On Apr 5, 4:05 pm, "Michael Ejercito" <> wrote:
> On Apr 3, 11:59 am, "Bill M" <> wrote:> The simplest and most obvious evidence that there are no gods is the actual
> > existence of millions of atheists.

> > If a god existed that was mean and intolerant it would simply kill the
> > atheists and send them to his Hell.

> All in due time, my friend.
> It is not as if time is something that God is short of.
> Michael

Which god would that be and what evidence do you have that it even

rbwinn wrote:
> On Apr 3, 11:59 am, "Bill M" <> wrote:
> > The simplest and most obvious evidence that there are no gods is the actual
> > existence of millions of atheists.
> >
> > If a god existed that was mean and intolerant it would simply kill the
> > atheists and send them to his Hell.
> >
> > If a loving and caring god existed it would it would directly communicate
> > his existence, wishes and commands to the atheists to convince them of its
> > existence. No loving and caring god would keep himself hidden causing the
> > atheists to spend eternity in his Hell.

> What about a God who sent his only Begotten Son to die for the sins of atheists?

In what way is justice served by punishing an innocent? Why can't an
omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent god grant forgiveness without
all the rigamarole? Atheists don't require innocents to die for
someone else's crime; why are they more reasonable and just than an
all powerful, all loving god?
Bill M wrote:
> "rbwinn" <> wrote in message
> > On Apr 3, 11:59 am, "Bill M" <> wrote:
> >> The simplest and most obvious evidence that there are no gods is the
> >> actual
> >> existence of millions of atheists.
> >>
> >> If a god existed that was mean and intolerant it would simply kill the
> >> atheists and send them to his Hell.
> >>
> >> If a loving and caring god existed it would it would directly communicate
> >> his existence, wishes and commands to the atheists to convince them of
> >> its
> >> existence. No loving and caring god would keep himself hidden causing the
> >> atheists to spend eternity in his Hell.

> >
> > What about a God who sent his only Begotten Son to die for the sins of
> > atheists?
> > Robert B. Winn

> What does this Bible story have to do with the question? Why wouldn't a
> loving god demonstrate his existence and eliminate atheism?

Because "god" isn't bound by logic, justice, or reason.
Cdumo wrote:
> "Bill M" <> wrote in message
> news:q6yQh.29385$
> > The simplest and most obvious evidence that there are no gods is the
> > actual existence of millions of atheists.

> Many are called few are choosen
> > If a god existed that was mean and intolerant it would simply kill the
> > atheists and send them to his Hell.

> He will.
> > If a loving and caring god existed it would it would directly communicate
> > his existence, wishes and commands to the atheists to convince them of its
> > existence. No loving and caring god would keep himself hidden causing the
> > atheists to spend eternity in his Hell.

> He did, it's called the Scriptures, atheists cause themselves to go to
> hell, don't blame God, go ahead study, you can't say you didn't know.

How did you determine your holy writings were the correct ones, and
all the others were wrong? Let me guess; because the bible says so.
On Tue, 3 Apr 2007 14:59:00 -0400, "Bill M" <> wrote:

>If a god existed that was mean and intolerant it would simply kill the
>atheists and send them to his Hell.

And we know that everyone in hell is a volunteer.

duke, American-American

"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
flightlessvacuum wrote:
> On Apr 4, 8:28 am, "rbwinn" <> wrote:
> > What about a God who sent his only Begotten Son to die for the sins of
> > atheists?

> It's a sin to think?

1 Corinthians 3
18 Let no man deceive himself. If any man among you seemeth to be
wise in this world, let him become a fool, that he may be wise.
19 For the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God. For it is
written, He taketh the wise in their own craftiness.
20 And again, The Lord knoweth the thoughts of the wise, that they are
> wrote:
>> > God did not send Jesus to die. God sent Jesus to overcome death which
>> > he did. There is a fundamental difference here.

>> so, are you saying that the christian god is completely ****ing useless
>> and
>> couldn't have just waved his magic wand and overcome death without
>> someone
>> dying?

> How would you rise from the dead without dying first?

why did jesus have to be sent and then to die to overcome death? why didn't
the SUPPOSED ALL-POWERFUL god just wave his magic wand and instantly say
"all death is overcome".

> In what way is justice served by punishing an innocent? Why can't an
> omniscient, omnipotent, omnibenevolent god grant forgiveness without
> all the rigamarole? Atheists don't require innocents to die for
> someone else's crime; why are they more reasonable and just than an
> all powerful, all loving god?

good one, wonder why the christian fruitcakes haven't responded to your
On Apr 5, 4:44 pm, "SheBlewHimDidYouBlowHim" <>
> > wrote:
> >> > God did not send Jesus to die. God sent Jesus to overcome death which
> >> > he did. There is a fundamental difference here.

> >> so, are you saying that the christian god is completely ****ing useless
> >> and
> >> couldn't have just waved his magic wand and overcome death without
> >> someone
> >> dying?

> > How would you rise from the dead without dying first?

> why did jesus have to be sent and then to die to overcome death? why didn't
> the SUPPOSED ALL-POWERFUL god just wave his magic wand and instantly say
> "all death is overcome".

To SHOW it, of course.

On Apr 3, 2:59 pm, "Bill M" <> wrote:
> ...
> If a loving and caring god existed it would it would directly communicate
> his existence, wishes and commands to the atheists to convince them of its
> existence. No loving and caring god would keep himself hidden causing the
> atheists to spend eternity in his Hell.

Jesus performed miracles and the Pharises were witnesses to these
miracles and still they sought to kill him, all in the name of keeping
their power and their ability to sin in spite of the blatant proof
right before their eyes. Sight of God would not be enough for many.
It's not a lack of belief in many cases -- it's a desire to continue
on in sin, and using all of these reasons as an excuse to continue
doing so.
Evidence of God's existance is all around us. If lack of belief is
honestly all you're missing, look harder at the proof all around you,
and start reading the gospels of Luke, Matthew, Mark and John for
Praise the Lord!
On Apr 3, 5:27 pm, Jim07D7 <> wrote:
> "Bill M" <> said:
> There is an "argument from disbelief" as follows, that dispenses with
> certain gods, including notably the God of many believers. This is not
> to be confused with much weaker arguments from disbelief.

This argument from disbelief is flawed and disproves nothing. Let me
show you:

> quote: [I have added two statements to make it more complete, and one
> trivial typo correction.]
> Argument from disbelief:
> Givens:
> God is all powerful
> God is all knowing

Both completely true.

> God is all loving

This is the statement that's false, given what you assume is meant
by "all loving" in human terms .
You ascribe to God what it means in human terms to be all loving,
and God is very different from us. We see time and again in the Bible
how God is very different from humans in many ways. The human version
of "all loving" no doubt means love me, let me pass into heaven no
matter what I do, on my own terms, so that I can still do whatever I
want, sin all I want, and not be punished (burn in hell -- the second
death) for it.

God is a Holy God. He loves us, but when we sin there must be
punishment for that sin. If he were to not enact punishment for sin,
he'd no longer be a Holy God. Then Heaven would be no different than
here on earth as those who sin would (yet again) infect heaven just
like they've cointinue to infect earth (until they turn away from
their sinful ways and call on Jesus Christ to save them from the
punishment of their sins and to help them be righteous with the help
of the Holy Spirit, of course). So the option of there not being
punishment for sin is not an option ! So because of this, God
fails the test of being "all loving" in human terms. And that "given"
in your argument is false, nullifying the entire argument. "Oh that's
so cruel", "he's not all loving", and so on. That's fine by those who
believe: we prefer a Holy God, not a God who will allow just as much
evil to enter heaven as is currently here on Earth.

> Disbelief exists
> Hell exists
> [Add: Disbelievers who die as such go to Hell.]
> God, being all loving, wants us to believe in him so that we won't end
> up in hell.

Another false statement. God wants us to admit we are sinners and
repent. But even then someone will have to take the punishment for our
sins because he is a Holy God. Jesus Christ bore this punishment. We
get this gift only if we admit we are sinners, repent, believe Jesus
Christ is the son of God and rose from the dead, and then call on the
Lord Jesus Christ to save us from the punishment of our sins. At that
point we become children of God, our sins are forgiven, and we are
saved from punishment from our sins.

It's not just a "believe in me and you won't go to hell". Many people
believe in Him, but reject Him, and will still end up in hell (i.e.,
rejecting the gift of Jesus Christ and choosing to take the punishment
themselves instead).

> God, being all knowing, knows exactly what amount of evidence every
> person needs to believe.
> God, being all powerful, has the ability to produce the said evidence.
> I'm a living testament to the existence of disbelief, so god is
> either:
> A)Not all loving
> B)Not all powerful
> C)Not all knowing
> Or hell doesn't exist.
> [Add: Or disbelief carries no penalty.]
> unquote

Since (A) is flawed, when that argument falls apart and you are
looking for a reason why disbelief exists, then the reason is still
(A) God is not all loving in the no-doubt human way you consider
someone to be all loving .

So that argument for God not existing is completely flawed.

So we need to admit we are sinners, repent from that sin (with the
idea that we don't want to keep repeating those sins), believe that
Jesus Christ bore the punishment for our sins on the cross and rose
from the dead, and call on Jesus Christ to save us.

Many had the proof of Jesus' miracles right in their face, and
disbelieved and/or rejected God anyway.

And I'm sure God could continue to blast insane evidence in everyone's
faces to overwhelm their senses into forced belief. But even that
wouldn't be enough. He doesn't want robots. He doesn't want mindless
believers who were practically forced into belief. He wants people to
come to belief of their own free will with more than enough evidence
all around them already. Adam and Eve had all the evidence they
needed: walking with God daily, and STILL they wanted to be separate
from God, thereby rejecting him; sinning against our Holy God.

But every day more people come to know Jesus!

Praise the Lord!
On 5 Apr 2007 20:47:47 -0700, wrote:

>On Apr 3, 2:59 pm, "Bill M" <> wrote:
>> ...
>> If a loving and caring god existed it would it would directly communicate
>> his existence, wishes and commands to the atheists to convince them of its
>> existence. No loving and caring god would keep himself hidden causing the
>> atheists to spend eternity in his Hell.

>Jesus performed miracles and the Pharises were witnesses to these
>miracles and still they sought to kill him, all in the name of keeping
>their power and their ability to sin in spite of the blatant proof
>right before their eyes.

Prove it, moron.

> Sight of God would not be enough for many.

Yet that's all it would take, liar.

>It's not a lack of belief in many cases -- it's a desire to continue
>on in sin, and using all of these reasons as an excuse to continue
>doing so.

A deliberately nasty, personal liar.

>Evidence of God's existance is all around us.

Then you don't know what "evidence" means, moron.

> If lack of belief is
>honestly all you're missing, look harder at the proof all around you,
>and start reading the gospels of Luke, Matthew, Mark and John for

How do those prove anything, moron?

>Praise the Lord!

Why, brainwashed moron?
On 5 Apr 2007 20:47:47 -0700,

>On Apr 3, 2:59 pm, "Bill M" <> wrote:
> ...
>> If a loving and caring god existed it would it would
>> directly communicate his existence, wishes and
>> commands to the atheists to convince them of
>> its existence. No loving and caring god would keep
>> himself hidden causing the atheists to spend eternity
>> in his Hell.

>Jesus performed miracles and the Pharises were
>witnesses to these miracles and still they sought
>to kill him, all in the name of keeping their power
>and their ability to sin in spite of the blatant proof
>right before their eyes. Sight of God would not
>be enough for many. It's not a lack of belief in
>many cases -- it's a desire to continue on in sin,
>and using all of these reasons as an excuse to
>continue doing so.
>Evidence of God's existance is all around us. If lack
>of belief is honestly all you're missing, look harder
>at the proof all around you, and start reading the
>gospels of Luke, Matthew, Mark and John for starters.
>Praise the Lord!

Amen! :)

The thing is, that the poster said...

"If a loving and caring god existed it would it would
directly communicate his existence, wishes and
commands to the atheists to convince them of
its existence. No loving and caring god would keep
himself hidden causing the atheists to spend eternity
in his Hell."

....and the facts are that:

1) God did directly communicate His existence.
Those that were atheists chose not to believe.

2) Atheists dismiss the Bible as some ancient
fairy tale. But what if this time was the time
that Jesus came? Or even if God appeared
with fire and a cloud of smoke and spoke
to the people? Let's say that many atheists
were converted. What would happen to
atheists who lived 2,000 years from now?
They would say that the writings written
today were a fairy tale and that any video
shot was a fake. Thus, what atheists want,
is not a reasonable reason to believe in God.
They want God to appear to each and every
generation. And then, where is faith, that
even atheists admit that we must have in
loving relationships on Earth, but yet, won't
even consider when it comes to God, which
makes them nothing more than hypocrites!

3) If God appeared right now, they would chalk it up
to either trickery, or mass hallucination, which btw,
doesn't exist. But you know what? Instead of
confessing that God exists, the atheists would
claim that this event was proof that mass hallucination
is a real event. So what could we do to convince
atheists that God is real? Nothing! Their mind is set
on disbelieving and even the appearance of God will
not convince them!

So why waste the time? Simple! because we are
commanded to! God may change the heart of one
or more!

But what I suggest, is that we not get into arguments
of logic with them, unless we ready to beat them at their
own game, which includes knowing the answers to what
they will claim, ahead of time and even then, that is
only a beginning! Only God can touch their hearts
in the end. And so, it is the spiritual that is more
important and I would humbly suggest that taking
their logic away from then is step 1, since their logic
does not work under the light of truth and even under
the light of logic (see my point above, about hallucination,
for an example).


The torture of a bad conscience, is the Hell
of a living soul. - John Calvin
On Apr 6, 2:52 am, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:
> On 5 Apr 2007 20:47:47 -0700, wrote:
> >Jesus performed miracles and the Pharises were witnesses to these
> >miracles and still they sought to kill him, all in the name of keeping
> >their power and their ability to sin in spite of the blatant proof
> >right before their eyes.

> Prove it, moron.

> Yet that's all it would take, liar.

> A deliberately nasty, personal liar.

> Then you don't know what "evidence" means, moron.

> How do those prove anything, moron?

> Why, brainwashed moron?

Let's stop right there. I'm sure you'd like others to see that you
have a valid point that you're trying to make. But trying to make such
a point by calling someone you've never met a "moron" numerous times
only makes it seem like you are the one that doesn't in fact have a
point. After all, if you did have a point, and you were the one that
was without a doubt correct, you'd have no need to call someone a
moron over and over again and could instead just focus on your point.
But instead you do result to such crude insults, making it seem that
you don't really have a point and will just try to bash people into
submission. Given the tone and nature of your reply, you give people
the impression you are quite ignorant of even the most basic manner of
social interaction, and that your mind is quite closed to anything but
that which you are hatefully clinging onto. Is that the benefit of
being an atheist? Do you honestly want others to think that "you, too,
can be filled with such hate and guilt .. just reject God and vow that
he doesn't exist" ?

Tell you what, you show us you're capable of being even remotely
civil, and then I'll take you seriously and assume you actually want a
serious answer rather than assume you're only interested in spewing
hate and insults for reminding you that you feel guilty about
something you can't quite put a finger on, or that you'd rather

And for the record, your response in and of itself is more proof that
the Bible is the truth in at least two more ways that I'll bother
pointing out for others who are reading:

One, you clearly seek to persecute anyone who speaks of Jesus Christ
and God, which was predicted in the Bible:

Mat 5:11-12 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute
you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my
sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in
heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

You've just proved another part of the Bible is correct. And you do so
every time you or anyone else insults someone for no other reason than
professing Jesus Christ.

And two, clearly you're conscience is trying to tell you something.
After all, if you were completely fine with personally believing God
does not exist, you would not be so motivated with anger and hate to
come here and insult so many people that you've never even met. Your
own conviction to behave with such hate is more proof staring you
right back at you in the mirror that's trying to tell you something.
Listen to the guilt you make it sound like you're feeling, and why
it's making you lash out with such hate. It sounds like you're not ok
with believing God doesn't exist, along with any other atheists who
lash out with such hate.

Good luck. I will pray for you. I suggest others do so as well.

Praise the Lord!
<> wrote in message
> Jesus performed miracles

Really? Prove it.

and the Pharises were witnesses to these
> miracles and still they sought to kill him, all in the name of keeping
> their power and their ability to sin in spite of the blatant proof

What proof?

> right before their eyes. Sight of God would not be enough for many.

What god?

> It's not a lack of belief in many cases -- it's a desire to continue
> on in sin, and using all of these reasons as an excuse to continue
> doing so.

Sorry, but the concept of sin is part of YOUR religion and since I don't
practice your religion (or any other, for that matter), this concept doesn't
apply to me and my behavior.

> Evidence of God's existance is all around us.

Really? Prove it.

If lack of belief is
> honestly all you're missing, look harder at the proof all around you,

What proof?

> and start reading the gospels of Luke, Matthew, Mark and John for
> starters.

Been there; done that. Just some chapters in a book. Whoopie doo.

> Praise the Lord!

Whatever blows your dress up.
Resident Witchypoo
BAAWA Knight!
<> wrote in message
> On Apr 3, 5:27 pm, Jim07D7 <> wrote:
>> "Bill M" <> said:
>> There is an "argument from disbelief" as follows, that dispenses with
>> certain gods, including notably the God of many believers. This is not
>> to be confused with much weaker arguments from disbelief.

> This argument from disbelief is flawed and disproves nothing. Let me
> show you:

Here's a thought - Prove your god exists. And please back it up with
objective, verifiable evidence. Look up those words in a dictionary if you
don't know what they mean.
Resident Witchypoo
BAAWA Knight!
On 6 Apr 2007 07:49:00 -0700, "Gabriel" <>

>On Apr 6, 2:52 am, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:
>> On 5 Apr 2007 20:47:47 -0700, wrote:
>> >Jesus performed miracles and the Pharises were witnesses to these
>> >miracles and still they sought to kill him, all in the name of keeping
>> >their power and their ability to sin in spite of the blatant proof
>> >right before their eyes.

>> Prove it, moron.

So why didn't you prove it, moron? Instead of snipping all your other
nastiness, stupidity and lies?

>> Yet that's all it would take, liar.

Was it some other liar also called "Gabriel" who also: "Sight of God
would not be enough for many"?

You were lying because that is the kind of evidence you need to

>> A deliberately nasty, personal liar.

Was it some other deliberately nasty, personal liar also called
"Gabriel" who said: "It's not a lack of belief in many cases -- it's a
desire to continue on in sin, and using all of these reasons as an
excuse to continue
doing so"?

That is a vicious slander.

Rather than admit the actual reasons why people don't believe what you
do - because yours is simply somebody else's religion, you resort to
all kinds of personal nastiness to invent falsehoods as "reasons" why
they don't believe what you do.

Because you can't grasp the place your religion in the real world
where it is merely one of hundreds that are only special to their

What makes yours different is that it is one of the few that makes its
believers impose it on others at the same time as making them stupidly
imagine it supercedes reality in the real world, and makes them
slander those who don't put up with it.

>> Then you don't know what "evidence" means, moron.

Was it some other poster also called "Gabriel" who doesn't know what
"evidence" means, who said: "Evidence of God's existance is all around

>> How do those prove anything, moron?

Was it some other poster also called "Gabriel" who is too stupid to
grasp that citing his scripture outside his religion doesn't prove
anything, who said: "If lack of belief is honestly all you're missing,
look harder at the proof all around you, and start reading the gospels
of Luke, Matthew, Mark and John forstarters."?

Also note the nastiness of your implication what we're not being

And your whining, hypocritical nastiness when you got treated in kind.

As well as your escalation of your own nastiness when you invent
falsehoods to amateur-psychologise - all because you are incapable of
thinking in the real world outside your religion.

>> Why, brainwashed moron?

>Let's stop right there. I'm sure you'd like others to see that you
>have a valid point that you're trying to make. But trying to make such
>a point by calling someone you've never met a "moron" numerous times
>only makes it seem like you are the one that doesn't in fact have a

Then don't be one.

> After all, if you did have a point, and you were the one that
>was without a doubt correct, you'd have no need to call someone a
>moron over and over again and could instead just focus on your point.
>But instead you do result to such crude insults, making it seem that
>you don't really have a point and will just try to bash people into
>submission. Given the tone and nature of your reply, you give people
>the impression you are quite ignorant of even the most basic manner of
>social interaction, and that your mind is quite closed to anything but
>that which you are hatefully clinging onto. Is that the benefit of
>being an atheist? Do you honestly want others to think that "you, too,
>can be filled with such hate and guilt .. just reject God and vow that
>he doesn't exist" ?
>Tell you what, you show us you're capable of being even remotely
>civil, and then I'll take you seriously and assume you actually want a
>serious answer rather than assume you're only interested in spewing
>hate and insults for reminding you that you feel guilty about
>something you can't quite put a finger on, or that you'd rather
>And for the record, your response in and of itself is more proof that
>the Bible is the truth in at least two more ways that I'll bother
>pointing out for others who are reading:
>One, you clearly seek to persecute anyone who speaks of Jesus Christ
>and God, which was predicted in the Bible:
>Mat 5:11-12 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute
>you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my
>sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in
>heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
>You've just proved another part of the Bible is correct. And you do so
>every time you or anyone else insults someone for no other reason than
>professing Jesus Christ.
>And two, clearly you're conscience is trying to tell you something.
>After all, if you were completely fine with personally believing God
>does not exist, you would not be so motivated with anger and hate to
>come here and insult so many people that you've never even met. Your

Why do you repeat these stupid, nasty lies?

>own conviction to behave with such hate is more proof staring you
>right back at you in the mirror that's trying to tell you something.


>Listen to the guilt you make it sound like you're feeling, and why

What "guilt", liar?

>it's making you lash out with such hate. It sounds like you're not ok
>with believing God doesn't exist, along with any other atheists who
>lash out with such hate.


>Good luck. I will pray for you. I suggest others do so as well.

More stupid, condesceding nastiness.

>Praise the Lord!

Why would anybodyt want to do that to a figment of your deluded


On 5 Apr 2007 20:47:47 -0700, wrote:

>On Apr 3, 2:59 pm, "Bill M" <> wrote:
>> ...
>> If a loving and caring god existed it would it would directly communicate
>> his existence, wishes and commands to the atheists to convince them of its
>> existence. No loving and caring god would keep himself hidden causing the
>> atheists to spend eternity in his Hell.

>Jesus performed miracles and the Pharises were witnesses to these
>miracles and still they sought to kill him, all in the name of keeping
>their power and their ability to sin in spite of the blatant proof
>right before their eyes.

Prove it, moron.

Yet that's all it would take, liar.


A deliberately nasty, personal liar.

Then you don't know what "evidence" means, moron.

> If lack of belief is
>honestly all you're missing, look harder at the proof all around you,
>and start reading the gospels of Luke, Matthew, Mark and John for

How do those prove anything, moron?

>Praise the Lord!

Why, brainwashed moron?
On Apr 6, 11:45 am, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:

[All the vicious hate of Christopher's sniped]

Why all the hate, Chris? Is that the benefit of being an atheist? If
you have a point, why does it seem impossible for you to attempt
making it without the hate? Could it be that you're feeling guilty and
that you're wrong? You give us the impression you are blinded with
hate. If that's not true, why do you keep behaving like it is?

Matthew 15:12-14 Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest
thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?
But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath
not planted, shall be rooted up. Let them alone: they be blind leaders
of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into
the ditch.

You are clearly offended and cannot see past your own hate to stop
from spewing it. Why is that? Why are you filled with so much hate,

Matthew 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast
ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet,
and turn again and rend you.

If you can't get past your own hatred, it's not possible for useful
discussion to take place. I've offered up evidence above, and you try
to descredit it with empty insults borne of your own hatred. There's
nothing else to be said -- you make it clear where you are currently
coming from. I will continue to pray for you.

Praise the Lord!
On Fri, 6 Apr 2007 11:36:44 -0400, "Robibnikoff"
<> wrote:

><> wrote in message
>> On Apr 3, 5:27 pm, Jim07D7 <> wrote:
>>> "Bill M" <> said:
>>> There is an "argument from disbelief" as follows, that dispenses with
>>> certain gods, including notably the God of many believers. This is not
>>> to be confused with much weaker arguments from disbelief.

>> This argument from disbelief is flawed and disproves nothing. Let me
>> show you:

>Here's a thought - Prove your god exists.

He can't.

> And please back it up with
>objective, verifiable evidence. Look up those words in a dictionary if you
>don't know what they mean.

He doesn't.

He imagines that citing the bible proves anything in the real world.

He imagines saying "the evidence is all around you" supports his case.

He imagines that making slanderous accusations about those outside his
religion supports his case.

And when he is treated as the stupid, nasty idiot he shows himself to
be, he turns into a whining hypocrite with even more falsehoods which
he then amateur psychologises to come up with even more vicious

He's one of those religious lunatics who can't think in terms of the
real world.

In short: he's a Christian.
On Apr 6, 11:35 am, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
> <> wrote in message
> > Jesus performed miracles

> Really? Prove it.

It's in the Bible. And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"
would simultaneously discredit all other knowledge you claim that's
only shown in books and no longer around us. "Who says George
Washington was our first President? Prove it.". So now George
Washington wasn't our first president, either?

Check out for
more information on the same type of proof you have and currently use
for all the other facts you currently 'believe' as well.

> Been there; done that. Just some chapters in a book. Whoopie doo.

See above.

> > Praise the Lord!

> Whatever blows your dress up.

I'm actually a guy. But this response is giving a poor impression
about where you're coming from.

Praise the Lord!