The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
well, that's too bad. we can always use more people dropping by :) ^_^

what's V_U? it looks like an emoticon...which it probably is? hey, it's 4.15 a.m... i'm allowed to have no brain hehe


crazy robster

New member
OMG I've just seen a Rob video in You Tube that I'd never seen before and I'm not ashamed to admit my jaw dropped and I looked like a love struck idiot for about 10 minutes!! Oh Lord that man drives me crazy!!! CoBers if you haven't seen it you GOTTA see it!!! It's also in my Myspace profile but for those who can't view my profile here is the link of the vid...

*still drooling* Lord help meeeeeee!!!! Sis, where are you I now need you only YOU can understand my condition!! *faints*



New member

ahhhhhhhhh i love u so much

im going to use this as a motivation stick and treat myself to Rob if i finish my work

oh man the suspense is killing me

i clicked one second of it, and im dyiiing to watch the rest!



New member
Nice pics! I have the second one' date=' but the first is new to me. Have fun in Holland Black-angel! Your gonna have to tell us all about it when you get back. And here...*grabs chefs hat and goes into kitchen. Comes back out with big boxes full of Bourdon-Bourbons and gives them to black-angel* have fun![/quote']
Yay! *takes bourdon-bourbons and tries to refrain from eating them* I'll save them till the boat ride *looks nervous*.. I don't like boats :confused: Well I have to go like.. right this minute so bye bye everyone (yes I've already said it, but hey :D )


New member
hehehe, hey faded, we still love you even if you haven't been here in ages. mmmm I like your sig *drools*
*does janitor duties*
Thank you sweetie,lol.

Yeah,I dont go to any other club than this one.




New member
I'm here sis <3

Still appreciating the lord in all his wonderment... *** **** I'm in love (still)... hahaha - oh Groupie-itis, its addictive aint it? hahaha



New member
I stop by the FoC every so often, but not as often as the CoB. Hey...has anyone seen Rav around anywhere? *looks around* I havent seen her on for a while now...I miss her long rants...*looks worried* eh *shrugs* probably busy or something. Anyway, hmm... I think we need some food in here, you guys are looking thin *grabs brokenangel and drags her into kitchen* we need bout...meh Im having a brain fart at the moment. Ideas anyone? Brokenangel? well in the mean time Ill stick with the usuals *makes big bowl of Bourdaronis*
Hello to every CoBers!! Sorry for the interruption, but, like u, I find Rob is gorgeus, sooo..

let me post a pic that I found (certainly u already have, but...)





New member
*thinks long and hard* about robundeas?? lmao...if anyone can tell me what that is, they get to chose what's gonna be on top of it (hint, hint)

yeah, i haven't seen rav in a while! maybe she's just waiting for the thread to get clogged up with robby haha...maybe Jammer knows, but haven't seen her around either. this is not good, but hey, phoenix is second in command, so she should give a rant to keep us warom until rav returns (probably working a lot and stuff). so...*looks at phi*...give us your best! :)



New member
wow its been a while since I've been here. *wades through the flood of drool* hey does anyone have my waterwings? I only have the one that goes around my middle with the duck head on it XD. (this is the reason why my nick names pheonix lol)


New member
Hey anyone seeing the pics of Robbeh in the latest LPTV vids?? Aint he just GORGEOUS!!!

...still smiling... still happy to be here... awww.... well I think I speak on behalf of all his adoring fans when I say we're all happy he's happy to be here too! haha

And if anyone aint seen 'em yet, do yourself a favour and check 'em out... Rob looks more menacing with drumsticks than he does a toy gun, as cute as that was! haha



New member
how is everyone today??????? i haven't been here in a while (sry) i've been over at the LPU joining random and pointless clans... lol anywayz i just wanted to stop in here and see how everyone was doing... i'll ttyl laterz


New member
Nice to see you Chippy o_O Ive noticed its been very quiet in here...very very quiet. Meh... people are probably just busy I guess. I know that I wont be on as often as I am seeing as Im going back to school in about a week. Goin to grade 10. well, I hope to see more people posting in here soon...


New member
yes it has been very guiet in here lately... *sits in the church alone* well atleast there's Rob pics to look at... *looks at Rob pics* *drool* ****... who's gonna clean that... i'm all alone.. *runs from the church*


New member
omg!! CoBers!! hi! I haven't been around in a while. I seem to come and go for long periods of time.

but now that I'm baaack, how's everyone doing??

could Rob get any cuter?? between LPTV and all the new promo pics, I think I just may die!

the drool is overwhelming already, and it's just gunna get crazier.

LMAO :'( greatest smiley I've ever seen!

wow, that was random. I'm sorry lol. it's good to be around again, though.

what have I missed? :)



New member it' date=' Quesadillas? (i dunno how to spell it, but like the Mexican things) *shrugs* I dunno[/quote']no...but since no one's in here *rolls eyes* i'll just say it... it's sundeas! you know...those things you can get hot fudge and caramel and stuff on it ^_^ YEAH!! :D your magic!


New member
there's a video at that has rob in it w. chester but i can't access it because im not in canada so if anybody can like somehow get it and like hook it up...heyyyy

dang those canadians



New member
Ohhhh....sundaes!! woot! good idea!, now I feel dumb. Well, nothing different there but whatever. *shakes head* Anyway, on with the sundaes!!! *goes into kitchen and lifts a huge tub full of ice cream out of the freezer, and a bunch of bowls* How many do we need? probably not many eh? oh well, all the more ice cream for all of us that are here I guess... *get Rob and drum stick shaped sprinkles, fudge, chocholate syrup, and cherries* Ok everybody, its make your own sundae!

crazy robster

New member
Wow, thank you!!! I wonder where you find all those beautiful HQ photos!!! Thanks again for all the support!! Awww Robbie is sooo young in this photo... I bet he's even younger than me, what...21? My sis will know better! Lol :D

Anyway here are a few small but cute Robbie pics I found the other day. I'm posting them just to rekindle the passion in here! Some of you may already have them but...oh well...Repetition in Rob's case is never bad!!! Lol Here you go:

;) ;)

;) ;)

Needless to say I'm totally and utterly in love... Look at him... especially those snaps with the scruffy unshaven look and his glasses make me wanna... :spiteful: :D hahaha Bless our Bourdie!!

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yes it has been very guiet in here lately... *sits in the church alone* well atleast there's Rob pics to look at... *looks at Rob pics* *drool* ****... who's gonna clean that... i'm all alone.. *runs from the church*
ME! ME! *Cleans up the drool* wow, I feel like I made a helloffa difference :p



New member
I've been asking obscure contacts to get that Canadian vid thing Chel too since I saw the post at TLPT but still havent turned up anything unfortunately. *pouts*

As far as the pics go *major droolage* loving them! Thanks guys!

I want to say I want to like sit on his lap or sth there in one of them... but of course in being its a public forum I'm gonna pretend I didnt't say that and look all angelic as I change the subject ;)

Notice our Lord's all grown up now? New album, new sound, new look, no cap - gone is the overgrown college kid look he made so memorable *swoon* Now it's... ****, I dont even know how to label his "look" now... more grown up of course but... I dunno... whatever it is its still F****** HOT!


Oooh can't wait for the new album - not just for the new tunes and all but for the new interviews, the new pics the new filmclips the new EVERYTHING! They're so close to being back beneath the blinding glare of the spotlight even I'm having a hard time controlling myself now! I'm like some rabid dog going nuts in a cage here... well, sorta. But the excitement is true none the less. So close, so close...

Minutes to Midnight? **** just bring on the Bourdon baby yeee-haaaa! *pants* hahaha

Oh, and thanks again guys. Loving the love here <3 <3 <3 Bless yas

Wow!! Haven't been here for some time... anyways idk if I posted this pics before but it's Rob so... :D




and sorry if they're too big :D

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crazy robster

New member
Awww sis how I missed your rants in here!!! How I relish in them!!! How wonderful and dirty!! Hahahaha twinsies!!!! ;)

Jos... sorry??? Are you kidding me those pics are great and personally I DON'T have them so THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!! *droolage* OMG he's perfect! And who's the pigfaced girl behind him??? Getting nasty again Jojo, go away!!! LOL :D

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