Rav: (In a calm voice) Brad, please... go gentle on them, they know not what they do... or... maybe they do... *strikes a thoughtful pose*
*and looks stunned at Phi's Ninja skills to outsmart dear Robert* (let's face it you'd have to be good to get away in the first place, the guy has reflexes like a cat for crying out loud! *looks envious* But then... being that you're also a drummer... hm... I guess anything's possible, right?)
Possible? Try plausible. One kid's up there floating above our heads shooting fireballs and another thinks they're a schitzophrenic Ninja for cryin' out loud! *slaps forehead*
This family is just plain nuts...
Viking, dear sweet son of mine, mind handing a few of those shiny pills Mummy's way if y'all don't mind? There's a good lad, cheers!