Report cites warnings before September 11, 2001...

  • Thread starter Anonymous Remailer
  • Start date
"BDK" <> wrote in message
> In article <468dccb1$0$12804$5a62ac22@per-qv1-newsreader-
>>, says...
>> "BDK" <> wrote in message
>> > In article <>, US says...
>> >> On Wed, 4 Jul 2007 21:19:11 -0400, Bushkultie Deranged Kook BDK
>> >> <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >> >... try to follow ...
>> >>
>> >> It was about profiteering.
>> >
>> > Probably.
>> >
>> >>
>> >> Do you even know what the word means?
>> >
>> > Yes I know exactly what it means..
>> >
>> >>
>> >> >... insanity,
>> >
>> > I know what that word means too.
>> >
>> > I bet you do too! You've undoubtedly been hearing it all the time
>> > during
>> > your "life". .
>> >
>> >> >BDK
>> >>
>> >> It's your best excuse for your support of the
>> >> "Heir to the Holocaust".
>> >
>> >
>> > Oh goody, a new kook "Phrase". Please, tell me and my shills all about
>> > it! I bet it's a good one.
>> >

>> I'm guessing it has something to do with holocaust denial. Something to
>> kooky even for me.

> I already figured that out Seon, I was trying to get him to go off on a
> rant...

Oh sorry that would have been more fun to read then my posts.
"nonsense" <> wrote in message
> seon ferguson wrote:
>> "GovShill" <> wrote in message
>>>On Jul 6, 6:47 pm, Loogie <> wrote:
>>>>GovShill wrote:
>>>>>Reserves and resources
>>>>>Most (608 of 981 GL or 3.8 of 6.2 Bbbl (billion barrels)) of
>>>>>Australia's initial commercial crude oil reserves have been discovered
>>>>>in offshore Tertiary reservoirs in the Gippsland Basin. Additional
>>>>>major oil reserves have been discovered in the Carnarvon and Bonaparte
>>>>>Estimates by Geoscience Australia of future crude oil plus condensate
>>>>>production suggest production in 2005 at between 78.0 ML/d or 490,700
>>>>>bbl/d and 107.3 ML/d or 674,700 bbl/d and a decline to between about
>>>>>25.0 ML/d or 157,000 bbl/d and 54.2 ML/d or 341,000 bbl/d by 2025.
>>>>Which pales in comparison to the trillions of barrels under Gull Island,
>>>Big deal.
>>>Seon said "I'm just glad there is no oil in Australia."
>>>I said <what you quoted above>.
>>>You come back with some crap about Alaska. BFD!

>> And I also pointed out I meant no oil fields like Iraq. It was late and I
>> was rushing my post without thinking to much.

> Did the dog eat your homework?

"Vandar" <> wrote in message
> seon ferguson wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>>>On Jun 30, 11:23 pm, "John P."
>>><> wrote:
>>>>"Anonymous Loser" <> wrote in a a
>>>>>WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. intelligence officials had
>>>>>several warnings that terrorists might attack the United States
>>>>>on its home soil -- even using airplanes as weapons -- well
>>>>>before the September 11, 2001 attacks, two congressional
>>>>>committees said in a report released Wednesday.
>>>>During the week of July 4, 2007, four people will die in car accidents
>>>>the interstate highways in and around the Chicago area.
>>>>Armed with this specific information, stop it from happening.
>>>First, you issue a warning about this so the hijackers know that you
>>>Tell the airline

>> And let the pilots carry freaking guns.

> You want this guy carrying a gun on an airplane?

Hell no but guns could have prevented 911. If they had a gun they could just
shoot the hijackers, since they only had box cutters and stuff. I'd rather a
few people died in the crossfire then 3,000 plus people. Wouldnt you?
In article <Znvji.11654$B25.10976@news01.roc.ny>,
> zookumar yelubandi wrote:
> > Vandar wrote:
> >
> >>seon ferguson wrote:
> >>
> >>><> wrote in message
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>On Jun 30, 11:23 pm, "John P."
> >>>><> wrote:

> >
> > [...]
> >
> >>>And let the pilots carry freaking guns.
> >>
> >>You want this guy carrying a gun on an airplane?
> >>

> >
> >
> > Why get finnicky about a drunk pilot with a gun, when the bigger
> > threat in the same set of circumstances is a drunk pilot at the controls
> > of a quarter-megaton missile?

> Congratulations, kid, you have no clue about missiles either.
> A missile with a pilot. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

In Kookland, all the missiles have pilots. They are cheaper than a
guidance computer. All that technology, who needs it?

What kook wouldn't give his life for the cause of saving Kookland some

seon ferguson wrote:

> "Vandar" <> wrote in message
> news:eeuji.11644$B25.162@news01.roc.ny...
>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>><> wrote in message
>>>>On Jun 30, 11:23 pm, "John P."
>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>"Anonymous Loser" <> wrote in a a
>>>>>>WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. intelligence officials had
>>>>>>several warnings that terrorists might attack the United States
>>>>>>on its home soil -- even using airplanes as weapons -- well
>>>>>>before the September 11, 2001 attacks, two congressional
>>>>>>committees said in a report released Wednesday.
>>>>>During the week of July 4, 2007, four people will die in car accidents
>>>>>the interstate highways in and around the Chicago area.
>>>>>Armed with this specific information, stop it from happening.
>>>>First, you issue a warning about this so the hijackers know that you
>>>>Tell the airline
>>>And let the pilots carry freaking guns.

>>You want this guy carrying a gun on an airplane?

> Hell no but guns could have prevented 911. If they had a gun they could just
> shoot the hijackers, since they only had box cutters and stuff. I'd rather a
> few people died in the crossfire then 3,000 plus people. Wouldnt you?

Of course. A lot of things other than guns could have prevented it. I'd
rather they keep all weapons off the plane and have the ****pit door be
reinforced and mandate it being locked before the plane starts to taxi.
On Jul 3, 6:23 pm, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:
> < US > wrote in
> > On Tue, 3 Jul 2007 18:50:31 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
> > wrote:

> >>< US > wrote in message
> >>
> >>> On Sun, 1 Jul 2007 14:06:06 +1000, "seon ferguson" <>
> >>> wrote:
> >>>>"John P." <> wrote in
> >>>>
> >>>>> "Anonymous Loser" <> wrote

> >>>>>> WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. intelligence officials had
> >>>>>> several warnings that terrorists might attack the United States
> >>>>>> on its home soil -- even using airplanes as weapons -- well
> >>>>>> before the September 11, 2001 attacks, two congressional
> >>>>>> committees said in a report released Wednesday.

> >>>>> During the week of July 4, 2007, four people will die in car accidents
> >>>>> on the interstate highways in and around the Chicago area.
> >>>>> Armed with this specific information, stop it from happening.

> >>>>Unlike you I'm not a coincidence theorist. These warnings are the few un
> >>>>answered questions I have left about 911. If they were taken seriously
> >>>>could they have prevented another 911?

> >>> Bush could have prevented 9/11 easily. He'd already
> >>> been advised to secure civilian aviation.

> >>> Instead, he stopped the FBI from investigating the
> >>> bin Ladens (his family's business associates), and he
> >>> made sure the commercial pilots couldn't carry any
> >>> sidearms to defend themselves.

> >>> If he'd merely warned the potential victims, there's
> >>> no way the events could have unfolded in the ways
> >>> they did, which profited Bush so much.

> >>I wouldnt be the least bit suprised. Bush and co are a pack of criminals
> >>who
> >>deserve to be impeached and sent to prison.

> > True.

> If I lived in America i would help but its up to you guys to make the world
> a better place. I'm just a bystander.

So then you don't care about your impact on the world?

EVERYONE in the whole WORLD must work to make it better. No single
nation can solve the world's problems single-handedly. It must be
an effort on the part of EVERY HUMAN BEING ON THE ENTIRE
On Jul 5, 1:07 am, "seon ferguson" <> wrote:
> "John P." <> wrote in message
>> "seon ferguson" <> wrote in a message
> >> Its not that big but I admit it is better then before. It was the Scooter
> >> Libby pardoning that woke me up to the corruption and the crinimal nature
> >> of these people. Hopefully a lot of other people will be woken up to.

> > If you think that is something new and exciting from the current
> > administration, you might want to do some digging into past presidential
> > pardons.

> > Some of the biggies you might find interesting are Gerald Ford's pardon of
> > Richard Nixon, Bill Clinton pardoning 16 members of FALN, and, on his last
> > day in office, signing 140 pardons for various criminals.

> I know about ford pardoning Nixon. That was even worse then pardoning some
> adviser. i'll have to research FALN though but even if Clinton pardoned 140
> crinimals it still doest make pardoning Libby ok. It just means if the
> democrats were the ones in charge they would do the same.

Thank Goodness you believe a just government should not keep
any secrets from it's people!
"John P." <> wrote in message
> "seon ferguson" <> wrote in a message
>> If this really is a "war on terror" why is it only terrorists when they
>> attack America or American targets or when American interests are in that
>> region?

> If you asked a German soldier who the enemy was in WW II, what would his
> answer be? What if you asked the same question of a Russian solider? A
> French soldier? A Japanese soldier?
> The releative nature of 'the enemy' should be rather obvious.

But this isn't a war on a particular country. It's supposed to be a war on
all terrorism Bush never said it was a war on terror that affects America,
just a "war on terror"
"MoronLocator" <> wrote in message
> "seon ferguson" <> wrote in message news:468c9aa9$0$12805

>> If this really is a "war on terror" why is it only terrorists when they
>> attack America or American targets or when American interests are in that
>> region?

> Becuase it's propaganda to justify America's retarded Foreign Policy...
> the same that has gotten us into this situation to begin with. Wait till
> the bill comes for US taxpayers.

Yep one that uses 911 to justafy everything.

>>>> Or maybe Bush didn't know what was going on and maybe the whole "mr
>>>> president were under attack" business was just a lie to make him appear
>>>> more commander in chiefly later on.
>>> It's pretty clear Bush didn't know what was going on. He'd have little
>>> choice as to what he might do once he learned of the attack. At that
>>> point, the Secret Service is running through a whole list of options.
>>> They're checking the surrounding area (maybe part of the attack plan
>>> assumed the president would leave the school immediately, where he'd
>>> then be hit by a suicide bomber, a shoulder launched missile at his
>>> limo, etc.).
>>> Since the school and surrounding area would have been checked prior to
>>> his arrival at the school, for the immediate time, he was in a 'known
>>> safe" area. ... or, at least more known safe than anywhere outside the
>>> school.
>>> The only thing GW could do was wait.

>> And laugh with the kids. Perhaps he didnt know what was going on, thats a
>> more realistic approach.

> You're being too generous. He was told that the US was under attack.

At least according to the official story. But all he seemed to care about
was a pet goat.
"Vandar" <> wrote in message
> seon ferguson wrote:
>> "Vandar" <> wrote in message
>> news:eeuji.11644$B25.162@news01.roc.ny...
>>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>><> wrote in message
>>>>>On Jun 30, 11:23 pm, "John P."
>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>"Anonymous Loser" <> wrote in a a
>>>>>>>WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. intelligence officials had
>>>>>>>several warnings that terrorists might attack the United States
>>>>>>>on its home soil -- even using airplanes as weapons -- well
>>>>>>>before the September 11, 2001 attacks, two congressional
>>>>>>>committees said in a report released Wednesday.
>>>>>>During the week of July 4, 2007, four people will die in car accidents
>>>>>>the interstate highways in and around the Chicago area.
>>>>>>Armed with this specific information, stop it from happening.
>>>>>First, you issue a warning about this so the hijackers know that you
>>>>>Tell the airline
>>>>And let the pilots carry freaking guns.
>>>You want this guy carrying a gun on an airplane?

>> Hell no but guns could have prevented 911. If they had a gun they could
>> just shoot the hijackers, since they only had box cutters and stuff. I'd
>> rather a few people died in the crossfire then 3,000 plus people. Wouldnt
>> you?

> Of course. A lot of things other than guns could have prevented it. I'd
> rather they keep all weapons off the plane and have the ****pit door be
> reinforced and mandate it being locked before the plane starts to taxi.

Then what's stopping the muzzies from massacring the passengers?
seon ferguson wrote:

> "Vandar" <> wrote in message
> news:gNGji.11625$ya1.8663@news02.roc.ny...
>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>"Vandar" <> wrote in message
>>>>seon ferguson wrote:
>>>>><> wrote in message
>>>>>>On Jun 30, 11:23 pm, "John P."
>>>>>><> wrote:
>>>>>>>"Anonymous Loser" <> wrote in a a
>>>>>>>>WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. intelligence officials had
>>>>>>>>several warnings that terrorists might attack the United States
>>>>>>>>on its home soil -- even using airplanes as weapons -- well
>>>>>>>>before the September 11, 2001 attacks, two congressional
>>>>>>>>committees said in a report released Wednesday.
>>>>>>>During the week of July 4, 2007, four people will die in car accidents
>>>>>>>the interstate highways in and around the Chicago area.
>>>>>>>Armed with this specific information, stop it from happening.
>>>>>>First, you issue a warning about this so the hijackers know that you
>>>>>>Tell the airline
>>>>>And let the pilots carry freaking guns.
>>>>You want this guy carrying a gun on an airplane?
>>>Hell no but guns could have prevented 911. If they had a gun they could
>>>just shoot the hijackers, since they only had box cutters and stuff. I'd
>>>rather a few people died in the crossfire then 3,000 plus people. Wouldnt

>>Of course. A lot of things other than guns could have prevented it. I'd
>>rather they keep all weapons off the plane and have the ****pit door be
>>reinforced and mandate it being locked before the plane starts to taxi.

> Then what's stopping the muzzies from massacring the passengers?

Just when I think you can't say anything dumber, you come up with
something like this.
"Vandar" <> wrote in message
> MoronLocator wrote:
>> "John P." <> wrote in
>> message
>>>"seon ferguson" <> wrote in a message
>>>>>>Anything would have been better then just sitting there when his
>>>>>>fellow Americans were being burnt alive. I mean even if he didnt do
>>>>>>anything I wouldnt mind so much its the joking he did with the kids
>>>>>>that gets to me. How would you like it if you had a wife who was burnt
>>>>>>alive in the twin towers or who had no choice to jumo to her death and
>>>>>>you saw the man who was suposed to be commander and chief just sitting
>>>>>>there joking and laughing?
>>>>>Well Seon, I have no expectation that the President of the US is in a
>>>>>position to do anything to rescue my wife from a burning building. I
>>>>>would very much want the fire department to be there, as well as EMT's
>>>>>and other emergency crews, but, I really wouldn't care what the
>>>>>president was doing. He is the Commander in Chief of the US military,
>>>>>which really wouldn't play a role in a building fire, or even a
>>>>>terrorist attack. The military isn't really set up for an immediate
>>>>>response to that type of incident.
>>>>>The question should really be, how would I want GW to act if that were
>>>>>one of my kids in that classroom with him?
>>>>>The answer is, I'd prefer he not do anything to alarm or panic those
>>>>Yeah he can do that later with the whole "war on terror" fraud and the
>>>>members of his administration can help scare the American people with
>>>>there fear mongering.

>> That would be the sound of the OBL wanted dead or alive slogan
>> disappearing.
>>>>Or maybe Bush didn't know what was going on and maybe the whole "mr
>>>>president were under attack" business was just a lie to make him appear
>>>>more commander in chiefly later on.
>>>It's pretty clear Bush didn't know what was going on.

>> BS. He was told America was under attack.
>> He'd have little
>>>choice as to what he might do once he learned of the attack.

>> He was told America was under attack and sat there for another (minimum)
>> 7 minutes before doing his next move, nothing.
>> At that point,
>>>the Secret Service is running through a whole list of options. They're
>>>checking the surrounding area (maybe part of the attack plan assumed the
>>>president would leave the school immediately, where he'd then be hit by a
>>>suicide bomber, a shoulder launched missile at his limo, etc.).

>> Yep, stay at the place he's known to be... because the terrorists might
>> hit him... at some undisclosed escape route... during an undisclosed
>> escape plan.
>>>Since the school and surrounding area would have been checked prior to
>>>his arrival at the school, for the immediate time, he was in a 'known
>>>safe" area. ... or, at least more known safe than anywhere outside the

>> How did anyone "know" he was safe in the highly publicized photo op
>> location?

> How did anyone "know" if he was unsafe?

The President is never safe and therefore the reason why he has a huge
Secret Service detail 24/7.

The secret service isn't
> supposed to act based on whether they think the President is safe, they
> are supposed to act when they know he is not.

The Secret Service acts to keep the President safe period.
> Right at this very second, a person intent on causing the President harm
> could be headed to his location. Should his security detail whisk him to a
> "secure" location based on no known threat?

0n 9/11 it wasn't a person was it, moron?
"BDK" <> wrote in message
> I'm glad MoronLocator isn't in charge of security, there would be dead
> Presidents so often nobody would want, or even take the job.

Yes, if I followed the logic of your moronic group of fanatics.
"zookumar yelubandi" <> wrote in message news:6suji.15235

> Why get finnicky about a drunk pilot with a gun, when the bigger
> threat in the same set of circumstances is a drunk pilot at the controls
> of a quarter-megaton missile?
> [Note to self: don't play with the minds of sweet children, Zook, it
> ain't symmetrical and it ain't couth]
> -zookumar-

Have you forgotten you'd call them Satan's children from the other point on?
"Vandar" <> wrote in message news:Znvji.11654$

> Congratulations, kid, you have no clue about missiles either.
> A missile with a pilot. BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
MoronLocator wrote:
> "Vandar" <> wrote in message
> news:ucuji.11643$B25.4222@news01.roc.ny...
>>MoronLocator wrote:
>>>"John P." <> wrote in
>>>>"seon ferguson" <> wrote in a message
>>>>>>>Anything would have been better then just sitting there when his
>>>>>>>fellow Americans were being burnt alive. I mean even if he didnt do
>>>>>>>anything I wouldnt mind so much its the joking he did with the kids
>>>>>>>that gets to me. How would you like it if you had a wife who was burnt
>>>>>>>alive in the twin towers or who had no choice to jumo to her death and
>>>>>>>you saw the man who was suposed to be commander and chief just sitting
>>>>>>>there joking and laughing?
>>>>>>Well Seon, I have no expectation that the President of the US is in a
>>>>>>position to do anything to rescue my wife from a burning building. I
>>>>>>would very much want the fire department to be there, as well as EMT's
>>>>>>and other emergency crews, but, I really wouldn't care what the
>>>>>>president was doing. He is the Commander in Chief of the US military,
>>>>>>which really wouldn't play a role in a building fire, or even a
>>>>>>terrorist attack. The military isn't really set up for an immediate
>>>>>>response to that type of incident.
>>>>>>The question should really be, how would I want GW to act if that were
>>>>>>one of my kids in that classroom with him?
>>>>>>The answer is, I'd prefer he not do anything to alarm or panic those
>>>>>Yeah he can do that later with the whole "war on terror" fraud and the
>>>>>members of his administration can help scare the American people with
>>>>>there fear mongering.
>>>That would be the sound of the OBL wanted dead or alive slogan
>>>>>Or maybe Bush didn't know what was going on and maybe the whole "mr
>>>>>president were under attack" business was just a lie to make him appear
>>>>>more commander in chiefly later on.
>>>>It's pretty clear Bush didn't know what was going on.
>>>BS. He was told America was under attack.
>>>He'd have little
>>>>choice as to what he might do once he learned of the attack.
>>>He was told America was under attack and sat there for another (minimum)
>>>7 minutes before doing his next move, nothing.
>>>At that point,
>>>>the Secret Service is running through a whole list of options. They're
>>>>checking the surrounding area (maybe part of the attack plan assumed the
>>>>president would leave the school immediately, where he'd then be hit by a
>>>>suicide bomber, a shoulder launched missile at his limo, etc.).
>>>Yep, stay at the place he's known to be... because the terrorists might
>>>hit him... at some undisclosed escape route... during an undisclosed
>>>escape plan.
>>>>Since the school and surrounding area would have been checked prior to
>>>>his arrival at the school, for the immediate time, he was in a 'known
>>>>safe" area. ... or, at least more known safe than anywhere outside the
>>>How did anyone "know" he was safe in the highly publicized photo op

>>How did anyone "know" if he was unsafe?

> The President is never safe and therefore the reason why he has a huge
> Secret Service detail 24/7.

He has a security detail to ensure his safety. He is safe much more
often than he is not.

> The secret service isn't
>>supposed to act based on whether they think the President is safe, they
>>are supposed to act when they know he is not.

> The Secret Service acts to keep the President safe period.
>>Right at this very second, a person intent on causing the President harm
>>could be headed to his location. Should his security detail whisk him to a
>>"secure" location based on no known threat?

> 0n 9/11 it wasn't a person was it, moron?

As I said, it was unknown. The secret service doesn't act on unknowns,
only knowns.
In article <>, says...
> seon ferguson wrote:
> > "Vandar" <> wrote in message
> > news:gNGji.11625$ya1.8663@news02.roc.ny...
> >
> >>seon ferguson wrote:
> >>
> >>
> >>>"Vandar" <> wrote in message
> >>>news:eeuji.11644$B25.162@news01.roc.ny...
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>seon ferguson wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>><> wrote in message
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>>On Jun 30, 11:23 pm, "John P."
> >>>>>><> wrote:
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>>"Anonymous Loser" <> wrote in a a
> >>>>>>>message
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>WASHINGTON (CNN) -- U.S. intelligence officials had
> >>>>>>>>several warnings that terrorists might attack the United States
> >>>>>>>>on its home soil -- even using airplanes as weapons -- well
> >>>>>>>>before the September 11, 2001 attacks, two congressional
> >>>>>>>>committees said in a report released Wednesday.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>During the week of July 4, 2007, four people will die in car accidents
> >>>>>>>on
> >>>>>>>the interstate highways in and around the Chicago area.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>Armed with this specific information, stop it from happening.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>Idiot
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>First, you issue a warning about this so the hijackers know that you
> >>>>>>know
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>Tell the airline
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>>And let the pilots carry freaking guns.
> >>>>
> >>>>You want this guy carrying a gun on an airplane?
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>>Hell no but guns could have prevented 911. If they had a gun they could
> >>>just shoot the hijackers, since they only had box cutters and stuff. I'd
> >>>rather a few people died in the crossfire then 3,000 plus people. Wouldnt
> >>>you?
> >>
> >>Of course. A lot of things other than guns could have prevented it. I'd
> >>rather they keep all weapons off the plane and have the ****pit door be
> >>reinforced and mandate it being locked before the plane starts to taxi.
> >>

> >
> > Then what's stopping the muzzies from massacring the passengers?
> >
> >

> Just when I think you can't say anything dumber, you come up with
> something like this.

I have to admit that one, well, it's a "keeper".

In article <iuNji.474$RA6.16@newsfe12.lga>, says...
> "BDK" <> wrote in message
> > I'm glad MoronLocator isn't in charge of security, there would be dead
> > Presidents so often nobody would want, or even take the job.
> >
> > BDK

> Yes, if I followed the logic of your moronic group of fanatics.

Sure Moron, sure.

"seon ferguson" <> wrote in a message

>> The releative nature of 'the enemy' should be rather obvious.

> But this isn't a war on a particular country. It's supposed to be a war on
> all terrorism Bush never said it was a war on terror that affects America,
> just a "war on terror"

Given the self serving nature of humans in general, I would presume the
president of the US would be addressing concerns of the US when speaking.