The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
Heh..I didnt mean to insult you...I was just feeling a little down on myself yesterday so I was all like...meh...I think you get the picture...anywho...

Man I love this place! You know what? we havent had food for a long while...*looks guilty* I guess we just arent in to the RP stuff like we used to be. Oh well...It was fun while it lasted. But if (not to sound all cheesy or anything) I had never found the CoB on here I would probably melt...


Kinda like that

Or go all crazy


yeah...but because I found the CoB...Im all cool...and...calm, I guess.


***...Im bored... -_-"


*hugs everyone in the CoB and gives them a big wet kiss on the cheek*

Say....Phi, didnt you have a brother that joined here once upon a time? Just around the time that we went on our whole kidnap-the-Great-Lord-and-rape-his-soul period...I dunno I may be mistaken though...

Meh..well I think Im gonna header(is that even a word?)...well I think im gonna leave and meander throughout the vastness of the internet. Good Day to all!

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New member
*Bursts out laughing*

Man - you guys SO crack me up, my stomach hurts, literally. Man, I love this place too. You guys are all awesome *accepts kisses from Hil and continues spreading more of the love vibe*

Sexual chocolate - Rusu, that was too funny! XD You're a classic.

Hil - love the pix. Love the 'story' too, as well as it befitting your moods I mean. Well done, bud!

Melting without the CoB? Hmmm... it's a distinct possibility, but the way you're posting pix here of our sweet, talented, smart, tall, funny, handsome, gorgeous, stimulating, droolworthy, soft spoken, backwards cap wearing, Matix endorsing lord *whew!* makes me think it's more a possibility we're melting here... from the absolute hawtness that is Mr Bourdon. *drools to the point of dehydration* Hey! I finally got why Rob carries a bottle of water or two around with him all the time! For when obsessive twits like me see him and the sheer strain on our palpitating hearts makes us pert-near collapse, he gives us some water and boom-boom, we're back to our old (moronic) selves again. I tell ya, the man is pure genious. Who'd have thought what lay behind such an innocent ruse? And they say chivalry's dead? *pfft!*

Anyway, where was I? Wandered off the beaten path again - always do, y'know me by now. Oh yeah, I was shielding Rusu behind me from the scary Rob-face. (What, the guy's so hot he makes himself melt??? *raises a brow* That's one way of looking at it I suppose). Looks so innocent, butter wouldn't melt in his mouth (have a fair idea where it would though *s******s deviously* Perv-alert! Perv-alert! Pfwoar! Anyway... need a cold shower or something I think... suddenly feeling dizzy and "faint" *laughs like a moron)

Ever wonder why I'm known as a ranter? *raises eyebrow again*

Anyhoo - Hil, hope you're feelin' better now. Same goes for you too Black_Angel, and Mel, and Rusu... in fact, anybody reading this currently, CoBer or not. RL does suck, I make no bones about it. It sux, period. But coming here and talking (****) to you (poor, long-suffering) guys makes it all (strangely-enough) worthwhile. So for just being around I thank you - from the bottom of my palpitating lil heart.

Take care guys. Bourdie loves you. He told me to tell you that. I'm channeling his spirit rite now... (channeling something else too that appears pretty evident *laughs* but we'll leave that alone for now!) Feel the love vibes of the CoB. *big Bourdie bera hugs* TTYL,

-Rav :D

Oh, and here's 'proof' to those doubting that such hugs exist. Here's a pic of Rob about to embrace his fellow band mates in typical Bourdie style;


'Fine, if y'all don't want a hug then don't say I didn't offer' - Rob sulkingly goes to embrace his drumkit instead.

Of course I'm joking... but still funny. If only to me. BTW, nice 'back' shot there, don'tcha think? *grins*



New member
i swear rob has the most georgeous backside that I've ever seen. but as far as the waterbottle thing goes, I think we might not want to al meet him at the same time, he might run out of waterbottles or sumthing like that. we should make a religious CoB trip to meet him some time. like the muslim pilgramige to the mecca. that would be heaven. (drools over keyboard) XD. I have a few new Rob pictures so its all good and nice. im outta here,




New member
Lol that would be so cool, it would be like a school religion trip to meet Rob and probably scare the living daylights out of him XD

Lol... I love that bit in Frat Party.. :D



New member
A befitting excursion, I think. I'd love it - theoretically, but alas I am one of those poor unfortunate souls that should I ever win the proverbial lottery and get the once in a lifetime chance to actually be in the same room as let alone meet the guy, I'd pee myself, vomit, pass out, scream hysterically, or probably burst into tears and need a physical escort to pick me up off the ground... much to the band's amusement, I'm sure. Maybe, all of the above actually... yep, sounds like something I'd do.

Having read the 'Meteora - from the inside' book cover to cover a few times now I get the distinct impression that the guys are still mystified by that kind of fan worship/response. I know they feel like regular guys with more oppertunities and recognition than they had before, but in truth I go all silly like that when I meet a guy I like that isn't a rockstar, so actually, Rob has no chance. I'd make an impression all right - but somehow I don't think he'd appreciate being thrown up on by (another? I'm sure it must have happened at least once already after all these years) hysterical fan... whether she's wearing a CoB shirt or not. *wink*

Anyway - sounds peachy. When are we going? I should book my therapy session now and hope I get better before I begin this religious pilgrimage. The riot of one has now become an unruly mob of about 5. That'll show 'em. *laughs* Though with odds like that I'm sure he could put up more of a fight now... I feel a group hug coming on. That'd be THE PERFECT photo oppertunity. Group hug with Rob and the devotees (or defendants) of CoB. Bless 'em. Us. Him. All of it. Going nuts now from dehydration...

Yeah... but my fav part in FP is, of course, the bus tour. Rob + tv in bed = an extremely happy Rav. *chuckles* She wishes, but still, we get an intimate glimpse at the LP world... and get to see almost every concievable angle of dear Bobert, even get to see their toilet, very nice (if not bemusing why he'd even want to) show us that. Bless 'ya Bourdie. Knew we loved 'ya for a reason... awww...

Hey Mel, care to share these new pix? Am feeling incredibly jealous right about now... puh-lease? *big puppy dog eyes*

Take care and Talk to 'yall later, as per usual,

-Rav :D



New member
Haha....In that picture, from that angle it looks more like hes trying to hug his drums! Heh...Good stuff! Or should I say, "It Bumps!" :rolleyes:

If I ever met dear Rob, or any of the guys for that matter, I would most likely loose control of all of my bodily functions and make quite a spectacle of falling to the floor in some sort of tear filled seizure, while spurting vomit and other unsightly...stuff...from places un-mentionable. Im sorry for that somewhat grotesque(sp?) mental image but I believe it was nessesary (sp?) to get my point across. and my friends have already had this conversation, so you could probably imagine what that was like...not very pretty if I must say so myself. We even went as far as drawing multiple cartoons about different scenarios.

So is this trip to see the Lord gonna be kinda like our kidnap-Rob-and-rape-him trip? (we never did succed in doing so...) matter what kind of trouble we'll be causing, Im all up for it!

hehehe this place is the shiz-bang! So much fun...Now this is why I come to LPF XD

Hmmm one problem with the whole "Migrating to Rob"...we don't know where he lives...

But I'm all up for a challenge! *excited shiney eyes*



New member know what I just realised after looking at that pic again? it looks like Chester and Dave are doing the Can-Can...heh...oh dear.

I suppose it would help if we knew where he lived eh? Might make things a bit easier. But if we cant figure that out...we'll just have to lurk around outside the studio and wait for him to come out. Then we can follow him to his house!



New member

Anyway - sounds peachy. When are we going? I should book my therapy session now and hope I get better before I begin this religious pilgrimage. The riot of one has now become an unruly mob of about 5. That'll show 'em. *laughs* Though with odds like that I'm sure he could put up more of a fight now... I feel a group hug coming on. That'd be THE PERFECT photo oppertunity. Group hug with Rob and the devotees (or defendants) of CoB. Bless 'em. Us. Him. All of it. Going nuts now from dehydration...
yeah that pretty much sounds about right. XD I'm with meteora, lets just lurk. I dont know about the fight thing though, I havent taken martial arts for 13 yrs for nuthin but I wouldnt do that to the lord (course I'd prolly fight like a wet noodle XD) :p but hey its all good. I bet he'd either be extreamly flattered or start travling with his laywers. I can worm my way out of anything so I hope it works on rob (Raises hand in the court room, your honor, my clients as I would like to plead the 5th and also insanity due to dehydration) Can you only imagine a court room like that? *dies of laughter*




New member
yeah that pretty much sounds about right. XD I'm with meteora, lets just lurk. I dont know about the fight thing though, I havent taken martial arts for 13 yrs for nuthin but I wouldnt do that to the lord (course I'd prolly fight like a wet noodle XD) :p but hey its all good. I bet he'd either be extreamly flattered or start travling with his laywers. I can worm my way out of anything so I hope it works on rob (Raises hand in the court room, your honor, my clients as I would like to plead the 5th and also insanity due to dehydration) Can you only imagine a court room like that? *dies of laughter* phi
That cracked me up! That court room scene - I can so believe that! OMFG, it's just like I'd imagined *laughs* (or planned, but if I say that out aloud then it becomes premeditated and- blast! I just said it out aloud! Dang externally dyslexic monologue XD) The insanity plea looks like a real winner for me at least. Should get off without a hitch... *laughs then sighs* Hmm.

But, on another note, I'm thinking that when the big guy goes home from touring he's prolly inclined to go home-home, back closer to his proverbial roots (ie: Calabasas) and seeing as how he loves to laze about on the sand like a skeg ('what we call beach 'bums' or 'surfers' here) I'd more than likely say he'd be headed in that direction. Even though I don't have his parent's address *laughs* (that takes obsession to a whole new scary region) I doubt that a place like Calabasas would be that difficult to scour - easier than canvassing the entire city and surrounding districts of LA that's for sure.

Being from the ******** end of the planet (Oz) I didn't even know this place (The big 'C' word with all those 'A's and 'S's where Rob's from) existed - that's the extent of my ignorance. But bless the Internet, I did some research and low and behold - I reckon we could case the entire city in a few months and get our answers soon enough. :D As long as the Bourdon's (being his parents) don't up and move any time soon we'll find their son eventually. *ewww - how wickardly!* (did I just make that word up? Wicked and dastardly. Is that even a word? *raises a brow curiously*)


Fighting like a wet noodle! XD That's a pearler of a visual image. But I reckon Rob could take us all on like some hyped up Bruce-Lee wanna-be and make short work of the marauding mob of us - with or without the drumsticks. (Goes all Buffy the Vampire slayer on us - Drumsticks twirling through the air and impaling us through the chest - where we burst into flames whilst screaming our undying adoration for our murderer - maybe our incessant drool will extinguish the flames though, 'eh? XD) Ah - blame the Pespi Max. I drink too much of the stuff, surely I do. Flying in the face of one of our own commandments - 'Thou shalt carry a water bottle with thee at all times' sayeth Lord Bourdon. Hmmm... that makes me think, has a nice ring to it, maybe in that whole 'What movie/role would Rob best be suited to star in' conversation of like, ages ago, I'm getting a literal knight in shining armour here hapening, right in my very (overworked and very crowded) imagination. Makes quite a dashing sight to see, for sure. And let's face it, he wouldn't need much practise looking p*ssed and swinging a sword in place of his usual tools of the trade.

Lord Bourdon = Major droolage.

Think I can smell my own braincells frying over this one. *sigh*


Anyways, enough ranting. I'm so far off the beaten path I don't even know where I started off - let alone where I'm going with this - needless to say I should stop - standstill - and hopefully if I wait long enough someone will find and rescue me. (A tall dark-eyes lord on a noble steed, perhaps? *drools* That's always the hope, innit?)

Take care guys. TTYL. *big Bourdie/drumkit hugging bear hugs* XD




New member
Oh thats a nice mental image...Lord Rob: The Knight of ...umm...Drumming...Hotness? Haha...I dunno...And his side kicks (because the 3 of us would definatly be his sidekicks right?(and anyone else that wanted to join I suppose)) Mel-Phi The Super Karate Wet Noodle!!! You could have to power of super strenth karate moves that only a wet noodle could manage? Like...I dunno. And uhh...Rav The...ummm...Super-Duper Rob-Ranter? *** I dunno...your power could be be to stop foes in their tracks with your super Rob Ranting which will brainwash them to join our side! Hmm...what should be my powers??

Oh dear...Im loosing it. I suppose I just really like the Knight Rob idea...(who wouldnt?)



New member
Oh my ***, we're all nuts here... *shakes head and laughs* Good to see I'm not the only one I suppose XD

Thanks Hil. 2 votes for the big guy in armour *major droolage*

I should whip up a pic of 'Lord Bourdon' in Photoshop (or my image manipulation parallel - Ulead) but the only thing that stops me is the fear of getting sued. But since has that ever stopped me acting the idiot on the relative safety (and I use the term loosely) on the Internet. Rob as Jesus - now Rob as say sir Lancelot. Poor guy.

Make that two counts of insanity, your honour. XD

Jeez... I really need to unplug for a while. That or find another obsession. Poor Rob must really be getting sick of this nonsense... as fun as it is. *looks innocent* Thank *** he has no idea what we're/I get up to in this place - he'd have shut this thread down ages ago. Still... I've read worse. Prime example; I've never written slash between any members of the band. That's my only real excuse, but still...

Bless us Bourdie, for we know not what we do *evil s*******

Oh, and as far as being his sidekicks *ahem* I'd prefer (as would we all) to be his love interest. But in the interest of fair play, if we can agree to alternating days of the week, and still get to share the uneven days, then I'm fine with that. I'll be a sidekick. But soul-raping is not allowed. Nor psychic-raping or any kind of premeditated and forceful acts of fornication, cause I won't advocate such acts. I'll play rough, and quasi-fair, if the need calls for it, but let it never be said Rob didn't get in on the CoB orgies of his own free will. :D Still, he is a guy at the heart of the matter - and what guy wouldn't want five or so women fawning all over him at once??? Lucky bas-stool...

Mmm... major droolageness...



New member
lets go with three counts of insanity. we could also hang around NRG or something like that, or we could use a tracking device. (I plead the fifth!) we could all be Rob's heram. (sp? the thing that when kings have more then one wife) XD Yeah he would be able to take all of us down on acount of dehydration. as far as the orgies, count me in! (nervous grin. slaps head. **** i need to get my head out of the gutter.) I blame rav. XD but hey its all good


New member
CoB orgys??? woah...Having Rob just peep in here would be a dream and a half...but having him come here for a once in a life time chance to have a Cob orgy? Now that would be like, 17 and 3/4 dreams and stuff...You know...I really have no idea what Im talking about right now...oh well...

Haha...Im looking forward to seeing that pic Rav! It could be like...our logo or know, is it just me, or does it seem wierd that we dont have any kind of logo considering how long this crazyness has gone on? Yeah...I dunno...just some random thinking.



New member
Logo huh? Hmmm... there's a thought.

I think we should initiate a comp for it. We can add the winning image to our sigs or av's or something, kinda like a boyscout badge (go Chazzy chaz! *laughs*) It's just a thought.

Orgies? Blaming moi for your filthy mind, Phi? *raises brow curiously but doesn't pull off the 'look' as well as Robert can* Why thank you, I'm honoured.

Takes a lot of work to be so perverted - you think I was just born this way? (Prolly) :D

I too plead the fifth. Though being an Aussie I doubt your amendments cover me. *shrug* Then I'll run with good ole insanity. Reckon that should cover me for just about any sick little thing I get my head around. Hmm.

Harem huh? Don't think Jews can have Harems but if he decides to start one then I'll join the que. ****, after Susan, and his teenage model girlfriend with the funky name, I reckon I'll be only like the third or fourth million person waiting in line to be united in (un)holy matrimony to the big guy, but it would suck having that many wives. I'd hate to only see him once a year or something - but then again I don't even see him now so I suppose even being the poor slave girl who cleans his 'smells rather fresh' toilet (Frat Party joke) would be a step up from where I am now. Hmmm again.

Yeah - and the madness does indeed go on... and on... kinda like a song that gets stuck in your head. Triple hmmm. XD



I think a comp for a CoB logo should run until the end of the month, maybe next month. We should have it start now (19th Dec) and run til Rob's b'day on the 20th Jan 06. That's a month technically.

Things to include;

1) The words CoB or Church of Bourdon, so we know what it's about.

2) At least one pic, whole or in part, or as many as you can cram in, of Rob. Cause he's like the reason we carry on these shenanigans in the first place, right? Kinda redundant if we don't - like Christianity without the Christ. Won't happen otherwise.


I think for the sake of fairness we can use whatever colour, theme, style etc we want. If you're a whiz then knock yourself out. If you're like me just play and see what you come up with.

Size limitations:

Stick to usual sig and avatar guidelines or at least make sure it can be resized appropriately to fit when/if the image is chosen.

Avatars - 100x100 pixels

Sigs - 175 pixels high x 500 pixels wide (as far as I can recall)


We shall vote amongst ourselves. But I'm sure I reckon we could pull in a mod or two to officiate (Vash or Viking, in the least, if they're willing to play along) so that I don't get accused of bias. That way I can play too, maybe, yeah? Sound fair?? See what y'all think... comp will start tomorrow (20th Dec and END 20th Jan 06)


Open to all forum residents, not just CoBers. That's fair huh? :D

Lets make our mystified lord proud - if not more confused than ever...

BTW - you can enter as many times as you like. The more the better really, prolly cause we'll be lucky to see about three entries I'm guessing, but hopefully four :D

Take care and TTYL,


Rob nut. Um... yes, I'm aware how that sounds! Sheesh! XD

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New member
im entering in the comp. (starts going through all 500 pics) I can tell you it wont be as good as like say Vashs or spikes but I can try. n_n and as for the ending date.....(cough cough) hmm. wonder what you were thinking in that one.

As far as the Harem, the last time I checked rav, you and I were at the head of the que. XD (it had something to do with a pair of drumsticks and martial arts XD) but what if something mysteriously happened to the other little wives? (hides ax) I dont know nothing about no dead bodies under the bus. XD ahh good times. And Rav, your begenning to rub off on me (*cough cough* ur like my unofficial mum on here the apple dosent fall far from the tree haha *laughs like a maniac*)



New member
*bursts out laughing*

You're a maniac - and I so love it! I think I should change my sig to say something like 'Phi's unofficial mum' - that made me so proud! *squeeze hugs*

But as for being like me... are you sure that's a path you're actually wanting to tread? I kind of accidentally wandered off the beaten path and *** only knows where I am - all's I know is that I'm lost and there's something about Rob I can't get out of my head. Weird **** sh*t. Chester didn't even make me go this nuts - and I was like living/breathing/sleeping/eating (?!? WTF?!?) Chester for four or so years... (Jesus, I need to word things better *laughs more and blushes a little at that innuendo* Come to think of it, that certainly explains a lot...) Uh yeah...

The axe and the bodies under the bus - classic. Visual too. I'm still pleading insanity, but it's not so much an excuse now as an observation. o_O

Most people here must think I'm nuts so it kind of (in a fashion) goes in my favour (That'd be a first) *rolls eyes*. And with your Buffy the Vampire Slayer moves we're sure to make a lethal combination... yeah... I like muchly! :D

Have been workin hard on this logo - and all I know is it's a LOT harder than it seems. I suck. But as for the completion date - well, *ahem* what other auspicious Rob-related day did you have in mind? *looks innocent* It fit perfectly, and if we were all living in a fantasy we'd get him to judge it then run off to the Bahamas to make wonderful music (and other unmentionables) together... how befitting. *still rolling eyes*

Well, *hugs* TC & TTYL,


(Phi's unofficial maniacal mother)

Hey! Something just occured to me! I can't be your mum! If I got my way in the Harem then Rob would become your stepfather and seeing as how you dig him in 'that' way too - it'd make for a **** of a family reunion, to say the least! We need to move to Texas! (Apologies to all folks from that region, it's a poor attempt at humour that's both thoughtless and cruel... Take a number and stand in line to sue me *shrugs* XD)




New member
I think you mean west virgina. but in the indian culture even the princesses were part of the harem. but they couldnt marry or meet other guys. (cept the eunchs XD) but you can still be my un-official mum its all good.
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