The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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I have not slept at all since yesterday since 11 am. It is now 6 am. And what have I been doing? Going out to Maccas, getting coffees, going out ot Maccas, getting coffees, and of course, typing away madly on my computer for my story.
Drunk! Haha - well, okay not drunk but not completely sober either... I know, I know, setting a bad example and stuff but it was Lisa's b'day today so we went out to a few clubs, had a few drinks, went out to dinner... it was a good night... am in a good mood... good! :D
^ Haha. Say happy bday to her for me.

I am so excited !! Next week I get my next piercing !! I was going to get a bar lebret put into my bottom lip but decided no...and I'm not paying for it either!! So I'm getting my belly done again. ^^

I am so hyperactive because of this coffee I just drank. ^^ This so not me for someone who's only had four hours sleep.
ahhhh! This essay is driving me up the wall! I came back onto LPF to de-chill for 15 minutes then to go back and conclude this essay that doesn't make sense and it's 3 in the morning!
Ouch, i hope it pays off once you get a good grade on it.

I feel kinda.......actually i feel nothing right now.
feeling relaxed, the house is half clean and the the kids have one their homework. were going away to cornwall on saturday and i have to pack tomorrow, wich means alot of ironing and sorting out stuff.

oooooo and i forgot to tell you all, i'm having my hair permed on firday, big curls!!!
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