The 'How You Feelin'' thread v6.0


New member
I don't know about hers about I know I've got your happy drug right here - Jim Beam two bottles in fact.
Me? Been better. Trying to motivate myself to do assignments.
Only happy drug when the mood takes me. Right now, it would only make me growly. If I drink and not in a good mood I won't enjoy it and neither will anyone else around me. Lately I am begining to go off the booze a lot actually... it's boring me... maybe I just need to move on altogether I think...
And now I feel like ****. Was just getting into my story for Pete and now I have to stop half way through to go to work. *sigh* Hate real life sometimes...>:eek:



New member
today I don't feel very well. :'( I feel dizzy and my mind is going to exploit... This morning while I went to the library I saw how a (f*******) car killed a dog. I was only to 3 metres from where car passed fast and killed the dog. it was terrible. the poor animal started to cry while he started to wet himself. I guess the **** car burst him the organs or something like this. I didn't want to know it. I was shocked. I only remember that I saw myself instead of the dog. I remembered how that car was near to kill me a month ago. (well, about this accident I didn't tell you anyhting. I was on holiday and well, when I came back, it was a thing of the past. Something I didn't want to remember it) but, today, when I saw that, I started to run, while the doy cried. Honestly, His crying was breaking me in pieces. Suddenly, when I had walked for ten minutes I saw a veterinary clinic. I didn't care they thought I was mad but I came into the shop and I explained everything to one of the men who was working there. He called someone inmediately and he told me that I wouldn't be worried 'cos everything would be fine... after this, I didn't know anything more. I wasn't able to study this morning and I tried it but it was impossible for me. the dog's crying was still inside me and it continues now... now my panic with cars is bigger, like a nightmare that follows you forever. I can't run with freedom. This fear is always with me...


New member
Well, I cried for a combine total today of about an hour over the same issue but at different times. Today has been horrible and I have found yet more than one person who cares.


New member
^ I hope you get better.

Me? Sore throat and I can hardly speak. Blrgh. So sick but yet I still have assignments to do. I feel so stuffed up in the nasal area. I may have to go to the doctors if this gets outta hand and get a doctor's certificate for my assignments. Very restless as well, I just want things to go my way for once nowadays. This song is starting to make me think about what could have been out of the relationship between me and daniel...he's a good guy but he hardly shows it, like yesterday he helped me a lot with my photography assignment. I should get to uni soon to meet my friend for lunch and arrange some things for my assignment, need to have this printed out on archival ink, so yeah, the best quality ink you can get. But still...I feel so sick I don't wanna do anything but sleep.



New member
You know what, I was gonna whine about how tired I was after work, but having read those before me I reckon I've got it pretty good so I'm gonna sink back into the proverbial shadows and say nothing... minus what I just said of course.

Wow guys... hope things improve for ALL of you <3



New member
You know what, I'm fricken exhausted. It's time to sleep - but all I have running around in my brain is Pete's story - if I dream another chapter I'm gonna have to forgo sleep to write it ;) Any excuse will do...


New member
You know what, I was gonna whine about how tired I was after work, but having read those before me I reckon I've got it pretty good so I'm gonna sink back into the proverbial shadows and say nothing... minus what I just said of course.
Wow guys... hope things improve for ALL of you <3
Uff, I see that there are days that are horrible for all us. Days where I think it would be quite useful that LPF had a sanatorium... or something like this. Anyway, thanks Ravylee for your support. I also hope Blue Sky Turtles, woodyloveslinkin and tornadoxalley feel much better.. me? Oh, I'm fine. I'm still a bit shocked for the dog's accident. Sometimes I'd like to know what happened with the poor animal. I guess nobody could do anything for him. It sad but I feel I did all I could do then. now I have the impression a car will knock me down wherever I walk. I hope this feeling disappear soon.

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