The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!

Aww Joshy honey *hugs* I love it that you care enough to ask me a question like that! Well... what I'm going to say may sound a bit stupid to you but...You know artists may not be immediately related to their fans but they should make a point of making them feel loved. I'll try to explain as best as I can. This thing with Rob didn't just happen now out of the clear blue. It all started for me with the latest LPU chat. I was very disappointed in the way he handled the whole thing. He gave me the impression that he was speaking like a robot with pre-programmed answers, he didn't even bother to answer as many questions as he could and he also gave the impression that he was doing the chat not because he wanted to get in touch with his fans, not out of love, but because that's what his image maker told him he should do. He seemed bored and unmotivated. The whole band in general gives that impression lately. I feel like they are up there on the pedestal where we have placed them, unreachable by the masses. Those who can go to Meet and Greets fine. The rest can go **** themselves, right? But I'm focusing on Rob because he is my favourite in the band plus he is the most introverted. To put it bluntly I don't think he gives a **** lately...That's how I feel at least. It's hard to say exactly what I want him to do so that I will go back to my old Robsession days again, I'll just say that when he decides to open a communication channel with his fans and make himself a bit more accessible then we'll all be able to tell the difference, trust me. Maybe the band as a whole should start associating with the fans more both personally and via the internet maybe (like they used to do in older days)...Oh I dunno all I know is that Rob is not as sweet and approachable as he used to be.
^ simply put, I could not have put that better myself. Well said sis. Had to be said.

and noname, maybe *shrugs* time will tell I guess. But in being I'm not as huge a fan as I used to be when I first started this thread it might not effect me as it probably should/would have otherwise. I'm still a fan dont get me wrong just... feeling disenchanted as of late *shrugs* I'll get over it or sth, no matter :)
Aww Joshy honey *hugs* I love it that you care enough to ask me a question like that! Well... what I'm going to say may sound a bit stupid to you but...You know artists may not be immediately related to their fans but they should make a point of making them feel loved. I'll try to explain as best as I can. This thing with Rob didn't just happen now out of the clear blue. It all started for me with the latest LPU chat. I was very disappointed in the way he handled the whole thing. He gave me the impression that he was speaking like a robot with pre-programmed answers, he didn't even bother to answer as many questions as he could and he also gave the impression that he was doing the chat not because he wanted to get in touch with his fans, not out of love, but because that's what his image maker told him he should do. He seemed bored and unmotivated. The whole band in general gives that impression lately. I feel like they are up there on the pedestal where we have placed them, unreachable by the masses. Those who can go to Meet and Greets fine. The rest can go **** themselves, right? But I'm focusing on Rob because he is my favourite in the band plus he is the most introverted. To put it bluntly I don't think he gives a **** lately...That's how I feel at least. It's hard to say exactly what I want him to do so that I will go back to my old Robsession days again, I'll just say that when he decides to open a communication channel with his fans and make himself a bit more accessible then we'll all be able to tell the difference, trust me. Maybe the band as a whole should start associating with the fans more both personally and via the internet maybe (like they used to do in older days)...Oh I dunno all I know is that Rob is not as sweet and approachable as he used to be.

Well i clearly understand what you mean, it just depends on what moods our LP are. I remember the last meet and greet in Paris, French security didnt even know we had to meet them backstage, so at the last minute they organised the whole thing and I think LP were pretty annoyed about it they were ok but a lil bit annoyed and everyone agreed that mister Joe Hahn seemed to be bored or something. I know LP really appreciated meeting their fans and were really nice to us but probably because of this sooo bad "last minute organisation" Joe would end up the meet and greet quickly when i shooke his hand he told me thank you like "its over now leave" OF course maybe he didnt think that but its the impression he gave and everyone agreed he was weird... So I know i can understand what kind of impression you can get from Rob sometimes cause i had the same about Joe
Yeah I'm glad you understand what I mean you're pretty sweet :D And someone can understand EVEN better if they compare LP's attitude to other bands (quite popular too). I happen to be a huge Good Charlotte fan too and I have repeatedly heard them say "OMG the best thing is meeting our fans" or "We have a blast meeting our fans" "Hope we meet them and hang out with some of them, maybe they'll teach us some new phrases" Plus they are accessible via Myspace. See what I mean? I haven't felt that from LP I'm afraid... And why should they be annoyed even with the last minute Meet Greet? Fans paid god knows how much for the concert, wouldn't THEY be annoyed if they didn't get to meet the band at all??? Oh well, some things are just NOT right...
You are definitely right im afraid . I couldnt and WOULDNT say my Linkin park arent accessible anymore but thats true Good charlotte really love theirs fans fans are their babies i know Joel is very accessible on myspace ... Ok no comment lol
Aww Joshy honey *hugs* I love it that you care enough to ask me a question like that! Well... what I'm going to say may sound a bit stupid to you but...You know artists may not be immediately related to their fans but they should make a point of making them feel loved. I'll try to explain as best as I can. This thing with Rob didn't just happen now out of the clear blue. It all started for me with the latest LPU chat. I was very disappointed in the way he handled the whole thing. He gave me the impression that he was speaking like a robot with pre-programmed answers, he didn't even bother to answer as many questions as he could and he also gave the impression that he was doing the chat not because he wanted to get in touch with his fans, not out of love, but because that's what his image maker told him he should do. He seemed bored and unmotivated. The whole band in general gives that impression lately. I feel like they are up there on the pedestal where we have placed them, unreachable by the masses. Those who can go to Meet and Greets fine. The rest can go **** themselves, right? But I'm focusing on Rob because he is my favourite in the band plus he is the most introverted. To put it bluntly I don't think he gives a **** lately...That's how I feel at least. It's hard to say exactly what I want him to do so that I will go back to my old Robsession days again, I'll just say that when he decides to open a communication channel with his fans and make himself a bit more accessible then we'll all be able to tell the difference, trust me. Maybe the band as a whole should start associating with the fans more both personally and via the internet maybe (like they used to do in older days)...Oh I dunno all I know is that Rob is not as sweet and approachable as he used to be.
haha i was eexpecting a massive post :D
and that exactly how i see them, i agree 900% with you jojo
they really are acting all "stuck-up-****ed-up"
and about that chat, sometimes i wonder if its really the band members chatting and posting on the forums because when they post its always just to give some info on something or telling us about a competition (and i only see mike on). i mean is it that hard to take 10 mins a week even to just chat a little and talk to the fans, not just make a topic and leave.
sigh i feel your pain jojo, i reeeaaaly do
haha i was eexpecting a massive post :D
and that exactly how i see them, i agree 900% with you jojo
they really are acting all "stuck-up-****ed-up"
and about that chat, sometimes i wonder if its really the band members chatting and posting on the forums because when they post its always just to give some info on something or telling us about a competition (and i only see mike on). i mean is it that hard to take 10 mins a week even to just chat a little and talk to the fans, not just make a topic and leave.
sigh i feel your pain jojo, i reeeaaaly do

Damnstraight! Awww and thanks you're a sweetie *hugs and kisses* :D
Here's a few pics from recent shows - all sources (as always as the pics all say) The Linkin Park Times





There's more but these are good for the Rob POV. Mostly. The first pic there is the best though, haha - Chas looks downright evil there! A Satanist or sth... wonder what's ticked him and Rob off *shrugs*

Anyway just injecting a dose of Robness here. Been a while ;)
hahaha, you're alright, dear Ravynlee. In the first pic, Chester looks a little bit strange, like Satanist or something like this. I'd say he is perfect for making a boxer movie. "Cinderella man II part", or "Ali, the Resurrection"....XD... well, it's obvious that nobody can say Chester has own personality. I think he's the most extravagant guy of LP.... he's great, but, honestly, and well, all you know it what is my "sin" in all senses: Mike Shinoda. He's unique!!! ainssss....*faint* (I think I'm more in the ground than stand. I'm going to have a carpeting complex XD)
I know it's a lil late but sis sent me this last week I think and low and behold I believe I started drooling again straight out of the blue 0_0
Well... okay not literally (that's just plain nasty/gross) BUT needless to say the love for Bourdie did not die - it just... took an extended vacation... somewhere ;)


ARGH!! Damnit... *gasp* How could someone not love this guy? Does he not just exude... somethingness?

Oh! And for those of you that don't know, check out the vid at LPT featuring Rob and Brad in Taiwan I think;
>> <<
*major droolage for Rob and Brad fans alike*

Have to admit Brad's a funny man you know, sarcastic, but funny. Always makes me laugh you know. Apparently he knows how to make Rob laugh too - always enjoyable to watch.
Almost makes me wanna change my sig back again to Robness... but not yet. See where the story goes for now :spiteful:
Chel - *crazy excited schoolgirl squeal* THANKS SO MUCH!!

Yes the place has been dead for ages - its a shame cause damn that man is soooo gorgeous (talented, smart, and so on ad infinitum) but I guiltily let things get away from me and neglected this place, sadly. But hell you give me a damn good reason to smile. Miss it. Rob too.


(P.S. and in the second pic is that Rob proudly exclaiming he has two women at once?! haha way to go big guy!! :rofl:)
Aww in the second one he looks like a big teddy bear lol. Anyways I need something cleared up.


Somewhere told me he was Rob's brother. Does he have a younger bro and is that him? :p Cuz if so he looks mighty fine like his brother.
Yeah my dear, this is Rob's younger bro named Dave :D Ain't he sweet? They must be a very good looking family!! Haha :D By the way hello again CoB, it's been a while lol
I know! :'( Just unfair those genes are going to waste - damnit man BREED would you?! haha

Mind you on a more serious note, I know it sort of strays beyond the realms of normal fanship but I cant help but wonder what his parents look like. I mean I wonder who they (both Bourdon boys) take after seeing as how they look so much alike?

*strikes considerate pose*

Guess we'll always just have to wonder huh?