The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
Hey, me again. Know how I was bitchen the other day I couldn't find any 'new' pics of Rob anywhere lately? Well, I went a-huntin' and found three or so I personally hadn't seen before, so that proved me wrong... which for once didn't bother me! :D

I got it from Webshots, (author Jessica9613 - to give due credit) and it made a nice addition to my desktop I must say. For those of you without Webshots, here's a sample;

(*laughs* Yes, I "stole" it straight off my desktop as you can see!) Okay so it's not new new, not recent new, but like I said not one I'd seen around before. Nice... What do y'all think? :thumbsup:

Just a little something I thought y'all might like. Be good, catch y'all later,



Awsome pictures the jewish thing, I haven't taken offence to the CoBness (I am Jewish, yes) but I am a reformed Jew, not orthadox, so yeah. I have no clue how jewish rob or brad are, but does it really matter?


New member
Haha...his side burn was the first thing that I noticed in that picture! haha, but I love them! Very creative I must say! And I LOVE that picture of your desktop!!! very drool worthy!

Bleh...I feel kinda and my friends had a little fun last night, and some drinks...twas fun till I yarfed all over the bathroom. meh...

and as for the Jewish-ness...I have no clue. I have no religion myself so yeah...hmm...*cartwheels* oh Im craving chocolate all of a sudden

*makes chocolate chip Robcakes (pancakes)*



New member
Thanks guys. The Jewish thing is really a non-issue, I'm just throwing thoughts out there is all. As for the pic, yep, drool-worthy is def. a word that springs to mind! And as for the drinking and yarfing (funny, Hil are you American - or as we Aussies call y'all, "a Yank"? *laughs* BTW, hope that's not offensive :eek: ) it sounds like you had a blinder of a time! It's always good to let yourself go once in a while (perhaps not throwing up at the end of it however) as long as you can deal with the consequences in the morning... like 'redecorating' the bathroom! *laughs again*

The reason I ask if you're American is 'cause here we call throwing up 'Ralphing' or 'barfing' not 'yarfing' (how we ended up having a conversation about throwing up in Rob's Thread here is beyond me, but is amusing none the less! :rolleyes: ) Of course it all depends what you're 'yarfing' from. When you mix alcohol and another illicit 'green' substance here and 'regurgitate' we call that 'Greening.' Weird, huh?

But hope you feel better after some chocolate... always picks me up (regularly it seems). Am trying this choc compound called carob to completely cut out ALL dairy from my diet (that's the last of it) but I'm such a chocoholic I'm switching one choc addiction for another! It trully sucks... why does everything that's bad for you have to taste so damned good??? *frustrated* Anyway... it's all good, as per usual.

Nothing different going on here today. It's just another day. Quiet, even for a Sunday. Nearly lunchtime *sigh* but all I can ever think about once I get up is how many hours left til I have to go to work and that outs a dampener on things. On the upside one of my best friends told me yesterday she's considering going to Ireland with her mother for two weeks and told me I could go (neigh, had to, she was dragging me, but I didn't have the heart to tell her I wasn't protesting) so IF that eventuates I'll be over the moon about that one. I'd LOVE to see the Green Isles, that and America, before I die. I'm so hung up on America I think I was a Ya-... err, American in a past life or something. *sighs* Damned Australiana. *Shrugs* But that's okay I guess, even if I'm still just a country-gal stuck here in a wanna-be-city looking out at the rest of the world with longing eyes... ahhh...

Oh well, as promised here's the second pic I was talkin' 'bout yesterday. (Hold up, I have to 'procure' this one from my desktop as well! *laughs* Give me a minute) Here we go... this one's from another meet n greet, and Chaz is in the frame as well (never really a bad thing, is it? :D )

(Source: Starkinc, from Webshots, that's all the info I can tell you, sorry!) But poor Bobert looks tired in this one... the Rock star thing is taking it's toll, poor ******. Looks like he needs a hug... or something... *evil grin* I'm here if he should ever need it *aren't we all here?* :rolleyes:

Sorry, I'm laughing at the mental imagery that scenario conjures. Imagine it; I rush at Rob with arms out to give him a hug and he looks up startled from behind the table. Looks cornered like some deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming truck or something. He looks about quickly like a cornered animal for a way out and finding none other than through the crowd milling nearby for autographs. He sits trapped another split second, weighing up his options til I reach the table then suddenly shoves his chair back as he staggers to his feet and leaps the table, running in the other direction while the rest of the band just sit there and laugh at him... :D *laughs manically* Ahhh... sometimes having such a vivid imagination is not always a good thing... poor Robert...

Okay, off again. Take care ppls. *Big Bourdon Bear Hugs* TTYL,


*****, Rav you are hilariously funny. Hahaha I'd like to see that one day (refering to the mental image you had) lolololololol. Okay I'm over it now hehe, awsome pic though *drools*

Hey hilary, I feel like chocolate too *eats some choco-rob-drops* whatever they are *is confused*

BTW rav, you are really smart



New member
Im actually from Canada, so you were close!! But its all good. Not many people refer to throwing up as yarfing, thats just something of my own making. Here, we call it throwing up, blowing chunks, and barfing. But Im personally not really in the mood to talk about bodily functions at the moment so Im gonna steer clear of that subject.

*yawns* man Im tired, Im gonna header to bed seeing as it is now 1:00 and I hafta work tomorrow, and Ive been feeling like **** all day. My parents think it was the sushi I ate that made me sick!! haha...oh dear

btw, I love the mental image that makes...hehem but it would be funnier if it had all us CoBers ambush him while at the signing table...hehe...yeah...*spins in chair*



New member
*****' date=' Rav you are hilariously funny. Hahaha I'd like to see that one day (refering to the mental image you had) lolololololol. Okay I'm over it now hehe, awsome pic though *drools*
Hey hilary, I feel like chocolate too *eats some choco-rob-drops* whatever they are *is confused*

BTW rav, you are really smart
***** LOL OMG...*laughing even more at how confused Ruth must be as to why i'm laughing so hard...* I'ma teach you somethin...the word "lolo" LITERALLY means "****" in my native language and it used very often amung us youth to yell at each other or indicate that we're very mad or something. or that we're joking, too. but's not such a positive word lmao



New member
Thanks for the compliment... though as far as being smart goes I think I'm losing the race sometimes if you catch my drift. I'm getting to that age/point in my life where it feels I'm running flat out and getting nowhere, watching things just sliding past me all the time. Major-mid-life crisis stuff. Actually, given the current mood-swings, I'd think it was more appropriate to say I'm almost having mini-mid-life-crisis' (plural for crisis? Crisees??) every few days... ****** menopause will tackle me soon enough I can just see it! *grumbles irately under breath* It's okay, I'm over it again now... *looks at watch* Next mood swing... 6 minutes. :rolleyes: And counting.

Anyway, it's funny about the *lol* thing though... wild. I love the subtle differences in our cultures, although I feel an apology may be necessary to Hil for the discussion of bodily functions given how 'under the weather' she was/is. So, sorry about that. :( Oh, and for mistakenly calling you an American. I've heard there's an unwritten rift between your countries that means you're automatically insulted if someone calls you the wrong nationality. Could be wrong there. *shrugs* Wouldn't know. I don't exactly have anything we Aussies relate that to; maybe New Zealand, but New Zealander's have quite distinct accents as opposed to our colloquial slang so *shrug again* I'm vague, as usual...

Yeah, the mental imagery was fun. I regularly conjure all sorts of mental imagery in regards to dearest Bobert... but I wont digress the nature of most of those ones *laughs fit to kill herself and blushes* Yeah, I'm a sicko, but I'm an honest sicko, so that should count for something. I'm thinking Rob would probably be insulted that after dedicating practically most of his life to perfect his art of percussionism (is that a real word?) that all I/we seem to do is drool over images of his ruggedly handsome droolworthy and obsessable (again, real word or just making it up??) body. But truth be known, how much can I/we say we appreciate his talents on the skins before it becomes convoluted? (Insertion of big words - *laughs* Notice I didn't say the "****" word? :D )

Honestly, Rob needs to branch off and do a side project too. Mike has FM, Chaz is doing his solo album, Joe is doing his movies, what are the other three doing at this very point in time? *raises a curious brow* The man has so much talent it's just nauseating *in the best of ways* and I think at least he should do a solo album... maybe covers or whatever takes his fancy; show us the real Mr Bourdon, asisde from the Linkin Park powerhouse that he's otherwise known for. That's just my two cents... which is really redundant 'cause we don't mint 2cent coins anymore down under; lowest coin we have is 5. There ya' go! Come for the drool or food or company or whatever, and depart with knowledge... Man I love this thread!

*squeezes everyone in a usual and obligatory Bourdie-Bear hug*

Well, rant over for another night. Will leave you with another parting image (cause lets face it, if there were no images we'd have nothing but my insane mental imagery to 'drool' over, if at all possible - oh, and Phe's dreams, from ages ago *laughs* Remember those...? :eek: )

This is my last webshots pic, from grease_the_bunnies (I kid you not) and it's called 'Meeting the Band.' Here's a slightly elongated view of our favourite drummer... (aside from Lars from Metallica, sorry Bobert!) *guilty grin* Again, snatched straight off my desktop, so this is what I'm looking at right now, this very instant (aside from the LPF page, of course! Like, d'uh! *chuckles*) And did you also know I have almost 60 Rob-related images in my Photobucket account? How sweet is that?? Now, just 820 more to go give or take... :D

Anyway, hope y'all have/had good days at work/school/life in general or whatever. Y'all take care of yourselves and play safe... You CoBers mean a whole bunch to me (even if y'all are virtual strangers in the literal sense) so I like to know you're alright. This is fun. Couldn't think of a better place to hang out and chill right now... except maybe in the Bahamas somewhere pinning Rob in the sand... yeah... *evil smirk* That'd be awesome... anyone care to join us? *looks around for the rest of you to come running* Bring the food... let's make a party out of it! Yee-haa!

TC and TTYL,




New member
Meh, I dont care about the whole Canadian/American mixup thing...athough personally, I dont care much for the country itself (sorry to any americans out there), but meh, its all good!

Ooo!!! *raises hand and jumps up and down* I wanna come to the Bahamas to pin Rob to the sand!! sounds fun! :D



New member
Oh and I'm not too sure 'bout the whole "Rob solo-project thing". I think way too many people are gonna compare him to LP (like they're doing with Mike) and I wouldn't want that to happen...whatever he would be doing would be good enough for me ^_^

maybe he would become a biker! isn't that sexy?

*grabs Hilary ad makes new bike-shaped noodles for the Bourdaroni* btw...i <333 the "Roberonie Rozza"..that's a keeper! ;)



New member
o_O Biker Rob! Now thats a nice image :p

Meh.. well I've been on travels again for the past few days.. in Oslo, Norway! It was great because it snowed so much and we never get snow like that over here ^__^ We actually took pics this time so I might upload some here or in the Member Pics thread.

Anyway.. back to Bourdon.. lol. Hmm... not a fan of a Rob solo project either



New member
Hi everyone ^^ i'm here in keyboarding class lol


anyways you bring up a good point! rob should do some kind of project too! hmnmmm

well, anyway, nice pictures/fantasies as usual XDD

I gotta go now o_O time for Driver's ed >.> *Bourdie-bear hugs to y'all as well* ^_^



New member
Biker Rob... yup, that's a mental image I wouldn't mind holding on to for a while, thanks *wipes chin* Well, we all know he was into Motorcrosse as a teen so it makes sense I guess. Especially with the 'lumberjack' look he gets sometimes... I think he could pull off a harder image in that respect, for sure! *insert big cheesy grin here*

Like this, perhaps?

*wipes chin again*

And as for the question as to how long I've been Rob-obsessed? *looks uneasy* That's kind of amusing... it's still in it's 'honeymoon' phase at the moment (considering some of my obsessions have lasted many years, eg; Chaz = 4 years, Jeff Buckley the singer = 8 years, Pearl Jam the band = 12 years, etc) it's a spritely 10 months... yeah, a relative newbie of an obsession, and I don't even know how it started, I literally just woke up one day and went 'oh my ***, who is this man?' (meaning Rob) and I just started paying him a lot more attention after that and suddenly couldn't get enough. It was weird... scarey too, I've never spent so much money on an obsession before (obsession being a person whom I've never met that is) so it's still... uh... unsettling I guess. I dunno, I'm just... sounding a lot like a love/star struck teenager so I'll shut up now, hehehe... :eek:

What about you guys, what 'did it for you' with regards to said Rob-obsession and how long's it been?? Stories... details, people, please... thanks! :D

As for solo project, regardless what he or the rest of the band do for the rest of their lives they're always gonna be identified as pertaining to LP, it'll dog them forever, it's the nature of the beast so to speak, their ride to fame as it were. Look at some actors typecast after making the big time, Arnie's always the Terminatorish type, Christopher Reeve was always Superman, that's the way it is under the spotlight I suppose. As much as Mike is after a separate identity with FM away from the spotlight with LP I still think he's always gonna be known as the emcee (of LP) whether he likes it or not. Same as Joe and his movie directing. *shrugs* So Rob doing anything solo or with another band or whatever will draw the same flak, it's just the way it is I suppose. But hopefully he and the rest of the band (or the three we aren't hearing anything out of as of late) aren't forced into avoiding any possible endeavours and end up creatively stifled because of it, I hope as musicians if nothing else they just keep exploring and experimenting and improving, and above all enjoy it. There's no point dong things if you're not having fun... in some regards at least. But *shrug* after playing drums for 16 years for like 10 odd hours a day I guess sometimes one just needs to chill... he's entitled to it. When the band isn't recording, naturally... yeah... :D

So seeing Norway, huh? That's awesome... sounds like picturesque country with the snows and all *is jealous* I'd like to see the pix of that trip one day. Cool. It's hot here and it's storming. Been storming every afternoon for like 4 days straight so I can't get online when I want to just now. It's quiet at the moment (which is why I'm on now) but more are predicted again soon. *shrug* Our storm season will go now til about Jan, early Feb so that'll make things interesting... not to mention muggy as all **** *sigh*

Well I went shopping today and I went and saw a movie for the first time in like, ages. The Exorcism of Emily Rose was quite good. I was expecting more horror but am pleased by the element of almost psychological horror instead, it's thought-provoking. I've come away still thinking it all over so that means it's a good movie in my books. Yeah, 3.5 stars (out of 5) from me.

And I spent around $50 on clothes (which is something I haven't done since I was like a teenager!) and I'm now wearing a size 12 for the most part, coming from a big plus 22/24 I'm almost half the woman I used to be, it's just amazing! I'm so stoked I just wanna cry... tears of joy of course!

Well, playing around with Sims2 still. Funny, update; Sim Rob and Rav are engaged. They are living with his parents at the moment Sim Patty and Sim Greg (who recently expired of old age) and his brother Dave. Sim Rav just had a daughter with Sim Rob named Bonnie. Together they are still raising Sim Rav and Sim Chester's daughter Bethany. Sim Jammer has had a kid to Sim Mike named Kenji (go figure) and surprise twins to Sim Rob (my 2nd only ever pair of twins concieved in game and not hacked! Go Robbie, you stallion you! *chuckles*But naturally Sim Rav is yet to find out, uh-oh!) and Sim Jammer is currently pregnant to Sim Chester. She also has her sights set on Sim Mr Hahn. *laughs* Be sure Sim Brad and Sim Pheonix will have their day. I'm planning on the second generation of LP even as we speak! :rolleyes: I love my sim world... so 'Days of our lives' (BTW, Sim Jammer is a 'streetgirl' by profession, hence all the children) Anyway, whether you asked for it or not, here's Sim Rav and Sim Rob after having a confrontation or 'dummy spit' barely hours before their little girl Bonnie was born... priceless...

Yes, I kinda look like that (as close as I could get to me I think anyway, just to give you some idea of what the mysterious Rob-ranter looks like) so there y'go. *shrug*

Anyway... that's it for now. Apologies for those of you who hate my long posts, I kind of do it anyway, y'know me. Y'all take care, goodluck with the drivers ed Twi, hope you do well, and Black_Angel, hope the trip was awesome. Brokenangel, keep slogging away in the kitchem we're always appreciative *grins* and Hil, you're more than welcome to join us in the Bahamas. Now I've just gotta convince Rob to join us *rolls eyes* I'm sure spending a few days lazing about on the beach being fawned over by a handful of adoring ladies can't be that bad of an offer... *shrugs* Lucky man, huh? :D

Take care you guys and catch up again soon. *Big Bourdie bear hugs, as per usual* stay safe,




New member
Ohh...Biker Rob...*drools* that makes a very nice picture in my brain...heh...yeah...Making that into Bourdaroni? good idea but Id prolly end up sticking them all over the walls! haha they would be too good to eat

My obsession definatly isnt as big as yours Rav, personally Im more of a Chester obsesser myself, but Rob and Dave arent to far behind him though. But despite how much I like Rob, I would never just up and leave the CoB, i love the CoB! this is actually the only one of the little "member places of worship thingys" that I visit, so you guys had better feel special!! *points finger at everybody* yeah.

Speaking of obsessions, Rav, I think you almost as obsessed with that game as you are Rob! hah, and its quite a nice web of people you have going on there, its like everybody has had a go at everybody! haha, as wrong as that sounds. Eh, but its all good, If I had that Sims2 Id be doin the same thing. But unfortunatly I dont have it, I want it though. I only have the original sims. Not as fun. But Im hoping to get it for Christmas.



New member
Hey, how's it goin'? Bit quiet in here at the moment I see... *pauses to watch rolly bush tumble by*

Uh-hu... anyway, remember my usual ***** the other day how there's no new pics of Rob to be found on the net thesedays? I've been proved wrong yet again.

For those of you keeping up with the FM runaway-train, you'll know that three out of the remaining 5 band members of Linkin Park appear in the Fort Minor video clip for 'Remember the Name.' I myself only saw the clip today and I was like 'WTF?' (over at LPTimes). Well, LPT actually have video stills there of Chaz and Brad and Rob, and OMFG Rob's of all places sitting at the bar! I was like, 'WTFx2??', this is the man that doesn't drink at all, right? Well, maybe he's up the water again, but it was the last place I thought to find Rob so needless to say I didn't see him either until I saw the stills. They're over at, as always, my one-stop shop for almost all things LP.

So there y'have it! That's ROB chillin' out and hangin' at the bar with FM... there y'go. Poor ****** looks a bit haggard these days, not to mention what's going on with that hat??? IT'S NOT BACKWARDS! *gasp!* and it's not BLACK... it doesn't even look like his usual Matix/DVS/DCSC get-up. What the ****'s going on with our dear Bobert, having a midlife crisis at the tender age of what, twenty six? *laughs and rolls eyes* Nah, it's all good, just glad more than anything to see the big guy's up and still kicking and lingering just in the focus of the spotlight, as I like it. *nods appreciatively*

So anyway, a HUGE thanks to Jas and the crew over at LPTimes as usual for making my life just that much more complete. They rock, seriously they do. :D

Hope the blessed congregation enjoy the small visual banquet they've provided for us, yet again.

Take care and TTYL, or sooner, seems I'm here a lot more these days which is a nice change. *Big Bourdie bear hugs*




New member
Lmao at those pics of Rob in the bar.. he looks a little drunk haha. However thats impossible, as he doesn't drink does he? (correct me if I'm wrong). Unless hes turned to drinking! *faints* And the cap! *faints again*

Very confusing Sim story there... I've not played on TheSims2 for ages, just not had time. My latest project on there are two gay guys though ^_^ Which is fun haha.

Hmm... obsessions, I wouldn't say I had a Rob-Obsession, I'm just very fond of him :p However he has become my favourite member of LP. It used to be Chester, but then I got over him because of all the divorce **** and stuff hes done, and now my attentions are on dear Robbie here :D

Well thats about all I have to say.. tis the school holidays this week so I'm pretty happy lol. And its almost Halloween!!!! :D :D:D



New member
Nah... I don't have a Rob-Obsession either... *laughs*

Other than that, glad you be doing so good. Holidays. Cool. Any plans?

At this very point in time I'm sitting back chilling, listening to/downloading the FM We Major Mixtape. It rocks which surprises me (in a good way) I'm not that into hip hop, but 'petrified' is rockin' my socks right now... it's the heavy bass beat doin' it, y'uh. :D Anyhoo, just saying hi. It's too quiet in here, but then I guess being holidays or whatever a lot of folk actually aren't online now but rather taking a well earned respite, so I can appreciate that.

Well, hope y'all are doing good. Take it easy. Talk again soon, Monday. I'm going out to Oakey tonight to see a few friends (which is a small country town like 20 minutes outside Toowoomba) so that'll be something. Days off have changed again. *sigh* I hate being casual (employment) sometimes. Oh well,

*Big Bourdie Bear hugs*




New member
LMAO..the Toowoomba still cracks me up. I danced to Petrified as a school assignment and I got an A!!! I was sooo happy... So, I agree, Petrified is an awesome song and I hope you had fun where ever you were going that was outside of Toowoomba.


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