The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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billy elliot is an immense movie...tis vereh cutely and yoo know id chose yoo over anythings...just right now...yoore not in need (of my company):D:D
please dont guilt trip meeeee =(

ima go and yoo be on when i come backs *nods and selotapes matt mattly to floor to make sures*

lmfao allieeeee
and well saids *pats her on teh back*
its an amazing film!!!
*huggles allie*
oh dear matt matt haha

whats teh matter shaun :(

ima feeling good...luff billy elliott wooop wooop hehe
I feel relieved my msn is working again.. still annoyed about nog being able to see display pics on msn
Tired too - long shifts @ usual place but *meh* it pays the rent so why complain?
2 more days then 2 days off - gawd... its like one big monotonous cycle without end. Kinda like a merry-go-round that was alright the first few times around but after a while you need a change of location or something... 0_o
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