The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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Missin some of my friends -.-

Slighly angry. ignored..

mainly okay.. :) just need some company or a nice chat
i'm in a great mood. andy went shopping for a new shirt for his callback for the job, while we were in next (a clothes shop) he asked me to pick out some clothes, so i got a new pair of trousers that are ****ing gorgeous and a new cardigan thats amazingly sexy :). he then took me to dinner and payed for it all. we got eachother a new cup that says morning gorgeous and morning handsome on them lol

lifes looking so much better than 2 months ago and i'm glad to say were back to normal :)
bwah! I'm finally ready for school Yayness! I feel relieved & relaxed. I recieved some of my bday presents early from my parents. Their pretty [watches & bracelets]. anywho.. I'm doin good. real spiffy!
I feel.. Relieved.. *crying*

Knowing my friends will support me no matter what..

after letting out this big secret.. don't have to words to describe how much I love em right now
^ whoops

I feel hyped.. it's 7 am in the morning.. probably only slept a few hours D:
No one is online.. how weird!
I hate it when friends come up to me like.. I have a gf now :0

(not that.. just the fact that it's 'suddenly')

people get em way too easily
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