Gabriel wrote:
> On Apr 6, 11:35 am, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
> > <> wrote in message
> >
> > > Jesus performed miracles

> >
> > Really? Prove it.

> It's in the Bible.

Oops, you lose. Too bad circular logic is a fallacy.

> And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"
> would simultaneously discredit all other knowledge you claim that's
> only shown in books and no longer around us.

Try thinking.

> "Who says George
> Washington was our first President? Prove it.". So now George
> Washington wasn't our first president, either?

This is so sad. You're unaware there's actual documented evidence,
some even from eyewitnesses, that George was a real person and was
really president? How unfortunate for you.

> Check out for
> more information on the same type of proof you have and currently use
> for all the other facts you currently 'believe' as well.

Here's a better idea: provide objective, verifiable evidence for your
assertions. Start by not using the bible.

> > Been there; done that. Just some chapters in a book. Whoopie doo.

> See above.

Learn logic.

> > > Praise the Lord!

> >
> > Whatever blows your dress up.

> I'm actually a guy. But this response is giving a poor impression
> about where you're coming from.

Not in the least. There's absolutely no legitimate reason for anyone
outside your cult to accept any of your unsupported, illogical claims
about your cult.

> Praise the Lord!

In an atheism newsgroup? Which one do you suggest we "praise"?
On 6 Apr 2007 09:08:59 -0700, "Gabriel" <>

>On Apr 6, 11:45 am, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:
>[All the vicious hate of Christopher's sniped]

What "vicious hate", liar?

I'll remind you of your repeated lies and slanders about atheists,
coupled with your stupidity in citing the bible as though it meant
anything outside your religion:

"Jesus performed miracles and the Pharisees were witnesses to these
miracles and still they sought to kill him, all in the name of
keeping their power and their ability to sin in spite of the blatant
proof right before their eyes. Sight of God would not be enough for
many. It's not a lack of belief in many cases -- it's a desire to
continue on in sin, and using all of these reasons as an excuse to
continue doing so.
Evidence of God's existence is all around us. If lack of belief is
honestly all you're missing, look harder at the proof all around you,
and start reading the gospels of Luke, Matthew, Mark and John for

1. "Jesus performed miracles"

This assumes whet you're supposed to be proving.

2. "Pharisees were witnesses and still they sought to kill him"

This is at best hearsay, at worst mythology

3. "all in the name of keeping their power and their ability to sin"

Amateur-psychologising a myth.

4. "blatant proof right before their eyes"

Again you presume your myths are real.

5. Sight of God would not be enough for many"

A lie, because that would be the evidence you are supposed to be

6. "It's not a lack of belief in many cases -- it's a desire to
continue on in sin"

A vicious, slanderous falsehood.

7. "using all of these reasons as an excuse to continue doing so"

Another vicious, slanderous falsehood.

8. " Evidence of God's existence is all around us"

A lie. If there were any you would have provided it by saying what it
was and why it was evidence for the god of your religion.

9. "If lack of belief is honestly all you're missing"

The imputation that we're not being honest. Another personal lie on
your part.

10. "look harder at the proof all around you"

What "proof all around us"? You still haven't given any to look at.

11. " and start reading the gospels of Luke, Matthew, Mark and John
for starters".

Why do you imagine these "prove" anything in the real world outside
your religion?

>Why all the hate, Chris?

What "hate", liar?

How is treating you like the nasty, stupid person you showed yourself
to be by the above, "hate"?

All you are doing here is demonstrating that you are a whining
hypocrite who needs to get the beam out of his own eye first.

> Is that the benefit of being an atheist? If

Are you really this stupid or just pretending?

Here's a clue: there is a real world outside your religion, and that
is where you are being stupid, rude and nasty.

Another clue: we don't have to put up with it.

>you have a point, why does it seem impossible for you to attempt
>making it without the hate?

What "hate", liar?

> Could it be that you're feeling guilty and
>that you're wrong?

Again, are you really this stupid or just pretending? Once again you
cannot grasp where your religion stops and the real world starts. So
you are incapable of grasping that there are people outside your

We have nothing to "feel guilty" about, nor to be wrong about.

Your god is merely one of thousands of deity-beliefs. Whether you like
it or not, that is a fact. It is also a fact that they are only taken
seriously by their believers.

> You give us the impression you are blinded with

Once again, you amateur-psychologise your own slanders to come up with
something even nastier - and all it does is confirm your own stupidity
and nastiness.

> If that's not true, why do you keep behaving like it is?

Why do you keep pretending that the natural human reaction to your
stupidity and nastiness is "hate"?

Once again you amateur psychologise your own lies to come up with
something even nastier.

>Matthew 15:12-14 Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest
>thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying?
>But he answered and said, Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath
>not planted, shall be rooted up. Let them alone: they be blind leaders
>of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into
>the ditch.

Thank you for demonstrating exactly what a clueless idiot you are.

>You are clearly offended and cannot see past your own hate to stop
>from spewing it.

What "hate", liar?

> Why is that? Why are you filled with so much hate,

I'm not, liar.

Why are you so stupid, and so nasty?

>Matthew 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast
>ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet,
>and turn again and rend you.

Yet more of your nastiness. They're your words because you posted

It is evidence of your intellectual dishonesty as well as your
stupidity, nastiness and hypocrisy that you hide behind the bible to
do that.

>If you can't get past your own hatred, it's not possible for useful
>discussion to take place.

What "hatred", liar?

If Y O U can't think in the real world, and stop lying about those
outside your religion, it's not possible for useful discussion to take

> I've offered up evidence above, and you try

Where, liar? You cited the bible to people outside your religion. How
the heck is that evidence for anything?

>to descredit it with empty insults borne of your own hatred. There's

Another of your lies.

It's not evidence.

There is nothing to discredit.

Let alone for the slanderous reasons you lie about yet again.

>nothing else to be said -- you make it clear where you are currently
>coming from.

The real world outside your religion. But for some reason you can't
accept this and need to keep resorting to lies rather than admitting

> I will continue to pray for you.

Feel free to prove there is something to pray to.

And I'll think for you - you're obviously incapable of this.

>Praise the Lord!

Why, moron?
Gabriel wrote:
> On Apr 6, 11:45 am, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:
> [All the vicious hate of Christopher's sniped]
> Why all the hate, Chris?

It isn't hate, it's lack of patience with one more sanctimonious moron
in a long, virtually unending line of sanctimonious morons. You're
crossposting to alt.atheism. You have no objective, verifiable
evidence for any of your claims. There is no legitimate reason for
anyone outside your little cult to accept any of your unsupported,
illogical, nonsensical claims about your cult. Why is that so
difficult for sanctimonious morons such as yourself to understand?

> Is that the benefit of being an atheist?

No, the benefit of being an atheist is not being a slave to a myth.

> If you have a point, why does it seem impossible for you to attempt making it without the hate?

Ah, it obviously hasn't occurred to you that you aren't the first
making these stupid claims. Let me offer you a free clue: you aren't
the first and you won't be the last.

> Could it be that you're feeling guilty and that you're wrong?

It could be, but it isn't. Could it be that he's tired of having to
explain to idiots that nobody is required to believe what they spout?
That seems more likely.

> You give us the impression you are blinded with hate.

Give WHO the impression?

> If that's not true, why do you keep behaving like it is?

Because being polite to morons such as yourself seems to invite more

> Matthew 15:12-14 Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest thou that the
> Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying? But he answered and said, Every
> plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up. Let them alone:
> they be blind leaders of the blind. And if the blind lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch.

Matthew 6:6
But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast
shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father
which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.

Matthew 10:14
And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye
depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.

> You are clearly offended and cannot see past your own hate to stop from spewing it.

You are clearly offensive and cannot see past your own self-
righteousness to stop from spewing it.

> Why is that? Why are you filled with so much hate, Chris?

Why are you filled with so much intolerance for those who don't accept
your unsupported assertions, Gabe?

> Matthew 7:6 Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before
> swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.

You know, repeatedly quoting scripture to atheists is pretty
offensively arrogant, although not an uncommon xian tactic. Why is it
xians such as yourself pick and chose the scripture you want to
follow, and reject the rest? Stoned any adulterers or disobedient
children to death lately?

> If you can't get past your own hatred, it's not possible for useful discussion to take place.

It isn't possible because you refuse to be objective about your

> I've offered up evidence above,

No, you've offered unsupported assertions which you refuse to discuss
beyond making them.

> and you try to descredit it with empty insults borne of your own hatred.

Your assertions are discredited by the lack of evidence supporting
them. Too bad.

> There's nothing else to be said --

And yet, you feel the need to keep talking. Why is that?

> you make it clear where you are currently coming from. I will continue to pray for you.

Feel free to waste your time in whatever manner you'd like.

> Praise the Lord!

You mean the one that drowned the entire world? The one that
pretended to commit suicide to pay a debt to itself?
On 6 Apr 2007 09:20:39 -0700, "Gabriel" <>

>On Apr 6, 11:35 am, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>> > Jesus performed miracles

>> Really? Prove it.

>It's in the Bible.

So what?

> And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"
>would simultaneously discredit all other knowledge you claim that's
>only shown in books and no longer around us.

Good thing that's not what people say. Which makes you a liar again
for putting words into people's mouths.

Where is the secular corroboration for any of the bullshit in it?

> "Who says George
>Washington was our first President? Prove it.". So now George
>Washington wasn't our first president, either?

More dishonesty, in demanding people prove a straw man you invented.

>Check out for
>more information on the same type of proof you have and currently use
>for all the other facts you currently 'believe' as well.


>> Been there; done that. Just some chapters in a book. Whoopie doo.

>See above.

See above.

>> > Praise the Lord!

>> Whatever blows your dress up.

>I'm actually a guy. But this response is giving a poor impression
>about where you're coming from.

Beam. Mote. Eye. Hypocrite.

>Praise the Lord!

I don't care whether you imagine you're buggering your pretend friend,
when you masturbate, or being buggered by it. But stop telling us to
do the same.
On 6 Apr 2007 09:30:12 -0700, "JessHC" <>
>Gabriel wrote:
>> On Apr 6, 11:35 am, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
>> > <> wrote in message
>> >
>> > > Jesus performed miracles
>> >
>> > Really? Prove it.

>> It's in the Bible.

>Oops, you lose. Too bad circular logic is a fallacy.
>> And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"
>> would simultaneously discredit all other knowledge you claim that's
>> only shown in books and no longer around us.

>Try thinking.
>> "Who says George
>> Washington was our first President? Prove it.". So now George
>> Washington wasn't our first president, either?

>This is so sad. You're unaware there's actual documented evidence,
>some even from eyewitnesses, that George was a real person and was
>really president? How unfortunate for you.

It's a standard theist dishonesty.

Washington was a conclusion from the historical process. They didn't
start with Washington, but with the war for independence, the
presidency, etc and reached him as the conclusion.

On the other hand God is a presumption for which they look for
anything they can rationalise as evidence.

If they had any honesty they would admit that there is no comparison
and it doesn't even fool them?

>> Check out for
>> more information on the same type of proof you have and currently use
>> for all the other facts you currently 'believe' as well.


>Here's a better idea: provide objective, verifiable evidence for your
>assertions. Start by not using the bible.

He can't. That's why he repeats lies about us to our faces.

>> > Been there; done that. Just some chapters in a book. Whoopie doo.

>> See above.

>Learn logic.

Him? Learn?

>> > > Praise the Lord!
>> >
>> > Whatever blows your dress up.

>> I'm actually a guy. But this response is giving a poor impression
>> about where you're coming from.

>Not in the least. There's absolutely no legitimate reason for anyone
>outside your cult to accept any of your unsupported, illogical claims
>about your cult.


>> Praise the Lord!

>In an atheism newsgroup? Which one do you suggest we "praise"?

He's being deliberately offensive.

But then he's a Christian. We know them by their fruits.
Gabriel wrote:
> On Apr 6, 2:52 am, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:
> > On 5 Apr 2007 20:47:47 -0700, wrote:
> > >Jesus performed miracles and the Pharises were witnesses to these
> > >miracles and still they sought to kill him, all in the name of keeping
> > >their power and their ability to sin in spite of the blatant proof
> > >right before their eyes.

> >
> > Prove it, moron.

> ...
> > Yet that's all it would take, liar.

> ...
> > A deliberately nasty, personal liar.

> ...
> > Then you don't know what "evidence" means, moron.

> ...
> > How do those prove anything, moron?

> ...
> > Why, brainwashed moron?

> Let's stop right there. I'm sure you'd like others to see that you
> have a valid point that you're trying to make. But trying to make such
> a point by calling someone you've never met a "moron" numerous times
> only makes it seem like you are the one that doesn't in fact have a
> point.

Actually, I think the point is that you're a moron.

> After all, if you did have a point, and you were the one that
> was without a doubt correct, you'd have no need to call someone a
> moron over and over again and could instead just focus on your point.

You mean the point that despite the lack of objective, verifiable
evidence, you continue to insist you have evidence?

> But instead you do result to such crude insults, making it seem that
> you don't really have a point and will just try to bash people into
> submission. Given the tone and nature of your reply, you give people
> the impression you are quite ignorant of even the most basic manner of
> social interaction, and that your mind is quite closed to anything but
> that which you are hatefully clinging onto.

The tone and nature of his reply is appropriate to the volume of posts
like yours that arrive in alt.atheism every day.

> Is that the benefit of being an atheist?

No, the benefit of being an atheist is not being a slave to a myth.

> Do you honestly want others to think that "you, too,
> can be filled with such hate and guilt .. just reject God and vow that
> he doesn't exist" ?

Pointing out the complete lack of objective, verifiable evidence for
any deities has nothing to do with "hate and guilt," and everything to
do with reason and intellectual honesty.

> Tell you what, you show us you're capable of being even remotely
> civil, and then I'll take you seriously and assume you actually want a
> serious answer rather than assume you're only interested in spewing
> hate and insults for reminding you that you feel guilty about
> something you can't quite put a finger on, or that you'd rather
> ignore.

We're under no obligation to be "civil" to you, since you've already
demonstrated you have no intention to be civil to us. You begin form
the assumption your myth is reality; sorry, we don't grant that
assumption. Too bad.

> And for the record, your response in and of itself is more proof that
> the Bible is the truth in at least two more ways that I'll bother
> pointing out for others who are reading:

Desperate to disguise the fact that you're merely dodging the request
for evidence, hmm?

> One, you clearly seek to persecute anyone who speaks of Jesus Christ
> and God, which was predicted in the Bible:

No, he clearly seeks to point out to any idiots stupid enough to make
unsupported assertions about their mythology in alt.atheism had better
put up or shut up. Time after time, such idiots fail to do either.

> Mat 5:11-12 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute
> you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my
> sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in
> heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

Why do you think quoting from your mythology book will impress
atheists? Maybe you should read the whole thing before doing so

> You've just proved another part of the Bible is correct. And you do so
> every time you or anyone else insults someone for no other reason than
> professing Jesus Christ.

Here's a friendly quote from your imaginary stick boy:
Matthew 10:14
And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye
depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.

> And two, clearly you're conscience is trying to tell you something.
> After all, if you were completely fine with personally believing God
> does not exist, you would not be so motivated with anger and hate to
> come here and insult so many people that you've never even met.

Why is it so many theists make that statement when crossposting to

> Your
> own conviction to behave with such hate is more proof staring you
> right back at you in the mirror that's trying to tell you something.
> Listen to the guilt you make it sound like you're feeling, and why
> it's making you lash out with such hate. It sounds like you're not ok
> with believing God doesn't exist, along with any other atheists who
> lash out with such hate.

Nice rationalization. Too bad it doesn't have anything to do with
reality, but then, that's true of at least one other of your beliefs I
can think of.

> Good luck. I will pray for you. I suggest others do so as well.

Huh. Are you aware what your bible says about praying?

> Praise the Lord!

Please do it elsewhere.
On Apr 6, 12:45 pm, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:
> On 6 Apr 2007 09:08:59 -0700, "Gabriel" <>
> wrote:
> >On Apr 6, 11:45 am, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:

> >[All the vicious hate of Christopher's sniped]

> What "vicious hate", liar?

If you're going to be so blind that you cannot even see the hateful
remarks that make up most of your posts, you've already shown you are
incapable of rational thought. You call someone a moron numerous
times, which is clearly an obvious sign of hate, and then in response
you say

> What "vicious hate", liar?

You make it abundantly clear you are currently incapable of rational
I will pray for you and hope God touches your heart at some point in
your life. The least you can do is start working on your hate --
whether you believe in God or not, at the very least it's not healthy.
Take care and God Bless!

Praise the Lord!
"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> On Apr 6, 11:35 am, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
>> <> wrote in message
>> > Jesus performed miracles

>> Really? Prove it.

> It's in the Bible. And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"

Fine. So where's the objective, verifiable evidence that it's true?
Resident Witchypoo
BAAWA Knight!
On Apr 6, 12:49 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> Gabriel wrote:
> > On Apr 6, 11:45 am, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:

> > [All the vicious hate of Christopher's sniped]

> > Why all the hate, Chris?

> It isn't hate, it's lack of patience with one more sanctimonious moron
> in a long, virtually unending line of sanctimonious morons.

And here you are bringing your own hate as well. How interesting that
the atheists I've seen so far all seem to have one thing in common:
they are full of hatred. I'm sorry hearing about Jesus Christ brings
out so much hate in you. You are free to not believe the Bible is the
Word of God. I wish you well in dealing with all the anger you feel
when other people are spreading the Gospel. I will pray for you.

Praise the Lord!
Gabriel <> wrote:

> > > Jesus performed miracles

> >
> > Really? Prove it.

> It's in the Bible. And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"
> would simultaneously discredit all other knowledge you claim that's
> only shown in books and no longer around us.

As opposed to what? "It's in the Bible, so it's true"?

As far as I can tell that sums up your entire argument, and believe me
when I tell you we've heard that bullshit a million times before.

This is why people have been insulting you, calling you a moron, because
you come here with nothing more original than "it's in the Bible, so it
must be true". Then you get upset when you are attacked. If you have
something interesting (or even original) to say then say it, otherwise,
stop wasting our time. The last thing we need is another Dittohead for
On 6 Apr 2007 10:03:11 -0700, "JessHC" <>

>Gabriel wrote:
>> On Apr 6, 2:52 am, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:
>> > On 5 Apr 2007 20:47:47 -0700, wrote:
>> > >Jesus performed miracles and the Pharises were witnesses to these
>> > >miracles and still they sought to kill him, all in the name of keeping
>> > >their power and their ability to sin in spite of the blatant proof
>> > >right before their eyes.
>> >
>> > Prove it, moron.

>> ...
>> > Yet that's all it would take, liar.

>> ...
>> > A deliberately nasty, personal liar.

>> ...
>> > Then you don't know what "evidence" means, moron.

>> ...
>> > How do those prove anything, moron?

>> ...
>> > Why, brainwashed moron?

>> Let's stop right there. I'm sure you'd like others to see that you
>> have a valid point that you're trying to make. But trying to make such
>> a point by calling someone you've never met a "moron" numerous times
>> only makes it seem like you are the one that doesn't in fact have a
>> point.

>Actually, I think the point is that you're a moron.
>> After all, if you did have a point, and you were the one that
>> was without a doubt correct, you'd have no need to call someone a
>> moron over and over again and could instead just focus on your point.

>You mean the point that despite the lack of objective, verifiable
>evidence, you continue to insist you have evidence?
>> But instead you do result to such crude insults, making it seem that
>> you don't really have a point and will just try to bash people into
>> submission. Given the tone and nature of your reply, you give people
>> the impression you are quite ignorant of even the most basic manner of
>> social interaction, and that your mind is quite closed to anything but
>> that which you are hatefully clinging onto.

>The tone and nature of his reply is appropriate to the volume of posts
>like yours that arrive in alt.atheism every day.

In his mind it's not insulting to impute dishonest reasons why we
don't believe, and tell them to our faces.

Nor is it insulting to cite the bible as "proof" to people he already
knows aren't Christian.

After all, he wants to disobey Allah as revealed by Mohammed so he
pretends he doesn't accept what the Koran has to say.

>> Is that the benefit of being an atheist?

>No, the benefit of being an atheist is not being a slave to a myth.
>> Do you honestly want others to think that "you, too,
>> can be filled with such hate and guilt .. just reject God and vow that
>> he doesn't exist" ?

>Pointing out the complete lack of objective, verifiable evidence for
>any deities has nothing to do with "hate and guilt," and everything to
>do with reason and intellectual honesty.

His accusations of hate and guilt are a remarkable projection: he is a
guilt-ridden protestant fundamentalist who hates anything and anybody
who isn't.

>> Tell you what, you show us you're capable of being even remotely
>> civil, and then I'll take you seriously and assume you actually want a
>> serious answer rather than assume you're only interested in spewing
>> hate and insults for reminding you that you feel guilty about
>> something you can't quite put a finger on, or that you'd rather
>> ignore.

>We're under no obligation to be "civil" to you, since you've already
>demonstrated you have no intention to be civil to us. You begin form
>the assumption your myth is reality; sorry, we don't grant that
>assumption. Too bad.
>> And for the record, your response in and of itself is more proof that
>> the Bible is the truth in at least two more ways that I'll bother
>> pointing out for others who are reading:

>Desperate to disguise the fact that you're merely dodging the request
>for evidence, hmm?

He knows he has none. And he can't live with that.

>> One, you clearly seek to persecute anyone who speaks of Jesus Christ
>> and God, which was predicted in the Bible:

>No, he clearly seeks to point out to any idiots stupid enough to make
>unsupported assertions about their mythology in alt.atheism had better
>put up or shut up. Time after time, such idiots fail to do either.
>> Mat 5:11-12 Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute
>> you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my
>> sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in
>> heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

>Why do you think quoting from your mythology book will impress
>atheists? Maybe you should read the whole thing before doing so
>> You've just proved another part of the Bible is correct. And you do so
>> every time you or anyone else insults someone for no other reason than
>> professing Jesus Christ.

He was lying yet again. He pretends being called a liar for lying, or
an idiot for being an idiot, or nasty for his slanders about us, is
"insult for no other reason than professing Jesus Christ"

>Here's a friendly quote from your imaginary stick boy:
>Matthew 10:14
>And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye
>depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.
>> And two, clearly you're conscience is trying to tell you something.
>> After all, if you were completely fine with personally believing God
>> does not exist, you would not be so motivated with anger and hate to
>> come here and insult so many people that you've never even met.

>Why is it so many theists make that statement when crossposting to

Stupidity and nastiness. The root cause is that they can't cope with
the real world outside their religion, where they are accustomed to
getting a free ride from others who grant the same presumptions, share
the same bigotry etc.

>> Your
>> own conviction to behave with such hate is more proof staring you
>> right back at you in the mirror that's trying to tell you something.
>> Listen to the guilt you make it sound like you're feeling, and why
>> it's making you lash out with such hate. It sounds like you're not ok
>> with believing God doesn't exist, along with any other atheists who
>> lash out with such hate.

>Nice rationalization. Too bad it doesn't have anything to do with
>reality, but then, that's true of at least one other of your beliefs I
>can think of.

He's a Christian. Which says it all.

>> Good luck. I will pray for you. I suggest others do so as well.

>Huh. Are you aware what your bible says about praying?
>> Praise the Lord!

>Please do it elsewhere.
On Apr 6, 12:30 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> Gabriel wrote:
> > On Apr 6, 11:35 am, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
> > > <> wrote in message

> > > > Jesus performed miracles

> > > Really? Prove it.

> > It's in the Bible.

> Oops, you lose. Too bad circular logic is a fallacy.

I guess that means you're wrong when you claim George Washington was
our first president. Prove it! Oh, it only says so in a book. Using
your logic, that means nothing, and hence it must be wrong that George
Washington was our first president (using your logic that is, as we
have no real 'proof').

But with the amount of hate you bring in all your posts, it's obvious
you're not interested in rational discourse, as I've already pointed
this example out and you ignore it only to spew insults.
Good luck -- in the battle between me and your hate, your hate wins.
But unfortunately, your hate will consume you as well. Your choice, of
course. I will pray for you.

Praise the Lord!
"Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> On Apr 6, 12:49 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
>> Gabriel wrote:
>> > On Apr 6, 11:45 am, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:

>> > [All the vicious hate of Christopher's sniped]

>> > Why all the hate, Chris?

>> It isn't hate, it's lack of patience with one more sanctimonious moron
>> in a long, virtually unending line of sanctimonious morons.

> And here you are bringing your own hate as well. How interesting that
> the atheists I've seen so far all seem to have one thing in common:
> they are full of hatred. I'm sorry hearing about Jesus Christ brings
> out so much hate in you. You are free to not believe the Bible is the
> Word of God. I wish you well in dealing with all the anger you feel
> when other people are spreading the Gospel. I will pray for you.

No problem, Toodles. I'll think for you.
Resident Witchypoo
BAAWA Knight!
On Apr 6, 12:30 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> > Praise the Lord!

> In an atheism newsgroup? Which one do you suggest we "praise"?

Ask your fellow atheist why he posted in our newsgroup. I was merely
responding to this thread, and it was one of your friends that cross-
posted it in bible and religious newsgroups. If you're bothered by
hearing about Jesus Christ from non-atheists, I would take it up with
your friend who put it in non-atheist newsgroups to begin with knowing
this would happen. God Bless!

Praise the Lord!
"Gabriel" <>

> Good luck -- in the battle between me and your hate, your hate wins.
> But unfortunately, your hate will consume you as well. Your choice, of
> course. I will pray for you.

Fine. We'll think for you, you pompous ass.
Resident Witchypoo
BAAWA Knight!
On 6 Apr 2007 10:12:36 -0700, "Gabriel" <>

>On Apr 6, 12:49 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
>> Gabriel wrote:
>> > On Apr 6, 11:45 am, Christopher A.Lee <> wrote:

>> > [All the vicious hate of Christopher's sniped]

>> > Why all the hate, Chris?

>> It isn't hate, it's lack of patience with one more sanctimonious moron
>> in a long, virtually unending line of sanctimonious morons.

>And here you are bringing your own hate as well.

Where waqs that, liar?

> How interesting that
>the atheists I've seen so far all seem to have one thing in common:
>they are full of hatred.

Yet another lie. What they have in common is that they aren't
Christian and have to put up with a barrage of in-your-face stupidity
and slander from psychopaths who can't think outside their religion.

> I'm sorry hearing about Jesus Christ brings
>out so much hate in you.

It doesn't, liar.

What actually happens is that we no longer put up with stupidity and
nastiness from "Christians" like you.

> You are free to not believe the Bible is the
>Word of God.

Prove it is before assuming that's the default in the real world
outside your religion. Which includes proving your god called God is
real while Shiva, Osiris, Zeus, Odin, Mithras and all the others

> I wish you well in dealing with all the anger you feel

What "anger", liar?

>when other people are spreading the Gospel.

You have nothing to spread except your legs.

> I will pray for you.

More deliberate, sanctimonious nastiness.

Your pretend friend doesn't bring out hate in anybody but Christians
like you, sanctimonious nasty hypocrite. You hate people outside your
religion because they don't believe what you do.

>Praise the Lord!
On Apr 6, 12:30 pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> Gabriel wrote:

> This is so sad. You're unaware there's actual documented evidence,
> some even from eyewitnesses, that George was a real person and was
> really president? How unfortunate for you.

Really? Are you unaware that there's actual documented evidence, some
even from eyewitnesses in the Bible? It's all merely "documentation"
friend, and any fallacy of documentation you ascribe to the Bible
would also have to apply to every other piece of "fact" you "believe"
in now that you got the same way.

And continue further back in time to other facts you 'believe' to be
true about other things and events. 300 years ago. 500 years ago. If
you do, you'll realize you have the same 'proof' leading ot your
'belief' that it's true as we have believing in Jesus Christ and God.

So you can either choose to believe that the Bible is a lie, and also
believe all others books and documents are lies that you've ever read,
as they speak of things you can no longer witness for yourself, or you
can choose to do some soul searching, or you can choose to just throw
another few dozen insults all in the name of feeling better about
yourself so that you can remain blind to the obvious. So far you've
been picking the third choice. I continue to pray for you.

Praise the Lord!
"Gabriel" <>

> Ask your fellow atheist why he posted in our newsgroup. I was merely
> responding to this thread, and it was one of your friends that cross-
> posted it in bible and religious newsgroups. If you're bothered by
> hearing about Jesus Christ from non-atheists, I would take it up with
> your friend who put it in non-atheist newsgroups to begin with knowing
> this would happen. God Bless!

Too lazy to trim headers, huh? Typical. Here, I'll do it for you, you
pompous ass.
Resident Witchypoo
BAAWA Knight!
On Fri, 6 Apr 2007 10:18:58 -0700, (Scott
Richter) wrote:

>Gabriel <> wrote:
>> > > Jesus performed miracles
>> >
>> > Really? Prove it.

>> It's in the Bible. And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"
>> would simultaneously discredit all other knowledge you claim that's
>> only shown in books and no longer around us.

This is a gross oversimplification to the point of falsehood. Like the
equivalent writings of the other religions, it is a work of religious
propaganda heavily edited to support a religious belief.

Whether it is the bible, the scriptures from any of the other
religions or even the Greek myths, it is merely a statement of what
their believers believe.

For anything in it to be accepted as fact it needs secular

But there isn't any - otherwise they would not need to merely cite
the bible.

>As opposed to what? "It's in the Bible, so it's true"?

He's not going to accept it what a Hindu, Muslim etc cites their holy
writings as proof that their beliefs are real.

None of which is rocket science.

>As far as I can tell that sums up your entire argument, and believe me
>when I tell you we've heard that bullshit a million times before.

His argument includes things like "it's all around you if you're
honest enough to admit it".

And "anybody who explains why what I say is bullshit" does so out of

>This is why people have been insulting you, calling you a moron, because
>you come here with nothing more original than "it's in the Bible, so it
>must be true". Then you get upset when you are attacked. If you have
>something interesting (or even original) to say then say it, otherwise,
>stop wasting our time. The last thing we need is another Dittohead for

"One man's religion is another man's belly laugh" - Robert A Heinlein

Intelligent believers (of whom there are plenty) realise this and
understand that non-Christians see Christian miracles, legends,
beliefs etc in much the same light non-Hindus (including Christians)
see the Hindu beliefs, legends etc.

And it's not just atheists, it's everybody else outside the religion.
On Apr 6, 1:11 pm, "Robibnikoff" <> wrote:
> "Gabriel" <> wrote in message
> > It's in the Bible. And to act like "its only in a book, so its false"

> Fine. So where's the objective, verifiable evidence that it's true?

Where's the objective, verifiable evidence that all the history
facts from the past few thousand years that you do "believe" are
true as well? And have you seen them? No? And yet you believe
everything else you gotten the same way: from books, while wanting to
assume the same methods are not enough and that this particual similar
method is just flat out completely false when it comes to the Bible!

People are using circular logic when it's convenient, creating your
own brand of "hypocritical logic". Are you going to respond with the
end all "you're a pompous ass" again to make your point? I hope you
can rise above such hate and ignorance.
God Bless!

Praise the Lord!