The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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allieking said:
i feel much better today, been shopping and to maccy d's. just got the cam corder to video edens school levers assembly tomorrow *cries* my baby is going high school in september!!!!
aww yey for allies baby!!!

ima gd...vereh happy:D:D *does a happy dance*
I feel good.. my 24 year old cousin Melvin's wedding this wednesday

I love everyone so much <3
ima bit warm and scared...i twas attacked by a butterfly earlier today...>.<
gosh for small things theyre pretty fcking scareh 0.o
I'm tan.
My boyfriend's flight back home is today.
I'm not sure what time though since he called early this morning and told me that he's probably leaving later.
But I don't know. He was supposed to leave at 3:35 so I assume he's in flight.

Other than that, life is going pretty easy now. Finally.
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