On Apr 6, 1:29 pm, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
> "Gabriel" <>
> snip
> > Good luck -- in the battle between me and your hate, your hate wins.
> > But unfortunately, your hate will consume you as well. Your choice, of
> > course. I will pray for you.

> Fine. We'll think for you, you pompous ass.

Unbelievable. Would you have preferred "I won't pray for you" .. or "I
hope you burn in hell"?! Wow it's amazing how some people, when full
of hate, can only deal in hate.

For fear of triggering more hateful reactions out of you:

I hope life holds for you all the great things you want it to. God

Praise the Lord!
"JessHC" <> wrote in message
> Bill M wrote:
>> "rbwinn" <> wrote in message
>> > On Apr 3, 11:59 am, "Bill M" <> wrote:
>> >> The simplest and most obvious evidence that there are no gods is the
>> >> actual
>> >> existence of millions of atheists.
>> >>
>> >> If a god existed that was mean and intolerant it would simply kill the
>> >> atheists and send them to his Hell.
>> >>
>> >> If a loving and caring god existed it would it would directly
>> >> communicate
>> >> his existence, wishes and commands to the atheists to convince them of
>> >> its
>> >> existence. No loving and caring god would keep himself hidden causing
>> >> the
>> >> atheists to spend eternity in his Hell.
>> >
>> > What about a God who sent his only Begotten Son to die for the sins of
>> > atheists?
>> > Robert B. Winn

>> What does this Bible story have to do with the question? Why wouldn't a
>> loving god demonstrate his existence and eliminate atheism?

> Because "god" isn't bound by logic, justice, or reason.

Ah - so your god is illogical, totally lacking in justice and is also
unreasonable? !!

On 6 Apr 2007 10:33:54 -0700, "Gabriel" <>

>On Apr 6, 12:30 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
>> Gabriel wrote:

>> This is so sad. You're unaware there's actual documented evidence,
>> some even from eyewitnesses, that George was a real person and was
>> really president? How unfortunate for you.

>Really? Are you unaware that there's actual documented evidence, some

Then provide it.

You'll be the first.

>even from eyewitnesses in the Bible? It's all merely "documentation"
>friend, and any fallacy of documentation you ascribe to the Bible
>would also have to apply to every other piece of "fact" you "believe"
>in now that you got the same way.

Then "eyewitness" is another word you don't understand.

There is no evidence outside the Christian tradition for Jesus, and
none whatsoever for God.

>And continue further back in time to other facts you 'believe' to be
>true about other things and events. 300 years ago. 500 years ago. If
>you do, you'll realize you have the same 'proof' leading ot your
>'belief' that it's true as we have believing in Jesus Christ and God.

Another straw man.

Nobody "believes" these things in the same way you believe in your
pretend friends.

>So you can either choose to believe that the Bible is a lie, and also
>believe all others books and documents are lies that you've ever read,
>as they speak of things you can no longer witness for yourself, or you
>can choose to do some soul searching, or you can choose to just throw
>another few dozen insults all in the name of feeling better about
>yourself so that you can remain blind to the obvious.

Why don't you address people's actual positions, instead of inventing
different falsehoods?

We're not Christians. We are in the real world where Christianity is
not substantively different than all the other religions out there.

If Y O U think we should believe something because somebody else's
religion says so, YOU have to explain why we should. Without reference
to presumptions that only people inside the religion grant.

> So far you've
>been picking the third choice.

Why do you continue to lie about us?

Nobody is "blind to the obvious" apart from yourself, who can't
comprehend the real world outside his religion, nor his religion's
place in it.

Let alone for the slanderous reasons you invent.

> I continue to pray for you.

More deliberate, sanctimonious stupidity.

>Praise the Lord!

On Apr 6, 1:18 pm, (Scott Richter) wrote:
> Gabriel <> wrote:
> > > > Jesus performed miracles

> > > Really? Prove it.

> > It's in the Bible. And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"
> > would simultaneously discredit all other knowledge you claim that's
> > only shown in books and no longer around us.

> As opposed to what? "It's in the Bible, so it's true"?

No. But for you who keep repeating "it's just in the book, so it's NOT
true" is illogical. To use that logic is to discredit all knowledge
you currently "believe" as well, where your only proof is "it was in a
book, and I believe it".

Many people will not believe in the Bible. Few will believe. Jesus
Himself said:

Matthew 7:13-14 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate,
and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be
which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the
way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Even God points this out in His word. So your disbelief is not
surprising. I did not believe as of year ago for my entire life. I
would have NEVER guessed that I'd believe. After all "no one can make
me believe" I thought to myself. And then it happened, and I CANNOT
explain why things just started to make so much sense! Praise the Lord!
On 6 Apr 2007 10:44:50 -0700, "Gabriel" <>

>On Apr 6, 1:11 pm, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
>> "Gabriel" <> wrote in message
>> > It's in the Bible. And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"

>> Fine. So where's the objective, verifiable evidence that it's true?

>Where's the objective, verifiable evidence that all the history
>facts from the past few thousand years that you do "believe" are
>true as well? And have you seen them? No? And yet you believe
>everything else you gotten the same way: from books, while wanting to
>assume the same methods are not enough and that this particual similar
>method is just flat out completely false when it comes to the Bible!

Learn the difference between "conclude from the historical process"
and "believe", so you can stop equivocating with yet another standard
fundy dishonesty.

>People are using circular logic when it's convenient, creating your
>own brand of "hypocritical logic". Are you going to respond with the
>end all "you're a pompous ass" again to make your point? I hope you
>can rise above such hate and ignorance.

When are you going to be honest and stop attacking your own falsehoods
that you make up about others?

>God Bless!

Nobody sneezed, moron.

>Praise the Lord!

Stop wanking.
On Apr 6, 1:34 pm, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
> Too lazy to trim headers, huh? Typical. Here, I'll do it for you, you
> pompous ass.

The amount of hate you spew is amazing and somewhat sad and speaks
volumes about your current state. I leave you to continue on in
hatred. as is your wish. I hope things get better for you. I wish you

Praise the Lord!
Gabriel <> wrote:

> > > > > Jesus performed miracles

> >
> > > > Really? Prove it.

> >
> > > It's in the Bible. And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"
> > > would simultaneously discredit all other knowledge you claim that's
> > > only shown in books and no longer around us.

> >
> > As opposed to what? "It's in the Bible, so it's true"?

> No. But for you who keep repeating "it's just in the book, so it's NOT
> true" is illogical. To use that logic is to discredit all knowledge
> you currently "believe" as well, where your only proof is "it was in a
> book, and I believe it".

Sigh... I guess it's my turn to call you a moron. Didn't want to, but
when you write idiotic things like this, you leave me no choice.

Apparently you were an ideal target for conversion, which was exactly
what happened in your case. You have a very limited ability to discuss
religion rationally, and resort to idiotic (and incorrect) statements
like "But for you who keep repeating "it's just in the book, so it's NOT

Clearly there's no point in any further discussion with you.

Goodbye, moron.
"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> On Apr 6, 1:11 pm, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
>> "Gabriel" <> wrote in message
>> > It's in the Bible. And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"

>> Fine. So where's the objective, verifiable evidence that it's true?

> Where's the objective, verifiable evidence that all the history
> facts from the past few thousand years

No, no, no. Answer the question. Where's the objective, verifiable evidence
that the bible is true.
Resident Witchypoo
BAAWA Knight!
On Tue, 3 Apr 2007 14:59:00 -0400, "Bill M" <> wrote:

>The simplest and most obvious evidence that there are no gods is the actual
>existence of millions of atheists.

Nah, that's just proof that the world is full of idiots.

duke, American-American

"The Mass is the most perfect form of Prayer."
Pope Paul VI
On Apr 6, 1:54 pm, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:
> On 6 Apr 2007 10:33:54 -0700, "Gabriel" <>
> wrote:
> >On Apr 6, 12:30 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> >> Gabriel wrote:

> >> This is so sad. You're unaware there's actual documented evidence,
> >> some even from eyewitnesses, that George was a real person and was
> >> really president? How unfortunate for you.

> >Really? Are you unaware that there's actual documented evidence, some

> Then provide it.
> You'll be the first.

It's in a book. The same place all your documented evidence is: in
books. Are all the facts you "believe" in false as well because
they're only verifiable via books? Of course not. Yet you want to use
this logic to act like it makes the facts in the Bible (a book)
instantly false. Please realize you are choosing what to believe in
and what not to believe in. You are choosing to believe all these
other books are facts. Yet you are also choosing to believe books that
talk about Jesus Christ are false. Convenience, nothing more. You are
choosing to reject God. You may choose this all you want. But
understand that hypocritical logic is not convincing when trying to
act like the Bible is false. You don't want to believe? That's your
choice. Try to act like you know the Bible's false? That's flat out
hypocracy given how you have so many other beliefs with identical
evidence to base your choice off of.

And look around you. Life. Birth. Logic of nature. The sun. The
planets. Perfect orbits. Perfectly sustained life on earth. No seeming
ability for human life to be sustained elsewhere. That is evidence of
a divine creator.

Rom 1:18-20 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all
ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in
unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in
them; for God hath showed it unto them. For the invisible things of
him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood
by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so
that they are without excuse:

Even the Bible speaks of this evidence all around you. But people
choose to reject even that evidence that is physically around them
daily, and they will be without excuse, choosing to believe lies:

Rom 1:21-22 Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not
as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations,
and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be
wise, they became fools,

The Bible is amazing and quite clear. The evidence is physically all
around us. Just thinking about the obviousness of it all is awe-

So good luck to you. Maybe one day you'll come to realize the truth as
I unexpectedly did. God Bless!

Praise the Lord!
On Apr 6, 2:14 pm, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
> "Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> > On Apr 6, 1:11 pm, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
> >> "Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> >> > It's in the Bible. And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"

> >> Fine. So where's the objective, verifiable evidence that it's true?

> > Where's the objective, verifiable evidence that all the history
> > facts from the past few thousand years

> No, no, no. Answer the question. Where's the objective, verifiable evidence
> that the bible is true.

It's the same objective, verifiable evidence that makes all those
books you "believe" in true as well. Where's all the objective,
verifiable evidence that all the history books are true that you
believe in? Why is it you cannot answer that question? Because in
order to discredit the Bible with that logic, you simultaneously
discredit most of the other things you "believe" is true based on
faith in the books you read. That hypocritical logic to discredit the
Bible does not work.

And see the other post. Physical evidence is all around you. Life. The
planets, Perfect Orbits. The sun. Perfectly sustained life here on
Earth. The perfect order of things. Birth. The natural laws operating
all around us. We are blind if we do not see this is an obvious sign
of a divine creator.

Rom 1:18-20 For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all
ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in
unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of God is manifest in
them; for God hath showed it unto them.
For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are
clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his
eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse

There's nothing more to say. I wish you well. God Bless!

Praise the Lord!!
"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> On Apr 6, 1:29 pm, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
>> "Gabriel" <>
>> snip
>> > Good luck -- in the battle between me and your hate, your hate wins.
>> > But unfortunately, your hate will consume you as well. Your choice, of
>> > course. I will pray for you.

>> Fine. We'll think for you, you pompous ass.

> Unbelievable. Would you have preferred "I won't pray for you" .. or "I
> hope you burn in hell"?! \

How about, nothing? How about "bye"? That would have worked quite

Wow it's amazing how some people, when full
> of hate, can only deal in hate.

Projection duly noted.

> For fear of triggering more hateful reactions out of you:

Liar. You couldn't care less what you trigger. If you did, you wouldn't
keep responding.

> I hope life holds for you all the great things you want it to.

LOL, yeah, sure you do.

> Bless!

Obviously, you could have left this bullshit out.

Keep trying; maybe you'll get it right next time. Good luck.
Resident Witchypoo
BAAWA Knight!
On Apr 6, 2:12 pm, (Scott Richter) wrote:
> Sigh... I guess it's my turn to call you a moron. Didn't want to, but
> when you write idiotic things like this, you leave me no choice.

Spoken like a true person that has no point, has nothing to fall back
on, can't counter an obvious statement, so you resort to insults. Not
surprising, but I must say it's sad.

> Goodbye, moron.

Take care. You might want to consider why conversations about Jesus
Christ brings out hatred in you rather than an attempt to refute a
point that was right there in front of you. You leave everyone no
other choice than to realize you can't refute it. And of course,
similar to other ahteists I've seen so far, you resort to hatred. Good
luck to you! God Bless!

(You have to wonder if there are ahteists out there who don't resort
to hatred?! I would imagine there has to be, but in these newgroups,
haven't seen one yet. So I suspect these that we've seen want others
to become atheists so that they, too, can live in hatred?)

Praise the Lord!
On 6 Apr 2007 10:55:25 -0700, "Gabriel" <>

>On Apr 6, 1:18 pm, (Scott Richter) wrote:
>> Gabriel <> wrote:
>> > > > Jesus performed miracles

>> > > Really? Prove it.

>> > It's in the Bible. And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"
>> > would simultaneously discredit all other knowledge you claim that's
>> > only shown in books and no longer around us.

>> As opposed to what? "It's in the Bible, so it's true"?

>No. But for you who keep repeating "it's just in the book, so it's NOT
>true" is illogical. To use that logic is to discredit all knowledge
>you currently "believe" as well, where your only proof is "it was in a
>book, and I believe it".

Once again, that is your straw man. Why not address the actual
position, that being in the same class as the Koran, the Book of
Mormon, the Vedas, the Eddas, etc, events in it need secular

Please show you are at least trying to understand this, and the
difference between this and your straw men.

>Many people will not believe in the Bible. Few will believe. Jesus
>Himself said:
>Matthew 7:13-14 Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate,
>and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be
>which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the
>way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

Why do you imagine this proves anything, outside your religion?

>Even God points this out in His word. So your disbelief is not

More question-begging.

You meant to say "the mythical character God from Christian mythology,
says in the same mythology....".

>surprising. I did not believe as of year ago for my entire life. I
>would have NEVER guessed that I'd believe. After all "no one can make
>me believe" I thought to myself. And then it happened, and I CANNOT
>explain why things just started to make so much sense! Praise the Lord!

And you wonder why you are treated as the brainwashed idiot you show
yourself in every post you make?

If you didn't believe once, you would know just how stupid it is to
cite your religion as proof of itself in the real world outside it.
Robibnikoff wrote:
> "Gabriel" <> wrote in message
>> On Apr 6, 1:11 pm, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
>>> "Gabriel" <> wrote in message
>>>> It's in the Bible. And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"
>>> Fine. So where's the objective, verifiable evidence that it's true?

>> Where's the objective, verifiable evidence that all the history
>> facts from the past few thousand years

> No, no, no. Answer the question. Where's the objective, verifiable evidence
> that the bible is true.

Stop crossposting everything to alt.atheism.
Atheism of your hateful kind is not welcome anywhere.

Robibnikoff wrote:
> "Gabriel" <> wrote in message
>> On Apr 6, 1:29 pm, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
>>> "Gabriel" <>
>>> snip
>>>> Good luck -- in the battle between me and your hate, your hate wins.
>>>> But unfortunately, your hate will consume you as well. Your choice, of
>>>> course. I will pray for you.
>>> Fine. We'll think for you, you pompous ass.

>> Unbelievable. Would you have preferred "I won't pray for you" .. or "I
>> hope you burn in hell"?! \

> How about, nothing? How about "bye"? That would have worked quite
> nicely.
> Wow it's amazing how some people, when full
>> of hate, can only deal in hate.

> Projection duly noted.
>> For fear of triggering more hateful reactions out of you:

> Liar. You couldn't care less what you trigger. If you did, you wouldn't
> keep responding.
>> I hope life holds for you all the great things you want it to.

> LOL, yeah, sure you do.
> God
>> Bless!

> Obviously, you could have left this bullshit out.
> Keep trying; maybe you'll get it right next time. Good luck.

Stop crossposting everything to alt.atheism.
Atheism of your hateful kind is not welcome anywhere.

Gabriel wrote:
> On Apr 6, 12:49 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> > Gabriel wrote:
> > > On Apr 6, 11:45 am, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:

> >
> > > [All the vicious hate of Christopher's sniped]

> >
> > > Why all the hate, Chris?

> >
> > It isn't hate, it's lack of patience with one more sanctimonious moron
> > in a long, virtually unending line of sanctimonious morons.

> And here you are bringing your own hate as well.

What's the matter, punkin, can't tell the difference? Annoyance at
your random sanctimonious babbling isn't hate, although I'm sure it
makes you feel like a martyr pretending otherwise.

> How interesting that the atheists I've seen so far all seem to have one thing in common: they are full of hatred.

The atheists you've seen so far are annoyed by the arrogance you so
amply display. It isn't hatred.

> I'm sorry hearing about Jesus Christ brings out so much hate in you.

It's unsupported assertions and ignorant arrogance that annoy. Still
no objective, verifiable evidence? Too bad.

> You are free to not believe the Bible is the Word of God.

How magnanimous of you to allow us to disbelieve something for which
there is no objective, verifiable evidence.

> I wish you well in dealing with all the anger you feel when other people are spreading the Gospel.

If an endless series of long winded gasbags were to come into your
church SEVERAL TIMES EVERY DAY, take over the lectern, prattle on
about how you'd be so much better off worshipping, oh, say, Krishna,
then follow you home and knock on your door asking if you've accepted
Krishna as your saviour, then demand legislation supporting their
religious preferences over yours and that their holy writings be
taught in school, and that Krishna be acknowledged in the pledge, how
long would your patience last?

Think about it. YOU came to US. Why should we treat you with any
respect, when you've shown us none at all?

> I will pray for you.

I guess you didn't read the scripture I provided. Experience shows
you're no different than virtually all of the other arrogant ignorant
xians who wander in. Here, let me try again.

Matthew 10:14
And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye
depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.

That means if someone doesn't like what you're saying about your myth,
you're supposed to leave. Not keep babbling on as if you haven't been
asked to stop. Why are you disobeying Jesus' command?

> Praise the Lord!

How did you narrow it down to one? Dartboard?
Gabriel wrote:
> On Apr 6, 1:18 pm, (Scott Richter) wrote:
> > Gabriel <> wrote:
> > > > > Jesus performed miracles

> >
> > > > Really? Prove it.

> >
> > > It's in the Bible. And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"
> > > would simultaneously discredit all other knowledge you claim that's
> > > only shown in books and no longer around us.

> >
> > As opposed to what? "It's in the Bible, so it's true"?

> No. But for you who keep repeating "it's just in the book, so it's NOT
> true" is illogical. To use that logic is to discredit all knowledge
> you currently "believe" as well, where your only proof is "it was in a
> book, and I believe it".

Who made that claim, apart from you?

Claiming something in the bible is true because it says it's true in
the bible is called "circular reasoning." Claiming something in a
history book is true and then pointing to all the various evidence
available is called "supporting your assertion."

<snip remaining wheel spinning>
Uno-Hoo! wrote:
> "JessHC" <> wrote in message
> >
> > Bill M wrote:
> >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > On Apr 3, 11:59 am, "Bill M" <> wrote:
> >> >> The simplest and most obvious evidence that there are no gods is the
> >> >> actual
> >> >> existence of millions of atheists.
> >> >>
> >> >> If a god existed that was mean and intolerant it would simply kill the
> >> >> atheists and send them to his Hell.
> >> >>
> >> >> If a loving and caring god existed it would it would directly
> >> >> communicate
> >> >> his existence, wishes and commands to the atheists to convince them of
> >> >> its
> >> >> existence. No loving and caring god would keep himself hidden causing
> >> >> the
> >> >> atheists to spend eternity in his Hell.
> >> >
> >> > What about a God who sent his only Begotten Son to die for the sins of
> >> > atheists?
> >> > Robert B. Winn
> >>
> >> What does this Bible story have to do with the question? Why wouldn't a
> >> loving god demonstrate his existence and eliminate atheism?

> >
> > Because "god" isn't bound by logic, justice, or reason.

> Ah - so your god is illogical, totally lacking in justice and is also
> unreasonable? !!

My "god"? You mean the nonexistent one?
Gabriel wrote:
> On Apr 6, 1:29 pm, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
> > "Gabriel" <>
> >
> > snip
> >
> > > Good luck -- in the battle between me and your hate, your hate wins.
> > > But unfortunately, your hate will consume you as well. Your choice, of
> > > course. I will pray for you.

> >
> > Fine. We'll think for you, you pompous ass.

> Unbelievable. Would you have preferred "I won't pray for you" .. or "I
> hope you burn in hell"?! Wow it's amazing how some people, when full
> of hate, can only deal in hate.

What's even more amazing is the blind arrogance that thinks saying
"I'll pray for you" to an atheist is anything other than empty

> For fear of triggering more hateful reactions out of you:

You're a troll, aren't you? Just exactly like the idiot that started
this thread.

> I hope life holds for you all the great things you want it to. God
> Bless!

Stoned any homosexuals to death?

> Praise the Lord!

Suck my dick!