The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!

Ok time to get back to our old habits, me and my sis have been away from our beloved Church of Bourdon for too long I think. But I'm so happy to see that there has been posting in here and moreover posting of gorgeous pictures!! I can't begin to thank you guys I will certainly return the favour as soon as I am able to! Lots of wonderful Robbie pictures, more reasons for us to be happier ever day! Thanks heaps Andrea and Lorena!! Damn I missed this place... *tear* Bless ya all <3

OMG!!:eek: :eek: What is it? Am I dreaming??:-| My lovely Crazy Robster has come back at the end!! YAHOOO!!:yahoo: :yahoo: Dear Jo,if you missed too much this places, you cannot ever imagine how much I missed you (but, it doesnt mean I didnt happy of you 'cos I knew you were spending an unforgettable moment with your sis. You two deserved it!!:thumbsup:

About COB... Well, it was my pleasure to have it updated. so from my part, you dont have to thank me anything at all. It's my pleasure to do this, so you feel proud of one of your favourite LPF's thread, though I had to combat alone against Barbie-fridge and it wasnt easy but I did all my best to keep this place, your Church, saved... so now you're here, I give you the keys back and, btw, I post some new pics... you know the slogan: to renew or just to die

Nobody cant say his arms are.... OMG, I wouldnt liek to have a fight with him (I've enough with Mrs Ice)


UMMM... A nice boy... Whom wants him??


There are in the world lots of medicines that save people, but there are others which can kill you; Rob is one of them... SO BE CAREFUL!



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Auburn Show:
Taken by ultrA_Cowboy

Taken by Cristian




Mtn. View Show:


Taken by Nando76






Phoenix Show:
Ok time to get back to our old habits, me and my sis have been away from our beloved Church of Bourdon for too long I think. But I'm so happy to see that there has been posting in here and moreover posting of gorgeous pictures!! I can't begin to thank you guys I will certainly return the favour as soon as I am able to! Lots of wonderful Robbie pictures, more reasons for us to be happier ever day! Thanks heaps Andrea and Lorena!! Damn I missed this place... *tear* Bless ya all <3

ooohhh Jojo, good to see you'r back!!!! I missed you!!!
I hope you'r having a great time with your sis.. keep giving news!!
ooohhh Jojo, good to see you'r back!!!! I missed you!!!
I hope you'r having a great time with your sis.. keep giving news!!

AWWWWW *hugs* that was sweet ^^ I have no more news I'm afraid though, my sis is back in Australia (currently unable to log on due to connection issues) so I'm back to send Robbie some love and many hugs to all of you who keep providing visual aids to help the never-ending droolage sessions to keep going! Thanks so much for the video Littleblackstone! OMG when I first heard that drum solo I had a hard time stopping my heart from breaking!! Man, Rob is a phenomenon where has he been hiding this immense talent all these years? One more reason for us to adore him huh? :D :D
AWWWWW *hugs* that was sweet ^^ I have no more news I'm afraid though, my sis is back in Australia (currently unable to log on due to connection issues) so I'm back to send Robbie some love and many hugs to all of you who keep providing visual aids to help the never-ending droolage sessions to keep going! Thanks so much for the video Littleblackstone! OMG when I first heard that drum solo I had a hard time stopping my heart from breaking!! Man, Rob is a phenomenon where has he been hiding this immense talent all these years? One more reason for us to adore him huh? :D :D

hahaha... oh, what lovely is to have you here again!! I hope you're fine my great friend, 'cos I've been a little bit worried about you these last days. You know, about the fire is consuming Greece nowadays. I'm so sorry :'( I sent you an e-mail but I suppose you didnt receive it 'cos I didnt have any answer, until now. I hope you're ok... anyway, you've made me very happy when I saw you're here again... My crazy robster has come back!!
Everybody was waiting for you (and if they werent, dont worry, I REALLY WAS!!) and well, if I'm honest I wasnt the only one. Someone is so happy to see you here... can you guess whom? Somoene who just doing a drum solo can get you crazy (and not only you, btw :D ) I think you dont need more clues, do you?

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hahaha... oh, what lovely is to have you here again!! I hope you're fine my great friend, 'cos I've been a little bit worried about you these last days. You know, about the fire is consuming Greece nowadays. I'm so sorry :'( I sent you an e-mail but I suppose you didnt receive it 'cos I didnt have any answer, until now. I hope you're ok... anyway, you've made me very happy when I saw you're here again... My crazy robster has come back!!
Everybody was waiting for you (and if they werent, dont worry, I REALLY WAS!!) and well, if I'm honest I wasnt the only one. Someone is so happy to see you here... can you guess whom? Somoene who just doing a drum solo can get you crazy (and not only you, btw :D ) I think you dont need more clues, do you?

Awww Lorena thanks for the warm welcome back! You people are so sweet! And you sent me an e-mail?? :confused: When? I haven't received anything from you my sweet, you know if I HAD I would have replied by now!! Have you used the right address? Awww anyway I'm touched that you care thanks! And also thanks for the pic (though I already have it) but it's nice to repost some wonderful monumental Rob snaps in case someone has missed them! And do you really think Rob was waiting for me? Hahaha I am sure he was holding his breath about it!! LOL:rolleyes: It's nice to dream... <3
Awww Lorena thanks for the warm welcome back! You people are so sweet! And you sent me an e-mail?? :confused: When? I haven't received anything from you my sweet, you know if I HAD I would have replied by now!! Have you used the right address? Awww anyway I'm touched that you care thanks! And also thanks for the pic (though I already have it) but it's nice to repost some wonderful monumental Rob snaps in case someone has missed them! And do you really think Rob was waiting for me? Hahaha I am sure he was holding his breath about it!! LOL:rolleyes: It's nice to dream... <3

Of course is nice to dream and, after all, who knows? Sometimes dreams can come true (if you believe in them and in you, btw) :-x If not ask Pinocchio!!:D Oh, dont worry about the e-mail... maybe I wrote a wrong address... I'm not sure, but well, never mind. For me the most important thing you're fine and everything is good in our crazy robster. What a pity you already have the pic!!... I wanted to surprise you, but, well, let me another opportunity (and although you dont give it to me, I'll try it anyway!!

Ok, here you've the first "shot"... Did I get it? Well, it isnt a pic totally but... I hope you like it!


Or maybe you prefer something sweet (after all, everybody says owner has some similarity with their posessions!! So, for a sweet Jo, nothing much better than a sweet pic!!


LP~Shinoda~FM said:
Look at his face man! :O:O:O It's so...... saintly. Like literally. ^^

Oh my Godness!! I can see your vein's literary quite developed!! Btw... I love your signature!! hahaha.. it's GGGGGRRRRREEEAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT!!!:yahoo:
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Well but you always feel like you start running out of words to describe things of perfection... like LP. lol

What do you mean? Well, the perfection is something quite subjective. Something that for you can be the most perfect thing , for me it can be... something near to be into the vulgar's world. I dont know if you can follow me. Look, I didnt catch very well the sense of your comment (I'm sorry. Sometimes my mind is on strike... even more on weekends :eek: ) but if you pretended to refer to your "problem" to find the exactly word that cn describe what you feel or what you really think, I'll give you an advice, if you accept it, of course; I I speak for my experience and if you're starting to write well, dont worry about this. The beginnings arent always easy. They're always difficult. I compare a new writer's situation as a someone who is learning to use a sword. Your sword is your writing. At the beginning you wont be able to control your sword... even so, maybe, it can controls you. But if you're patience, if you dont leave it, if you really want to control it, at the end you'll be an incredible D'Artagnan about this marvellous art.
it wasnt easy either for me. I write for more than 10 years and look at me, I'm 21 and I'm not a master using "my literary sword". Sometimes, it win me, but nothing is this life is free. If you work it hard, you'll get it... this life is only for winners; the losers, all these people who dont fight for all that they want, they wont be nothing. :thumbsup:
My dear Lorena ^^ I have to tell you that the way you express yourself always leaves me speechless and if YOU don't become a writer then humanity will suffer a serious literary loss. I mean it! Allow me to explain what our dearest crazy Kanadian friend said. Imagine: You are sitting on a bench whistling and looking around. All of a sudden you see Rob coming from the other side of the road, in his swim suit, dripping salty water, carrying a surf board, all toned and tanned etc etc. Your eyes freeze on him, your mouth opens involuntarily and you feel that not a single syllable can come out of it! Someone sees you in this state and asks you..."Lorena!! Lorena what's wrong? What did you see?" But you are just too weak to speak or describe what you saw because you feel you just went to heaven and heavenly things can't be described through human words...RIGHT? Lol

I hope this helped... And by the way thanks for the pics they rule!! Invaluable contribution!!

<3 Peace :D
My dear Lorena ^^ I have to tell you that the way you express yourself always leaves me speechless and if YOU don't become a writer then humanity will suffer a serious literary loss. I mean it! Allow me to explain what our dearest crazy Kanadian friend said. Imagine: You are sitting on a bench whistling and looking around. All of a sudden you see Rob coming from the other side of the road, in his swim suit, dripping salty water, carrying a surf board, all toned and tanned etc etc. Your eyes freeze on him, your mouth opens involuntarily and you feel that not a single syllable can come out of it! Someone sees you in this state and asks you..."Lorena!! Lorena what's wrong? What did you see?" But you are just too weak to speak or describe what you saw because you feel you just went to heaven and heavenly things can't be described through human words...RIGHT? Lol

I hope this helped... And by the way thanks for the pics they rule!! Invaluable contribution!!

<3 Peace :D

hahaha... Oh, my great Jo!! That's great and so funny. I love your explaining... hahaha, the most funny thing is... have you read my mind? Did you be with me last night in my bed? Cos I had the same dream... well, If I honest it wasnt the same but it has some similarity. The diffence is that it wasnt Rob, if not Mike (quite obvious!!! :eek: ) and well, the context was another: a meet and greets and some of us were there: you, LP~Shinoda~FM (although I still dont know how she looks like...) LBS, Untitled and other mates... I remember we were in the crowd and we could see them at the back. All of you were excited (quite normal) except me; I dont know why but I was bored. Besides I was dressed with a black leotard and a dark red skirt :eek: :confused: (the traditional dress for people who dance flamenco) so, suddenly, it was a break and, totally bored, I went out and I started to listened music with my mp3...I was alone, so I started to dance as I were a rapper ( I dont understand how I didnt kill myself trying to dance with that long skirt and those shoes) but I felt so comfortable until I saw how someone was looking at me... MIKE SHINODA!!!:eek: he was watching at me with some funny interest. I was shocked but the most funny thing is I didnt recognize him (yes, I know it, I know it... :-| ) I thought he was a technician or something like this. So, we started to talk friendly and he asked me why I was alone there, why I wasnt with my friends in the crowd... he asked me if I were sad or if I felt sick... (oooohh, what kind!!:eek: )

-No, I'm here 'cos I was bored of waiting in the crowd... besides- I confessed him- I dont want to be there, 'cos soon or later, I'll have Mike Shinoda in front of me and, well, What can I say to him? "Hello, Mr. Shinoda, it's lovely to meet you"?? Noo, that's too flashy!!! Or What about "Hi, Mike..."... Nooo, you see- I was telling him- It's horrible. Besides, I'm sure that I'll have no words to say him something and I'll seem to be dumb or fool, what it's worst...
-But you're not fool, you're so sweet and so funny and I'm sure Mike'll be glad to meet you. What a pity for him he doesnt know how you're!! He'd be glad to have you as one of his best friends (This is the best part of the dream!!!!:yahoo: )

So, we continued chatting and joking and suddenly, I said to him (Noooo, whyyyy??:'( )
-Oh, I'm sorry, I've to go. My friends have be worried of me, asking where I am... buff, I've to go back to the stupid crowd but you should know something: I think you're better than Mike, at least funnier than him :)o )
He didnt say me anything... He gave a sweet kiss in my cheek (aaahhhhhh!!! I dont know how I hadnt a heart attack in that moment!!!). So, in that romantic moment you, Jo, came ( why jo? Why did you come in that moment EXACTLY????). With you were LBS and Linkah. You said,
-Lorena!! We find you... we were worried!! Where have you been?? C'mun on, our turn is just here!!
It seemed no one of you had recognized him either. I got up from my seat and, after to smile him for the last time :)'( ) I went where you were waiting... suddenly your worried face changed for another:
MIIIIIKEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE- You shouted soo loudy (well, I'm not sure if you were or it was LBS or Linkah, but the shout was incredible!!! As if Mrs Fridge knew that Rob'd have gone off with another... penguin who cooks better than her... you can imagine the force of it, cant you?? The last thing I remember ('cos after this, I wake up... the shout's consequences. Please, dear, for the next time, dont shout, just with a soft whisper is enough) is that I gave a surprising look at Mike who was even more surprised than me, he tried to say something but there wasnt no words... maybe 'cos in that moment I wake up, maybe 'cos as you, dear LP~Shinoda~FM, he has the same problem!!;)

I know it's a infantil dream... but well, at least I hope you had some fun with it (If even Mike who doesnt know me says I'm funny... something true it has to has, after all, isnt it?) and, in definitively, I hope one day, you, LP~Shinoda~FM, can get to describe for all of us this "fantastic heaven" that it's so difficult to explain for you. You know, for any doubt or any advise or just anything, you know where I'm!! In LPF dancing rap with a flamenco skirt (which it means, trying to kill myself in a foolish way :thumbsup: )
Ohhh, my lovely and angelic sis... What a wonderful and crazy dream!!! It's better than that one I had a few months ago, do you remember?!
You were talking with Mike,you didn't recognize him and... he kissed your cheek??!! :eek:
My God!! That's everything I want whenever I (we :D ) go to see them (except the part you were bored and you didn't recognized him... I think even if I became blind, I'd recognize him just by his voice!)

and bout the shout.. well, I guess it looks like me than Jojo, cause after all she worships Rob and I worship Mike.. besides that, I have a strong and loud voice! :lol: so I think it was me who shouted at your ear.. sorry my dear, I promise when we go to see them live I won't do such a thing!! :D

But well, like our sweet Jojo said "It's nice to dream", and dream we do!! :D

Imagine: You are sitting on a bench whistling and looking around. All of a sudden you see Rob coming from the other side of the road, in his swim suit, dripping salty water, carrying a surf board, all toned and tanned etc etc. Your eyes freeze on him, your mouth opens involuntarily and you feel that not a single syllable can come out of it! Someone sees you in this state and asks you..."Lorena!! Lorena what's wrong? What did you see?" But you are just too weak to speak or describe what you saw because you feel you just went to heaven and heavenly things can't be described through human words...RIGHT? Lol

I know exactly how it looks like...
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Oh, I posted this pic. I remember it perfctly 'cos when I saw it for the first time I was like... Ohhhh, God, what a God!! (And I'm sorry about the redundancy!!:D ). I think after Mike (of course, and I'm so sorry 'cos this Rob's space and not Mike's, so I've to respect it, but I've to be honest to and for me Mike is... just Mike; That's one of the fact of being a Mike's angel, isnt my sis??) but, anyway, as I was telling you, I think after Mike, Rob is my favourite one. I really like to know he's a very healthy boy!! It's more. I think this a quality quite important for me if I fall in love with someone (Oh, look, I've revealed my little heart to you, so please, keep it as a secret!!:p )
About the dream... hahaha, I'm so grateful you liked it, my dear sis. You know, this is would be a quite interesting plot for a new story, but I've to think about it. Meanwhile, I've another idea in my mind.... but I've to develope it quite a lot yet, so you've to wait for a while. Although you think it was a lovely dream (and it really was, until I woke up and I understood everything had been a product of my mind :'( ) I felt lots of hard feelings... I was sooo embarrased when Mike found me dancing with that hard flamenco skirt (I think this one was heavier than me, uff!!) and when I knew that he wasnt a technician, he was the REAL MIKE SHINODA, I only wanted that the earth swallowed me (I dont know if you can understand this expression 'cos it's a spanish saying :confused: ) but after all, it was funny to live that dream, although it was just only a dream (but it was free!!!:D ) and well, about the shout; well, maybe you're right, dear, but I cant control my dreams and I dont know how some of us would act in a situation as this one. You know, that night it was my insconcience that did the "job" not me, but dont worry, for the next time, I'll let it know for the change!!!:eek:k:

And, now, I think it's time to renew a little bit this space with some new pics. Enjoy them and have a nice day!!!:D



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Hahaha you girls are lovely!! You keep the CoB alive and effervescent with your sweet presence!! Even though you're honest enough to admit Rob's your second favourite I still have to say this with all my heart: Your posts in here give me a big smile on my face!! I LOVE YOU GIRLS!! *hugs hugs hugs* Thanks for the pics, thanks for the love, thanks for everything! Just felt like saying it!! :D :D And Lorena, the expression "I wanted the earth to open and swallow me" is not exclusively Spanish, we use it here too so don't worry at least I understood! By the way... The pic of Rob with the surf board....*pants* It's the ONLY picture we have of Robbie bare chested!! Dear Lord please!! Give us another one and that's all we need to die happy! LOL :D Shy lil Robbie! Haha love to all!! <3