Statutory rape, or Marital Bliss ??

phreakwars said:
Oh hogwash, forget about the ****ing kid on the way. Get back to the real issue. A CRIME WAS COMMITED !! He was ****ing her before they were married, she was only 13....... STOP !!


Now do you mean to tell me, if I was a single guy, and I hung out at the ****ing jr. high, and picked me up some 13 year old *****, that as long as I married her ass, because her ****ing mom said so, it would be OK ?? That this would somehow be grounds for me to ****ing bypass the judicial system of justice that puts MANY men into prison and on the sex offender registry of many states, merely because they ****ed a minor.

I will say that the sentence should not be as harsh because of the marriage, but I think if anything, he should be sentenced to serve in prison until his ****ing bride is considered a legal adult in Nebraska (19), because obviously, her ****ing mom doesn't give a **** that her 13 year old kid is getting ****ed by a 21 year old, so somebody has to.

But then, this goes back to KANSAS and NEBRASKA not seeing eye to eye on which age is legal .

14 ****ing years old and one can get married in Kansas ??

Well what the **** ?? If she can get married IN AMERICA legally, how could you possibly prosecute a marriage consummation ??


But then this goes back to the reason his ass is being charged in the first place.... ****ing a 13 year old when legal age is 16 !!

End of Story? Why? Because you say so? Hogwash!

The idea behind the application of law is the pursuit of justice; sometimes justice is better served by leaving well enough alone. I never said knocking up a 13 year old girl was OK, but destroying the current family attempt at salvaging the family structure, gives justice to nobody at all; least of all the unborn baby.

This is why it is so important for judges to have Independent Judicial Discretion.
Cogito Ergo Sum said:
End of Story? Why? Because you say so? Hogwash!

The idea behind the application of law is the pursuit of justice; sometimes justice is better served by leaving well enough alone. I never said knocking up a 13 year old girl was OK, but destroying the current family attempt at salvaging the family structure, gives justice to nobody at all; least of all the unborn baby.

This is why it is so important for judges to have Independent Judicial Discretion.

And since humans tend to learn by example, especially kids mind you,what message would this be sending to pediophiles and overly curious kids...and their parents?

Shall we just do away with the legal consent age period and let anyone **** whoever they want?

I really think something has to be done about them....
There is a difference between what normal pedophiles do and this. She consented to it, althought she is a minor, and he didn't rape/molest her. As for the parents, they probably ****ed up somewhere and that is why their kid so ****ed up.
jokersarewild said:
There is a difference between what normal pedophiles do and this.

What is that difference? There is a pediophile norm? I really dont follow?
jokersarewild said:
She consented to it, althought she is a minor, and he didn't rape/molest her.
SO WHAT? If they were the same age i could understand the compassion...but he is 22 and she was 13(or 14) and that is quite sick and wrong. If they were both men the entire country would be lighting candles for the young child....yet because they are straight they have supporters?!?!? I dont think so. This idiot needs to be prosecuted because what actual "love" can he feel for her? what exactly do they have in common to talk about? there is a clear case of predatoryness here......and whats wose is their parents are all for it?!?!?!?!? You ****s who are okay with this and your "sanctity of marriage" bullshit can take your bible, rub it with vaseline and shove it right up your ass...because that is where **** belongs. This is a clear and dry case of wrong doing...and i cannot even fathom a 13-14 year old getting married and settling down.....

Kids should be able to be kids and not have to worry about this crap untill they are at least 20 or something....what a bunch of crap..

jokersarewild said:
As for the parents, they probably ****ed up somewhere and that is why their kid so ****ed up.
AMEN! Cept joker, you are only 3 years older than the child in question(Or maybe 2)....But i still agree!
jokersarewild said:
She consented to it, althought she is a minor, and he didn't rape/molest her.
Chapter 28. Crimes and Punishments.Sexual assault; legislative intent.

Sexual assault of a child; penalty.28-320.01. (1) A person commits sexual assault of a child if he or she subjects another person fourteen years of age or younger to sexual contact and the actor is at least nineteen years of age or older.(2) Sexual assault of a child is a Class IV felony for the first offense and a Class III felony for all subsequent offenses.

You see, it doesn't matter if she wanted it or not.The law states she is TOO YOUNG to consent to such an act...

And I'd like to add, a CLASS IV FELONY IN NEBRASKA, IS MAX 5 YEARS. The longest he will be in is 2 and 1/2 years, just long enough for this 14 year old to grow a few more brain cells, but not long enough that it would damage the relationship.

I'm sure they are happy, but the fact remains, before he LEGALLY married this girl, he committed a crime, I looked up more info on the case.. Evidently, she was 12 when he ****ed her, and he was 19. Legal age of marriage in KANSAS, is 14, so for well over a year, he was REPEATEDLY,( I would suppose they didn't only **** once ), breaking the law.
Age of consent varies wildly all around the world. This is a fact.

I don't think one could argue this as a case of a pedophile crime.

It never ceases to amaze me how we as a society pick an arbitrary age, a number if you will, and call that "old enough". Ludicrous if you ask me.

Yesterday, you're too young and now today, Happy Birthday, you're just fine. WTF?

I believe that maturity and adult-like understanding when viewed in context of a potential crime, even murder, needs to be individually evaluated.
This is why only the victim or victim's family and not the government should ever be able to bring up charges against someone (except in the case when the governement itself was a victim, or the victim is dead and has no immediate family).
Vortex said:
What is that difference? There is a pediophile norm? I really dont follow?

Normally, we hear about a beating and molestation in a case like this, not marriage with parents that agree. Go figure.

SO WHAT? If they were the same age i could understand the compassion...but he is 22 and she was 13(or 14) and that is quite sick and wrong.

Like CES said, who decided the age limit? You believe it is wrong because you were CONDITIONED and TRAINED to think it is wrong. If you were raised to believe that 13 or 14 was a good age, then you wouldn't care. See what I am saying?

If they were both men the entire country would be lighting candles for the young child....yet because they are straight they have supporters?!?!?

That is bullshit and you know it! Pedophiles who are straight rape female children. This is where they both consented(I know the laws phreak), not where she was forced to **** him. There would be no supporters of him if he molested her, and you know it!

I dont think so. This idiot needs to be prosecuted because what actual "love" can he feel for her? what exactly do they have in common to talk about?

Say you fell in love with a 15 year old and you were 23. Would you care what other people said about what you were doing with her? Maybe. But why the **** are others getting involved? Their morals are their business, not yours.

there is a clear case of predatoryness here......and whats wose is their parents are all for it?!?!?!?!?

Again, they have different morals then you do.

You ****s who are okay with this and your "sanctity of marriage" bullshit can take your bible, rub it with vaseline and shove it right up your ass...because that is where **** belongs.

I am against everything that the bible stands for. And I have no real opinion either way on the sanctity of marriage.

This is a clear and dry case of wrong doing...and i cannot even fathom a 13-14 year old getting married and settling down.....

Neither can I, but that is the way we are raised.

Kids should be able to be kids and not have to worry about this crap untill they are at least 20 or something....what a bunch of crap...

It depends on the level of maturity in the person.

AMEN! Cept joker, you are only 3 years older than the child in question(Or maybe 2)....But i still agree!

Yeah, I am 16.
jokersarewild said:
Normally, we hear about a beating and molestation in a case like this, not marriage with parents that agree. Go figure.
Yes someone getting pregenent and married that young is not fair to that kid at all. She wont even have a proper childhood and will have to grow up far too quickly and will probably resent the child and now in turn her child will not get a proper childhood......Their entire relationship is doomed to failure all because of some pediophile....

jokersarewild said:
Like CES said, who decided the age limit? You believe it is wrong because you were CONDITIONED and TRAINED to think it is wrong. If you were raised to believe that 13 or 14 was a good age, then you wouldn't care. See what I am saying?
And for good reason, it is to protect the childs "childhood"....not to thrust them into adulthood.

so you are saying you are ready to be married and raise a family then? I suppose you do have one perk, you parents can watch a child while your in 3rd period algebra....

jokersarewild said:
That is bullshit and you know it! Pedophiles who are straight rape female children. This is where they both consented(I know the laws phreak), not where she was forced to **** him. There would be no supporters of him if he molested her, and you know it!
you totaly missed my point...

jokersarewild said:
Say you fell in love with a 15 year old and you were 23. Would you care what other people said about what you were doing with her? Maybe. But why the **** are others getting involved? Their morals are their business, not yours.
I highly doubt that would happen in my case. HIGHLY. im 31 and cant even find that much in common with those under 25. The thought of someone under 18 as having sex with is repulsive to me...hell even under 21 it is repulsive. They are still a child, just because they may SEEM to act mature and all their sexual organs are working doesnt mean they ARE mature and ready for that type of commitment...

jokersarewild said:
It depends on the level of maturity in the person.
I suppose, in a twisted world sure.

I wonder if the happy couple are trading Yu-Gi-oh cards on the playground with the other sure they make a quaint couple...
Its sad when young girls puposely go out to get pregnant just so they can feel loved. You also find 16, 17 year olds acctually trying to start a family and planning to get married. This shows the lack of imaturity as they don't realise that no child should have children as thier parents.

what is the legal age to have sex in America? over here its 16.

the age limit is a sham, some peidos even wait till a person turns 16 just so they don't get such a harsh sentance if they get caught.
well what can you do if kids to shag? it my be ilegal but its not like the police are going to arrest somone for having sex too young.
UH ya they will if the parents want them to. Besides, it is only rape if one is above the age of consent and one below or if one is 18 the other is younger.

I had to talk a mother out of having me arested when I was 17 (I hadn't even deflowered her son yet )
If there's a 2 year or less age difference though (ie 17 and 18) no one really gives a damn. It's too much money to go after everyone who has sex.
But Tizz is right. If the parents want to press charges etc, then it becomes an issue of arrest.
I was seventeen going on eighteen he was fifteen going on sixteen. It all had to do with his older brother having dated one hell of a weird older chick.
But is a girl of 13, raised in a western society even able to make that kind of descision? And what is a 21 year old (of the samce upbringing) doing with a 13 year old? Ya I think he needs to do time and ALSO get some serious therapy. That is actually a sexual predator right there.