The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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why you tired hun?

EDIT: forgot to say it was my daughters last day in primary school today, she goes to high school in september. she wore a white t shirt and everyone signed it and wished her good luck, when she finished school all the year 6's gathered in the playground and had pics taken, eden started to cry and got all upset because she is going to miss school, the teachers and her friends. i'm so proud of her, shes dealt with it all so well, much better than me, i was watching the video of her leavers show and i was crying all the way through.
i'm all right... still feeling kinda ****ed up, but i've been finding things to take my mind off of what's causing that feeling... plus, i'm going to the gym pretty soon, so that'll make me feel better.
Good :) I just had a really fun day at work. I think it mostly consisted of my friends and I making fun of each other. What could be more fun than that?
My lungs feel like they have been grated in a cheese grater
My head is pounding like o so many hammers
My mucles ache oooooo so bad
But I got hammerd last night so it was all totally worth it :p
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