The 'How You Feelin'' thread v6.0


New member
Despite how much workload I have, I'm still ******* sick! Imogen must've given it to me. But she's still sick so who's that *** who gave me a sore throat, headaches, feeling like **** and stuffed up in the nasal passage? I have to go to the doctor's today, and hopefully get a medical certificate for my sickness. I had a nice sleep though but kept waking up every now and then. I can smell spring in the air!


New member
I hope this feeling disappear soon.
I hope it does so for your sake too. It sounds debilitating in a world where there are cars etc practically everywhere you go. Best of luck there. Trully. And as for the dog, at least you know within yourself that you did all you could. You tried. It's a lot more than most other people these days do, most people don't even stop to help their fellow man let alone a wounded animal, *****. Hold your head high, you deserve it. And really, I think if this feeling or fear in you doesn't wane over the next week or two then maybe you should look into seeing someone professionally. Maybe talking it through with someone in the know can loosen this stranglehold this fear has over you. Can't really hurt, can it?
Me am good. Just woke up. Hands are numb, it comes with age having worked with my hands so much throughout my life, that sometimes I lose all sensation in them and can't grip. I can type but really can't feel the keys. Thank *** for the backspace button in times like this is all I can say... aside from that I am good. Yes Spring is coming (along with the sneezes) but I don't mind. I am happy for the most part, I got to sleep in this morning, I got to finish my writing thing last night, I am going out today or tonight for the sheer **** of it (maybe to a restaurant or a bar, I dunno which yet), and I have the concert in 4 days, so life is grand for me. No real complaints of which to speak.



crazy robster

New member
I'm feeling good! Apart from the fact I miss both my sisters (one in Aussieland and one in Italy) I'm content. I went to a beach party with a fire and pizza and drinks and good music and around 30 or so people last night and it was a brilliant experience! :D


New member
I think now I feel sick after reading Jojo's sig. BEFORE I read that, (I'm sorry dear totally not expected that's why I feel kinda sick,) I am okay. Got my hair done another colour (in which I am uber ripped off it's supposed to be Copper Blonde but it feels more like brown than anything!), am still a bit off but I did see a doctor today and she gave me some scripts. If I get worse I have to be put on antibiotics. OMG! MY CHILDHOOD FRIENDS HAVE ADDED ME ON FACEBOOK! Omg, it's been nearly 10 years since I've seen them! And boy in their pictures we have certainly changed but I can still recognise them! They said in my pictures that I looked gorgeous and that they can still see that 9 year old girl in me :) Omg!! Nicole and Anakita!! Omg!! One is still living outside Bathurst (Oberon to be exact) and the other one is living in Sydney. Omg!! But one of my best mates didn't come down from Bathurst today like he said he would :( grr..I at least knows where he lives, around the block from my dad's house! My mummy's coming up soon to see me so that'll be good.

crazy robster

New member
I feel awesome! Was thinking that I must be a very lucky girl! Right when i start wondering whether something good will happen or not it actually happens! I lost my previous job (due to my boss's financial problems, ok? Don't ever think I got fired haha) and here I am now with a much better one! :D A bright career ahead for Jojo! Plus I'm going out later which is definitely going to be fun so what's there to complain about??

SARAH!! Haha I just loooove to shock you LOL But that's what Greeks are like ya gotta learn to live with that if y'all wanna be my niece and all *lmao* ;) Aww still love ya anyway *hugs*



New member
I'm feeling good! Apart from the fact I miss both my sisters (one in Aussieland and one in Italy) I'm content. I went to a beach party with a fire and pizza and drinks and good music and around 30 or so people last night and it was a brilliant experience! :D
Aww sis, sorry I missed it, miss you too, sounds like you had an awesome time! Me, I just came home from a night out, went to the club with Lisa, left her there with her current fb and came home, I have to work later today so it was the responsible thing to do. Am pretty good, a tad offish, but to be expected. At least I'm not drunk, that's a start, a tad tipsy-ish, but otherwise all good.



New member
I hope it does so for your sake too. It sounds debilitating in a world where there are cars etc practically everywhere you go. Best of luck there. Trully. And as for the dog, at least you know within yourself that you did all you could. You tried. It's a lot more than most other people these days do, most people don't even stop to help their fellow man let alone a wounded animal, *****. Hold your head high, you deserve it. And really, I think if this feeling or fear in you doesn't wane over the next week or two then maybe you should look into seeing someone professionally. Maybe talking it through with someone in the know can loosen this stranglehold this fear has over you. Can't really hurt, can it?
Yeah, you're right and I cannot be more agree with you about it. Sometimes I think this world walks into a madness. You only need to have a look to the news, and I'm sure that sometimes you feel your stomach a bit queasy (sometimes isn't your stomach but your soul, which I guess it's much worse). That day when I saw all that, I understood that human can be a horrible monster when he/she wants. It isn't the fact that fool killed the dog. As you have said it's incredible how people (should we consider them persons??) don't stop to help wounded old people who knocked them down minutes before. where is the honesty? where have ethics and public-spiritedness gone?? :confused: I dunno know it, and, honestly, I'm scared seeing people how they forget them day per day. Fortunately, I feel happy with myself. I couldn't do it anything else. that feeling really helps me, and nowadays I feel much better. this experience has helped me. Now I'm more careful when I have to cross a road or something like this. Prudence has become a part of me, a new friend.

Anyway, thanks a lot for your lovely advice. Now I can understand perfectly why you and crazy robster are sisters... angels can't be alone if they want to show us the beauty of the real friendship

I'm feeling good! Apart from the fact I miss both my sisters (one in Aussieland and one in Italy) I'm content. I went to a beach party with a fire and pizza and drinks and good music and around 30 or so people last night and it was a brilliant experience! :D
Good for you, dear!! You deserve it. I was going to tell you that I'm glad you had fun that night, but it's obvious you had a magic night. well, the "queen" of COB must have the best (although I guess that it would had been amazing if instead of that bunch of people, there had been just one... you know whom???:spiteful:... do you remember when I write those love stories??? Oh, girl, and there wasn't any 200 a-day-orgams girl.. for what?? with us there were ******* for everybody and for all kind of likes) :D ainss, those lovely days!!!

Feeling great, yesterday was great!! :D
eih!! what I see!! the prodigal daughter has come back (well, don't worry, I have been a LPF's prodigal daughter as well) you see; it seems we have come back at the since time!! Ahhh, Mike's angels never can go wrong!!:thumbsup: I'm happy you feel so great. I'm happy as well. I had some mishaps but you know the real truth: only COS can kill me.... :D



New member
SARAH!! Haha I just loooove to shock you LOL But that's what Greeks are like ya gotta learn to live with that if y'all wanna be my niece and all *lmao* ;) Aww still love ya anyway *hugs*
I love two Greeks, I officially have two Greek friends living in Greece and both are awesome people. My ***! You and her look alike, I was like "That's a 18 yr old version of Jojo right there." Greek people rock I've concluded, that was like last night I concluded that theory. I'm fine with being your niece, I just have to close my eyes when I see the red writing coming up in view. *hugs back*

I'm sooo sick right now, I wake up and I was like "I need to get back to sleep" but I can't, I just feel so **** sore in the throat and still! I'm coughing up ****!. Walked downstairs to try and get some food into me, no ******* milk. Ergh. I have to run around today which I didn't do yesterday and if I don't get better I have to go back to the doctor's immediately by Monday, my ******* *** I had to wait for half an hour to see this new doctor I had been placed with (I had never been to any medical centres except for the hospital here before that's why I said it). *sigh* I am alone right now, no one home.....need to check Facebook to keep me occupied.

I miss my cats, well not their crazy behaviour. :( Miffy and Blaze. I wonder how Sasha's doing, our half beagle/terrier dog? I wanted to take Blaze down with me so badly, but I thought that Miffy would be lonely.



New member
Eh, words don't describe...blaaaahhh sums it up. People around me are just being annoying. I'm sitting alone because I want to be alone, I'm not ******* lonely out here 'all by myself'...actually you're interrupting me...I could write a book of 'things I want to say but can't'...


New member
I like blaaaahhh, it's all nice and drawn out...I feel like saying as I strech out and fall asleep because I have nothing else to do.

Next week I'll be hating myself for wasting time. Starting school in 3 days and then I'll be busy alright...

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