>BDK wrote:
>>>In article <>, US says...
>>>>On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 22:26:04 +1000, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:
>>>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>>>>On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 00:14:29 -0500, "John P." <> wrote:
>>>>>>>If you think that is something new and exciting from the current
>>>>>>>administration ...
>>>>>>Nobody said that.
>>>>>>You're saying that any wrong you ever even imagined
>>>>>>anywhere else would justify all the wrongs you support.
>>>>>At least thats what some people in this group do like the right wing kooks
>>>>>whom shall remain nameless.
>>>>Oh, they'll start shrieking.
>>>>When anyone objects to the crimes they support,
>>>>they always start whimpering 'but someone else
>>>>did something else' as if it'd justify their errors.
>>>>On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 09:16:39 -0400, BDK <> wrote:
>>>>>...I would like to read ...
>>>>But you're a right-wing kook, so your masters
>>>>don't allow you to do that.
>>>LOL, if you had half a brain, you would have figured out I'm about as
>>>big a lefty as there is.
>>>But you don't have half a brain.
>>>You poor kook.

>>Left and right meet again off the chart.

> LOL. Your handle is appropriate.

Thanks for the compliment. Coming from almost anyone else....
On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 18:44:23 +1000, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:

>< US > wrote in message
>> On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 12:31:56 +1000, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:
>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>> On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 22:29:18 +1000, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:
>>>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>>>> On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 17:57:19 -0400, Bushkultie Deranged Kook BDK <> wrote:
>>>>>>>...I never said ...
>>>>>> You never said anything about how Bush lied the USA
>>>>>> into an illegal invasion of Iraq, using 9/11 as an excuse.
>>>>>> No Iraqis had anything to do with 9/11, but you'd rather
>>>>>> see them slaughtered en masse than seek a real investigation
>>>>>> much less criminal justice for the perpetrators.
>>>>>While in the meantime the man who was suposed to have commited 911 (or
>>>>>least formed the terror cell who did) is still free to this day. If he's
>>>>>alive that is.
>>>> The Bush crime family is in the arms racket with the bin Ladens.
>>>Bush does do business with them and he even vacations with them.

>> The bin Ladens have provided money to the Bush crime family, too.

>In what? oil companies? I know about the Soudi lobby, do they use that?

That and the arms business and who knows what all else ... wrote:

> On Jun 30, 3:20 am, (
> Anonymous Remailer) wrote:
>>Thursday, September 19, 2002 Posted: 10:48 AM EDT (1448 GMT)
>>WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. intelligence officials had several warnings that terrorists might attack the United States on its home soil -- even using airplanes as weapons -- well before the September 11, 2001 attacks, two congressional committees said in a report released Wednesday.
>>In 1998, U.S. intelligence had information that a group of unidentified Arabs planned to fly an explosives-laden airplane into the World Trade Center, according to a joint inquiry of the House and Senate intelligence committees.
>>However, the Federal Aviation Administration found the plot "highly unlikely given the state of that foreign country's aviation program," and believed a flight originating outside the United States would be detected before it reached its target inside the country, the report said.
>>"The FBI's New York office took no action on the information," it said.
>>Another alert came just a month before the attacks, the report said, when the CIA sent a message to the FAA warning of a possible hijacking "or an act of sabotage against a commercial airliner." The information was linked to a group of Pakistanis based in South America.
>>That warning did not mention using an airliner as a weapon and, the report said, "there was apparently little, if any, effort by intelligence community analysts to produce any strategic assessments of terrorists using aircraft as weapons."
>>Sen. Bob Graham, chairman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, said the goal of Wednesday's hearing was "not to point a finger or pin blame" but to correct "systemic problems (that) might have prevented our government from detecting and disrupting al Qaeda's plot."
>>Nothing found is a "smoking gun," Graham said. "But collectively I think there was enough there that we should have done a better job of seeing what was coming and hopefully, with luck, stopping it."
>>Graham told CNN "It wouldn't have taken a lot of luck. It would have taken someone who could have asked and gotten answers to the right follow-up questions and then put it together."
>>The report, which looked at more than a dozen federal intelligence agencies, suggests the United States had more information that might have helped to prevent the terror attacks than the government has previously said.
>>As early as 1994 the government received information that international terrorists "had seriously considered the use of airplanes as a means of carrying out terrorist attacks," the report says.
>>In July 2001, the report says, a briefing prepared for senior government officials warned of "a significant terrorist attack against U.S. and/or Israeli interests in the coming weeks. The attack will be spectacular and designed to inflict mass casualties ... (it) will occur with little or no warning."
>>The joint committee's report discusses information federal intelligence agencies gathered about Osama bin Laden and al Qaeda.
>>It said that in 1998, officials received reports concerning a "bin Laden plot involving aircraft in the New York and Washington, areas." Officials received reports that al Qaeda was trying to establish an operative cell in the United States and that bin Laden was attempting to recruit a group of five to seven young men from the United States to travel to the Middle East for training in conjunction with his plans to strike U.S. domestic targets.
>>The intelligence reports "generally did not contain specific information as to where, when, and how a terrorist attack might occur," the committee said, and they represented only "a small percentage of the threat information that the Intelligence Community obtained during this period, most of which pointed to the possibility of attacks against U.S. interests overseas."
>>Nonetheless, the report said, "the totality of the information in this body of reporting clearly reiterated a consistent and critically important theme: Osama bin Laden's intent to launch terrorist attacks inside the United States."
>>In fact in December 1998, the report says, the director of central intelligence, George Tenet, told his deputies, "We must now enter a new phase in our effort against bin Laden. ... We are at war."
>>"Relatively few of the FBI agents interviewed by the joint inquiry staff seem to have been aware of Tenet's declaration," the report said.
>>The report says that in July and August 2001, intelligence reporting "began to decrease" -- even though the al Qaeda threat was growing.
>>On September 10, 2001, some 35 to 40 personnel were assigned to a unit created by the director of central intelligence with the specific task of tracking bin Laden. Fewer than 20 people were part of a similar unit at the FBI. The report raises "questions about the adequacy of these resources with respect to the magnitude of the threat."
>>The report also suggests intelligence officials did not focus enough attention on a critical al Qaeda operative, unnamed in the report, whom officials had known about since 1995 "but did not recognize his growing importance" to the organization or to Osama bin Laden.
>>The report says the director of central intelligence has refused to declassify two pieces of information: precisely what the White House knew and information about a key al Qaeda operative involved in the attacks.
>>Government sources told CNN that operative is Khalid Shaikh Mohammed, whom they describe as one of the masterminds of the September 11 attacks. He was indicted by the United States for plotting to bomb U.S. airliners in 1995. Officials believe he also plotted to have airplanes hijacked and flown into U.S. buildings.
>>Listed as one of the government's 22 most wanted terrorists, Mohammed is in hiding. U.S. officials believe he was in Pakistan when last heard from.
>>Stephen Push, who lost his wife in the World Trade Center, told lawmakers at the hearing, "Our loved ones paid the ultimate price for the worst American intelligence failure since Pearl Harbor."
>>Push said the U.S. intelligence bureaucracy must be thoroughly restructured. "If it isn't," he said, "the next attack may involve weapons of mass destruction -- and the death toll may be in the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands."

> The Administration never realized that airplanes could be used as
> weapons, as they were on 9/11. That's why they weren't able to prevent
> it.

Read about the Pacific War aspects of WW2.
On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 18:47:46 +1000, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:

>< US > wrote in message
>> On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 12:33:39 +1000, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:
>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>> On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 22:30:55 +1000, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:
>>>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>>>> On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 02:00:28 -0500, "John P." <> wrote:
>>>>>>>It's pretty clear Bush didn't know what was going on ...
>>>>>> You've been duped.
>>>>>> It wasn't difficult for even the clumsiest cons
>>>>>> to fool you.
>>>>>Can you blaim him? this is bush were talking about, an obvious puppet
>>>>>the religious right neo conservatives.
>>>> They're fascist traitors, abusing the religious and the right
>>>> and the conservatives along with everyone else.
>>>Yeah I feel sorry for those religious nuts who think its patriotic to
>>>blindly suppor everything Bush and the other scum do.

>> Their own holy writ warns them about wolves in sheeps' clothing.

>Yet they think Bush is a good christain conservative on a mission from God.
>All together now awww

Yes. It's not really thinking, though, it's impairment,
and down to a hapless few.

To give the religions credit, many of them have called
for Bush and Cheney to repent of their evil ways.
On Fri, 6 Jul 2007 09:37:36 +1000, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:

>< US > wrote in message
>> On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 17:11:58 +1000, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:
>>>Just not laugh and joke like that. I mean he stayed in that room for 7
>>>minutes, ignoring the questions that he could be a possible target the
>>>he could do was end the photo op or something.

>> His handlers had told him to 'look innocent'.
>> What he displayed was his sociopathic indifference
>> to the immense suffering and horrific deaths of humans.

>Yep thats not looking innocent to me. I agree Bush's actions in the school
>room were staged.

Well said: the 'staging' of that situation is telling in and of itself.

Bush showed a totally abnormal reaction unless one considers
the fact that he had been told to do what he did.

On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 02:30:57 -0400, BDK <> wrote:

>What exactly did you expect him to do?

You have no expectations of him at all, do you.

Would you have felt nothing, or felt glee?

Would you have joked of your "trifecta" in your
"fabulous" year, as you danced on the graves, too?
On Mon, 09 Jul 2007 23:56:56 -0700, sj <> wrote:

>This should be a great example to all of how conspiracists say nothing
>at all, offer no real claims, and explain nothing.

WMD in Iraq?

>... simply no substance. Just the little
>drive by sound bytes.

You're not permitted to think.

>I have challenged ...

You are challenged, and have been challenged,
yet you fail to defend even your own best interests.

>...well done, well produced and well filmed "documentary" ...

Otherwise, you're content if the 9/11 victims
never get justice.

You wouldn't have convicted OJ without one
either, no doubt.

>... bunch of crap ...

You'll be useful as a bad example, though.

On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 12:32:53 +1000, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:

>< US > wrote in message
>> On Fri, 6 Jul 2007 09:37:36 +1000, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:
>>>< US > wrote in message
>>>> On Thu, 5 Jul 2007 17:11:58 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>>>Just not laugh and joke like that. I mean he stayed in that room for 7
>>>>>minutes, ignoring the questions that he could be a possible target the
>>>>>he could do was end the photo op or something.
>>>> His handlers had told him to 'look innocent'.
>>>> What he displayed was his sociopathic indifference
>>>> to the immense suffering and horrific deaths of humans.
>>>Yep thats not looking innocent to me. I agree Bush's actions in the school
>>>room were staged.

>> Well said: the 'staging' of that situation is telling in and of itself.

>Just the way Bush acted shows me how much he really cares about the 3,000
>plus dead Americans that his buisness buddies murdured.

9/11 was part of his "trifecta" in his "fabulous" year.

Bush is still dancing on those graves.
"nonsense" <> wrote in message
> seon ferguson wrote:
>> "nonsense" <> wrote in message
>> news:56fe3$46923718$49e5da8$10825@DIALUPUSA.NET...
>>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>>"nonsense" <> wrote in message
>>>>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>"BDK" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>In article <>,
>>>>>>> says...
>>>>>>>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>"Vandar" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>"Vandar" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>><> wrote in message
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>On Jun 30, 11:23 pm, "John P."
>>>>>>>>>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>"Anonymous Loser" <>
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>wrote in a a
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. intelligence officials had
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>several warnings that terrorists might attack the United
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>on its home soil -- even using airplanes as weapons -- well
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>before the September 11, 2001 attacks, two congressional
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>committees said in a report released Wednesday.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>During the week of July 4, 2007, four people will die in car
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>the interstate highways in and around the Chicago area.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Armed with this specific information, stop it from happening.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>First, you issue a warning about this so the hijackers know
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>that you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Tell the airline
>>>>>>>>>>>>>And let the pilots carry freaking guns.
>>>>>>>>>>>>You want this guy carrying a gun on an airplane?
>>>>>>>>>>>Hell no but guns could have prevented 911. If they had a gun they
>>>>>>>>>>>just shoot the hijackers, since they only had box cutters and
>>>>>>>>>>>stuff. I'd
>>>>>>>>>>>rather a few people died in the crossfire then 3,000 plus people.
>>>>>>>>>>Of course. A lot of things other than guns could have prevented
>>>>>>>>>>it. I'd
>>>>>>>>>>rather they keep all weapons off the plane and have the ****pit
>>>>>>>>>>door be
>>>>>>>>>>reinforced and mandate it being locked before the plane starts to
>>>>>>>>>Then what's stopping the muzzies from massacring the passengers?
>>>>>>>>Just when I think you can't say anything dumber, you come up with
>>>>>>>>something like this.
>>>>>>>I have to admit that one, well, it's a "keeper".
>>>>>>I dont get it, whats stopping the Muzzies fine hikackers from killing
>>>>>>all the passangers when they find they cant get to the pilot? How is
>>>>>>that dumb?
>>>>>You believe you can think like them?
>>>>No because I'm not a religious nutball.
>>>It sounds as though you've placed yourself "in their shoes"
>>>when it comes to deciding whether or not to kill all the passengers.

>> All I know is if I was robbing a bank and that security system came up I
>> would look for the first customer to kill-just like if I was a crazy
>> religious nut.

> Which, incidentally, makes you one.

I guess if I think about what i'd do if i was gay i'd be gay, or what i'd do
if I was a alien I'd be a alien or a communist I'd be a well you get the
On Tue, 10 Jul 2007 05:35:31 -0500, nonsense <> wrote:
Notice how the bushkultie falls back on fallacy
rather than deal with the fact that "just because
you imagine someone else did something else
that was wrong doesn't justify your support
of that which is wrong".