The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
WOOWWW i haven't been on here in .....too long. :( :( :(

I miss everyone here. My reason for my absence is school. and my social life. sorry!!

I'm gunna try to be on lpf more tho ^^

wow cute pics Rav!!

well, so long for now... *hugs everyone ferociously*



New member

Well as far as any twelve step recovery program goes, technically admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. (My dad's an AA councellor, sorry :D ) Having said that I assume accepting you're mentally defunct *raises brow* probably goes hand-in-hand with the admission stage, so again technically I think you're both right! *laughs again*

But have no fear, this obsession or addiction does not warrant any such intervention programs - I don't need help, I'm happy with my obsession just the way it is! In fact, I'd like to say I wish I had the means to take it to a whole new level and actually do the paparrazzi thing and literally obsess in the physical realm but *shrug* I cannot and perhaps that's for the best. Besides, maybe that's taking idol-worship a little too far... I wouldn't hurt him mind you (no, not much) *wicked grin* but would even just like to be in the same concert hall as him at one point in my life and gloat in the fact that for one brief shining moment our lives interconnected before I slipped back into obscurity and he did his rock-star thing. *heavy sigh* Ho-hum. But I guess that's why they have meet-n-greets established huh? At least they as a band recognise our 'wish' to interract and that's very sweet of them. How many other contemporary bands can you say do that? Bless LP. *cheers*

Man, on a different tact, had the staff party at work last night and got blind (as in blind-rotten-drunk) and let me tell you it's been AGES, years even, since I've been in such a state. Had fun, was all good (that I can remember) and I woke up drunk - (it's like midday here as I type this and I'm still a little inebriated! (sp?) I remember Nate (the head chef) pulled me up for a dance at some point and pulled me off the chair as I was protesting that I hadn't yet had enough to drink to do that, hurt my hip when I hit the floor (yes, embarrassing) but it's still sore now *oops!*) - and I have to go back to work in like 3 and a half hours so that's gonna be something... :eek: Well it's a good thing I mainly work deserts, 'cause if I was on grill I'd be accidentally setting fire to the place or something stupid like that probably *laughs*

Oh well...

WB TWI! *huge hugs* Been ages since we caught up, but I do relate to the absences (well, not school for me, obviously! But yeah, real life can get in the way sometimes... we all understand. Just good to see you around again... you've been missed. In fact, all our old CoBers have been missed! Maybe we can rally the troops again and spearhead this tidalwave of drool that so often used to saturate this place *looks guilty*

Well, let's initiate a dribble first.

Discovered another Rob fan-site that I hadn't seen before in my crawlings. This one's called Project-Rob ( and I just had a tour around. The site's German I think and features avatars, pics of him as a kid some of you may not have seen before (but most here have) and the usual stuff. Here's the home page screen;

(Source: as above)

Pic of him isn't the greatest but I just liked the phrase, thought it 'befit' this place, that's all.

This avatar is from that site too. Love his eyes in this one... OMFG! *drool*

And this one just screams 'smug'. Seen that expression a few times in the Frat Party DVD as I recall *laughs* Ahhh, the many splendid faces of Mr Bourdon! *droooooooooooooools excessively*

Okay outtie peoples. Gonna go get ready for work. It's raining here at the moment, I don't have a clothes dryer, so I have to go to the restaurant early and use theirs. :rolleyes: Fun-fun. Take care my friends, will catch up again real soon,

*Big Bourdie Bear Hugs*




New member
Thank you guys! fill me in on everything I missed!

Yeahh I'm actually really enjoying life so far, its just really busy!

I never saw that site either o.o Its pretty good! except for the broken images!



New member
well...i would fill you in if i could, but seeing as how Rav is back and posting these very loooong posts which I cannot read in one day, i can't. lol...i know one thing though, rav is upsessed with Sims, she works a lot and she loves us :D

that's about all you need to know.



New member
well...i would fill you in if i could, but seeing as how Rav is back and posting these very loooong posts which I cannot read in one day, i can't. lol...i know one thing though, rav is upsessed with Sims, she works a lot and she loves us :D
that's about all you need to know.
*laughs* Awwww that's like one of the sweetest things I've had said about me... *rushes over and squeeze hugs brokenangel*

And yeah, you're right, that's pretty much it, too.

BTW, sorry for the loooong posts, I do love my rants (as y'all know, I'm making it an olympic sport at this rate) but don't see the point doing the same old thing and posting just a pic, the word 'drool' intermittently thrown in and leaving the rest for the journal that I never see anymore anyway. I'm more obsessed with Rob, in fact, it's safe to say I'm more obsessed with this thread than I am much else, (except naturally Rob himself/LP and the sims2) so I'm colloquially (sp?) killing two birds with one stone as the case may be (and as cruel and as pointless as that analogy may be :D ) And besides ALL that what I really like is just catching up with you guys again. The Rob pics and stuff is just a bonus, really, but catching up with my fellow CoBers is what I really dig.

Dig? Well, y'all get what I'm trying to say I hope... It's all good! :D

*Big Bourdie Bear Hugs*


(The Rob Ranter! Yay! I be back!)



New member
Ahhh....I havent been here for a while have I? no I havent. School and friends have taken up most of my time lately. That a just plain to lazy to get up off my *** and come downstairs to the computer. Oh and Ive been reading this really good book that I finished today called The Lovely Bones. Tis very good. I also would have been on earlier in the week, but Ive been at a Choir Retreat for the past 3 days. I just got back today. My high schools choirs (which Im in) goes to this camp thing every year, to do workshops and just to get to know eachother and stuff. Good Times.

Meh, kinda late but whatever, I live in Red Deer, Alberta, Canada. Nothing to exciting there. And I have no idea what my name means. To lazy and tired to look it up. but I dont like my name. Your guys names are so creative...mines...blah.

and Ive missed your long rants Rav! it took me like 45 minutes to read through all that I missed while I was away, but its all good!

neways, Im really tired. We barely got any sleep while we were at camp, so Im gonna go. Toodles!



New member
Bourdaroni = Macaroni (I think) renamed for dear Bobert. I think the pasta shapes may be Rob-shaped (exactly how one shapes pasta into 'human' form and ahem... what appendages etc, is anyones guess :D ) *scratches head and considers it* Oh! Oh! Can I do the life-mould casting??? *Runs at Rob with a bucket of plaster and art tools wearing a devious grin* Trust me, Mr Bourdon, I'm an artist... Hehehehe... *rolls eyes*

Bourdaccino = Cappaccino/coffee renamed after Rob too.

Could be wrong but I think that's what it means. Ask the resident chefs.

Speaking of which, glad you're back. You too Meteora/Hil. Glad you're having fun you social butterfly you! *grins* Don't sweat it, we can't all be online as much as we want so it's good to see you when you can. Y'all take it easy and take care. See you when when you get some rest and recouperate from camp etc. It's all good!

Well, take care guys, have nothing to rant about (that's unusual). Loved the Mike FM promo pics out front. Wish Rob would get off his sweet drool-worthy @$$ and give us some new images, anything, come on Rob, please...? *big puppy-dog eyes* Catch y'all again soon,

*Big Bourdie-bear hugs*


(aka: CoB's original Rob Ranter) :rolleyes:



New member
Yeah, thats what Bourdaroni and Bordaccinos are. Theres also Bourdon-Bourbons, and Rob shaped Pizza. and that about all we have at the moment...anybody have anymore food ideas? meh..*goes into kitchen to make some of each* heh...I havent cooked in a while, you guys must be hungry *rolls eyes* *feeds everyone imaginary internet food* meh. *karate chops computer*

Edit: HAHAH!!! Bobert!!!!! hahaha....Rav said Bobert! heh....



New member
Yeah... starved! (considering I haven't been to gym in like 3 days now I probably shouldn't go nuts or anything and make a pig of myself but... *shrugs* Who cares? I'll work it off tomorrow! Gorges herself on Rob-related food and grins like an idiot for doing so... :D )

As for 'Bobert'? Dunno if you remember but a while back we were havin' a discussion on Rob's beard (yes, of all things) and I said I thought at times it made him look quite sinister. It was a little in-joke that former LPFer JammerG and I shared, calling Rob with a beard 'Evil Bob'. Henceforth, Bobert grew from that... when Rob looks 'evil'. *laughs* (That and the fact with his beard he looks like a lumberjack, so I think 'Bob' is more befitting a lumberjack than Rob, dunno why... more 'butch' or something *rolls eyes* Not that I'm saying Rob's not butch or anything... wait, maybe that didn't come out right! Don't spear me with those drumsticks Rob! *Runs off in the other direction screaming hysterically*

But seriously, *** bless those perfectly sculpted and ever-expressive brows of his...

*wipes chin and front of saturated shirt*

Wonder if his brother Dave looks like him? Or his dad Greg, isn't it? Yeah, think so... wondering where he gets his 'looks' is all *just musing* I respect the LP band members' right to privacy and such, and that extends to their family and so forth, I mean Gee, they're entitled to live a semi-normal existence to some degree (as much as one can under the scrutiny of the public eye) but I just get curious at times is all... That and I'm bored, just killin' time before shift starts in about 1.5hrs. (One more night then two days off! *jumps around excitedly!* Pity my 'weekend' falls in the middle of the working week... that sucks. Not to mention puts a dampener on my budding social life... kinda...)

Well, ranted again. It's a talent. Or a curse, dunno which. *shrugs*

Gonna wander off again and play sims for a bit (what else, d'uh?) Hold up, my cat just bought me in a lizard, better rescue it before she eats it, brb...

Edit: Rescued it and set it free only to find she'd killed it. So I set his corpse free I guess... *sob for the lizard* Well, I tried...

Lets have a moment of silence for the slain lizard...

A hushed moment of silence befalls the church with nothing but the dancing candle flames and the sound of papers from the congregation drummer-tab booklet rustling in the slight breeze disturbs it

Here's a thought for the day; I have too much time on my hands when I don't go to gym. *nods* Tomorrow, I'm making myself go back... Think that's a good idea.

Take care guys and fellow CoBers. Excuse the nonsensical nature of this post... I'm all over the place at the moment, can you tell? :D



(Rescuer of small lizards and ranter at Rob's church/synagogue at LPF) :rolleyes:

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New member
Heh...Bobert...I still find that funny. Athough it doesnt take much to make me laugh. the time I laughed when I seen a box rolling across the road...heh...

Haha...poor lizard! i wish I had lizards around my house. All I have is a squirrel that eats our peanuts, and a buch of robins. Meh.



New member
Hil, what are you doing?? you can't just make 'rob shaped pizza' gotta give it a cool name! *looks at you in shock* what's the matter with you? *smacks you with the holy spetula*

so, name it something like Rozza or original! :p



New member
Hil, what are you doing?? you can't just make 'rob shaped pizza' gotta give it a cool name! *looks at you in shock* what's the matter with you? *smacks you with the holy spetula*
so, name it something like Rozza or original! :p
That's a crack-up! (Imagining the swinging of the holy spatula - didn't even know we had one! There ya' go!) *lol* Rozza... funny stuff... maybe we could rename 'flavours' for said Rob-shaped pizza or 'Rozza' *laughs again*

Like hmm... *looks perplexed* Dang, that's like an impossible task I just set myself, huh? Well can't have 'Bourdaroni' as in Pepparoni cause that's a whole other meal in itself... Not to mention food group (ie; pasta) *shrugs*

I wonder what types of pizza we can rename? *strikes a thoughtful pose* Dunno, but whatever we do, none of it can have bacon on it... isn't that right? (Not Jewish/kosher, personally I love my pork :D ) So Hawaiian's out... Wonder if we can have anchovies either? *rolls eyes* That's not a reference to Judaism but rather taste (I myself love double anchovies) but we digress...

Man this is like the longest conversation I've ever had about pizza in general... and I'm starting to drool for a whole different reason now than what I usually do in this most holy of places...

Man... wonder what else we can rename?

How about 'Bourdon Brook bottled water/Vino' for something to drink, 'eh? (Lame I know, but we're limitted to things starting with 'R' or 'B' and given that I still haven't found a suitable word to replace 'hug' that starts with 'B' I think I'm in a no-win situation here! *looks desperate*) Bourdon-Broule (soup), Bour-occi (as in Gnocci) or a simple plain Rob-burger *boring*...

You guys ever heard of an energy drink called 'Berocca?' We got it here in Australia, it's this effervescent tab you put into water and goes all fizzy and stuff, energizing. How about 'Bourocca?' *laughs insanely* Get's me going that's for sure... *droooool* Speaking of which, better pick my mind up out of the gutter ( that a few other's can get past, huh?) *rolls eyes* :D

Take care, Hugs,


(Rob-mad :D )



New member
ack! *hides* uh oh...well uhh...*hangs head in shame* Rozza it is I guess...Roberonie Rozza. Bourezze(cheese?) Rozza...meh...*looks at spatula shaped bruise*

we can have...uhhh, Rot Rogs? eh...that sounds very, unappetizing. Oh I dunno. Im not the creative one here *wonders who the creative one is*

*raises hand*

*slaps Hilary with a sausage*




New member
HEY PPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOW ARE YA GUYS!!!!!!!!!! its been a **** **** **** long time since i visited the cob!! RAV, RUSU, FIONA AND ALL THE OTHERS!!! you guys have no idea how much i miss u guys!!


New member
Ah discussions about food... yummeh! :D *is hungry now* Da na na na na *drums fingers randomly* I don't know what else to say...

Oh w/b shahfire.. I slightly remember you :p



New member
Hey guys... not much goin' on here huh?

*waves at Shah* I remember you... long time no see, how's it been? We're a little... bored here at the moment (although having said that, the spatula slapping was funny *sorry*) I guess it's to be expected as per usual with the band's down-time in the studio etc. Not sure how to rectify that. We have to entertain ourselves, again... but don't know if food naming is up there as far as instigating excitement goes... could be wrong.

I'd post images but seem to be posting same ones, (I feel anyway, might be wrong) or rant on about my Rob sim *laughs* or something else but it just seems to be a lot of the same old thing... ho-hum. I miss ranting, mind you, think ranting on about Rob-related issues is just the highlight of my otherwise insignificant day, but *meh* I don't know what else to say/do.

*Looks up at life-sized gold statue of Rob himself before the front of the church*

"Help us oh Lord! We're lost without you're wisdom, cheeky grin and droolworthy bod... oh and your talent on the skins too, oh tall one..." *laughs*

Seriously, maybe we need a little CoB competition or something? Not sure what the objective would be, and it would have to be purely for the sake of competing (no 'prizes) but it's just a thought. Anyone have any ideas?

I'm wandering over to LPU4 to see what's happening and see if I can get any ideas or something...

Til then, here's something to amuse your other senses *hehehe*

(Note the sideburns... creative soul he is, hehehe :D )

(Looking all sophisticated and serious... *drools*)

(LOOK AT THOSE ARMS! THAT CHEST! Oh my f*****g ***, I think I'm having chest pains myself! *fans self to cool down* Even though he looks like he's capable of ripping your arms off and flogging you to death with them, he's still a hunk of human perfection... *collapses*)


Edit: As we all know, Rob and Brad are Jewish. Just wondering though, does anyone know how orthodox they were raised/are today? I have been doing some research on and off for a while (having a few Jewish freinds) and have to say my eyes are opeining in regards to this faith. I'm not converting by any means (no fear, I'm a Wiccan and shall remain one) but I find a few things that amuse me and educate, dare I say it in regards to said faith. Main reason I think is this 'Church' discussion we had a while back. Given Rob's faith as being Judaism, we discussed changing the name of this place to Synagogue of Bourdon (doesn't roll off the tongue quite so easy, huh?) but decided in fun against it. I know for a fact we have Jewish ppl amongst our humble ranks and wonder if anyone's been insulted here yet? Hope not. We're all about having fun here, but it also occurred to me that heaven forbid Rob himself may find something like this an insult... *shrugs* Maybe not. He's fairly relaxed from what I can see on the Jewish issue, but his 'water' obsession could be directed back to the 'water's of life' belief of Orthodox Judaism. Anyhoo... just musing is all. Nothing here's gonna change, I'm NOT converting, again, but guaging reactions/thoughts/ideas is all.

Wow, does this constitute as an actual intellectual conversation (for once?) in the CoB? *rolls eyes* It's something different from the drooling, but... *looks up at pictures* ****** it; *droooooooool*

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