The discombobulated family thread.


New member
Grey: SHUT UP Mystery!!! Go talk to ur mom about "whats eating Gilbert Grape"!!!!

*laughs and makes more blue fire around her*



New member
*** **** I missed a lot! *laughs*

And what's this 'Dirty Mommy' buisness?!? :mad:


Rav: "Y'all get your butts inside this house right this instant! It's serious ***-whoopin' time. Stealin' the car! Stealing Uncle Brad's precious headphones! Throwing fireballs at each other?!? Accostin' your daddy like that! Talking to dead people! Sneakin' out with your boyfriends! What the **** is goin' on here?!? *gets faint from being so red in the face* Points at Rob and Brad standing in the living room both cracking knuckles and looking stern.

Rav: "Daddy, Uncle Brad, go nuts..."

And Greyfoxx, will you stop floating around up there while I'm rousing on you! *shakes head* You guys are gonna be the death of me, I swear it...

BTW, just how many "kids" do we now have in this mixed up family tree??? I feel I need to sit down for a bit... you guys are more of a handful than I first anticipated... :rolleyes: But *meh* it's all good...



New member
Rav: Ohhh, alright... float up there if you must. BUT no playing with fire...

(Greyfoxx keeps playing with fire anyway and a stray ball of flames shoots off and singes off Brad's precious afro. Brad gets livid and chases after Greyfoxx with his guitar)


Rav: "Run, Greyfoxx, Run!" XD

The others scatter off like the wind...



New member
Phi: aww man ! time to go ninja. art of the substitution! (as rob starts tryin to kick my *** I switch places with a punching bag downstairs.) Besides Kenji#2 made me do it.


New member
Frib: hey somehow I think this is going to be difficult with all the different timezones lol


Frib: this has been fun. now I will get me some nice pills bright and shiny so I can relax after reading this mess...



New member
Grey: MOMMM!!!!!!!! GET HIM AWAY FROM ME!!! *throws fire ***** to get Brad away from her* NAH NAH NA NAH NA! U CANT GET ME!


New member
Rav: (In a calm voice) Brad, please... go gentle on them, they know not what they do... or... maybe they do... *strikes a thoughtful pose*

*and looks stunned at Phi's Ninja skills to outsmart dear Robert* (let's face it you'd have to be good to get away in the first place, the guy has reflexes like a cat for crying out loud! *looks envious* But then... being that you're also a drummer... hm... I guess anything's possible, right?)

Possible? Try plausible. One kid's up there floating above our heads shooting fireballs and another thinks they're a schitzophrenic Ninja for cryin' out loud! *slaps forehead* :rolleyes: This family is just plain nuts...

Viking, dear sweet son of mine, mind handing a few of those shiny pills Mummy's way if y'all don't mind? There's a good lad, cheers!



New member
Grey: uh-o... mommys' taking pills agian! BAD MOMMY! *shoots a fireball at woody*

*floats around some more* mommy, could u throw up my leather trench? please?!



New member
Mystery: I'm gone for a day, people are taking pills, Rob has ninja skills, Brad's hair is on fire, and mommy is taking pills, and dad stole me and Phi manga to look at fictional cartoon girls.... pass the pills I want to join in what you guys are on.


New member
Grey: i've been off my Medication for awhile now, my dad said i didnt need to take them.... HA! *looks for mommy* Mommy! i want my Trench!


New member
*Runs up, hears people yelling, but breaks into Kenji #2's car anyway, hot-wires it, and drives away*

Me: Mwahahahahaha!

Theres my short part in all this. o_O

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