I've been asking obscure contacts to get that Canadian vid thing Chel too since I saw the post at TLPT but still havent turned up anything unfortunately. *pouts*
As far as the pics go *major droolage* loving them! Thanks guys!
I want to say I want to like sit on his lap or sth there in one of them... but of course in being its a public forum I'm gonna pretend I didnt't say that and look all angelic as I change the subject
Notice our Lord's all grown up now? New album, new sound, new look, no cap - gone is the overgrown college kid look he made so memorable *swoon* Now it's... ****, I dont even know how to label his "look" now... more grown up of course but... I dunno... whatever it is its still F****** HOT!
Oooh can't wait for the new album - not just for the new tunes and all but for the new interviews, the new pics the new filmclips the new EVERYTHING! They're so close to being back beneath the blinding glare of the spotlight even I'm having a hard time controlling myself now! I'm like some rabid dog going nuts in a cage here... well, sorta. But the excitement is true none the less. So close, so close...
Minutes to Midnight? **** just bring on the Bourdon baby yeee-haaaa! *pants* hahaha
Oh, and thanks again guys. Loving the love here <3 <3 <3 Bless yas