The 'How You Feelin'' thread v5.0

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:clap::clap::clap: Way to go Allie! Bless ya, so excited, and with very good reason. Sincerely wish you all the best for the big day - and hey all the ones that follow after that too! ;)

Me; bloated. Had breakfast. A handful of choc wafer sticks and hot milo. Gotta love winter.

thanks hunni. i'm getting worried now because my dress isn't ready yet and i only have 19 days to go!!!
w00000000000000000000000t allie is getting married?
good luck and im sure everything will work out perfectly
and we demand pictures :D
A bit sober now compared to a few hours ago. Spent the day drinking and watching movies at a friend's place. Came home and had something to eat. Felt Ralph-bad then but not too bad now. Better. Not drunk anymore but not 100% sober either. I'm getting there. Still a bit queasy. Not good. (Bless Jimmy B!) It's cold though. Sick of sniffling and sneezing already and it's still autumn... I think?
well my make up trial is over and i have to say it looks pretty amazing. i have purple sparkly eyelids and my face looks radiant.

i'm bursting with with excitement....omg i'm going to be mrs king!!!

oh and rav hugs to you hun, i have felt ralph bad many times before hun
I feel sick. I think my lungs are still frozen from sitting outside in the cold for half an hour waiting for the stupid bus -.-; My hair froze! T____T
I felt heaps sick before... but Sigur Rós has an amazing ability to fix everything in my body for a short period of time. It's insane, man!
I feel good.

Hehe. Thanks allie :] *hug*
My goldfish just died! (Blackmoore) Shinodagasm! He was the most active fish I had! Woke up this morning and he was gone... gone to that big fish bowl in the sky. Physically he's in the tank but his fishy spirit has moved on... poor fishy.
Bourdon and Bennington are their usual apathetic selves. B1 just sleeps or 'suns' himself beneath the light all day (lazy ass) and B2... well... lets just say he craps a lot. Oh and for some reason he's a socialite with my feeder fish. I call the little buggers B2's groupies. Now Shinoda's gone... *sigh* It's a sad day in my aquatic world...

Aside from that not bad *shrugs* Cold, tired and broke. Almost out of Milo. And I think I need glasses. But hey after all that petty crap all good! :D My problem's compared to my late pet Shinoda's are miniscule by comparison huh? :lol:

And thanks Allie. Makeup sounds fantastic! Bet you're almost leaping out of your skin now in anticipation!! Bless ya. Can't wait for the visuals. Gonna be heavenly for you. You deserve it <3
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