The I bought MTM thread^^

Well, I must say.

I downloaded the album and I was very dissapointed.

Today, I just went out and bought the CD/DVD version and came home and watched the DVD and it made me realize how much work and effort they put into this album. I mean, the DVD was amazing. And book is unbealiveable, I love it.

I still perfer old Linkin Park over new but now I understand why they have changed and I respect them for that. Buying the album is so worth it though.

New CD isn't bad now, I kinda like the songs. I guess it's just "growing on me"?

Everyone, buy this album.
Yeah I would If I could... My store still don't have it, can somebody just rip the DVD??? this is really getting on my nerves!... :( I hate living in the country, we always get stuff last.
I'm not really a huge LP fan anymore...and I've been waiting for their next album to come out forever so I could hopefully regain some respect for them. But after hearing what seemed to be a "different" bad on the album, I'm left wondering, "Is this really it? What I've been waiting for?".
I wanted to buy the special edition, but there's a recall on them in Canada :S So I got the regular one. I plan on buying the special edition when it's back on store shelves. my copy today. Not impressed the least bit. The songs i can stand are "Given Up", "No More Sorrow", "Leave Out All The Rest". I wasn't too keen on them changing in the first place, and this is what i was afraid of. When i hear this album..this has no resemblence to anything they've done. If i were to have never listened to LP's new stuff and listened to their new stuff, i could swear that they were two different bands. It annoys me that i've waited 4 years for this. I feel a bit let down to be honest. LP is a band i looked up to. I don't know about them now. my copy today. Not impressed the least bit. The songs i can stand are "Given Up", "No More Sorrow", "Leave Out All The Rest". I wasn't too keen on them changing in the first place, and this is what i was afraid of. When i hear this album..this has no resemblence to anything they've done. If i were to have never listened to LP's new stuff and listened to their new stuff, i could swear that they were two different bands. It annoys me that i've waited 4 years for this. I feel a bit let down to be honest. LP is a band i looked up to. I don't know about them now.
i guess u arent an lpfan4life anymore.

Meh just burn it to another 1 and remove the protection on your computer, doesn't affect the quality lol :p
not everyone who buys the lp cd/dvd wants to have to copy the dvd and reburn it just to watch it.

anways bought the cd/dvd edition
the CD version isnt in a jewel case u dicks!
um lol getting that dvd was so hard. drove liek 10 minutes to buy it.
brought 22 bucks w/ me. the price tag said 25
ran home got 3 more dollars
came back
rang up.
price read 16.99
So, I got it! I was freaking out though because I called right after school and they had fifteen special edition copies left. Then I had to go babysit when I was supposed to go with my mom to pick it up, but I guess she realized how much I wanted this, so she went and got it for me.
Eeeeee I have to watch the dvd tomorrow.