
skategreen said:
Heyyyy buddy...I've seen your profile pic...You're REALLY one to talk!

As for twisted...did you see what I do to Barbies? Posted in the Gallery.... you should see what the Giant plastic Dinosaurs are doing with the Barbies in the Garden.
Yeah well atleast I don't eat my students finger paints. Is this you skategreen? hehe -->

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Scientology may seem out of my realm and a bit odd to me...but i have no objections to them or their beliefs because as of now they are staying out of mine...

I Have no probelms with people who are respectful of others...but the moment they interefere wtih me and decide im burning or going somewhere unpleasant when i die and want to change my crap...then i have a problem...

Skatie.....hold your E-meter thing and be happy!....

we all deserve to be happy and undisturbed when we are doing nothing wrong to anyone else!......Just becasue a few celebs who are in their own right wacked out doesnt mean your beliefs are!

Peace to the out!
skategreen said:
I hear and understand the things you folks are saying.

I've seen the various websites, I've heard the opinions great and small all along the way.

To each his own... for me? I've read the books, done the courses, gotten the "auditing", I've applied the data, I worked as a staff member for some years, and so on...

I know Scientology. I don't, "know about" it...I know IT. I'm a happy and healthy grown up person and am not troubled by much at all. I enjoy incredible warm and loving relationships with my family, extended family, and a large circle of friends. I'm well thought of and dearly loved, and in turn, think well of others and dearly love in return!

I make friends with seatmates on the train, in subways, and grocery stores. I don't preach or push my views on others, but I'm always willing to offer help or supply it if requested.

I also enjoy this all it's guises........

I sit here sipping my coffee, preparing to go attack my bar sink in a blazing display of repair abilities, and chuckle at the responses you have evoked...

How predictable and limited of view they all are (except Vortex...a gay God among mere mortal men)... :rolleyes:

I wonder what Buddha would think of I don't...I'm pretty certain I know...

The thought manifests as the word. The word manifests as the deed. The deed develops into habit. And the habit hardens into character. So watch the thought and its ways with care. And let it spring from love, born out of concern for all beings. . - Buddha

I wonder if all of the naysayers are even capable of a handful of the HABIT of good deeds you do so regularly Skategreen? Curious.
sixes said:
Well for one you are defending Scientology. What next ,are you going to tell us you eat people? Skate I like you ,but you scare me with your blind walks into cults like this. :confused:

Cults? Really. Says who?

"Blind walks into" ?!?!?!?! What the **** have you devoted 30+ years of your life to in the pursuit of study, self-introspection, self-improvement, and development of a tempered and delightful personality and way of living your life in a way that gives back more than you take? Oh, wait a minute sixes, I'll answer that for you....ABSOLUTELY JACK ****! and it shows.

Personally, I'm quite interested in the activities of the largest CULT in the world. CHRISTIANITY.

Take about mind control! Subjugation of the masses. Looting of the pocketbooks. Raping of the small children in every parish worldwide...

Oh yes.

You stupid plank...

Nobody here has even got the intent behind my Avatar.

Catholicism is the King Fool in a sea of fools.

John Paul II was a interesting man, and I liked him, but he headed the largest cult the world has ever known.
Religion, is a cult, it brainwashes its followers, tells them what to think, what to believe and conditions them into thinking there life is just ****ing perfect and they need this parasitical relationship to survive. It screws people over with the promise of a better life after death and if they want this blessed existence they better ****ing do what they
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
I sit here sipping my coffee, preparing to go attack my bar sink in a blazing display of repair abilities, and chuckle at the responses you have evoked...

How predictable and limited of view they all are (except Vortex...a gay God among mere mortal men)... :rolleyes:

I wonder what Buddha would think of I don't...I'm pretty certain I know...

The thought manifests as the word. The word manifests as the deed. The deed develops into habit. And the habit hardens into character. So watch the thought and its ways with care. And let it spring from love, born out of concern for all beings. . - Buddha

I wonder if all of the naysayers are even capable of a handful of the HABIT of good deeds you do so regularly Skategreen? Curious.

Good Lord, CES. What a wonderful quote! I'm saving that one. That's one for the Quote Wall.

I've never been a supporter of the idea that we are leaves in the wind, merely effect, and it's all someone else's fault. Every step of the way...we're making choices. And yes indeed...choices can become habit!

Being a positive effect - ie, allowing others to effect US, can be so much fun. But so often it's even ever so much more fun to create good effects on others. Hence... I like getting a nice present....but I just pig out on my own delight of creating things for others.

I enjoy your friendship....but I must admit, I also enjoy creating that friendship. It's always a Win Win situation.

I very much believe in the Goodness of Man. Even on this board... which I think we all join to let down our hair and be Assholes for Awhile (at first) .... the natural bent towards goodness breaks through and overrides.

A good demonstration of the basic nature of Man... is to simply put a puppy in someone's lap. It's hard to maintain a Facade of *****dom when you've a squirming little furball of happiness on your lap.

Religion is always a hot topic. It's kinda fun!
I support any means of keeping money out of the hands of the IRS. Let nuts worship any way they please. It is only government that has the power to coerce rational human beings into slavery.
I don't trust any organized religion but some are worse then others. Some are more likely to grab and surround someone and NOT let them go.

I have no problem with people worshipping however they want, I have a problem when it intrudes into my life. One thing I have to say for Scientologist is that I have never had one knock on my door trying to hand out religious tracts...thats a mark in the positive column for them in my book.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Cults? Really. Says who?

"Blind walks into" ?!?!?!?! What the **** have you devoted 30+ years of your life to in the pursuit of study, self-introspection, self-improvement, and development of a tempered and delightful personality and way of living your life in a way that gives back more than you take? Oh, wait a minute sixes, I'll answer that for you....ABSOLUTELY JACK ****! and it shows.

Personally, I'm quite interested in the activities of the largest CULT in the world. CHRISTIANITY.

Take about mind control! Subjugation of the masses. Looting of the pocketbooks. Raping of the small children in every parish worldwide...

Oh yes.

You stupid plank...

Nobody here has even got the intent behind my Avatar.

Catholicism is the King Fool in a sea of fools.

John Paul II was a interesting man, and I liked him, but he headed the largest cult the world has ever known.

Christians are the biggest cult of them all. I have no problem with Bible. It has many moral values that alot of people NEED to have. I don't aprove of shoving any mass organized religion in anyones' face. Skategreen likes this Scientology nonsense ,right on. I just want her to keep it on her side on the fence.:rolleyes:
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
Cults? Really. Says who?

"Blind walks into" ?!?!?!?! What the **** have you devoted 30+ years of your life to in the pursuit of study, self-introspection, self-improvement, and development of a tempered and delightful personality and way of living your life in a way that gives back more than you take? Oh, wait a minute sixes, I'll answer that for you....ABSOLUTELY JACK ****! and it shows.

Personally, I'm quite interested in the activities of the largest CULT in the world. CHRISTIANITY.

Take about mind control! Subjugation of the masses. Looting of the pocketbooks. Raping of the small children in every parish worldwide...

Oh yes.

You stupid plank...

Nobody here has even got the intent behind my Avatar.

Catholicism is the King Fool in a sea of fools.

John Paul II was a interesting man, and I liked him, but he headed the largest cult the world has ever known.

I absolutely agree with you CES.

I was raised in a family where my Father was a retired minister. I had their religion shoved down my throat from the time I was an infant. One thing they were big on was talking about "freedom of choice". I asked my Father one time, how do I have freedom of choice in this religion you choose to follow, when you have been brain washing me with this drivel since before I could speak? He was speechless...a typical reaction I got when I spoke of religion to one of them. I told him they had taken my freedom of choice away, I had no idea of right and wrong independent of the teachings of the church. Adventists have their own prophet (like Smith for the Mormons), her name is Ellen White. It got to the point where I couldn't tell you if a certain teaching was from the bible or Ellen White's books. Thats bad in my opinion.

Even now there are things in my belief system that trace back to those bastards, I have tried to eradicate them but I can't get rid of it completely.

For instance I was talking to a male friend about a failed relationship. They had only dated about a month. He told me how he had spent money on her, buying her things like jewelry etc. She also had the expectation they were going to sleep together in that time and was PISSED that did not occur ignoring the fact he was under a doctors care for a back injury and in physical therapy, taking medication the whole deal. My take on this woman is that she is a SLUT. I am by no means a religious person but I wouldn't allow a man I knew so casually to spend the kind of money on me that he spoke of spending on her, I also wouldn't dream of sleeping with someone in under a month...Where did I get these values?? They are relics of the Seventh Day Adventist church, I wish I could exterminate them from my mind but so far I have been unsucessful in that endeavor.
Quarky1.0 said:
Religion, is a cult, it brainwashes its followers, tells them what to think, what to believe and conditions them into thinking there life is just ****ing perfect and they need this parasitical relationship to survive. It screws people over with the promise of a better life after death and if they want this blessed existence they better ****ing do what they
Catholicism ,damn don't get me started. The most backwards religion on this planet and to think people fear this Church? Are demons going to come climb in our bodies if we don't let Preist molest our children?

"We better give little Tommy an Exorcism ,I think he is possessed. I don't understand how this could have happened? We left him with Father Bishop all day."

We all know that the Catholic Church needs people now more than ever ,but they are the one to blame for thier bullshit brainwashing sense the stone ages. It all started there.........
It is amazing how sixes clarifies the ignorance of CES's position on the Roman Catholic Church.
hugo said:
It is amazing how sixes clarifies the ignorance of CES's position on the Roman Catholic Church.
Jesus Tap Dancing Christ! Everytime someone even brings up any religion ,hugo is there to poke, provoke ,and then choke. I would take you serious hugo if I had not seen the bullshit angles you take ,very subjetive I would say. IMO
sixes said:
Jesus Tap Dancing Christ! Everytime someone even brings up any religion ,hugo is there to poke, provoke ,and then choke. I would take you serious hugo if I had not seen the bullshit angles you take ,very subjetive I would say. IMO

Go back to sucking on your pacifier.
I think we can all be happy we are not the child of Joe DiCaprio, no relation to the actor, of Brooklyn, NY. The man worships his own big toe on his right foot. I would deem it harmless if he did not force his own children to follow his faith. CiCi, 16, and Anthony, 12, must pray to and kiss Joe's toe before they go to bed. CiCi has ran away on two occassions. Link can be found at
skategreen said:
Good Lord, CES. What a wonderful quote! I'm saving that one. That's one for the Quote Wall.

I've never been a supporter of the idea that we are leaves in the wind, merely effect, and it's all someone else's fault. Every step of the way...we're making choices. And yes indeed...choices can become habit!

Being a positive effect - ie, allowing others to effect US, can be so much fun. But so often it's even ever so much more fun to create good effects on others. Hence... I like getting a nice present....but I just pig out on my own delight of creating things for others.

I enjoy your friendship....but I must admit, I also enjoy creating that friendship. It's always a Win Win situation.

I very much believe in the Goodness of Man. Even on this board... which I think we all join to let down our hair and be Assholes for Awhile (at first) .... the natural bent towards goodness breaks through and overrides.

A good demonstration of the basic nature of Man... is to simply put a puppy in someone's lap. It's hard to maintain a Facade of *****dom when you've a squirming little furball of happiness on your lap.

Religion is always a hot topic. It's kinda fun!

You know what, SkateGreen, I jumped to conclusions...I'm sorry.

I have respect for those who seek religion as a way to better themselves, and not just to score "pious points" for the afterlife.

When I say scientology, I mean the retards (like Tom Cruise) who blindly follow it and believe anything it says. Those are the people I am talking about, not SG.

This brings up a valid point though...isn't SG basically practicing Buddhism? It seems to me that bettering your life the way most people describe it is more of a Buddhist thing than in any other religion. Since Buddhism really doesn't have a "God", it is less cult-like than other religions in that it has less "blind faith" rituals.
hugo said:
What a nutcase. Anyone who knows religious people know that many get quite a bit from their religion. Religion is universal among all cultures. It fulfills a widespread psychological need.

Goddamn you have a hard on for me. Yet again Hugo a gogo, sprouts from the river of effluent that spews from what he calls a mouth.
If you actually did a bit of research into the past histories of religion, you will not find a sweet pretty nice little history. Religion has been butchering humanity for centuries, if you don
I don't think how much a person gets from their religion makes it a valid religion...I think how much freedom a person has within this religion has alot to do with deciding if their a cult or not.

Do people have freedom to question the tenants of the faith or are they brain washed into thinking what everyone else does.

The more reliant someone is on their religion the more I wonder about the person, if they can't take a piss without consulting their religion you have to ask yourself who is in control, is it the worshipper or the one being worshipped.

I have some friends who are very religious in the Adventist church but in spite of the fact I no longer practice that religion, they treat me like I'm a member of their family. They have literally sheltered me in time of need, they LIVE their religion, they don't bang on about it, shoving their beliefs down peoples throats...thats a sign of true Christianity to me, I don't think it has to do with the specific religion, its about the person feeling content in where they are in life.