The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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I'm disappointed.

I just found out that the Russian chick that was looking for love on these forums was a robot. :'[

I wanted to be a contender.
Cuz I'm a man, obviously.

*rotfl* That was great! XD

Um... pretty good all things considered. I have another early start tomorrow (today) and part of me doesn't want to go, I'd rather stay and chill at home but that wont pay the bills, so I'm going. That's a bummer. But I am wary about going to sleep. Started having nightmares again as I used to do ages ago on the meds. Its all coming back to me now. *shudders* The 'visions' aren't as scary or as real as they used to be years ago when I switched to this medication, still... it freaks me like you wouldn't believe.

.........can't sleep.... clown'll eat me............... *lmao* (Simpson's flashback)

And I started writing again which is great. Only now I wanna forgo sleep to keep going with it. At this rate I reckon I'll be primed for a psychotic episode in a matter of days ;) Just kidding... I'm nuts already!!! :thumbsup:
allieking said:
awwwwww foxxy hun i'm sorry your depressed, i know its hard to say but try to think positive. i'm sure your bf is helping just like i'm helping andy.
yeah, he tries....but i can hardly see that crash a few weeks ago, his car was totaled...he hasnt gotten a new car yet....

allieking said:
awwww hun that must be hard, i couldn't imagine not seeing andy everyday. when we first got together for the first 8 months we saw eachother once a week for 4 hours, it was hard but it made us appreciate eachother more.
same here...but instead of first 8 months...its been about 13 months...and counting....i cant stand not-seeing him. i'm going crazy. i've lost my appitite...i cant eat anything. i cant sleep. i cant do anything. i feel so ..... empty? no...thats not the word....alone. i can only see andy when he comes to get me, and then my curfew is 9:30 so its only for about 3 hours....:'(
allieking said:
belive me hun when you finally get to see eachother more it will be so much better. i really hope it gets better for you because your such a great person :)
thanks.....i hope so too....because without him i feel so down and crapy....and with him i feel like i could do anything i ever wanted....
headache...stoopid irish person pretending to be icelandic to fight with fribby...tuh
*falls off chair*
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