New member
So lazy and sick.
Heheh, I wouldn't know. ...I usually stare at the ceiling.But when you're at a bar you're bored shitless and all you're doing is staring at a blank space on the wall cos you're too drunk to say anything so you shut up, that's a good feeling.
Aww bless ya, that cheered me up. Sorta. I know it's not really my fault, but still I have the guilts as if I could have done somthing to prevent this, I bought their medication and did all that rigmarole and still they up and cark it... thank *** I still have my cats I guess, and Zed's near 16 or so, so that's another positive...Relax, you haven't killed me. So you aren't killing everything.
I'm fearful. You know where I live.Am hungover - which is weird, I didn't feel that drunk at all and I had been drinking heaps of water at the same time (Bourbon, water, Bourbon, water) for that very reason (as much as Lisa said that was a dissapointment) so am feeling a bit off this morning. Thank *** I have a late start (2-6) but still, would rather be in bed.Not happy that I awoke to found another fish dead. This bacterial infection must have been in the tank too long before I started treating the water... ****... I'm killing everything *pouts*
Yes Zed is my baby, sad but after 16 or so years he is like my surrogate child - especially when you consider I think I started living on my own out of high school just before I got him (he was a week old then, his famiy was mauled by dogs) so he's been probably the most permanent fixture inmy life aside from my mother, and even she and I have had our rough patches over the years. Yeah, he's my baby. He and Nug, who is 6 soon. My sanity those two... mostly.16? Zed's one of your cats, I guess? Wow. Old guy, huh?
Hmm...feeling alienated and alone and sad...**** it, I haven't ripped the song I always listen to when I feel like this. I'll have to find it on youtube or something...
Yes I do. Be afraid. Be very afraid.I'm fearful. You know where I live.
Ignore the jerks on the forums, if they're so high n mighty why are they spending so much time online instead of being out there on the public circuit promoting their latest bestseller? Why? Because they're suffering from Tall-Poppy Syndrome, stripping others down to make themselves feel somehow more significant.My mom had a cat, Sabrina, who would've been 18 if she'd lived about two more months. She was her baby too...I've only had Deanne for about 3 years, but I can relate. We're all crazy cat people in this family![]()
That song I was after is by Avril Levigne, but even though I have the CD, I can never remember the name...maybe if I run the chorus through my head, I can... ah, yeah, "When You're Gone." A song I heard on the radio and loved immediately, despite her glass-shattering squeaky voice.
Meh...I usually write poetry when I'm down, but jerks on writingforums have gone and made me feel stupid about my poetry... My lyrics all suck recently, I got several sitting around without names or endings... And if I try and write a story, heads will roll - I get gory when I write in a bad mood.
And I don't usually write so much in this thread...so I'll just shut up now.
Chocolate is a wonder drug. Forget Crack and Ice, nothing releases those endorphins in a more satisfactory way than good old fashioned chocolate...Heheh...thanks...It's a bit hard to be optimistic when you're one person fighting at least three or four to defend your work. And I'm just not the sort of person who can smile and nod and ignore them; I gotta start a fight about it. Which is stupid, because I really suck at arguing. There's 2 people who seem to seek out my lyrics simply to ***** about them; I have to wonder Why are you even bothering to read them?
Ah well...feeling better, got some chocolate into my system.![]()
No probs. I try. Whether anyone listens I dunno but still, better than saying nothing, otherwise people start feeling isolated and like no one cares."Thanks for chiming in and trying to depress me. It's good to know there are stil neanderthals roaming the earth."
Meh. They post. I despise their lyrics, but I refrain from saying so because I'm afraid I'm just blinded by my anger towards them. I refuse to be so petty and sink to their level.
I had much more to say, but for some reason my stupid computer just deleted it. Argh! Hmhmhm...well, I'm feeling much better. You give such good advice. Thanks![]()