The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
oui, c'est la vive. but of course....its all good as our dear lord would say. thanks for the review. if it would let me, I'd give you more rep. XD your critisem really helps me out


New member
That fiction site I go to is I rarely go there anymore though...

Heh...well at least she found the right thread to go about the drooling, Instead if posting in random threads that have nothing to do with Rob...

French-fries in a chocholate shake? thats you mean like actually inside the shacke? or just with? meh dosent matter I guess...everybody has strange eating habits. To each their own (is that how that quote goes? I dunno but whatever...)




New member
Yes actually Hil, that's exactly what I meant. Back in the day before I got into this whole no-dairy no-wheat regime, I used to love goin' to Mackas (McDonalds) and dipping my french fries in my thick shake - my dad used to do it when I was a kid so he introduced me to it. I don't do it anymore - I don't go to Mackas now save for the odd cuppa or some such... yeah.

Hey thanks for the link too, I did know the site and used to frequent it once - many moons ago, way before I even joined this place, but it's fun to revisit. Just read a story just now... cracked up laughing... wow. They've changed the guidelines a bit since I was there last though... my stories are relatively 'adult oriented' and they weren't even allowed way back then. The story I just read about 'Rob learning something new' was a bit... uh... out there. Makes me think though that getting sued here isn't any threat anymore... wow... cracked me up that did... shocked me, but cracked me up... Bukkake... wow, learn something new everyday. :D

Phi - only too happy to help. Not sure if/where I am helping but I'm just stoked to read it. I love reading LP fics - but only if they have substance or else they tend to lose me pretty quickly. Yours is far from mundane. I love reading it. *shrug* It's as simple and as honest as that. And as for repping me - don't sweat it. The system was set in place to avoid such a thing, otherwise people might think you're just showing favouritism... mind you, its a nice little ego boost from time to time *grin* Love to feel loved... *awww*

Wow - just been terribly distracted reading more fics at that site. Man, I haven't read much else except for what gets posted here... I've forgotten all the old haunts! Wow...

I used to post here at ; Same username as here if I recall correctly. I think I have like 3 or 4 fics still up, they're old ones though, some of my first before I started gettin deeply involved in the complexities of plot/character and started writing my 300+ page epics... Yes I just checked and I'm still current - aint that something? Wow... but due to regulations here I can't post them, so if you wanna read anything I've written (like, ages ago now) head on over and see what y'all think... *gawsh*

Um... gonna go again now! *big Bourdie Bear hugs* as per usual.

Take care and talk to y'all later.

-Rav :D (aka; The Rob-ranting Rabbi)



New member
Hahah....I read that story to Rav...I didnt really like all that much though. And its rare to get like non-adult oriented stories there which is kinda annoying for of the reasons I dont go there very often I guess. But I do have my main stories that I read there..yeah

eh..I have yet to read Phi's story, Ill do that when Im finished here...and then Ill check out and look for Rav's stories...



New member
heh thnks rav. i guess it makes a little sense. I just updated the story so hope ppl will read it. I hope u have time to put another rant some time later. its all good and it


New member
He Phi, I finally read your story! (you may or may not already know that) All I can say it thats some good stuff right there! particularly the most recent one, with the Yin Yang stuff, awesome! I love the romance stories! Ack!


New member
Hey - I'm here. Heh. Thanks Phi. Love what you've got on offer so far over at the writer's corner... have read and reviewed (as always) I'm just upset as per usual there isn't more of it. Y'know me, I have an insatiable thirst for good writing, and let me tell you after I've read your updates I just crave more! Kinda like chocolate... mmmm...

Rusu, much thanks! <3 x 3. *awww* I completely ignored the rules and posted it at the size I created it... hence I had to resize it. But in my own defence I didn't actually know the size limitations, I was hoping someone would inform me... then found out it was too big, had been removed, so I rectified the issue and there y'have it - Rob and the CoB. Was meant to be damnit! *laughs* Thanks for the kind words... it's simple, but I don't need all the bells and whistles to get my message across. Simple really - Rob + CoB = my sig. Done. Simple. Easy, huh? :D Ah, life's good!

Had to work tonight. So much for a night off. Got called in when another person didn't show up. Oh well, at least I get paid for it. Spent all day writing on my fic practically and spent like 6 hours last night (til around 3am) reading fics over at the site Hil posted. Man, takes me waaaay back, lemmie tell you. Rob fics. I can't get enough. I have to admit I'm not really into all the band/slash, ****-eroticism has its place but I don't like to think of the guys of LP in that way... if they have such inclinations in RL so be it, it's their own business, no one else's. But for my own gratification, hetrosexual stories are okay in certain doses, but mainly stories with a half original and overall captivating if not decent plot is what I trully can't get enough of.

Anyway... good luck with your story Phi. So far I honestly and sincerely enjoy what I'm reading. I'd tell you if I didn't, I have no reason to lie. :D It 'bumps!'

Hil - don't feel you need to read/hunt for my stories out of obligation, I'm not offended at all if no one here ever reads them (in fact, probably not a bad thing *nervous laugh*) The fact that Rob barely gets a mention in these early ones shouldn't concern anyone - as I said before these fics I wrote almost 18 months/2 years ago and that was when I was 'into' Chas. Uh hu... yeah... Rob in my early fics usually got relegated to the bodyguard/henchman/all round bad guy, but as time went on and I woke up to his overall good looks and beautiful nature, he started to evolve... at least in my imagination. Anyway... yeah... no biggie guys... it's all good!

Hey, they had Carols by Candlelight on at the park tonight. I stood out the back in the carpark and watched them for a few minutes... that was definately the highlight of my evening. That and coming on here, of course! *yay!* It's awesome... I just stood there staring up at the sky and thought about all you guys whom I've never really met and never will and thought ' wow, I wish I could share this with you.' Yeah. :D Anyway... um...

Not much else to prattle about tonight. Don't have any great reason to rant... or more correctly, nothing has spurned me to rant yet. Wait a while, it'll cme back to me, I'm sure!

Take care guys *big Bourdie bear hugs to all* TTYL,




New member
Wow... the CoB has been going for over 5 months o_O Just a random observation lol. But anyway, yeah! *throws Rob shaped confetti*


New member
hey rav have you seen the movie the crow? if not I reccomend it. I think that the main character would be a perfect role to play. you know the resurected from the dead, imortal, kicking *** type character that has a soft spot for a kid and disapears in the blink of an eye. But in other sense I'm glad u like my story. I hope that the next chapters will be less intense (*snort* yeah right) hey i was watching some movie but the story line would be something rob worthy, it was some forigen film though. well im out




New member
Hey Phi - yes I have seen that movie, actually, it's an awesome movie too (*sob* Brandon Lee was sexay! Not Rob-hot, but sexay none the less. Just like Jeff Buckley... man, hope Rob's gonna be okay, all the cute guys I develop a 'thing for' suddenly up and die! *gulp* Call me the black widow spider of LPF, eh? *s******s* Uh-hu :rolleyes: )

Rob as the lead character; Eric Draven, is it not? Now that would be sweet... *awww*

I could see that... but Rob doing the black/goth thing...? Um... not so sure. He seems to me (I'm sorry for this in advance) a typical American jock, at least in appearance. The all-round boy-next-door. Complete with backwards-fitting baseball cap... yup. Sorry.

But don't panic about trying to make the story less intense or whatever. Let the story write itself, let the characters evolve. If it feels write and the 'drama/intensity' befits the story and adds depth to it,etc, then go with it. Don't force it into places it doesn't want to go - it will stifle the great work you've put in so far not to mention your creative flow... trust me. *innocent smile*

Personally I like angst. I like drama. I like romance too (which gal doesn't in some small way?) Even comedy has its place. But I like the intensity you have going in 'half of me.' It works. :D

Anyway... write what you're confortable with... it's all good so far.

Black_Angel; wow, that long huh? 0_o ?!? Gitouttahere! *laughs* Not bad for a bunch of drooling fanatics worshipping the NON-LEADMEN of LP (no Chaz/no Mike!) Yay Robbie!! We love ya gorgeous! Here's to another 5 months at least of doing what we love to do here - DROOLING and OBSESSING over A DRUMMER! *cheers*

Much <3 2 da CoB. :D




New member
i think im gonna have time to update the story later cuz I'm home with a virus and if I can keep from yarfing all over the keyboard it will be all good


New member
*Aw - hands Phi a kleenex*

Hope you feel better soon, hon. Much <3 and warm get-well-soon thoughts.

Have read and reviewed your story, as always. :D It is all good, isn't it? *s******s*

Here's a pic to 'go' with that latest update of Phi's Rob-related story. If y'all haven't read it yet (you should) just enjoy the pic anyway... I'm sure it's been here before but *meh* thought it was 'befitting.' BTW, the guy has strange moves when it comes to defending himself. Having said that, I really wouldn't want to be on the recieving end of any punches he started throwing, that's for **** certain...

And Rob's response that he finally get's the girl and the happy ending? (oops - spoiler!);


Take care CoBers. Much <3 2 y'all. TTYL,




New member
me either rav. with those arms it would be super painful to get clocked by him. oh and nice spoiler XD. but hey cant forget about other factors in the story. *cough cough* But hey its all good so things would be nice. ( I personally wouldnt mind being clocked by rob, I bet not too many people can say that its happened to them.) But I wouldnt want to irk our lord like that. I think that would be called blasphamy or something like that.


edit: I cant believe my dad made me go to school today. I puked all over him when I got out the door. I will do it again tomorrow if I have to :(



New member
Yeah, but as big and brawny and solid as the big guy is (who else, our tall lord) he still claims *cough* liar *cough* that Mr Hahn is stronger than he is. Having said that he would know, when you spend as much time as they all do together, and being young robust men full of pith and vigor *laughs - I'm not touching that one* I'm sure it's natural that they rough-house from tme to time. Mr Hahn is quite a stocky fella too, so it's quite possible. Besides all that, Rob's weapon of choice is a drumstick and his arms are usually flailing all over the place but Mr Hahn... no wait, he does that too. *laughs again* Okay, well, maybe for the sake of arguement Joe's probably got more of a temper than Rob has. I reckon you could probably walk up and king-hit the big guy and as shocked as he'd be I reckon he'd stand there and take it. He strikes me as the type who'll let the situation calm down before he approaches you later and says in a calm voice, "Man, what the **** was that for?" and expect a deep and meaningful. *lol* Yeah. He's a lover not a fighter... or in the case of Phi's story, he's both! Aint that right Phi? *hehehe*

And agreed - I bet the only person who could say has ever really been on the wrong end of Robbie's bad side would be his brother David. Let's ask Dave how hard Rob hits? *smirks* What do you mean he hit's like a girl??? *bursts out laughing*


Well... glad you liked the pix. That's what I'm here for. Sux your dad made you go to school when you're obviously not better. Can't you get the nurse to send you home again? Waste of time I suppose... but still *grr @ your dad* You should be getting better not getting schoolwork. Oh well, parents in their infinate wisdom usually think differently than their offspring/has his own agenda. I'm sure whatever they are he had his reasons. Doesn't help you though does it? *meh* Well. Sorry bout that.

Um... what else? Not much. Blasphemy? I commit that here on a regular basis. But I like to think I can get away with it. Surely even Catholic priests cuss their lord's name in vain when they strike their thumb with a hammer or something? 0_o? Anyhoo... And if 'to think is to do' then *laughs out loud and very wickedly* I'm a downright sinner. I'm sinning all the time in my thoughts - and gasp! - not always with Rob (but 98.2% of the time, but who's counting?) Man, why am I always scraping my mind out of the gautter when I leave this place? *shrugs*

Guess I'm not the self-proclaimed Rob-ranter for nothing, huh?

Well, take care CoBites. CoBourdonites. Bourdon-boppers. Bippy's. *grins* :D

Here's one last thing I'm gonna say before I go again;

Thanks Rob. Couldn't have said it better myself!

<3 to the CoB from the tall lord and me,

-Rav :D



New member
(rolls eyes) of course. Guys cant live with em and u cant live with out him. that one part, with him hitting like a girl.... -_-* (sweatdrop) I guess that means I hit like a man. (meh) What do you think about my new siggy? its not a rob one but its pretty good after all. Maybe if we get lucky enough to get clocked by the lord we can tell for ourselves. But alas not a snowballs chance in you know where for that. (hands u a spatula to scrape your mind out) have fun.




New member
Thanks Phi - and thanks for the spatula. This is the Holy spatula used to attack persons during a festive foodfight or some such earlier on in the CoB kitchen I'm assuming? *laughs* Will come in very handy...

Yeah, your sig is kewl. Brandon Lee - major droolage. *grin* I noticed you'd changed it the other day - nice, yes, even if it isn't you-know-who. Despite how I make it sound (shock-horror) there is actually other guys out there roaming the planet (although Mr Lee, bad case in point *uneasy laughter* But you get the message right... hmm) What do you think of mine? Was playing this morning (it's 3:08 am and so hot I can't sleep! :( ) and this is what I came up with... well, it's a start anyway...

You hit like a guy? Rooly? *laughs* Maybe you can kick Joe's *** when he kicks Rob's then, huh? *s******* As if that's ever gonna happen either... *sigh*

Well, hope you're feeling better.

Wish Rob would distribute more 'presents' under the mistletoe (after reading/reviewing your stoty, I'm referring to).

I'm hot and bothered. Time to go again.

TC & TTYL, *hugs*

-Rav :D



New member
go figure. i knew that there was a reason ur my best friend on the boards. ur siggy, it rocks. well as far as the hits like a guy thing goes.... well just talk to all the guys that I fight in martial arts, they think that I hit like a guy when I slam them into a wall and start wailing on them for smacking my ****. but hey, i cant exactly say that I dont hit like one. drumming can pay off with that and help. XD. guys can be when they get the **** beat out of them by a girl. I'm feeling a little better today. just being in here with u and Rob makes it all good. as for the next chapter in the story....(evil grin) your just gonna have to wait and see.


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