The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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Daniel's admitted he still has strong feelings for me.
Pissed off on a lighter topic. Took me two hours to download the newest Nightwish video only to end up it not working on my stupid program!!! Grrrrrrr.....
But on a better topic. Got my fav Goo Goo Dolls song, the new Tarja album and Candy Man by Christina Aguilera which I've had stuck in my head for the past three days. I watched Interview with The Vampire on my brand new cracked dvd thanks to Daniel.
I feel good

my mouth is dry though
I got to go buy something to drink
I have hives - or chicken pox, itching like hell. Feel like crap. Someone must have been kneeling on my chest when I was asleep or something. Oh well, the cold's approaching so it is that time of year again... better get used to it *sigh and takes antihistamines*
Been feeling a bit low again lately. Prefer to think maybe it's because I'm feeling a bit under the weather and the stress from work is certainly not helping matters... Just feel like I'm stuck in a rut again, like what's the purpose to it all? Every day it's exactly the same thing. My life has no point to it. I can't even write as easily as I usually do. Studies are slipping. Health going to ****. Damn... I need... I dunno... decent sleep would be a great place to start - if I could get it. 4 years of shift work my body won't let me.
I'm sorry... just needed to vent was all *shrugs*
I have hives - or chicken pox, itching like hell. Feel like crap. Someone must have been kneeling on my chest when I was asleep or something. Oh well, the cold's approaching so it is that time of year again... better get used to it *sigh and takes antihistamines*
Been feeling a bit low again lately. Prefer to think maybe it's because I'm feeling a bit under the weather and the stress from work is certainly not helping matters... Just feel like I'm stuck in a rut again, like what's the purpose to it all? Every day it's exactly the same thing. My life has no point to it. I can't even write as easily as I usually do. Studies are slipping. Health going to ****. Damn... I need... I dunno... decent sleep would be a great place to start - if I could get it. 4 years of shift work my body won't let me.
I'm sorry... just needed to vent was all *shrugs*

I might have pneumonia if that makes you feel better.
Hope you get better Rav!
I just got so wet - every girl would be jealous

I just hate the rain sometimes
by putting her in the rain aswell?
mean mean jeezy:p

i'm good today:D

yeah I already thought you wouldn't get

nah I know some better things that she would enjoy

btw...I'm still feeling really good.
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