The discombobulated family thread.


New member
*Pumps on the gas while other foot still on brakes* Wait is that Mikey-boy from school. He stole my lunch money when I was six. *The light changes green, steps on the gas, dust flies everywhere and the cars take off*


New member
*Grabs the phone and slowly pulls into a abandon parking lot*

Mom: Where's dad?

Me: I don't know. Where are you?

Mom: At home. Where are you?

Me: I asked you first

Mom: I'm your mother

Me: Not by birth.

Mom: Don't get sassy with me young lady

Me: You just happened to be picked up off the street... oh, wait there's your first clue to where dad is bye.

*Hangs up the phone*

Me: We have to get back, Phi, dirty mommy has some problems with dad again.

(I have to go, I'll be back soon, Phi.)



New member
well we role play. like

Mel: yay fribby's here! (jumps on top of fribby) lets go try to find mum and dad *cough rockstar cough*

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