The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
Yeah, I had fun... thanks for that. Hey, congrats on the A man, sounds like you deserved it! *grins* Yeah, Petrified rocks. So does Bleach. I love the Sopranos. Sopranos rock almost as much as Linkin Park does... but not quite.

Glad you responded, man it bums me how quiet it is here at the moment... but then I guess i have to think that it is like Summer holidays or something over there isn't it? School holidays? **** I dunno anymore, it's supposed to be spring here but feels like danged summer, I'm so eternally confused *laughs* Apparently doesn't take much to do that. Hmm.

Having said that I've been listening to FM's We Major mixtape A LOT these last few days (constant rotation) and I have to give Mike his dues, the ablum seriously rocks. I'll admit I went in as a sceptic and I actually dug what I heard (except maybe 2 songs, 2 out of 19 are good odds considering) so yeah, I've been converted by the Fort Minor runaway freight train it seems. Good to work out to at the gym too so I've noticed, way to go guys. :thumbsup: One of the guys I work with Nathan is a serious hip-hop freak but wasn't too keen on our beloved LP. I gave him a copy of the FM mixtape and after a few listens he said he has a newfound appreciation for Mike and LP so that was nice to hear. But LP still rocks me. LP 4 life. Word up. :D

Well have found a few more pics you guys may dig. I do (naturally) but my bias is well known around these parts. If it's all about Rob then as always it's all good. Kinda goes without saying, uh hu.

This one is my particular recent favourite that I hadn't up til this point seen before. Owner's name: 'Randa'. Site obtained from;

Didn't know the site but it's quite good. Nothing really extraordinary but well set out I guess. Takes a bit to load but visually good. Should check it out.

Droolworthy enough? I'd like to think so. I have more, of course, but this one just is "it" at the moment. I need a sponge to soak up all the drool...

Well, take care. Be good. *hugs* Hope all is well for all, wherever y'all are, whatever y'all are doing. Catch up again soon.




New member
Look at Robbizzle's eyes!! o_O Well, I'm glad you had a good time ;) and no, where I am (emphasis on "I"), there's no vacation :( :( actually, i'm in the middle of my exams right now, so it would be highly un-usual (oh man, i forgot how to spell that hehe).

Well, SPREAD THE FM JOY!! that's great! tell more people about it and convert them to the Fort Minorism, alright? i'm doing it too...we're the unofficial FM Streetteam lol.. *slaps hands* :D

Take care.



New member
Aww man! summer is just starting where you are? Thats not fair...we just had our first snowfall of the year!! and its cold, and getting WAY colder...*sigh* I already miss the fall...falls my favorite season, up until it snows, then it sucks ***. oh well what can you do eh? although...snow also means that its December is coming up, which mean that Christmas is on its way!!!woooo! and hanika? hahnucka? bah...I dunno how to spell it, but its alomost time to take out the dradel!(sp?) bah, I cant spell those jewish words...anyways, enough ranting about the weather and hollidays...

umm...well actually I have nothing else to say so....yeah. heh...*goes into kitchen to make some Roberoni Rozza*

BTW thelea, I love that cartoon in your sig!



New member
Back at school now.. unfortunatly. With a huge math exam a week on Monday >_<

Its going very cold here, no snow yet, though we hardly ever get any :( Though the weater people are predicting its going to be England's coldest winter for 60 years >.< I really must get round to buying that new winter coat...

*Drools at Rob pics* :D

Yeah, I'm up to assessment week...**** **** ****...but then after this it's over!!!! end school two weeks early go on year 10 activities which will be so much fun. Then its the Formal. Then it's Grad...then it's the holidays...where I can just keep on bumming in this thread

yay for the Rob piccis



New member
I'm honoured you'd wanna spend your time just kicking back here with the likes of little old me and the rest of the Bourdie crew when you've got free time. Sweet. Look forward to lots of droolage and so forth. :D

Good luck with your exams.

As for converting the unsuspecting masses to Fort Minor, strangely enough I've been spreading the word at work just because I thought it's pretty cool and worth sharing. As it turns out I actually gave a copy of the mixtape to a coleague who's a pretty big hip-hop fan and he loved what he heard. He has dejay friends so now he's spreading the word so I think it's a chain reaction happening. I don't need to be part of any militia to represent, but it made me feel good to share the love on. <3 FM so far. Nate, the guy I've converted, also said in the same breath he has a newfound respect for LP now too which I thought was fairly profound. *nods* He's catching on late but better late than never.

Robizzle... *laughs* GUy certainly has a variety of pet names for actually having NO official nickname. :D Lots of love for the big guy.

And yeah, the eyes... *drool* *double drool* *drool some more*

Man, snow. Wish it would snow here. *sigh* I hate the heat. Guess I was born in the wrong country then, huh? *rolls eyes* Anyway, wherever y'all are stay warm or cool as the case may be, considering we're all fairly spread out globally in here, huh? Awesome. Would upload a new Rob pic but as we speak I'm downloading FM's Believe Me video (haven't seen it yet) so my server will slow to a comotose-like crawl if I try. (Can one crawl in a coma? *raises a sceptical brow* Bad metaphor) but the point is the same. Anyway, more pics later, as always, promise. I love sharing Rob around. Man, if only that were the case, huh? *sigh* Oh well, cest le vie, is it not? (Forgive me, French is not my forte) I'm gonna go off and keep reading a bit more before I've got to go to work. One more night to go then I have 2 off *yay!* I'm currently reading 'The Davinci Code' cause I wanted to see what the hype was about. Funnily enough it sparked up a religious conversation with the floor manager at work when he saw me reading it before start of shift yesterday. Bruce is a Jesuit-trained man so he's got more idea than me about all of it, but the premise of the story is still intriguing stuff, even to an old Pagan soul like mine. Oh yeah, happy Hannukah to those of you heading in that direction *laughs in reference to Hilary's post* Merry Christmas to the believers and Happy Xmas to those of you from non-religious denominations. Does that cover everyone?

Catch up with y'all again real soon. Take care. *Big Bourdie bear hugs*


Ahh somehow after I hear one of your rants I feel

Anyone want to see a fully naked picture or Rob????

IS IT YOUR ABSOLUTE DISIRE??? To see the guy you love so much...fully unclothed???

If you wish to, please look down at my sig ><



New member
Merry Christmas to the believers and Happy Xmas to those of you from non-religious denominations. Does that cover everyone?
I think you got everybody there...Happy X-Mas to me it is! Im not at all religious so yeah...

Oh man Ruth, you got me all excited!! haha...But I love your sig though, but I think I have already told you that at one point...

I need some hands are frozen and I cant type. Augh...I have parent teacher confrences to go to tonight...poooooopy!!!!!

You know whats kinda stupid? yesterday, I bought 3 CDs (Disturbed, Breaking Benjamin, and Sum41) and it cost 45 dollars! of course you money is most likely different than mine, but still...*sigh* money is stupid. well actually, now that I think about it, its not as bas as I thought...meh, just ingnore all that...

Heh...this post has no meaning at all, I keep jumping all over the place. oh well.



New member
Ahh somehow after I hear one of your rants I feel
Anyone want to see a fully naked picture or Rob????

IS IT YOUR ABSOLUTE DISIRE??? To see the guy you love so much...fully unclothed???

If you wish to, please look down at my sig ><

OMFG, I burst out laughing at that, thanks Rusu! *still laughing* Think I'm gonna have to print it and frame it, hang it on my wall for all to see, that's for sure...

Maybe you should have a 'censored' version though, for whom are likely to be offended by seeing Rob nude (as if - but I'm sure there'd have to be someone). Meh. Maybe a black strip across his nether-regions or something... that way he can't sue you if he should happen to stumble across it *laughs even more* But I'm not sure if you quite captured all of him appropriately (if you catch my drift *wink-wink*) Then again, maybe you did! :D

Man, talk about a twisted conversation.

Oh well, good to see you guys alive and kicking. Sucks you're so cold, Hil, it's like 30 degrees or so here at the moment, nice and warm, and it's only gonna get worse as we head into Summer. Australia in summer, depending on where you are typically, can be **** cruel, especially during all these droughts and water restrictions. Oh well, so be it. Hope you get warm soon. *Big Bourdie bear hugs* That might do the trick, huh?

Well, take care guys. Good luck with assessments, parent teacher thingy's, bad weather, naked men, cd shopping, xmas and so on and so forth. I'm thinking about buying an xmas tree tomorrow, don't own one, but I'm still weighing up the financial outlay against the automatic states of depression that spending the money on and all that it represents is likely to incur. *sigh* I'm glad it only happens once a year (or twice if you're a yuppie and you celebrate the July one too - idjits!) but I just want it to be January already. Then we'll be closer to Robbie's birthday! *Yay for Robbie* And mine and Mike's the following month... yeah... well...

TC & TTYL apu,




New member birthday is in February too! on the 13, and mikes is on the 11, and yours is on the...9th?? am I wrong?

Edit: oops..yours is on the 15th...sorry bout that...I knew your were in a range of 2 days of either mine or mikes so I was close!



New member
Lol Ruth, your sig rawks \m/ :D

Xmas for me, being of the non-religous type, and I can't wait. Prezzies! :D

Woo.. nearly (well not really but hey) Robbies birthday! We should have a CoB party! XD

And the math exam on Monday *hides* Hopefully it will go well because on a recent practice paper I got an A, which is what I'm expected to get but heh, I'll just have to see how it goes.

Ah well, bye guys (i've taken to saying hi guys and bye guys as Henry has brainwashed me into saying it >_<)



New member
*runs in* I love you guys too! Everyone, anyone, all of you in the CoB are my homies! *big squeeze hugs for everyone*

Good luck with exams, Black_Angel. Happy (early, in fact, VERY early) birthday wishes to Hil. To anyone else... just... yeah. Feel the love vibes comin' atcha! Hehehe...

At this very exact moment in time I'm sitting here on my comp lookin up any more info on the rumor of the Frat Party V.2 DVD that's 'supposed' to be released at some point *hopeful thinking* next year. So far, nothing conclusive. *sigh* Well, like the rest of it I can hope and wait and see what eventuates from that. More Robbie and the boys... that's something to get excited about, even before Xmas/Hannukah/Christmas/etc, etc. Mmmm... imagine though waking up to see Rob under the tree on Xmas morning (I don't mean drunken and passed out either *laughs*) wearing nothing but a devious grin and a red ribbon around his tallywacker... *laughs out loud, VERY loud* Man... I love my imagination sometimes... :D

(Still laughing a few moments later when she re-reads that last bit)

*sigh* Well, it's like 1:28 am here, should go to bed. Don't want to, there's not enough hours in the day as it is to do what I want, and when I get time I just wanna sleep, it trully sucks... but at least this Xmas wish gives me something to look forward to. Ahh, sweet dreams guys.

Talk again soon, reaaaal soon...

*floats away on a river of drool*

-Rav :D



New member
YAY! *Joins in huge group hug*

W/b Phi, long time no see. And Rav is taking good care of us ^.^

Oh and thanks for the luck Rav ^_^



New member
ahhhahahahaha.....what a great mental image that makes...Rob either with ribbon tied around his "tallywacker" as you so lovelylylylyly called it, or wearing only a red banana hammick(sp?)(a man thong..hehe...) with white furry trim, on a fur rug(fake of course! ^^), with a blazing fire....*sigh...*man...that would be very very nice...*mom! I want Rob for X-Mas!!!* or in this case...***-Mas...hehehehehe....oh dear. Id better stop now...*slaps self*

anywho...welcome back Phi....long time no see!! yeah! o_O



New member
Heya Phe! WB! *big squeeze hug* Agreed, long time no 'see' (as much as one can on the virtual realms here, that be) :D Hope all's well with you.

Hil, I have to say, you're last post made me laugh like a maniac, neighbours must think I'm up the wacky-weed or wowie-sauce or something *raises brow* but if only they knew the truth, huh? *evil smirk* Good to see you've got an imagination as vivid as mine... ahh... rob on a rug before the fire... you so totally sold me on the notion... I'm there *laughs again*

Well, as for looking after everyone here, I'm not sure if it's the case in reality, but I'd like to think I am, this place is like a mini universe all unto itself, and you guys rock, so of course I'm gonna keep coming back here, like d'uh *laughs* What else am I gonna do at like 12:23 a.m.? *shrugs* I know most 'normal' people sleep, but I'm not normal. I've dealt with it and I'm okay with my issues now *grins* The CoB is the place for me to be... well, me I guess... Rob ranter that I am. And now we're on the subject, while I don't have an actual Rob-practically-nakedexcept-for-the-red-ribbon-on-the-faux-fur-rug-before-the-roaring-fire picture to upload, I do have a 'Christmassy' pic with Rob in it to share with y'all, seeing as how we're getting all in the season like, early... and I haven't posted a pic for a few days, so I kinda feel bad about that too... yeah...

Here's Rob and a Christmas tree! Enjoy!

I feel I may have at some point posted this before, but dang it, tis the season and all that rot (bah-humbug!), plus it's a good excuse to see more Rob, as always... any excuse... heck, no excuse needed. He's my eye candy. He's like chocolate. No, he's soul-chocolate... yeah... *laughs* Bet he'd love that...


Well, enough ranting for now. Image uploaded. Drool yourselves silly, I know I do, all the **** time... *sigh* I'm thinking about getting Rob's autograph/signature still tatooed on, but I don't know which body part... *grin* yet. I'm still thinking it over... I know the idea would more than likely horrify the man in real life but (meh) I want all the band sigs tattooed on, but haven't yet figured out where and what 'layout'. It'll come to me eventually.


*Big Bourdie bear hugs*



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