The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
Cheeky gal you are... but I still love ya *hugs* and glad you're feelin better too. As for the story... *skulks impatiently in the background*

But go girl-power! Guys can be such sore losers... let alone to a girl that's also a drummer. It's like an automatic challenge/threat to their maledom... *******. :D Glad to see you're standin' up for yourself... Hate to lose my best friend here too! *awww*

Glad you're goin' good. Hope to catch up again soon!

Peace out & TC,




New member
o geeze... i havn't been here forever! and i don't feel like reading all of the pages :D *holds bucket for whoever* hopefully i'll remember to come back

rock on rob lovers



New member

An up-to-date pic of ROB! Taken at the Billboard awards 2005 Dec 06 @ Las Vegas, Nevada.

OMG I'm so excited to see new pix of him I almost soiled myself! No, for real! *laughs*

Courtesy of GettyImages;

There's about 8 images in the set of the guys (Rob, Brad and Mike) arriving at the awards... I don't have any though of them on stage though (aparently giving award with someone else? Should do my homework better, but anyway, that's irrelevant!)

So without further ado, here's our tall brooding lord looking as hot and serious and swarve as ever... drool yourself silly! Know I am... *swoons*

OMFG! OMFG! *hyperventilating* :rolleyes:

No, really, all jokes aside just glad to see him around again. I know the guys are busy with their album and all but Mike and Chas have been out hogging the limelight so much it's almost easy to forget the other half of the band exist! *sob* Nice to see them out and about for a brief glimpse... now I'm happy again... *sigh of contentment*

Hope y'all enjoyed! TC & TTYL,




New member
nice new pic rav. me likey...(drools on teh floor in a huge puddle) glad to see that our lord is still as gorgeous as ever. I cant wait for the next album to come out, just between us here on the CoB, I think I might have the new single. It sounds like something Rob would drum up and its actualy pretty good. If the rest of the album sounds along those lines, then count me in for getting it.


New member
Nice new pic Rav <333 He looks older, heh maybe its because of his glasses and his stubbely stubbleness.

Lol I've just noticed, but he has a nice nose XD Its small and nice and a little turned up... awww



New member
Nice new pic Rav <333 He looks older' date=' heh maybe its because of his glasses and his stubbely stubbleness. Lol I've just noticed, but he has a nice nose XD Its small and nice and a little turned up... awww
lmao... it seems he's the only one that does the stubble thing. oh well, it looks good :D . major droolage, thanks rav!



New member
I've got to say... this is an odd thread. I've never been here before. ::little confused::
Yep - pretty much covers the general content here. We are a strange bunch - but then it kinda goes without saying. I'm not sure exactly what people think we do in here, or what should go on more to the point, but the fact we're called 'The Church of Bourdon' and let's face it we've had enough coverage around this forum to let people know the deal really, should be a fair indication I'd think. Maybe logic escapes me. It happens from time to time. *meh*

Of course we carry on and dribble **** about who else but Rob (pretty much exclusively) because A) this thread is so named for that purpose and B) because we can. C) If we wanted to incorporate general discussion and carry on about anyone else we'd go to their respective 'houses of worship' or other appropriate threads and run amok there. Makes sense don'tcha think? And despite it all I'd like to think that the fact we are so crazy (for want of a better word) and tend to get carried away at times (and make comments that would seem obscure to some - stubbly stubbliness - sweet example! XD) is part of the appeal I'd hope. So we don't 'act' like the rest of those 'churches' and so forth - *meh* Like I care. At the end of the day that's why we have far more activity happening here and a lot more views than the other places. *looks innocent* Not like I've been keeping score or anything... aha... yeah... rite... (bad Dr Evil impersonation, if you can imagine it) *ahem* But that, and we're having fun being a little off-kilter here. Well I am. If somone else isn't I have one piece of advice for you - in the words of a song we should all know and love around these here parts; 'don't stay.' :D

Well... rant over with for now. Whew, feel energized again. I like arguing for a just cause but still irks me some people don't get this place or the **** we dribble. It's been going on for months now... *sigh* Yes, obscure to some. But it's all in the name of fun and no one gets hurt (physically at least :p ) but after reading a few posts the idea of what goes on in here should be fairly clear. Maybe I'm vague. Happens on occasion. *shrugs* Okay, climbing down off high-horse now. Whew! Long way up for a short-@$$ like myself. *laughs* View's nice though... still... if I stay up there I'll get a nosebleed or something, I'm short, unlike our tall brooding Lord, so he probably wouldn't even need to stretch to reach it... (vague enough for anyone? *laughs moronically* (did I just make another word up? I'm so cleva! :rolleyes: Good speller too... gah!)

Anyway, agreed Black_Angel - stubbly stubbliness is danged fine that's for sure. Not quite lumberjack, not quite boy-next-door, but a nice hybrid of sorts. I like the rough look. Sometimes he can be too good at it;

A case in point. Rob crawling out of bed and straight into a meet and greet. His first question, 'Like, dude, where am I today?' (Refer to Rob's video diary entry over at LPU for that classic vague expression - priceless!)

*** Bless My Bourdon. Um, Our Bourdon. Sorry, got territorial there for a second. *hehehe* :rolleyes:

Part 2 to the meet and greet;

'Dude, I think I just signed my name as 'Joe Hahn'... ****, not again!' *laughs* Ahhh, poor Robbie!

Anyway, good thing we love him not just for his brains then, huh? (Wait, that prolly came out wrong... ahahaha... yeah. *looks innocent*)

just between us here on the CoB, I think I might have the new single.
How's this possible Mel?!? *freaks out* How-? *gasp* when-? *double gasp* How on earth could you possibly know yet? Are you stalking the carpark of their recording studio again? XD Good girl. Regardless, need the info... ****, anything you could upload would be even better (esp. Robliness, if you get the idea) I'd sell my first born for that! (Good thing I'm single then, huh?!)

Anyway... just intrigued. Don't yank my chain for the **** of it... unless of course you're into that sort of thing naturaly *laughs and rolls eyes for a third time this post* Doing that a lot lately, huh? Hmmm...

Anyway, glad that everyone's stopping by. Hope everyone's well. Love to all, as always. *Big Bourdie bear hugs*

Take care and TTYL,


(Ranting Rabbi of CoB) :D



New member
Woo-Hoo guys! Over 1000 replies! *doin' the happy dance - doin' the happy dance* And they said it wouldn't last! *pfft!*

So thanks guys for making us a staple at LPF - or something at LPF... some would agrue we're just a bunch of weirdos with too much time on our hands and an otherwise unhealthy obsession on a Linkin Park bandmember, but *meh* to them. We're still here and going strong - thanks to you CoBers! It's party time at the CoB! Well... will be when I get my act together and organise something I guess. Seeing as how this post is like 20 or so posts late, but anyway... better late than never I guess huh?

*big Bourdie bear hugs from the ranting Rabbi who has absolutely no qualifications in Judaism or Bourdonism whatsoever* (would like to study Bourdonism 101 @ college... bet he'd make for a **** of a show and tell, huh? :rolleyes: Sorry... going overboard in my excitement as usual... hard to contain my enthusiasm when I'm in here... I'll try and behave... for now... *evil smirk*)

Hey Rusu! Glad you like my new siggy! Took me a while but I got there in the long run, that's the main thing I guess. I have a red one too, exactly the same but red, so the rain looks a little like fire. Was just messing around... anyway, when get sick of blue I'll prolly switch to red... or just make something else. That's highly likely as of late. Just Vash gave me the highest compliment for it over at the rate new sig thread so I'm reluctant to change just now. Vash+praise=heaven... and a happy Rav, naturally! :D

And of course you're in it! You're an integral part of my fav place here online - if I remembered everyone's names in the CoB I'd add them but lately it's just been the regulars and they deserve the props - so much love to the CoBers sticking it out with me! *more hugs*

Well, take care! TTYL,




New member
How's this possible Mel?!? *freaks out* How-? *gasp* when-? *double gasp* How on earth could you possibly know yet? Are you stalking the carpark of their recording studio again? XD Good girl. Regardless, need the info... ****, anything you could upload would be even better (esp. Robliness, if you get the idea) I'd sell my first born for that! (Good thing I'm single then, huh?!)

Anyway... just intrigued. Don't yank my chain for the **** of it... unless of course you're into that sort of thing naturaly *laughs and rolls eyes for a third time this post* Doing that a lot lately, huh? Hmmm...

[/i] :D
well I'll be uploading it or maybe sending it to you directly. I got it from my cousin "kenji" (cough cough) sent it to me with direct orders to not send it to everyone in the US, but seeing that you dont live in the US (XD i guess thats the loop hole.) but it has something to do with a studio, mike, and a dancing reindeer. (put some sense to that one.) but if I can get ur email I could send it to you. It might be the single if "kenji" isnt yanking my chain.




New member
well I'll be uploading it or maybe sending it to you directly. I got it from my cousin "kenji" (cough cough) sent it to me with direct orders to not send it to everyone in the US, but seeing that you dont live in the US (XD i guess thats the loop hole.) but it has something to do with a studio, mike, and a dancing reindeer. (put some sense to that one.) but if I can get ur email I could send it to you. It might be the single if "kenji" isnt yanking my chain.phi

*cough*I don't live in the US... or do I? *puppy eyes*



New member
Update - 'Kenji' was yanking the chain. It's not the new single... but still, nice to dream, innit? *sigh*

C'mon guys... c'mon Bourdie... get your fingers' out... I wanna hear/see/be totally saturated in the LP frenzy that's sure to ensue when the new album comes out. And if not... I'll start it myself *grins* ****** riots here are getting to me - subconsciously at least :rolleyes: Rioting for Rob. I like the sound of that one...

We want Bourdie! We want Bourdie! We want Bourdie!"


It's a lot tougher to start a riot in a room of one.

*wanders off dejectedly*



New member
(cowers in the corner) sorry about that I was decieved. who wants to help me chop kenji up with a ****** spoon? (holds up spoons) He is so dead when I get ahold of him.


New member
A ****** spoon? You are a ******! Knew there was a reason we got on so well... *laughs*

Ahh... it's all good. Kenji's probably been misinformed too I'd say. But I'd like to think that he deserves a quick death, afterall, no one really got hurt or suffered, so let it never be said I am without mercy! XD

And the riot continues quietly... *tear*



New member seems like forever since I was last here! even though its only been a week or so...*sigh* I dont think anybody even noticed Ive been away though so its all good...Its just that the world of the real life has taken a hold of me I suppose. Oh well...

Umm...*grabs a ****** spoon* sigh... *eats soup*

not much to say..and my mother is hollering at me so Id better go...



New member
*look insulted*

Of course we noticed you weren't here, well, I did anyway. There's like a loyal bunch of us here and you are one (me, phi, black_angel, rusu, you, etc) so - yeah. Miss you much. *awww* wanders over and gives Hil a big hug. A big Bourdie bear hug... cause they're so danged special...

RL can be the pits sometimes, but its nice to come back here and unwind. Man, my life must suck something awful cause I'm here all the time as of late, huh? *raises a brow curiously* *** bless LPF/CoB n you guys... awww... spreadin' the love vibes with a big cheesy grin...

y'all TC & TTYL, apu,

-Rav :D



New member
Aww...can you feel the love in this church? *hugs everyone* :D

Real life can be awful, as was mine today. Me and my friend had to go up in front of half of our yeargroup (around 200 people) and accept this art award thing today and everyone was cheering and the chavs started whistling >__< So embarassing. AND we had to do a stupid cross-country run in the cold winterness =( So yeah, its nice to get away from it all by coming on here ^^

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