The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
Argh, the Papercut pic *hides* Its scary lol

Omg, lmao!! Wtf is he doing in the second pic.. mmm Robs tongue lol. He does look a little scary though :p

Hmm... it is very quiet here.. oh well... its all good! (lol, not said that for a while).

Anyway hello everyone... no pics from me I'm afraid, I'll try and find some more for us.



New member
yeah i got the PM and i am making the avatar with the rob one thingy available to COB members only and I will be working on a series of Rob wall papers. So if you want something specalilly made then pm me.

crazy robster

New member
He can't hehe he takes 3 showers a day! It's impossible! Clean Bourdie boy! lol Mind you that makes him EVEN sexier huh? *drools* ;)


New member
I never come here anymore! :(

Lol,Black Angel!

I was watching LIT yesterday afternoon cuz there was nothing on TV.I paused it when Rob was playing the drums,and I was like"whooaa.."*drool*



New member

right back at ya, robby! lol..j/k

^^ makes up for the previous one :p



New member
Robbie swore! :eek: Aww but he looks adorable ^_^

Well I'm not gonna be here for a week guys.. I'm off to Holland tomorrow and won't be back till next Monday.. I'll miss this place *sniffs*


crazy robster

New member
hahahahaha I TOLD YOU Josi! I died and went to heaven! Spending all day with Lord Bourdie now is there anything better than that???? LOL That's like... the absolute form of happiness.... ;)


New member
wow, you're goin to holland??? you lucky *******! hahaha j/k. have fun!

can you speak dutch? i can give you some pointers if you can't (seeing as how i can :p ) :thumbsup:



New member
Nice pics! I have the second one, but the first is new to me. Have fun in Holland Black-angel! Your gonna have to tell us all about it when you get back. And here...*grabs chefs hat and goes into kitchen. Comes back out with big boxes full of Bourdon-Bourbons and gives them to black-angel* have fun!


New member
hey, wait...if i pretend to go to holland do i also get big boxes full of Bourdon-Bourbons?? if i do..*eyes light up* i'm going to uh *picks random country* Denmark. *watches meteora*


New member
hey remember when u wanted more pics of rob in the music video for papercut with his face all demented? well i found one more

;)ohhh look at those lips yummy yum yum

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New member
Hey what are you talking about brokenangel? Your a cook/waitress so you can eat as many as you want! *goes back into kitchen and comes back out with platters full of Bourdon-Bourbons* yay!


New member
*slaps forehead (how the **** do you spell that? forhead? nah, sounds wrong) grabs platter and runs behind the church and gives some to a homeless man* haha... after 10 minutes *returns with food everywhere* okay, boss. what's next?


New member
kinda like foreplay, but with 'head'.. o_O haha... so hey vash! haven't seen you here for a while!! well, atleast i got forehead right on the first try hehe :p . you're flag's still hanging loud and proud ;)

crazy robster

New member
LMAO how's that? Well, I'd say it's a more implicit not in-your-face way to say something like "I want to do all kinds of unmentionables to him..." ;) :D Here we go again. Sisters united=goodmorning dirtiness!!! ROFL


New member
Its a general all-ages forum sis - I gotta be careful ;)

Besides, everyone (should by now) know what I'm like. When I say things like that it pretty much speaks for itself in ranter-language *******

Bless ya sis <3



New member
i've never seen this before maybe you guys have but here anyway...feel free to delete if its a repost...

vintage rob:


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