The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!

hahahahahahhahahah XD

wait if you didn't post this ones then i prolly didn't even post this ones: :D




;) (<<like this one a lot, looks **** hot :D )


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New member
Heh...Ice cream...I love ice cream. we have alot of it to...and not alot of people...soo if I do my math correctly, lots of ice cream + not alot of people =LOTS OF ICE CREAM FOR THE REST OF US!!! and those people would, brokenangel, Rusu, and chipmonk?? *shrugs* Ice cream! *pigs out on ice cream*

crazy robster

New member
I'll quote John Lennon in response: "Temperature's rising!!! Fever is high!!!!!! Can see no future!!!! Can see no sky!!!!" *faints* LOL


New member

i know something's wrong with the pic, but i just can't put my finger on it... :p

*goes to sit in a corner with a massive amount of ice cream and oreo crumbles (which randomly appeared on the table)* is the life hah. i could really use it now :)



New member
*fans self* Its good to revisit them from time to time, ooh Rob in all his droolworthy glory!

Thanks MrsB!

Uh, well these I just grabbed for the sheer purpose of... well, y'all know me by now ;)

Enjoy (and lets hope I dont get into too much **** over it!)

Sorry for the line in the last one but that's where the vid pretty much ends so I couldn't get rid of it - oh well, its a glimpse at that heartmelting grin anyway, though I must say, that last one on particular does give a hint to an overactive imagination such as mine that dear sweet Mr B aint as cutesy and innocent as he makes out to be... looks sorta... mischevous in a way ;) I like that :D

So, there's a start. I'll get back into the swing of posting more again soon I'm hoping. Gawd, been too long! Long live the Bourdonites/Bourdism/Bourdie-boppers XD

Ah whatever we call ourselves its still all good - no one gets hurt in the end, I guess that's what matters most 'eh? XD

Enjoy ladies (and sis, I'm looking in your direction too most of all cause knowing we're so alike and all... hahaha - poor sis!) <3



crazy robster

New member
Ooooh Bobbie!!! Oh Lord... Oh my... Someone's gonna sin today! Someone's gonna be naughty!!! Someone's gonna cooome.....all ye faithfuuuul joyful and triumfant!!!! Oh come here, oh cooome to the CooooB! Oh come let us adore him *grunt* oh come let us adore him, *double grunt* oh come let us adore hiiiim Roooob the Lord! ;) Finally, someone's gonna get kicked outta here soon... :D


New member
Quoting myself on AIM just now;

RavTheRobRanter: ******* sis - that cracked me up for real! hahaha awww bless ya... I just... I dunno what to say - you sound so much like my internal monologue sometimes its just freakin' scary, in fact, thats what I'm gonna respond with! haha
That really did make me laugh! Oh how you sound so much like me, I know we call ourselves sisters but **** sis, if anyone didnt know us better sometimes I'd almost swear we WERE sisters or sth! (That, or I'm typing responses to myself, which is kinda... yeah... :-| *lmao* awww)

Classic sis! *still cacklin' as she rereads it*


(Cute, innit?)

(Our Lord being smug ;) )

(In action)

(Trying to pass the buck as is his adorable way :) )

(The 'I've had enough of that camera for one day' look XD)

Harmless fun. Bless him. What's not to love about that man (except he's a little vague when it comes to scoring apparently but hey, its all good!) :D


crazy robster

New member
Awww CoBers where's your love??! Robbie will soon start feeling neglected and who can blame him? Such a glorious hunk of human perfection, our quiet, unique, adorable drummer boy... anyway... Sis, your offerings are most appreciated (at least by me, you know we are in the same boat - trying to find our way in a sea of droolage ;) ) So I just watched LPTV 8 and I just thought this one snap is the best out of the whole video so I saved it and I'm posting it here. Our Lord's unparallelled charm is evident once again... I couldn't ever fall out of love with the guy even if I tried to...


This man was made in heaven if you ask me... <3 <3 <3 <3 I am a sucker for him, I'm not ashamed to admit it, not here in his holy church! Bless ya Robbie! ^_^

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crazy robster

New member
Hehehe thanks for the love and of course thanks for your comments my sweet! *hugs* Right now we are making Robbie happy. Just picture him smiling like a baby, surrounded by flashing hearts! ^_^ Cute innit? Awwwness...<3

crazy robster

New member
Go watch it!!!! GO! Tsk tsk oh and be careful... I watched it and the moment I saw Rob smiling like that I over-drooled, fainted, hurt my leg and now I have to walk around in crutches... A Robster's life is hard...*sighs* but bless you Lord, we will endure any kind of hardships for you. Amen... ;) :D <3

crazy robster

New member
Yes, cute indeed Josi!! Soooo cute!!! And since today I am in a picture mood I have more droolworthy snaps of our beloved droolworthy Lord of perfection... Sis... I'm talking to you...guess what??? WHAT??? THE LUMBERJACK!!! Oh yeah! I know some people hate facial hair, but especially on Rob it looks so... *faints* Like my sis says "The more degenerate that guy the better!" Here are 4 more pickieeeees!




Glasses too!!!!!!!!


Awww i just wanna hug him and smother him so much it's hard for me to stay calm whenever I look at those pics... Enjoy CoBers!

:D :D :D

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Yes, cute indeed Josi!! Soooo cute!!! And since today I am in a picture mood I have more droolworthy snaps of our beloved droolworthy Lord of perfection... Sis... I'm talking to you...guess what??? WHAT??? THE LUMBERJACK!!! Oh yeah! I know some people hate facial hair, but especially on Rob it looks so... *faints* Like my sis says "The more degenerate that guy the better!" Here are 4 more pickieeeees!



Glasses too!!!!!!!!


Awww i just wanna hug him and smother him so much it's hard for me to stay calm whenever I look at those pics... Enjoy CoBers!

:D :D :D

WOW... Yes, I'm a CoSer.. but I have to admit it...



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New member
gah Jojo your avatar makes me grind my teeth and want to pinch the screen everytime!

and this time my brother walked in while i was pinching the screen :eek:


crazy robster

New member
gah Jojo your avatar makes me grind my teeth and want to pinch the screen everytime!
and this time my brother walked in while i was pinching the screen :eek:
Hahahaha I'm not surprised! Every time I look at Rob I feel like making out with the screen so I got it worse than you I'm afraid Mrs B!!! Lol Hahaha be proud! You are in love with the most awesome man on Earth nothing wrong with that! ;)



New member
OMG Sis! *faints*

I ADORE those pictures! I love the glasses yes but the lumberjack does it for me - mind you only Rob's Lumberjack, a lot of guys try to pull it off and suck at it, Rob looks hawt... he ought to do Calvin Klein modelling that man (Imagine Rob wearing nothing but those white underwear, glasses, his scruffy degenerate beard and his cheeky smile :D and nothing else!) but then again if he were to do that... *Ravyn collapses and dies and goes to grouie heaven XD* Not good for me - as much as it would be! 8P

Hmm - well thanks so much my twin! Oooh... I'm in lurve! <3

(Well D'Uh... haha)

And as far as making out with the screen... well... I wouldnt wanna tell you what I would do cause this is a public forum *lmao* buy yeah I can think of a whole lot less people worthy of our affections here thats for certain!


crazy robster

New member
Glad the pics I posted are so successful! :D :D :D I hope our wonderful, tall, broad, frowning adonis is kind enough to pose for a few more photos now that the new album is coming out soon... I can't wait! We want more Rob! Oh, I just love him so much... I'm not tired of saying it every day! On a scale from 1 to 100 I am 1000000 in love with Robbie!!! Madness!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 :D I'll try to find more snaps for y'all soon! ;)
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